
Antonio A. F. Oliveira

Antonio Alberto Fernandes de Oliveira

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32EEAlvaro Cuno, Claudio Esperança, Antonio A. F. Oliveira: Shape Aware Deformation Using a Skeleton-Guided Scheme. SIBGRAPI 2008: 278-285
31EERicardo Marroquim, Antonio A. F. Oliveira, Paulo Roma Cavalcanti: High Quality Image Reconstruction of Point Models. SIBGRAPI 2008: 297-304
30EESaulo Ribeiro, André Maximo, Cristiana Bentes, Antonio A. F. Oliveira, Ricardo C. Farias: Memory-Aware and Efficient Ray-Casting Algorithm. SIBGRAPI 2007: 147-154
29EEAntonio A. F. Oliveira, Saulo Ribeiro, Claudio Esperança, Gilson A. Giraldi: Loop Snakes: The Generalized Model. IV 2005: 975-980
28EEYalmar Ponce Atencio, Claudio Esperança, Paulo Roma Cavalcanti, Antonio A. F. Oliveira: A Collision Detection and Response Scheme for Simplified Physically Based Animation. SIBGRAPI 2005: 291-298
27EEGilson A. Giraldi, Antonio Alberto Fernandes de Oliveira: Convexity Analysis of Snake Models Based on Hamiltonian Formulation CoRR abs/cs/0504031: (2005)
26EEGilson A. Giraldi, Antonio A. F. Oliveira, Leonardo Carvalho: Mining Cellular Automata DataBases throug PCA Models CoRR abs/cs/0511052: (2005)
25EEAlvaro Cuno, Claudio Esperança, Antonio A. F. Oliveira, Paulo Roma Cavalcanti: A hierarchical sampling approach for polygonizing variational implicit surfaces. Computers & Graphics 29(5): 676-685 (2005)
24EEFlávio Mello, Edilberto Strauss, Antonio A. F. Oliveira, Aline da Rocha Gesualdi: Non-Uniform Mesh Simplification Using Adaptative Merge Procedures. GeoInfo 2004: 361-378
23EEAlvaro Cuno, Claudio Esperança, Antonio A. F. Oliveira, Paulo Roma Cavalcanti: Fast Polygonization of Variational Implicit Surfaces. SIBGRAPI 2004: 258-265
22EEAntonio A. F. Oliveira, Saulo Ribeiro, Ricardo C. Farias, Claudio Esperança, Gilson A. Giraldi: Loop Snakes: Snakes with Enhanced Topology Control. SIBGRAPI 2004: 364-371
21EEGilson A. Giraldi, Antonio A. F. Oliveira: Invariant Snakes And Initialization Of Deformable Models. Int. J. Image Graphics 4(3): 363-384 (2004)
20EEGilson A. Giraldi, Edilberto Strauss, Antonio A. F. Oliveira: Dual-T-Snakes model for medical imaging segmentation. Pattern Recognition Letters 24(7): 993-1003 (2003)
19EEEdilberto Strauss, Walter Jiménez, Gilson A. Giraldi, Rodrigo L. S. Silva, Antonio A. F. Oliveira: A Semi-Automatic Surface Reconstruction Framework Based on T-Surfaces and Isosurface Extraction Methods. SIBGRAPI 2002: 24-
18EEFábio Franco, Antonio A. F. Oliveira: The Color-Code Technique for 3D Scanning. SIBGRAPI 2002: 421
17EEFlávio Mello, Edilberto Strauss, Antonio A. F. Oliveira: Battlefield Visualization and Intelligent Agents Decision Support. SIBGRAPI 2002: 429
16EEEdilberto Strauss, Walter Jiménez, Gilson A. Giraldi, Rodrigo L. S. Silva, Antonio A. F. Oliveira: A Surface Reconstruction Approach Based on Multi-resolution Methods and the T-Surfaces Framework. WSCG (Posters) 2002: 65-68
15EEAntonio A. F. Oliveira, Luiz M. G. Gonçalves, Italo de Oliveira Matias: Enhancing the Volumetric Approach to Stereo Matching. SIBGRAPI 2001: 218-225
14EEGilson A. Giraldi, Edilberto Strauss, Antonio A. F. Oliveira: Improving the Original Dual-T-Snakes Model. SIBGRAPI 2001: 346-353
13EEGilson A. Giraldi, Edilberto Strauss, Antonio A. F. Oliveira: A Boundary Extraction Method Based on Dual-T-Snakes and Dynamic Programming. CVPR 2000: 1044-1049
12EEFernando Wagner da Silva, Luiz-Marcos Garcia, Ricardo C. Farias, Antonio A. F. Oliveira: A Control Theory Approach for Real-Time Animation of Artificial Agents. SIBGRAPI 2000: 211-218
11EEJosé Geraldo Franco Méxas, Antonio A. F. Oliveira, Claudio Esperança: Reconstruction by using a Wavelet Representation of the Algebraic Radon Transform. SIBGRAPI 2000: 341
10EEItalo de Oliveira Matias, Antonio A. F. Oliveira: Enhancing the Volumetric Approach to Stereo Matching. SIBGRAPI 2000: 347
9EEGilson A. Giraldi, Edilberto Strauss, Antonio A. F. Oliveira: Boundary Extraction Approach Based on Multi-Resolution Methods and the T-Snakes Framework. SIBGRAPI 2000: 82-89
8 W. F. H. Jimenez, Claudio Esperança, Antonio A. F. Oliveira: Efficient Algorithms for Computing Conservative Portal Visibility Information. Comput. Graph. Forum 19(3): (2000)
7EELuiz-Marcos Garcia, Antonio A. F. Oliveira, Roderic A. Grupen, David S. Wheeler, Andrew H. Fagg: Tracing Patterns and Attention: Humanoid Robot Cognition. IEEE Intelligent Systems 15(4): 70-77 (2000)
6EELuiz M. G. Gonçalves, Roderic A. Grupen, Antonio A. F. Oliveira: Multi-Modal Stereognosis. Agents 1999: 426-427
5EEPaulo Sérgio de Souza Coelho, Claudio Esperança, Antonio A. F. Oliveira: Enhancing the Bayesian Network Approach to Face Detection. SCCC 1999: 150-159
4EELuiz M. G. Gonçalves, Antonio A. F. Oliveira, Roderic A. Grupen: A Framework for Attention and Object Categorization Using a Stereo Head Robot. SIBGRAPI 1999: 143-152
3EEPaulo Sérgio de Souza Coelho, Claudio Esperança, Antonio A. F. Oliveira: An Image Processing and Belief Network Approach to Face Detection. SIBGRAPI 1999: 177-186
2EEAntonio A. F. Oliveira, Luiz M. G. Gonçalves, Claudio Esperança: Towards a contour morphing preserving differentiability. CCCG 1998
1 Marcelo Kallmann, Antonio A. F. Oliveira: Homeomorphisms and Metamorphosis of Polyhedral Models Using Fields of Directions Defined on Triangulations. J. Braz. Comp. Soc. 3(3): (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Yalmar Ponce Atencio [28]
2Cristiana Bentes (Cristiana Bentes Seidel) [30]
3Leonardo Carvalho [26]
4Paulo Roma Cavalcanti [23] [25] [28] [31]
5Paulo Sérgio de Souza Coelho [3] [5]
6Alvaro Cuno [23] [25] [32]
7Claudio Esperança [2] [3] [5] [8] [11] [22] [23] [25] [28] [29] [32]
8Andrew H. Fagg [7]
9Ricardo C. Farias [12] [22] [30]
10Fábio Franco [18]
11Luiz-Marcos Garcia [7] [12]
12Aline da Rocha Gesualdi [24]
13Gilson A. Giraldi [9] [13] [14] [16] [19] [20] [21] [22] [26] [27] [29]
14Luiz M. G. Gonçalves [2] [4] [6] [15]
15Roderic A. Grupen [4] [6] [7]
16W. F. H. Jimenez [8]
17Walter Jiménez [16] [19]
18Marcelo Kallmann [1]
19Ricardo Marroquim [31]
20Italo de Oliveira Matias [10] [15]
21André Maximo [30]
22Flávio Mello [17] [24]
23José Geraldo Franco Méxas [11]
24Saulo Ribeiro [22] [29] [30]
25Fernando Wagner da Silva [12]
26Rodrigo L. S. Silva [16] [19]
27Edilberto Strauss [9] [13] [14] [16] [17] [19] [20] [24]
28David S. Wheeler [7]

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