
Ricardo C. Farias

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21EERicardo Marroquim, André Maximo, Ricardo C. Farias, Claudio Esperança: Volume and Isosurface Rendering with GPU-Accelerated Cell Projection*. Comput. Graph. Forum 27(1): 24-35 (2008)
20 André Maximo, Ricardo Marroquim, Ricardo C. Farias, Claudio Esperança: GPU-based cell projection for large structured data sets. GRAPP (GM/R) 2007: 312-322
19EESaulo Ribeiro, André Maximo, Cristiana Bentes, Antonio A. F. Oliveira, Ricardo C. Farias: Memory-Aware and Efficient Ray-Casting Algorithm. SIBGRAPI 2007: 147-154
18EERicardo Marroquim, André Maximo, Ricardo C. Farias, Claudio Esperança: GPU-Based Cell Projection for Interactive Volume Rendering. SIBGRAPI 2006: 147-154
17EEJonice Oliveira, Jano Moreira de Souza, Mauricio Lima, Ricardo C. Farias: GCE: Knowledge Management Applied in a Design Reengineering Process. CDVE 2005: 94-102
16EECarlos M. de Lima, Luiz M. G. Gonçalves, Cristiana Bentes, Ricardo C. Farias: VisFluid: An Analysis Tool for Fluid Flow in Porous Media. GeoInfo 2005: 327-339
15 Alvaro Cuno, Claudio Esperança, Paulo Roma Cavalcanti, Ricardo C. Farias: 3D Free-form Modeling with Variational Surfaces. WSCG (Journal Papers) 2005: 9-16
14EEAlexandre Coelho, Marcio Nascimento, Cristiana Bentes, Maria Clicia Stelling de Castro, Ricardo C. Farias: Parallel Volume Rendering for Ocean Visualization in a Cluster of PCs. GeoInfo 2004: 291-304
13 Sergio Guedes, Cristiana Bentes, Gabriel Pereira Da Silva, Ricardo C. Farias: Fault-Tolerance of Parallel Volume Rendering on Cluster of PCs. PDPTA 2004: 61-66
12EEAntonio A. F. Oliveira, Saulo Ribeiro, Ricardo C. Farias, Claudio Esperança, Gilson A. Giraldi: Loop Snakes: Snakes with Enhanced Topology Control. SIBGRAPI 2004: 364-371
11EERicardo C. Farias, Cristiana Bentes, Alexandre Coelho, Sergio Guedes, Luiz M. G. Gonçalves: Work Distribution for Parallel ZSweep Algorithm. SIBGRAPI 2003: 107-116
10EEGautam Chaudhary, Lakshmy Ramaswamy, Ricardo C. Farias: RZSweep: A New Hardware-Assisted Volume-Rendering Technique for Regular Datasets. SIBGRAPI 2003: 99-106
9EEGilson A. Giraldi, Leandro Schaefer, Ricardo C. Farias, Rodrigo L. S. Silva: Out-of-Core Segmentation by Deformable Models. WILF 2003: 216-223
8EEYi-Jen Chiang, Ricardo C. Farias, Cláudio T. Silva, Bin Wei: A unified infrastructure for parallel out-of-core isosurface extraction and volume rendering of unstructured grids. IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Large-Data Visualization and Graphics 2001: 59-66
7EERicardo C. Farias, Cláudio T. Silva: Parallelizing the ZSWEEP Algorithm for Distributed-Shared Memory Architectures (ST). Volume Graphics 2001
6EERicardo C. Farias, Cláudio T. Silva: Out-Of-Core Rendering of Large, Unstructured Grids. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 21(4): 42-50 (2001)
5 Gilson A. Giraldi, Raúl A. Feijóo, Ricardo C. Farias: Parallel Volume Rendering of Unstructured Data with Application to Hemodynamics. RITA 8(2): 89-108 (2001)
4EELuiz-Marcos Garcia, Fernando Wagner da Silva, Roderic A. Grupen, Ricardo C. Farias: Towards an Architecture for Artificial Animated Creatures. CA 2000: 170-175
3EEFernando Wagner da Silva, Luiz-Marcos Garcia, Ricardo C. Farias, Antonio A. F. Oliveira: A Control Theory Approach for Real-Time Animation of Artificial Agents. SIBGRAPI 2000: 211-218
2EERicardo C. Farias, Joseph S. B. Mitchell, Cláudio T. Silva, Brian N. Wylie: Time-Critical Rendering of Irregular Grids. SIBGRAPI 2000: 243-250
1EERicardo C. Farias, Joseph S. B. Mitchell, Cláudio T. Silva: ZSWEEP: an efficient and exact projection algorithm for unstructured volume rendering. Volviz 2000: 91-99

Coauthor Index

1Cristiana Bentes (Cristiana Bentes Seidel) [11] [13] [14] [16] [19]
2Maria Clicia Stelling de Castro [14]
3Paulo Roma Cavalcanti [15]
4Gautam Chaudhary [10]
5Yi-Jen Chiang [8]
6Alexandre Coelho [11] [14]
7Alvaro Cuno [15]
8Claudio Esperança [12] [15] [18] [20] [21]
9Raúl A. Feijóo [5]
10Luiz-Marcos Garcia [3] [4]
11Gilson A. Giraldi [5] [9] [12]
12Luiz M. G. Gonçalves [11] [16]
13Roderic A. Grupen [4]
14Sergio Guedes [11] [13]
15Carlos M. de Lima [16]
16Mauricio Lima [17]
17Ricardo Marroquim [18] [20] [21]
18André Maximo [18] [19] [20] [21]
19Joseph S. B. Mitchell [1] [2]
20Marcio Nascimento [14]
21Antonio A. F. Oliveira (Antonio Alberto Fernandes de Oliveira) [3] [12] [19]
22Jonice Oliveira (Jonice de Oliveira Sampaio) [17]
23Lakshmy Ramaswamy [10]
24Saulo Ribeiro [12] [19]
25Leandro Schaefer [9]
26Cláudio T. Silva [1] [2] [6] [7] [8]
27Fernando Wagner da Silva [3] [4]
28Gabriel Pereira Da Silva [13]
29Rodrigo L. S. Silva [9]
30Jano Moreira de Souza [17]
31Bin Wei [8]
32Brian N. Wylie [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)