10. ECAI 1992:
Bernd Neumann (Ed.):
10th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
ECAI 92,
August 3-7,
1992. Proceedings. John Wiley and Sons,
- Stuart J. Russell:
Efficient Memory-Bounded Search Methods.
1-5 BibTeX
- Anna Bramanti-Gregor, Henry W. Davis, F. G. Ganschow:
Strengthening Heuristics for Lower Cost Optimal and Near Optimal Solutions in A* Search.
6-10 BibTeX
- R. Ramaswamy, Anup K. Sen:
Single Machine Scheduling as a Graph Search Problem with Path-Dependent Arc Costs.
11-15 BibTeX
- Andreas L. Köll, Hermann Kaindl:
A New Approach to Dynamic Weighting.
16-17 BibTeX
- Alfonso San Miguel Aguirre:
Symmetries and the Cardinality Operator.
18-22 BibTeX
- Christian Bessière:
Arc-Consistency for Non-Binary Dynamic CSPs.
23-27 BibTeX
- Brent W. Benson Jr., Eugene C. Freuder:
Interchangeability Preprocessing Can Improve Forward Checking Search.
28-30 BibTeX
- P. A. Geelen:
Dual Viewpoint Heuristics for Binary Constraint Satisfaction Problems.
31-35 BibTeX
- Barbara M. Smith:
How to Solve the Zebra Problem, or Path Consistency the Easy Way.
36-37 BibTeX
- Didier Dubois, Jérôme Lang, Henri Prade:
Dealing with Multi-Source Information in Possibilistic Logic.
38-42 BibTeX
- Churn-Jung Liau, Bertrand I-Peng Lin:
Quantitative Modal Logic and Possibilistic Reasoning.
43-47 BibTeX
- Simon Parsons:
Qualitative Belief Networks.
48-50 BibTeX
- Chun-Hung Tzeng:
Plausible Reasoning in Bayesian Networks.
51-52 BibTeX
- Z. Luo:
Probabilistic Reasoning in Mixed Models Using Bayesian Belief Networks And its Application.
53-54 BibTeX
- Dave Barker-Plummer, Sidney C. Bailin:
Graphical Theorem Proving: An Approach to Reasoning with the Help of Diagrams.
55-59 BibTeX
- Jörg Würtz:
Unifying Cycles.
60-64 BibTeX
- Dieter Hutter:
Adapting a Resolution Calculus for Inductive Proofs.
65-69 BibTeX
- Uwe Egly:
A Simple Proof for the Pigeonhole Formulae.
70-71 BibTeX
- Ian Frank, David A. Basin, Alan Bundy:
An Adaptation of Proof-Planning to Declarer Play in Bridge.
72-76 BibTeX
- Fausto Giunchiglia, Toby Walsh:
Tree Subsumption: Reasoning with Outlines.
77-81 BibTeX
- Emmanuel Kounalis:
A Simplification-Based Approach to Program Synthesis.
82-86 BibTeX
- Marta Franová, Yves Kodratoff:
Predicate Synthesis from Formal Specifications.
87-91 BibTeX
- Nicola Leone, Pasquale Rullo:
Stable Model Semantics and its Computation for Ordered Logic Programs.
92-96 BibTeX
- Jianhua Chen:
A Refined Semantics for Disjunctive Logic Programs.
97-101 BibTeX
- Luís Moniz Pereira, José Júlio Alferes:
Well Founded Semantics for Logic Programs with Explicit Negation.
102-106 BibTeX
- Vladimir Kuznetsov:
Negation as Exception.
107-108 BibTeX
- Patricia M. Hill:
Data Structures and Typed Logic Programs.
109-113 BibTeX
- Antonio Brogi, Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello:
ATMS for Implementing Logic Programming.
114-118 BibTeX
- Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello:
An Assumption-Based Truth Maintenance System Dealing wills Non-Ground Justifications.
119-123 BibTeX
- H. Hara:
Solving the Large-Scale 0-1 Integer Programming Problem Using an Assumption-Based Method.
124-128 BibTeX
- Noboru Iwayama, Ken Satoh, Jun Arima:
A Formalization of Generalization-Based Analogy in General Logic Programs.
129-133 BibTeX
- Robert Demolombe:
A Strategy for the Computation of Conditional Answers.
134-138 BibTeX
- Y. Huang, A. E. Adam:
A Relevancy Knowledge Model of Analogical Reasoning.
139-143 BibTeX
- Josep Puyol-Gruart, Lluis Godo, Carles Sierra:
A Specialisation Calculus to Improve Expert Systems Communication.
144-148 BibTeX
- Enrico Maim:
Abduction and Constraint Logic Programming.
149-153 BibTeX
- Thomas Hoppe:
On the Relationship between Partial Deduction and Abductive Reasoning.
154-158 BibTeX
- Annika Wærn:
Reactive Abduction.
159-163 BibTeX
- Antonio Camurri, Carlo Innocenti, Marcello Frixione, Renato Zaccaria:
A Model of Representation and Communication of Music and Multimedia Knowledge.
164-168 BibTeX
- Andranick Tanguiane:
Artificial Perception and Music Recognition: A Heuristic Approach.
169-173 BibTeX
- Tony Veale, Mark T. Keane:
Conceptual Scaffolding: Using Metaphors to Build Knowledge Structures.
174-178 BibTeX
- Stefan Sitter, Elisabeth Maier:
Rhetorical Relations in a Model of Information-Seeking Dialogues.
179-180 BibTeX
- Alex Quilici:
Recognizing and Revising Unconvincing Explanations.
181-182 BibTeX
- Christian Jacquemin:
Activation Diffusion: a Connectionist Network for robust parsing.
183-187 BibTeX
- Stefan Wermter:
A Hybrid and Connectionist Architecture for a Scanning Understanding.
188-192 BibTeX
- Vera Kurková:
Universal Approximation Using Feedforward Neural Networks with Gaussian Bar Units.
193-197 BibTeX
- Abhay B. Bulsari, Henrik Saxén:
A Partially Recurrent Connectionist Model.
198-202 BibTeX
- Georg Dorffner, Manfred Rotter:
On the Virtues of Functional Connectionist Compositionality.
203-205 BibTeX
- Joachim Diederich, Andreas Thümmel, E. Bartels:
Recurrent and Feedforward Networks for Human-Computer Interaction.
206-207 BibTeX
- Alfred Ultsch:
Knowledge Acquisition with Self-Organizing Neural Networks.
208-210 BibTeX
- Sergio Margarita:
Genetic Neural Networks for Financial Markets: Some Results.
211-213 BibTeX
- Axel Pinz, Horst Bischof:
Neural Network "Surgery": Transplantation of Hidden Units.
214-215 BibTeX
- Paolo Ferrara, Alois Ferscha, Günter Haring:
A Collision Avoiding Six Legged Walking Machine Based on Kohonen Feature Maps.
216-218 BibTeX
- Gil Tidhar, Jeffrey S. Rosenschein:
A Contract Net with Consultants: An Alternative Architecture and Experimental Results.
219-223 BibTeX
- Nicholas R. Jennings:
Towards a Cooperation Knowledge Level For Collaborative Problem Solving.
224-228 BibTeX
- Eithan Ephrati, Jeffrey S. Rosenschein:
Reaching Agreement through Partial Revelation of Preferences.
229-233 BibTeX
- Michael Wooldridge, Michael Fisher:
A First-Order Branching Time Logic of Multi-Agent System.
234-238 BibTeX
- Thierry Bouron, Anne Collinot:
SAM: A Model to Design Complex Computational Social Agents.
239-243 BibTeX
- B. Lemaire:
Hypothetical Reasoning within the Blackboard.
244-248 BibTeX
- Alison Cawsey, Julia Rose Galliers, Steven Reece, Karen Sparck Jones:
A Comparison of Architectures for Autonomous Multi-Agent Communication.
249-251 BibTeX
- Khaled Ghédira, Gérard Vertfaillie:
A Multi-Agent Model for the Resource Allocation Problem: A Reactive Approach.
252-254 BibTeX
- J.-C. Le Mentec, S. Brunessaux:
Improving Reactivity in a Blackboard Architecture with Parallelism and Interruptions.
255-256 BibTeX
- Z. Wu, T. Huang, J. Ying, Z. He:
A Summary of Coupled Expert Systems Building Toolkit ZIPE.
257-261 BibTeX
- Philippe Lalanda, François Charpillet, Jean Paul Haton:
A Real Time Blackboard Based Architecture.
262-266 BibTeX
- E. Bahr, Franz Barachini, Hans Mistelberger:
On Efficient Load Balancing for Parallel Execution of Production Systems.
267-271 BibTeX
- I. van Langevelde, A. Philipsen, Jan Treur:
Formal Specification of Compositional Architectures.
272-276 BibTeX
- Norbert Kehrer, Gustaf Neumann:
Business Event Oriented Information Systems Based on Meta Programming.
277-281 BibTeX
- Brian Logan, David Corne, Tim Smithers:
The Edinburgh Designer System: An Architecture for Solving Ill-Structured Problems.
282-286 BibTeX
- Nikola K. Kasabov, S. H. Petkov:
Neural Networks and Logic Programming - a Hybrid Model and its Applicability to Building Expert Systems.
287-288 BibTeX
- Jürgen Dix:
Default Theories of Poole-Type and a Method for constructing Cumulative Versions of Default Logic.
289-293 BibTeX
- Patrick Doherty, Witold Lukaszewicz:
FONML3 - A First-Order Non-monotonic Logic with Explicit Defaults.
294-298 BibTeX
- Yao-Hua Tan, Jan Treur:
Constructive Default Logic and the Control of defeasible reasoning.
299-303 BibTeX
- Torsten Schaub:
On Constrained Default Theories.
304-308 BibTeX
- David Pearce:
Default Logic and Constructive Logic.
309-313 BibTeX
- Luis Fariñas del Cerro, Andreas Herzig, Jérôme Lang:
From Ordering Based Nonmonotonic Reasoning to Conditional Logics.
314-318 BibTeX
- Marco Cadoli, Marco Schaerf:
Approximate Inference in Default Logic and Circumscription.
319-323 BibTeX
- Wayne Wobcke:
On the Use of Epistemic Entrenchment in Non-monotonic Reasoning.
324-328 BibTeX
- Yves Moinard:
Circumscriptions as Preferential Entailment.
329-333 BibTeX
- Ilkka Niemelä:
A Unifying Framework for Nonmonotonic Reasoning.
334-338 BibTeX
- Odile Papini:
A Complete Revision Function in Propositional Calculus.
339-343 BibTeX
- Wlodek Zadrozny:
Explanations at the Knowledge Level.
344-348 BibTeX
- Christer Bäckström, Bernhard Nebel:
On the Computational Complexity of Planning and Story Understanding.
349-353 BibTeX
- Mukesh Dalal:
Tractable Instances of Some Hard Deduction Problems.
354-358 BibTeX
- Henry A. Kautz, Bart Selman:
Planning as Satisfiability.
359-363 BibTeX
- Munindar P. Singh:
A Critical Examination of Use Cohen-Levesque Theory of Intentions.
364-368 BibTeX
- Luca Console, Luigi Portinale, Daniele Theseider Dupré, Pietro Torasso:
Diagnostic Reasoning Across Different Time Points.
369-373 BibTeX
- António Porto, Cristina Ribeiro:
Temporal Inference with a Point Based Interval Algebra.
374-378 BibTeX
- Achim Weigel, Rainer Bleisinger:
Support for Resolving Contradictions in Time Interval Networks.
379-383 BibTeX
- Marc Denecker, Lode Missiaen, Maurice Bruynooghe:
Temporal Reasoning with Abductive Event Calculus.
384-388 BibTeX
- Longin Jan Latecki, Simone Pribbenow:
On Hybrid Reasoning for Processing Spatial Expressions.
389-393 BibTeX
- David A. Randell, Zhan Cui, Anthony G. Cohn:
An Interval Logic for Space Based on "Connection".
394-398 BibTeX
- Jörg-Peter Mohren, J. Müller:
A Geometrical Approach to Depictional Representation of Spatial Relations.
399-402 BibTeX
- Pavlos Peppas, Wayne Wobcke:
On the Use of Epistemic Entrenchment in Reasoning about Action.
403-407 BibTeX
- N. J. Davies:
A First Order Theory of Knowledge, Belief and Action.
408-412 BibTeX
- Christine Froidevaux:
Default Logic for Action Rule-Based Systems.
413-417 BibTeX
- Antonio Camurri, Gianni Vercelli, Renato Zaccaria:
Real Time Knowledge Representation and Reasoning About Real Tasks.
418-419 BibTeX
- Carsten Kindermann:
Retraction in Terminological Knowledge Bases.
420-424 BibTeX
- Amedeo Napoli:
Subsumption and Classification-Based Reasoning in Object-Based Representations.
425-429 BibTeX
- Gerhard Weiß:
Learning the Goal Relevance of Actions in Classifler Systems.
430-434 BibTeX
- Olivier Gascuel, Gilles Caraux:
Statistical Significance in Inductive Learning.
435-439 BibTeX
- Aram Karalic:
Employing Linear Regression in Regression Tree Leaves.
440-441 BibTeX
- G. Kalkanis, Gerard V. Conroy:
Inductive Learning of Effective and Efficient Classification Rules.
442-443 BibTeX
- Matevz Kovacic, Nada Lavrac, Marko Grobelnik, Darko Zupanic, Dunja Mladenic:
Stochastic Search in Inductive Logic Programming.
444-445 BibTeX
- Pierre Marquis:
Building up Inductive Generalizations from Facts.
446-450 BibTeX
- Marco Botta, Attilio Giordana, Lorenza Saitta:
Comparison of Search Strategies in Learning Relations.
451-455 BibTeX
- Hilde Adé, Luc De Raedt, Maurice Bruynooghe:
Inverse Resolution in an Integrated Inductive-Deductive Learning System.
456-457 BibTeX
- Gilles Bisson:
Conceptual Clustering in a First Order Logic Representation.
458-462 BibTeX
- Gerhard Widmer, Miroslav Kubat:
Learning Flexible Concepts from Streams of Examples: FLORA 2.
463-467 BibTeX
- Y. Saito, S. Tojo, S. Komiya:
Intuitive Classification Based on Affinity.
468-470 BibTeX
- Claudio Carpineto:
Shift of Bias without Operators.
471-473 BibTeX
- Claire Nedellec:
How to Specialize by Theory Refinement.
474-478 BibTeX
- Michèle Sebag, Marc Schoenauer:
Learning to Control Inconsistent Knowledge.
479-483 BibTeX
- Paul D. Scott, K. H. Sage:
Why Generalize? Hybrid Representations and Instance-Based Learning.
484-486 BibTeX
- A. Samuel, F. Raynaut:
Oriented Shift of Representational Bias for Elementary Patterns.
487-489 BibTeX
- Farid Cerbah:
Generating Causal Explanations: From Qualitative Models to Natural Language Texts.
490-494 BibTeX
- Leo Wanner:
Lexical Choice and the Organization of Lexical Resources in Text Generation.
495-499 BibTeX
- Helmut Horacek:
Explanations for Constraint Systems.
500-504 BibTeX
- Wolfgang Finkler, Anne Schauder:
Effects of Incremental Output on Incremental Natural Language Generation.
505-507 BibTeX
- Matthew W. Crocker, Ian Lewin:
Parsing as Deduction: Rules versus Principles.
508-512 BibTeX
- Hans Haugeneder:
A Computationai Model for Processing Coordinate Structures: Parsing Coordination will-out Grammatical Specification.
513-517 BibTeX
- Jean-Michel Grandchamp, S. Letellier:
Predictions in Deterministic Parsing: a Framework for Lexical Correction.
518-522 BibTeX
- Katashi Nagao:
A Preferential Constraint Satisfaction Technique for Natural Language Analysis.
523-527 BibTeX
- Mona Singh, Munindar P. Singh:
Computing the Temporal Structure of Events in Natural Language.
528-532 BibTeX
- Sven Lorenz:
Presupposition, Anaphora, and Reasoning about Change.
533-537 BibTeX
- B. Keller:
A Logic for Representing Grammatical Knowledge.
538-542 BibTeX
- Joachim Quantz:
How to Fit Generalized Quantifiers into Terminological Logics.
543-547 BibTeX
- Wolfgang Heinz, Johannes Matiasek, Harald Trost, Ernst Buchberger:
Comparison in NLIs - Habitability and Database Reality.
548-552 BibTeX
- Anne Bonneau, François Charpillet, S. Coste, Jean Paul Haton, Yves Laprie, Pierre Marquis:
A Model for Hypothetical Reasoning Applied to Speech Recognition.
553-557 BibTeX
- Claudius Pyka:
Management of Hypotheses in an Integrated Speech-Language Architecture.
558-560 BibTeX
- Tony Veale, Padraig Cunningham:
Competitive Hypothesis Resolution in TWIG, a Blackboard-Driven Text Understanding System.
561-563 BibTeX
- C. Gierl, Daniel Frost:
Identification of Domain-Specific Terminology by Combining Mutual Information and Lexical Induction.
564-566 BibTeX
- Angi Voß, Werner Karbach, Carl-Helmut Coulon, Uwe Drouven, Brigitte Bartsch-Spörl:
Generic Specialists in Competent Behaviour.
567-571 BibTeX
- C. Duursma:
Interpretation Models and Problem Solving Methods.
572-576 BibTeX
- Martin Reinders, Bert Bredeweg:
Reflective Strategic Control of Multiple Problem Solving Methods.
577-581 BibTeX
- Frank van Harmelen, John Balder:
(ML)2: A Formal Language for KADS Models.
582-586 BibTeX
- Barry Smyth, Padraig Cunningham:
Déjà Vu: A Hierarchical Case-Based Reasoning System for Software Design.
587-589 BibTeX
- M. Brown:
Incorporating Similarity Measures into Case Retrieval Using Analogue Marker Passing.
590-592 BibTeX
- Mario Borillo, Andree Borillo, Núria Castell, D. Latour, Yannick Toussaint, Felisa Verdejo:
Applying Linguistic Engineering to Spatial Software Engineering: the Traceabiiity Problem.
593-595 BibTeX
- Xavier Alamán Roldán, Idoia Alarcón, Erik de Pablo, Jose Luis Zaccagnini:
The Maquette-Based Methodology Applied to Real-Time Knowledge-Based Systems.
596-600 BibTeX
- Philip Rademakers, Rolf Pfeifer:
The Role of Knowledge Level Models in Situated Adaptive Design.
601-602 BibTeX
- Bogdan Filipic:
Enhancing Genetic Search to Schedule a Production Unit.
603-607 BibTeX
- Dipankar Dasgupta, Douglas R. McGregor:
Engineering Optimizations Using the Structured Genetic Aigorithm.
608-609 BibTeX
- Achim G. Hoffmann:
Phenomenology, Representations and Complexity.
610-614 BibTeX
- Gerson Zaverucha:
Logical Foundations of a Modal Defeasible Relevant Logic of Belief.
615-619 BibTeX
- Erik Vinkhuyzen:
On the Non-Existence of Knowledge Level Models.
620-622 BibTeX
- John Fox, Paul Krause, Simon Ambler:
Arguments, Contradicitions and Practical Reasoning.
623-627 BibTeX
- Susanne Biundo, Dietmar Dengler, Jana Koehler:
Deductive Planning and Plan Reuse in a Command Language Environment.
628-632 BibTeX
- Stephen Cranefield:
A Logical Framework for Practical Planning.
633-637 BibTeX
- P. M. Berry:
SCHEDULING: A Problem of Decision-Making Under Uncertainty.
638-642 BibTeX
- Paolo Traverso, Alessandro Cimatti, Luca Spalazzi:
Beyond the Single Planning Paradigm: Introspective Planning.
643-647 BibTeX
- Kumar Tadepalli, N. Parameswaran:
Reason Maintenance Systems for Multiagent Planning.
648-652 BibTeX
- G. Kelleher, Anthony G. Cohn:
Automatically Synthesising Domain Constraints from Operator Descriptions.
653-655 BibTeX
- Angel P. Del Pobil, Miguel A. Serna:
Solving the Find-Path Problem in 3D by a Simple Object Model.
656-660 BibTeX
- José del R. Millán:
Building Reactive Path-Finders through Reinforcement Connectionist Learning: Three Issues and an Architecture.
661-665 BibTeX
- D. Kontoravdis, Aristidis Likas, Andreas Stafylopatis:
Collision-Free Movement of an Autonomous Vehicle Using Reinforcement Learning.
666-670 BibTeX
- Juan Manuel Ahuactzin, El-Ghazali Talbi, Pierre Bessière, B. Mazer:
Using Genetic Algorithms for Robot Motion Planning.
671-675 BibTeX
- Carlos Ramos, Eugenio Oliveira:
Planning, Execution and Sensor-Based Reaction for Assembly Robotic Tasks.
676-680 BibTeX
- Luca Maria Gambardella, M. Haex:
Grasp Planning for Automatic Assembly Tasks Using Artificial Fields.
681-682 BibTeX
- Michael Neitzke:
Modeling Physical Systems with Relative Descriptions of Parameters.
683-684 BibTeX
- A. F. Toal:
PQS: ``I dont know'' Is an Important Qualitative Statement.
685-686 BibTeX
- J. Primus, Boi Faltings:
Domain Modeling for Monitoring Systems.
687-688 BibTeX
- Ann E. Nicholson, Michael Brady:
The Data Association Problem when Monitoring Robot Vehicles Using Dynamic Belief Networks.
689-693 BibTeX
- N. Bousson, Louise Travé-Massuyès:
Formalizing Expertise Qualitative Operators.
694-698 BibTeX
- John A. Self:
Cognitive Diagnosis for Tutoring Systems.
699-703 BibTeX
- Pearl Pu, Y. Huang:
Crossroad Diagnosis.
704-708 BibTeX
- Gerhard Friedrich, Georg Gottlob, Wolfgang Nejdl:
Formaiizing the Repair Process.
709-713 BibTeX
- Z. Csáki:
Identification as Learning in Reasoning about Incomplete Knowledge of Physical Systems.
714-718 BibTeX
- Oskar Dressler, Peter Struss:
Back to Defatilts: Characterizing and Computing Diagnoses as Coherent Assumption Sets.
719-723 BibTeX
- Philippe Besnard, Marie-Odile Cordier:
Explanatory Diagnoses and their Computation by Circumscription.
724-728 BibTeX
- Igor Mozetic:
A Polynomial-time Algorithm for Model-Based Diagnosis.
729-733 BibTeX
- R. R. Bakker, M. Bourseau:
Pragmatic Reasoning in Model-Based Diagnosis.
734-738 BibTeX
- J. Bradshaw, R. Michael Young:
Evaluating the Behaviour of the BAe 146 Hydraulic System Using the Doris System.
739-743 BibTeX
- Yoshiteru Ishida:
A Graphical Approach to Qualitative Reasoning on Dynamic Systems.
744-748 BibTeX
- M. R. Vescovi, J.-P. Robles:
Fuzzy Diagnosis of Continuous Processes.
749-753 BibTeX
- Boi Faltings, Djamila Haroud, Ian F. C. Smith:
Dynamic Constraint Propagation with Continuous Variables.
754-758 BibTeX
- Cristina Conati, Jon M. Slack:
Accessing Information through Graphics.
759-763 BibTeX
- Thomas Rist, Elisabeth André:
From Presentation Tasks to Pictures: Towards a Computational Approach to Graphics Design.
764-768 BibTeX
- Anil S. Chakravarthy, Kenneth B. Haase, L. M. Weitzman:
A Uniform Memory-Based Representation for Visual Languages.
769-773 BibTeX
- S. Oei, R. Smit, Jos Schreinemakers, L. Marinos, J. Sirks:
The Presentation Manager, A Method for Task- Driven Concept Presentation.
774-775 BibTeX
- Edoardo Ardizzone, Franco Callari, Antonio Chella, Salvatore Gaglio:
The Mapping Between Geometric and Symbolic Knowledge in Artificial Vision: A Connectionist Approach.
776-780 BibTeX
- Shaogang Gong, Hilary Buxton:
On the Visual Expectations of Moving Objects.
781-784 BibTeX
- Richard J. Howarth, Hilary Buxton:
Analogical Representation of Spatial Events for Understanding Traffic Behaviour.
785-789 BibTeX
- Nassir Navab, Z. Zhang:
From Multiple Objects Motion Analysis To Behavior-Based Object Recognition.
790-794 BibTeX
- Eric Dekneuvel, Malik Ghallab, J.-P. Thibault:
Hypotheses Management for Scene Interpretation in a Multisensory Perception Machine.
795-799 BibTeX
- Quang-Tuan Luong, Olivier D. Faugeras:
Active Head Movements Help Solve Stereo Correspondence.
800-802 BibTeX
- Gerd-Jürgen Giefing, H. Janßen, Hanspeter A. Mallot:
Saccadic Object Recognition with an Active Vision System.
803-805 BibTeX
- Paolo Remagnino, Josef Kittler, G. Matas, John Illingworth:
On Computing the Next Look Camera Parameters in Active Vision.
806-807 BibTeX
- Ruggero Milanese, Jean-Marc Bost, Thierry Pun:
A Bottom-Up Attention System for Active Vision.
808-810 BibTeX
- Stefan Bohrer, Michael Brauckmann, Werner von Seelen:
Visual Obstacle Detection by a Geometrically Simplified Optical Flow Approach.
811-815 BibTeX
- W. Brent Seales, Charles R. Dyer:
An Occlusion-Based Representation of Shape for Viewpoint Recovery.
816-820 BibTeX
- Luc Robert, Rachid Deriche, Olivier D. Faugeras:
Dense Depth Recovery From Stereo Images.
821-823 BibTeX
- Mariofanna G. Milanova, I. A. Aleksandrov, Roumen Kountchev:
Recovering and CAD/CAM Processing of Complex Surfaces.
824-825 BibTeX
- Humberto Sossa, Radu Horaud:
Model Indexing Based on a Graph-Theoretic Approach.
826-828 BibTeX
- Jean-Pierre H. Laurent:
Proposals for a Valid Terminology in KBS Validation.
829-834 BibTeX
- Alun D. Preece, Rajjan Shinghal:
Verifying Knowledge Bases by Anomaly Detection: An Experience Report.
835-839 BibTeX
- Pedro Meseguer:
Incremental Verification of Rule-Based Expert Systems.
840-844 BibTeX
- Stéphane Loiseau:
Refinement of Knowledge Bases Based on Consistency.
845-852 BibTeX
- Oliviero Stock:
A Third Modailty of Natural Language?
853-862 BibTeX
- Peter Struss:
Knowledge-based Diagnosis - An Important Challenge and Touchstone for AI.
863-874 BibTeX
- Stanley J. Rosenschein:
Perception and Action in Autonomous Systems.
875-874 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:07:48 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)