
Roderic A. Grupen

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47EEStephen Hart, Shijaj Sen, Roderic A. Grupen: Intrinsically motivated hierarchical manipulation. ICRA 2008: 3814-3819
46EECynthia Breazeal, Michael Siegel, Matt Berlin, Jesse Gray, Roderic A. Grupen, Patrick Deegan, Jeff Weber, Kailas Narendran, John McBean: Mobile, dexterous, social robots for mobile manipulation and human-robot interaction. SIGGRAPH New Tech Demos 2008: 27
45EEPatrick Deegan, Roderic A. Grupen, Allen R. Hanson, Emily Horrell, Shichao Ou, Edward M. Riseman, Shiraj Sen, Bryan J. Thibodeau, Adam Williams, Dan Xie: Mobile manipulators for assisted living in residential settings. Auton. Robots 24(2): 179-192 (2008)
44EEStephen Hart, Roderic A. Grupen: Natural task decomposition with intrinsic potential fields. IROS 2007: 2507-2512
43EEHuan Li, Krithi Ramamritham, Prashant J. Shenoy, Roderic A. Grupen, John Sweeney: Resource management for real-time tasks in mobile robotics. Journal of Systems and Software 80(7): 962-971 (2007)
42 Bryan J. Thibodeau, Patrick Deegan, Roderic A. Grupen: Static Analysis of Contact Forces with a Mobile Manipulator. ICRA 2006: 4007-4012
41 Stephen Hart, Roderic A. Grupen, David Jensen: A Relational Representation for Procedural Task Knowledge. AAAI 2005: 1280-1285
40 Michael T. Rosenstein, Andrew H. Fagg, Robert Platt Jr., John Sweeney, Roderic A. Grupen: Remote Supervisory Control of a Humanoid Robot. AAAI 2005: 1702-1703
39EEMichael T. Rosenstein, Andrew H. Fagg, Shichao Ou, Roderic A. Grupen: User intentions funneled through a human-robot interface. IUI 2005: 257-259
38EERobert Platt Jr., Andrew H. Fagg, Roderic A. Grupen: Manipulation Gaits: Sequences of Grasp Control Tasks. ICRA 2004: 801-806
37EEKhashayar Rohanimanesh, Robert Platt Jr., Sridhar Mahadevan, Roderic A. Grupen: Coarticulation in Markov Decision Processes. NIPS 2004
36 Robert Platt Jr., Andrew H. Fagg, Roderic A. Grupen: Extending fingertip grasping to whole body grasping. ICRA 2003: 2677-2682
35 Yuandong Yang, Oliver Brock, Roderic A. Grupen: Exploiting redundancy to implement multi-objective behavior. ICRA 2003: 3385-3390
34 John Sweeney, Huan Li, Roderic A. Grupen, Krithi Ramamritham: Scalability and schedulability in large, coordinated, distributed robot systems. ICRA 2003: 4074-4079
33EEHuan Li, John Sweeney, Krithi Ramamritham, Roderic A. Grupen, Prashant J. Shenoy: Real-Time Support for Mobile Robotics. IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium 2003: 10-18
32 Michael T. Rosenstein, Roderic A. Grupen: Velocity-Dependent Dynamic Manipulability. ICRA 2002: 2424-2429
31 John Sweeney, T. J. Brunette, Yunlei Yang, Roderic A. Grupen: Coordinated Teams of Reactive Mobile Platforms. ICRA 2002: 299-304
30 S. Uppala, Deepak R. Karuppiah, M. Brewer, S. Chandu Ravela, Roderic A. Grupen: On Viewpoint Control. ICRA 2002: 4334-4339
29EERoderic A. Grupen, Jefferson A. Coelho Jr.: Acquiring state from control dynamics to learn grasping policies for robot hands. Advanced Robotics 16(5): 427-443 (2002)
28EEJefferson A. Coelho Jr., Justus H. Piater, Roderic A. Grupen: Developing haptic and visual perceptual categories for reaching and grasping with a humanoid robot. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 37(2-3): 195-218 (2001)
27 Robin J. Popplestone, Roderic A. Grupen: Symmetries in World Geometry and Adaptive System Behaviour. AFPAC 2000: 269-283
26EEJustus H. Piater, Roderic A. Grupen: Distinctive Features Should Be Learned. Biologically Motivated Computer Vision 2000: 52-61
25EELuiz-Marcos Garcia, Fernando Wagner da Silva, Roderic A. Grupen, Ricardo C. Farias: Towards an Architecture for Artificial Animated Creatures. CA 2000: 170-175
24 Jefferson A. Coelho Jr., Roderic A. Grupen: Learning in Non-stationary Conditions: A Control Theoretic Approach. ICML 2000: 151-158
23 Justus H. Piater, Roderic A. Grupen: Constructive Feature Learning and the Development of Visual Expertise. ICML 2000: 751-758
22EEJustus H. Piater, Roderic A. Grupen: Feature Learning for Recognition with Bayesian Networks. ICPR 2000: 1017-1020
21 Elizeth Araujo, Roderic A. Grupen: Feature Extraction for Autonomous Navigation using an Active Sonar Head. ICRA 2000: 3823-3828
20EEDeepak R. Karuppiah, Patrick Deegan, Elizeth Araujo, Yunlei Yang, Gary Holness, Zhigang Zhu, Barbara Staudt Lerner, Roderic A. Grupen, Edward M. Riseman: Software Mode Changes for Continuous Motion Tracking. IWSAS 2000: 161-180
19EELuiz-Marcos Garcia, Antonio A. F. Oliveira, Roderic A. Grupen, David S. Wheeler, Andrew H. Fagg: Tracing Patterns and Attention: Humanoid Robot Cognition. IEEE Intelligent Systems 15(4): 70-77 (2000)
18EELuiz M. G. Gonçalves, Roderic A. Grupen, Antonio A. F. Oliveira: Multi-Modal Stereognosis. Agents 1999: 426-427
17EEJustus H. Piater, Roderic A. Grupen: Toward Learning Visual Discrimination Strategies. CVPR 1999: 1410-1415
16 Justus H. Piater, Roderic A. Grupen: A Framework for Learning Visual Discrimination. FLAIRS Conference 1999: 84-88
15EELuiz M. G. Gonçalves, Antonio A. F. Oliveira, Roderic A. Grupen: A Framework for Attention and Object Categorization Using a Stereo Head Robot. SIBGRAPI 1999: 143-152
14 Elizeth Araujo, Roderic A. Grupen: Feature Detection and Identification Using a Sonar-Array. ICRA 1998: 1584-1589
13 Manfred Huber, Roderic A. Grupen: Learning to Coordinate Controllers - Reinforcement Learning on a Control Basis. IJCAI 1997: 1366-1371
12EEManfred Huber, Roderic A. Grupen: A feedback control structure for on-line learning tasks. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 22(3-4): 303-315 (1997)
11 Christopher I. Connolly, Kamal Souccar, Roderic A. Grupen: A Hamiltonian Framework for Kinodynamic Planning and Control. ICRA 1995: 2746-2751
10 T. J. Schnackertzt Jr., Roderic A. Grupen: A Control Basis for Visual for Visual Servoing Tasks. ICRA 1995: 478-483
9EEJefferson A. Coelho Jr., R. Sitaraman, Roderic A. Grupen: Parallel Optimization of Motion Controllers via Policy Iteration. NIPS 1995: 996-1002
8EERoderic A. Grupen, Manfred Huber, Jefferson A. Coelho Jr., Kamal Souccar: Distributed Control Representation for Manipulation Tasks. IEEE Expert 10(2): 9-14 (1995)
7 Jefferson A. Coelho Jr., Roderic A. Grupen: Optimal Multifingered Grasp Synthesis. ICRA 1994: 1937-1942
6 Vijaykumar Gullapalli, Andrew G. Barto, Roderic A. Grupen: Learning Admittance Mappings for Force-Guided Assembly. ICRA 1994: 2633-2638
5 Jefferson A. Coelho Jr., Roderic A. Grupen: Control Pre-Imaging for Multifmgered Grasp Synthesis. ICRA 1994: 3117-3122
4EEMircea R. Stan, Wayne P. Burleson, Christopher I. Connolly, Roderic A. Grupen: Analog VLSI for robot path planning. VLSI Signal Processing 8(1): 61-73 (1994)
3 Roderic A. Grupen, Manfred Huber: 2-D Contact Detection and Localization Using Proprioceptive Information. ICRA (2) 1993: 130-135
2EESatinder P. Singh, Andrew G. Barto, Roderic A. Grupen, Christopher I. Connolly: Robust Reinforcement Learning in Motion Planning. NIPS 1993: 655-662
1 Roderic A. Grupen, Thomas C. Henderson, Ian D. McCammon: A Survey of General-Purpose Manipulation. I. J. Robotic Res. 8(1): 38-62 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Elizeth Araujo [14] [20] [21]
2Andrew G. Barto [2] [6]
3Matt Berlin [46]
4Cynthia Breazeal [46]
5M. Brewer [30]
6Oliver Brock [35]
7T. J. Brunette [31]
8Wayne P. Burleson (Wayne Burleson) [4]
9Jefferson A. Coelho Jr. [5] [7] [8] [9] [24] [28] [29]
10Christopher I. Connolly [2] [4] [11]
11Patrick Deegan [20] [42] [45] [46]
12Andrew H. Fagg [19] [36] [38] [39] [40]
13Ricardo C. Farias [25]
14Luiz-Marcos Garcia [19] [25]
15Luiz M. G. Gonçalves [15] [18]
16Jesse Gray [46]
17Vijaykumar Gullapalli [6]
18Allen R. Hanson [45]
19Stephen Hart [41] [44] [47]
20Thomas C. Henderson [1]
21Gary Holness [20]
22Emily Horrell [45]
23Manfred Huber [3] [8] [12] [13]
24David Jensen [41]
25Deepak R. Karuppiah [20] [30]
26Barbara Staudt Lerner [20]
27Huan Li [33] [34] [43]
28Sridhar Mahadevan [37]
29John McBean [46]
30Ian D. McCammon [1]
31Kailas Narendran [46]
32Antonio A. F. Oliveira (Antonio Alberto Fernandes de Oliveira) [15] [18] [19]
33Shichao Ou [39] [45]
34Justus H. Piater [16] [17] [22] [23] [26] [28]
35Robert Platt Jr. [36] [37] [38] [40]
36Robin J. Popplestone [27]
37Krithi Ramamritham [33] [34] [43]
38S. Chandu Ravela [30]
39Edward M. Riseman [20] [45]
40Khashayar Rohanimanesh [37]
41Michael T. Rosenstein [32] [39] [40]
42T. J. Schnackertzt Jr. [10]
43Shijaj Sen [47]
44Shiraj Sen [45]
45Prashant J. Shenoy [33] [43]
46Michael Siegel [46]
47Fernando Wagner da Silva [25]
48Satinder P. Singh [2]
49R. Sitaraman [9]
50Kamal Souccar [8] [11]
51Mircea R. Stan [4]
52John Sweeney [31] [33] [34] [40] [43]
53Bryan J. Thibodeau [42] [45]
54S. Uppala [30]
55Jeff Weber [46]
56David S. Wheeler [19]
57Adam Williams [45]
58Dan Xie [45]
59Yuandong Yang [35]
60Yunlei Yang [20] [31]
61Zhigang Zhu [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)