
Young-Hee Kim

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4EEJae-Hyung Lee, Gyu-Ho Lim, Ji-Hong Kim, Mu-Hun Park, Kyo-Hong Jin, Jeong-won Cha, Pan-Bong Ha, Yung-Jin Gang, Young-Hee Kim: A Low-Power 512-Bit EEPROM Design for UHF RFID Tag Chips. International Conference on Computational Science (4) 2007: 721-724
3EEKyeong-Sik Min, Young-Hee Kim, Daejeong Kim, Dong Myeong Kim, Jin-Hong Ahn: A large-current-output boosted voltage generator with non-overlapping clock control for sub-1-V memory applications. ASP-DAC 2004: 288-291
2EEYoung-Hee Kim, Jack C. Lee: Reliability characteristics of high-k dielectrics. Microelectronics Reliability 44(2): 183-193 (2004)
1EEKyeong-Sik Min, Young-Hee Kim, Jin-Hong Ahn, Jin-Yong Chung, Takayasu Sakurai: CMOS charge pumps using cross-coupled charge transfer switches with improved voltage pumping gain and low gate-oxide stress for low-voltage memory circuits. ISCAS (5) 2002: 545-548

Coauthor Index

1Jin-Hong Ahn [1] [3]
2Jeong-won Cha [4]
3Jin-Yong Chung [1]
4Yung-Jin Gang [4]
5Pan-Bong Ha [4]
6Kyo-Hong Jin [4]
7Daejeong Kim [3]
8Dong Myeong Kim [3]
9Ji-Hong Kim [4]
10Jack C. Lee [2]
11Jae-Hyung Lee [4]
12Gyu-Ho Lim [4]
13Kyeong-Sik Min [1] [3]
14Mu-Hun Park [4]
15Takayasu Sakurai [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)