28. COMPCON 1984:
San Francisco,
COMPCON'84, Digest of Papers, Twenty-Eighth IEEE Computer Society International Conference, San Francisco, California, USA, February 27 - March 1, 1984.
IEEE Computer Society 1984, ISBN 0-8186-0525-1 BibTeX
1. Numerical Supercomputers
2. From Logo To Logic Programming
3. Office Automation
4. Videodiscs and Microcomputers:
Applications and Software
5. Super Scientific Computers
6. Evaluating Product Software
7. End User Computing in the Office
8. Laser Printers
9. Molecular Computing
10. Expert Systems I
11. Networked Workstations
12. Hardware-Software Systems for Very Large Scale Information Retrieval
13. Fast IEEE Floating-Point Arithmetic
- Fred Ware:
Pipelined IEEE Floatinf-Point Processors.
168-171 BibTeX
- Van Shahan:
The MC68881: The IEEE Floating-Point Standard Reduced to One VLSI Chip.
172-176 BibTeX
- John Chang:
Algorithms for IEEE Floating-Point Arithmetics.
177-184 BibTeX
14. Expert Systems II
15. High Performance Graphics Terminals and Workstations
16. Legal Issues
17. Super Microcomputers
16. Local Area Network Standards and Their Implementations
19. Computer Graphics in Japan
20. Health and Safety Issues of Computers and VDTs
21. New Very-High-End Architectures I
22. Software Maintenance:
Methodologies and Experiences
23. Databases for CAD/VLSI
24. Computing for the Handicapped
25. New Very-High-End Architectures II
26. Developing Microprocessor Standards
27. CAD/CAE On Personal Computers:
Tools or Toys?
28. Innovative Display Technologies
29. Innovative Computer System Architectures for AI
30. Modula-2 - A Replacement for Pascal?
31. Structured VLSI Design
32. Authorship Tools
33. New Generation Computer Architectures
- Toshio Shimada, Kei Hiraki, Kenji Nishida:
An Architecture of a Data Flow Machine and Its Evaluation.
486-490 BibTeX
- H. A. Hoeschen, J. Agraz-Guerena, A. K. Goksel, V. K. L. Huang, H. S. Jacobs, P. M. Lu, H. F. S. Law, W. F. Miller, P. A. Swartz:
A Second Generation 32-Bit CMOS Microprocessors.
491- BibTeX
- A. K. Goksel, J. Agraz-Guerana, H. S. Jacobs, J. J. Molinelli, P. A. Swartz, Y. K. Wo, William W. Troutman:
A Memory Unit Management for a Second Generation Microprocessor.
492- BibTeX
34. UNIX:
Riding the Crest
35. Magnetic vs. Optical Storage - A New Ballgame?
36. Update on Stars (Panel Session)
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:03:02 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)