
Keisuke Toyama

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6EEKeisuke Toyama, Mark D. Plumbley: Estimating Phase Linearity in the Frequency-Domain ICA Demixing Matrix. ICA 2009: 362-370
5EETetsuya Yamada, Naohiko Irie, Takanobu Tsunoda, Takahiro Irita, Kenji Kitagawa, Ryohei Yoshida, Keisuke Toyama, Motoaki Satoyama: A Hardware Accelerator for JavaTM Platforms on a 130-nm Embedded Processor Core. IEICE Transactions 90-C(2): 523-530 (2007)
4EEKeisuke Toyama, Satoshi Misaka, Kazuo Aisaka, Toshiyuki Aritsuka, Kunio Uchiyama, Koichiro Ishibashi, Hiroshi Kawaguchi, Takayasu Sakurai: Frequency-voltage cooperative CPU power control: A design rule and its application by feedback prediction. Systems and Computers in Japan 36(6): 39-48 (2005)
3EEShiro Ikeda, Keisuke Toyama: ICA for Noisy Neurobiological Data. IJCNN (4) 2000: 89-96
2EEShiro Ikeda, Keisuke Toyama: Independent component analysis for noisy data -- MEG data analysis. Neural Networks 13(10): 1063-1074 (2000)
1EEKeisuke Toyama, Manabu Tanifuji: Imaging a Computational Process in the Visual Cortex. Neural Networks 9(8): 1351-1356 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Kazuo Aisaka [4]
2Toshiyuki Aritsuka [4]
3Shiro Ikeda [2] [3]
4Naohiko Irie [5]
5Takahiro Irita [5]
6Koichiro Ishibashi [4]
7Hiroshi Kawaguchi [4]
8Kenji Kitagawa [5]
9Satoshi Misaka [4]
10Mark D. Plumbley [6]
11Takayasu Sakurai [4]
12Motoaki Satoyama [5]
13Manabu Tanifuji [1]
14Takanobu Tsunoda [5]
15Kunio Uchiyama [4]
16Tetsuya Yamada [5]
17Ryohei Yoshida [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)