33. COMPCON 1988:
San Francisco,
COMPCON'88, Digest of Papers, Thirty-Third IEEE Computer Society International Conference, San Francisco, California, USA, February 29 - March 4, 1988.
IEEE Computer Society 1988 BibTeX
Featured Session
- G. Bell:
Trends in Scientific and Engineering Computing.
2-5 BibTeX
Processors Track
Implementations of the SPARC Architecture
- A. Agrawal, Eric W. Brown, Joe Petolino, James R. Peterson:
Design Considerations for a Bipolar Implementation of SPARC.
6-9 BibTeX
- M. Namjoo, A. Agrawal, D. C. Jackson, Lesley Quach:
CMOS Gate Array Implementation of the SPARC Architecture.
10-13 BibTeX
- L. Quach, R. Chueh:
CMOS Gate Array Implementation of SPARC.
14-17 BibTeX
- Masood Namjoo, F. Abu-Nofal, Doug Carmean, R. Chandramouli, Y. Chang, J. Goforth, W. Hsu, R. Iwamoto, C. Murphy, U. Naot, Mike Parkin, Joan M. Pendleton, C. Porter, J. Reaves, R. Reddy, George Swan, D. Tinker, P. Tong, L. Yang:
CMOS Custom Implementation of the SPARC Architecture.
18-21 BibTeX
TRON Project Overview
- Y. Imai, M. Ando, M. Kobayashi, Y. Kushiki, K. Sakamura:
An Implementation Based on the BTRON Specification.
22-24 BibTeX
- K. Okamoto, M. Miyata, H. Kishigami, T. Miyamori, T. Sato:
Design Considerations for 32-bit Microprocessor TX3.
25-29 BibTeX
- T. Shimizu, T. Yoshida, Y. Saito, M. Matsuo, T. Enomoto:
A 32-bit Microprocessor Based on the TRON Architecture: Design of the GMICRO/100.
30-35 BibTeX
Emerging Processors
Artificial Intelligence Track
Prolog Update
High Performance Computer Systems Track
Myths vs. Reality 1:
Using Parallel Computers
- M. Bieterman:
Parallel Programs on the Cray and on the Alliant: A Comparative Evaluation.
82-83 BibTeX
- Robert E. Benner:
Challenges in Matching Parallel Architectures and Matrix Algorithms.
84-89 BibTeX
Myths vs. Reality 2:
Programming and Performance on Advanced Computer Systems
Storage Technologies and Systems Track
Magnetic Storage Devices
Optical Storage
Disk Caching
Software Potpourri Track
Object Oriented Programming
Object Oriented Database
Distributed Processing System
Parallel Processing Track
Parallel Processing Systems
VLSI Family for Multiprocessing Systems
Software Engineering Track
Engineering Information Systems:
Software Reusability
The Use of Integrated Project Support Environments,
for Large-Scale Software Development
Workstation Track
SONY NEWS Workstation
Sun Microsystems SPARC Architecture
- Robert B. Garner, A. Agrawal, F. Briggs, Eric W. Brown, D. Hough, B. Joy, S. Kleiman, Steven S. Muchnick, Masood Namjoo, David A. Patterson, Joan M. Pendleton, R. Tuck:
The Scalable Processor Architecture (SPARC).
278-283 BibTeX
- Steven S. Muchnick, C. Aoki, V. Ghodsi, M. Helft, M. Lee, R. Tuck, D. Weaver, A. Wu:
Optimizing Compilers for the SPARC Architecture: An Overview.
284-288 BibTeX
- Steve R. Kleiman, D. Williams:
289-295 BibTeX
The New Apollo Workstations
CAD Track
Update on New Standards for Hardware Design:
Advances in the VHDL Design Environment
Standards and Benchmark Circuits in Logic Testing
Legal Issues Track
Software Compatibility and Copyright Law
Patent Protection for the Computer Industry
- R. S. Laurie:
The Patent/Copyright Interface for Software Protection: Determining the Proper Role of Each.
370-375 BibTeX
- D. Simon:
Finding the Trap Door Through Patent Protection of Busses.
376-381 BibTeX
Neural Networks Track
Introduction to Neural Networks
Implementations of Neural Networks
Perspectives on Neural Networks:
Databases Track
High Performance Relational Database Systems
High Performance Transaction Processing Systems:
Case Studies
Distributed Databases
High End Scientific Workstations Track
The Dana Personal Supercomputer
The Advent of the Personal Supercomputer Workstation
Integration of Symbolic,
and Graphical Techniques in Scientific Computing Environments
Potpourri Track
Next Generation Buses
Tandem CLX Design Methodology
- D. E. Lenoski:
A Highly Integrated Fault-tolerant Minicomputer: The Nonstop CLX.
514-519 BibTeX
- D. J. Garcia:
Built-In-Self-Test for the Tandem Nonstop CLX Processor.
520-524 BibTeX
- P. L. Fu:
Design Methodology for System Correctness: Lessons from the Tandem Nonstop CLX.
525-531 BibTeX
Computer-Aided Perception:
Enhancement for Tele-Operation
- S. R. Ellis, A. Grunwald, S. Smith, M. Tyler:
Enhancement of Man-Machine Communication: The Human Use of Inhuman Beings.
532-535 BibTeX
- A. Lasko-Harvill, C. Blanchard, W. Smithers, Y. Harvill, A. Coffman:
From DataGlove to DataSuit.
536-538 BibTeX
- A. H. Nguyen, H. X. Ngo, Lawrence W. Stark:
Image Model Control of Image Processing.
539-542 BibTeX
- W. S. Kim, Andrew Liu, Katsuya Matsunaga, Lawrence W. Stark:
A Helmet Mounted Display for Telerobotics.
543-547 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:03:03 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)