
Louis I. Steinberg

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13EELouis I. Steinberg: Searching stochastically generated multi-abstraction-level design spaces. Artif. Intell. 129(1-2): 63-90 (2001)
12 Louis I. Steinberg, J. Storrs Hall, Brian D. Davison: Highest Utility First Search Across Multiple Levels of Stochastic Design. AAAI/IAAI 1998: 477-484
11EELouis I. Steinberg, N. Langrana: EVEXED and MEET for Mechanical Design: Testing Structural Decomposition and Constraint Propagation. Artif. Intell. 84(1-2): 37-56 (1996)
10 Sridhar Mahadevan, Tom M. Mitchell, Jack Mostow, Louis I. Steinberg, Prasad Tadepalli: An Apprentice-Based Approach to Knowledge Acquisition. Artif. Intell. 64(1): 1-52 (1993)
9 Saul Amarel, Alvin M. Despain, H. Penny Nii, Louis I. Steinberg, Marty Tenenbaum, Peter M. Will: AI and Design. IJCAI 1991: 563-568
8 Chun W. Liew, Louis I. Steinberg, Chris H. Tong: Use of Feedback to Control Redesign. IntCAD 1991: 27-53
7 Saul Amarel, Louis I. Steinberg: Artificial Intelligence and Marine Design. AI Magazine 11(1): 14-17 (1990)
6 Louis I. Steinberg: Design as Refinement Plus Constraint Propagation: The VEXED Experience. AAAI 1987: 830-835
5 Tom M. Mitchell, Sridhar Mahadevan, Louis I. Steinberg: LEAP: A Learning Apprentice for VLSl Design. IJCAI 1985: 573-580
4 Tom M. Mitchell, Louis I. Steinberg, Smadar T. Kedar-Cabelli, Van E. Kelly, Jeffrey Shulman, Timothy Weinrich: An Intelligent Aid for Circuit Redesign. AAAI 1983: 274-278
3 Van E. Kelly, Louis I. Steinberg: The CRITTER System: Analyzing Digital Circuits by Propagating Behaviors and Specifications. AAAI 1982: 284-289
2 Tom M. Mitchell, Louis I. Steinberg, Reid G. Smith, Pat Schooley, Howard Jacobs, Van E. Kelly: Representations for Reasoning about Digital Circuits. IJCAI 1981: 343-344
1 Louis I. Steinberg: Question Ordering in a Mixed Intiative Program Specification Dialogue. AAAI 1980: 61-63

Coauthor Index

1Saul Amarel [7] [9]
2Brian D. Davison [12]
3Alvin M. Despain [9]
4J. Storrs Hall [12]
5Howard Jacobs [2]
6Smadar T. Kedar-Cabelli [4]
7Van E. Kelly [2] [3] [4]
8N. Langrana [11]
9Chun W. Liew [8]
10Sridhar Mahadevan [5] [10]
11Tom M. Mitchell [2] [4] [5] [10]
12Jack Mostow [10]
13H. Penny Nii [9]
14Pat Schooley [2]
15Jeffrey Shulman [4]
16Reid G. Smith [2]
17Prasad Tadepalli [10]
18Marty Tenenbaum [9]
19Chris H. Tong [8]
20Timothy Weinrich [4]
21Peter M. Will [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)