
Takayasu Sakurai

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45EETaro Niiyama, Piao Zhe, Koichi Ishida, Masami Murakata, Makoto Takamiya, Takayasu Sakurai: Increasing minimum operating voltage (VDDmin) with number of CMOS logic gates and experimental verification with up to 1Mega-stage ring oscillators. ISLPED 2008: 117-122
44EETakayasu Sakurai: Next-generation power-aware design. ISLPED 2008: 383-384
43EETaro Niiyama, Piao Zhe, Koichi Ishida, Masami Murakata, Makoto Takamiya, Takayasu Sakurai: Dependence of Minimum Operating Voltage (VDDmin) on Block Size of 90-nm CMOS Ring Oscillators and its Implications in Low Power DFM. ISQED 2008: 133-136
42EETakayasu Sakurai: Meeting with the Forthcoming IC Design "The Era of Power, Variability and NRE Explosion and a Bit of the Future". ASP-DAC 2007
41EETakayasu Sakurai: Meeting with the forthcoming IC design. SBCCI 2007: 2
40EEHiroshi Kawaguchi, Danardono Dwi Antono, Takayasu Sakurai: Closed-Form Expressions for Crosstalk Noise and Worst-Case Delay on Capacitively Coupled Distributed RC Lines. IEICE Transactions 90-A(12): 2669-2681 (2007)
39EEFayez Robert Saliba, Hiroshi Kawaguchi, Takayasu Sakurai: A Self-Alignment Row-by-Row Variable-VDD Scheme Reducing 90% of Active-Leakage Power in SRAM's. IEICE Transactions 90-C(4): 743-748 (2007)
38EEKoichi Ishida, Atit Tamtrakarn, Hiroki Ishikuro, Makoto Takamiya, Takayasu Sakurai: An Outside-Rail Opamp Design Relaxing Low-Voltage Constraint on Future Scaled Transistors. IEICE Transactions 90-C(4): 786-792 (2007)
37EEKiichi Niitsu, Noriyuki Miura, Mari Inoue, Yoshihiro Nakagawa, Masamoto Tago, Masayuki Mizuno, Takayasu Sakurai, Tadahiro Kuroda: Daisy Chain Transmitter for Power Reduction in Inductive-Coupling CMOS Link. IEICE Transactions 90-C(4): 829-835 (2007)
36EEKoichi Ishida, Atit Tamtrakarn, Takayasu Sakurai: A 0.5-V sigma-delta modulator using analog T-switch scheme for the subthreshold leakage suppression. ASP-DAC 2006: 98-99
35EEKyeong-Sik Min, Hun-Dae Choi, H.-Y. Choi, Hiroshi Kawaguchi, Takayasu Sakurai: Leakage-suppressed clock-gating circuit with Zigzag Super Cut-off CMOS (ZSCCMOS) for leakage-dominant sub-70-nm and sub-1-V-V/sub DD/ LSIs. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 14(4): 430-435 (2006)
34EEDanardono Dwi Antono, Kenichi Inagaki, Hiroshi Kawaguchi, Takayasu Sakurai: Simple Waveform Model of Inductive Interconnects by Delayed Quadratic Transfer Function with Application to Scaling Trend of Inductive Effects in VLSI's. IEICE Transactions 89-A(12): 3569-3578 (2006)
33EECanh Quang Tran, Hiroshi Kawaguchi, Takayasu Sakurai: Low-Power Low-Leakage FPGA Design Using Zigzag Power Gating, Dual-VTH/VDD and Micro-VDD-Hopping. IEICE Transactions 89-C(3): 280-286 (2006)
32EEDaisuke Mizoguchi, Noriyuki Miura, Takayasu Sakurai, Tadahiro Kuroda: A 1.2 Gbps Non-contact 3D-Stacked Inter-Chip Data Communications Technology. IEICE Transactions 89-C(3): 320-326 (2006)
31EEDanardono Dwi Antono, Kenichi Inagaki, Hiroshi Kawaguchi, Takayasu Sakurai: Trends of On-Chip Interconnects in Deep Sub-Micron VLSI. IEICE Transactions 89-C(3): 392-394 (2006)
30EECanh Quang Tran, Hiroshi Kawaguchi, Takayasu Sakurai: More than two orders of magnitude leakage current reduction in look-up table for FPGAs. ISCAS (5) 2005: 4701-4704
29EEHiroshi Kawaguchi, Youngsoo Shin, Takayasu Sakurai: /spl mu/ITRON-LP: power-conscious real-time OS based on cooperative voltage scaling for multimedia applications. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 7(1): 67-74 (2005)
28EEKyeong-Sik Min, Kouichi Kanda, Hiroshi Kawaguchi, Kenichi Inagaki, Fayez Robert Saliba, Hoon-Dae Choi, Hyun-Young Choi, Daejeong Kim, Dong Myong Kim, Takayasu Sakurai: Row-by-Row Dynamic Source-Line Voltage Control (RRDSV) Scheme for Two Orders of Magnitude Leakage Current Reduction of Sub-1-V-VDD SRAM's. IEICE Transactions 88-C(4): 760-767 (2005)
27EEKeisuke Toyama, Satoshi Misaka, Kazuo Aisaka, Toshiyuki Aritsuka, Kunio Uchiyama, Koichiro Ishibashi, Hiroshi Kawaguchi, Takayasu Sakurai: Frequency-voltage cooperative CPU power control: A design rule and its application by feedback prediction. Systems and Computers in Japan 36(6): 39-48 (2005)
26EEJan M. Rabaey, Dennis Sylvester, David Blaauw, Kerry Bernstein, Jerry Frenkil, Mark Horowitz, Wolfgang Nebel, Takayasu Sakurai, Andrew Yang: Reshaping EDA for power. DAC 2003: 15
25EETakayasu Sakurai: Minimizing power across multiple technology and design levels. ICCAD 2002: 24-27
24EEKyeong-Sik Min, Young-Hee Kim, Jin-Hong Ahn, Jin-Yong Chung, Takayasu Sakurai: CMOS charge pumps using cross-coupled charge transfer switches with improved voltage pumping gain and low gate-oxide stress for low-voltage memory circuits. ISCAS (5) 2002: 545-548
23EEKoichi Nose, Takayasu Sakurai: Power-conscious interconnect buffer optimization with improved modeling of driver MOSFET and Its implications to bulk and SOI CMOS technology. ISLPED 2002: 24-29
22EETakayasu Sakurai: Low-Power and High-Speed V VLSI Design with Low Supply Voltage through Cooperation between Levels (invited). ISQED 2002: 445-450
21EESeongsoo Lee, Seungjun Lee, Takayasu Sakurai: Energy-Constrained VDD Hopping Scheme with Run-Time Power Estimation for Low-Power Real-Time VLSI Systems. Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers 11(6): 601-620 (2002)
20EEYoungsoo Shin, Takayasu Sakurai: Coupling-Driven Bus Design for Low-Power Application-Specific Systems. DAC 2001: 750-753
19EEHiroshi Kawaguchi, Gang Zhang, Seongsoo Lee, Takayasu Sakurai: An LSI for VDD-hopping and MPEG4 system based on the chip. ISCAS (4) 2001: 918-921
18EETakashi Inukai, Toshiro Hiramoto, Takayasu Sakurai: Variable threshold CMOS (VTCMOS) in series connected circuits. ISLPED 2001: 201-206
17EEMasayuki Hirabayashi, Koichi Nose, Takayasu Sakurai: Design methodology and optimization strategy for dual-VTH scheme using commercially available tools. ISLPED 2001: 283-286
16EEYoungsoo Shin, Takayasu Sakurai: Estimation of power distribution in VLSI interconnects. ISLPED 2001: 370-375
15EESeongsoo Lee, Takayasu Sakurai: Run-time power control scheme using software feedback loop for low-power real-time application. ASP-DAC 2000: 381-386
14EEKoichi Nose, Takayasu Sakurai: Optimization of VDD and VTH for low-power and high speed applications. ASP-DAC 2000: 469-474
13EENguyen Minh Duc, Takayasu Sakurai: Compact yet high performance (CyHP) library for short time-to-market with new technologies. ASP-DAC 2000: 475-480
12EETakayasu Sakurai: Design challenges for 0.1um and beyond: embedded tutorial. ASP-DAC 2000: 553-558
11EESeongsoo Lee, Takayasu Sakurai: Run-time voltage hopping for low-power real-time systems. DAC 2000: 806-809
10 Youngsoo Shin, Kiyoung Choi, Takayasu Sakurai: Power Optimization of Real-Time Embedded Systems on Variable Speed Processors. ICCAD 2000: 365-368
9EEKoichi Nose, Soo-Ik Chae, Takayasu Sakurai: Voltage dependent gate capacitance and its impact in estimating power and delay of CMOS digital circuits with low supply voltage (poster session). ISLPED 2000: 228-230
8EETakayasu Sakurai: Reducing Power Consumption of CMOS VLSI's through VDD and VTH Control. ISQED 2000: 417-424
7EEKoichi Nose, Takayasu Sakurai: Analysis and future trend of short-circuit power. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 19(9): 1023-1030 (2000)
6 Hiroshi Kawaguchi, Takayasu Sakurai: Delay and Noise Formulas for Capacitively Coupled Distributed RC Lines. ASP-DAC 1998: 35-43
5EEKoichi Nose, Takayasu Sakurai: Integrated Current Sensing Device for Micro IDDQ Test. Asian Test Symposium 1998: 323-326
4EETadahiro Kuroda, Tetsuya Fujita, Shinji Mita, Toshiaki Mori, Kenji Matsuo, Masakazu Kakumu, Takayasu Sakurai: Substrate noise influence on circuit performance in variable threshold-voltage scheme. ISLPED 1996: 309-312
3EETadahiro Kuroda, Takayasu Sakurai: Threshold-Volgage control schemes through substrate-bias for low-power high-speed CMOS LSI design. VLSI Signal Processing 13(2-3): 191-201 (1996)
2 Takayasu Sakurai: High-Speed Circuit Design with Scaled-Down MOSFET's and Low Supply Voltage. ISCAS 1993: 1487-1490
1EETakayasu Sakurai, Bill Lin, A. Richard Newton: Fast simulated diffusion: an optimization algorithm for multiminimum problems and its application to MOSFET model parameter extraction. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 11(2): 228-234 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Jin-Hong Ahn [24]
2Kazuo Aisaka [27]
3Danardono Dwi Antono [31] [34] [40]
4Toshiyuki Aritsuka [27]
5Kerry Bernstein [26]
6David Blaauw (David T. Blaauw) [26]
7Soo-Ik Chae [9]
8H.-Y. Choi [35]
9Hoon-Dae Choi [28]
10Hun-Dae Choi [35]
11Hyun-Young Choi [28]
12Kiyoung Choi [10]
13Jin-Yong Chung [24]
14Nguyen Minh Duc [13]
15Jerry Frenkil [26]
16Tetsuya Fujita [4]
17Masayuki Hirabayashi [17]
18Toshiro Hiramoto [18]
19Mark Horowitz [26]
20Kenichi Inagaki [28] [31] [34]
21Mari Inoue [37]
22Takashi Inukai [18]
23Koichiro Ishibashi [27]
24Koichi Ishida [36] [38] [43] [45]
25Hiroki Ishikuro [38]
26Masakazu Kakumu [4]
27Kouichi Kanda [28]
28Hiroshi Kawaguchi [6] [19] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [33] [34] [35] [39] [40]
29Daejeong Kim [28]
30Dong Myong Kim [28]
31Young-Hee Kim [24]
32Tadahiro Kuroda [3] [4] [32] [37]
33Seongsoo Lee [11] [15] [19] [21]
34Seungjun Lee [21]
35Bill Lin [1]
36Kenji Matsuo [4]
37Kyeong-Sik Min [24] [28] [35]
38Satoshi Misaka [27]
39Shinji Mita [4]
40Noriyuki Miura [32] [37]
41Daisuke Mizoguchi [32]
42Masayuki Mizuno [37]
43Toshiaki Mori [4]
44Masami Murakata [43] [45]
45Yoshihiro Nakagawa [37]
46Wolfgang Nebel [26]
47A. Richard Newton [1]
48Kiichi Niitsu [37]
49Taro Niiyama [43] [45]
50Koichi Nose [5] [7] [9] [14] [17] [23]
51Jan M. Rabaey [26]
52Fayez Robert Saliba [28] [39]
53Youngsoo Shin [10] [16] [20] [29]
54Dennis Sylvester [26]
55Masamoto Tago [37]
56Makoto Takamiya [38] [43] [45]
57Atit Tamtrakarn [36] [38]
58Keisuke Toyama [27]
59Canh Quang Tran [30] [33]
60Kunio Uchiyama [27]
61Andrew Yang [26]
62Gang Zhang [19]
63Piao Zhe [43] [45]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)