
Michael Fisher

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110EERafael H. Bordini, Michael Fisher, Maarten Sierhuis: Formal verification of human-robot teamwork. HRI 2009: 267-268
109EELouise A. Dennis, Berndt Farwer, Rafael H. Bordini, Michael Fisher: A flexible framework for verifying agent programs. AAMAS (3) 2008: 1303-1306
108EERafael H. Bordini, Louise A. Dennis, Berndt Farwer, Michael Fisher: Automated Verification of Multi-Agent Programs. ASE 2008: 69-78
107EEClare Dixon, Michael Fisher, Boris Konev, Alexei Lisitsa: Practical First-Order Temporal Reasoning. TIME 2008: 156-163
106EENivea de Carvalho Ferreira, Michael Fisher, Wiebe van der Hoek: Specifying and reasoning about uncertain agents. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 49(1): 35-51 (2008)
105EELouise A. Dennis, Michael Fisher, Anthony Hepple: Language Constructs for Multi-agent Programming. CLIMA VIII 2007: 137-156
104EEClare Dixon, Michael Fisher, Boris Konev: Temporal Logic with Capacity Constraints. FroCos 2007: 163-177
103EEClare Dixon, Michael Fisher, Boris Konev: Tractable Temporal Reasoning. IJCAI 2007: 318-323
102EEAnthony Hepple, Louise A. Dennis, Michael Fisher: A Common Basis for Agent Organisation in BDI Languages. LADS 2007: 71-88
101EELouise A. Dennis, Berndt Farwer, Rafael H. Bordini, Michael Fisher, Michael Wooldridge: A Common Semantic Basis for BDI Languages. PROMAS 2007: 124-139
100EEMichael Fisher, Wiebe van der Hoek: Logics in AI: post-proceedings JELIA06 (Editorial). Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 50(3-4): 227-229 (2007)
99EEClare Dixon, Michael Fisher, Boris Konev, Alexei Lisitsa: Efficient First-Order Temporal Logic for Infinite-State Systems CoRR abs/cs/0702036: (2007)
98EEClare Dixon, M. Carmen Fernández Gago, Michael Fisher, Wiebe van der Hoek: Temporal Logics of Knowledge and their Applications in Security. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 186: 27-42 (2007)
97EEMichael Fisher, Munindar P. Singh, Diana F. Spears, Michael Wooldridge: Logic-Based Agent Verification. J. Applied Logic 5(2): 193-195 (2007)
96 Michael Fisher, Wiebe van der Hoek, Boris Konev, Alexei Lisitsa: Logics in Artificial Intelligence, 10th European Conference, JELIA 2006, Liverpool, UK, September 13-15, 2006, Proceedings Springer 2006
95EEClare Dixon, Michael Fisher, Boris Konev: Is There a Future for Deductive Temporal Verification? TIME 2006: 11-18
94EEAnatoli Degtyarev, Michael Fisher, Boris Konev: Monodic temporal resolution. ACM Trans. Comput. Log. 7(1): 108-150 (2006)
93EEMaroua Bouzid, Carlo Combi, Michael Fisher, Gérard Ligozat: Guest editorial: Temporal representation and reasoning. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 46(3): 231-234 (2006)
92EERafael H. Bordini, Michael Fisher, Willem Visser, Michael Wooldridge: Verifying Multi-agent Programs by Model Checking. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 12(2): 239-256 (2006)
91EEPaolo Ballarini, Michael Fisher, Michael Wooldridge: Automated Game Analysis via Probabilistic Model Checking: a case study. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 149(2): 125-137 (2006)
90EEMichael Wooldridge, Marc-Philippe Huget, Michael Fisher, Simon Parsons: Model Checking for Multiagent Systems: the Mable Language and its Applications. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 15(2): 195-226 (2006)
89EEMichael Fisher: Implementing Temporal Logics: Tools for Execution and Proof (Tutorial Paper). CLIMA VI 2005: 129-142
88EENivea de Carvalho Ferreira, Michael Fisher, Wiebe van der Hoek: Logical Implementation of Uncertain Agents. EPIA 2005: 536-547
87EEMichael Fisher: MetateM: The Story so Far. PROMAS 2005: 3-22
86 Michael Fisher, Boris Konev, Alexei Lisitsa: Practical Infinite-State Verification with Temporal Reasoning. VISSAS 2005: 91-100
85EEClare Dixon, Alexander Bolotov, Michael Fisher: Alternating automata and temporal logic normal forms. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 135(1-3): 263-285 (2005)
84EEBoris Konev, Anatoli Degtyarev, Clare Dixon, Michael Fisher, Ullrich Hustadt: Mechanising first-order temporal resolution. Inf. Comput. 199(1-2): 55-86 (2005)
83EEM. Carmen Fernández Gago, Ullrich Hustadt, Clare Dixon, Michael Fisher, Boris Konev: First-Order Temporal Verification in Practice. J. Autom. Reasoning 34(3): 295-321 (2005)
82EERafael H. Bordini, Michael Fisher, Willem Visser, Michael Wooldridge: State-Space Reduction Techniques in Agent Verification. AAMAS 2004: 896-903
81EEMichael Fisher, Alexei Lisitsa: Monodic ASMs and Temporal Verification. Abstract State Machines 2004: 95-110
80EECláudia Nalon, Clare Dixon, Michael Fisher: Resolution for Synchrony and No Learning. Advances in Modal Logic 2004: 231-248
79EEMichael Fisher, Chiara Ghidini, Benjamin Hirsch: Programming Groups of Rational Agents. CLIMA IV 2004: 16-33
78EEBenjamin Hirsch, Michael Fisher, Chiara Ghidini, Paolo Busetta: Organising Software in Active Environments. CLIMA V 2004: 265-280
77EENivea de Carvalho Ferreira, Michael Fisher, Wiebe van der Hoek: Practical Reasoning for Uncertain Agents. JELIA 2004: 82-94
76EEClare Dixon, M. Carmen Fernández Gago, Michael Fisher, Wiebe van der Hoek: Using Temporal Logics of Knowledge in the Formal Verification of Security Protocols. TIME 2004: 148-151
75EEJürgen Dix, Michael Fisher, Hector J. Levesque, Leon Sterling: Introduction. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 41(2-4): 131-133 (2004)
74EEMichael Fisher: Temporal Development Methods for Agent-Based. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 10(1): 41-66 (2004)
73EERafael H. Bordini, Michael Fisher, Willem Visser, Michael Wooldridge: Model Checking Rational Agents. IEEE Intelligent Systems 19(5): 46-52 (2004)
72EEAlessandro Artale, Clare Dixon, Michael Fisher, Enrico Franconi: Editorial. J. Log. Comput. 14(1): 1 (2004)
71 Clare Dixon, Cláudia Nalon, Michael Fisher: Tableaux for Logics of Time and Knowledge with Interactions Relating to Synchrony. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 14(4): 397-445 (2004)
70EERafael H. Bordini, Michael Fisher, Carmen Pardavila, Michael Wooldridge: Model checking agentspeak. AAMAS 2003: 409-416
69EEAnatoli Degtyarev, Michael Fisher, Boris Konev: Monodic Temporal Resolution. CADE 2003: 397-411
68EERafael H. Bordini, Michael Fisher, Carmen Pardavila, Willem Visser, Michael Wooldridge: Model Checking Multi-Agent Programs with CASP. CAV 2003: 110-113
67EEBoris Konev, Anatoli Degtyarev, Michael Fisher: Handling Equality in Monodic Temporal Resolution. LPAR 2003: 214-228
66EEMichael Fisher, Chiara Ghidini, Benjamin Hirsch: Organising Computation through Dynamic Grouping. Objects, Agents, and Features 2003: 117-136
65EERafael H. Bordini, Michael Fisher, Willem Visser, Michael Wooldridge: Verifiable Multi-agent Programs. PROMAS 2003: 72-89
64EEClare Dixon, Cláudia Nalon, Michael Fisher: Tableaux for Temporal Logics of Knowledge: Synchronous Systems of Perfect Recall or No Learning. TIME 2003: 62-71
63EEBoris Konev, Anatoli Degtyarev, Clare Dixon, Michael Fisher, Ullrich Hustadt: Towards the Implementation of First-Order Temporal Resolution: the Expanding Domain Case. TIME 2003: 72-82
62EEAnatoli Degtyarev, Michael Fisher, Boris Konev: Monodic temporal resolution CoRR cs.LO/0306041: (2003)
61 Mark d'Inverno, Michael Luck, Michael Fisher, Chris Preist: Foundations and Applications of Multi-Agent Systems, UKMAS Workshop 1996-2000, Selected Papers Springer 2002
60EEMichael Fisher, Chiara Ghidini: The abc of rational agent modelling. AAMAS 2002: 849-856
59EEMichael Wooldridge, Michael Fisher, Marc-Philippe Huget, Simon Parsons: Model checking multi-agent systems with MABLE. AAMAS 2002: 952-959
58EEMichael Fisher, Chiara Ghidini, Benjamin Hirsch: Organising Logic-Based Agents. FAABS 2002: 15-27
57EEMichael Fisher, Chiara Ghidini: Agents with Bounded Temporal Resources. Foundations and Applications of Multi-Agent Systems 2002: 169-184
56EEM. Carmen Fernández Gago, Michael Fisher, Clare Dixon: Algorithms for Guiding Clausal Temporal Resolution. KI 2002: 235-252
55EEJames Brotherston, Anatoli Degtyarev, Michael Fisher, Alexei Lisitsa: Searching for Invariants Using Temporal Resolution. LPAR 2002: 86-101
54EEAnatoli Degtyarev, Michael Fisher, Boris Konev: A Simplified Clausal Resolution Procedure for Propositional Linear-Time Temporal Logic. TABLEAUX 2002: 85-99
53EEClare Dixon, Michael Fisher, Alexander Bolotov: Clausal resolution in a logic of rational agency. Artif. Intell. 139(1): 47-89 (2002)
52 Brandon Bennett, Clare Dixon, Michael Fisher, Ullrich Hustadt, Enrico Franconi, Ian Horrocks, Maarten de Rijke: Combinations of Modal Logics. Artif. Intell. Rev. 17(1): 1-20 (2002)
51EEAlexander Bolotov, Michael Fisher, Clare Dixon: On the Relationship between [ohgr]-automata and Temporal Logic Normal Forms. J. Log. Comput. 12(4): 561-581 (2002)
50 Anatoli Degtyarev, Michael Fisher, Alexei Lisitsa: Equality and Monodic First-Order Temporal Logic. Studia Logica 72(2): 147-156 (2002)
49EEAnatoli Degtyarev, Michael Fisher: Towards First-Order Temporal Resolution. KI/ÖGAI 2001: 18-32
48EEUllrich Hustadt, Clare Dixon, Renate A. Schmidt, Michael Fisher, John-Jules Ch. Meyer, Wiebe van der Hoek: Reasoning about agents in the KARO framework. TIME 2001: 206-213
47EEMichael Fisher, Clare Dixon, Martin Peim: Clausal temporal resolution. ACM Trans. Comput. Log. 2(1): 12-56 (2001)
46EEMichael Fisher: Direct Execution of Agent Specifications. FAABS 2000: 163
45EEUllrich Hustadt, Clare Dixon, Renate A. Schmidt, Michael Fisher, John-Jules Ch. Meyer, Wiebe van der Hoek: Verification within the KARO Agent Theory. FAABS 2000: 33-47
44 Ullrich Hustadt, Clare Dixon, Renate A. Schmidt, Michael Fisher: Normal Forms and Proofs in Combined Modal and Temporal Logics. FroCos 2000: 73-87
43EEMichael Fisher: Characterizing Simple Negotiation as Distributed Agent-Based Theorem-Proving - A Preliminary Report. ICMAS 2000: 127-134
42EEClare Dixon, Michael Fisher: Resolution-Based Proof for Multi-Modal Temporal Logics of Knowledge. TIME 2000: 69-78
41 Michael Fisher, Chiara Ghidini: Programming Resource-Bounded Deliberative Agents. IJCAI 1999: 200-205
40 Alexander Bolotov, Clare Dixon, Michael Fisher: Clausal Resolution for CTL*. MFCS 1999: 137-148
39EEMichael Fisher, Clare Dixon, Martin Peim: Clausal Temporal Resolution CoRR cs.LO/9907032: (1999)
38 Alexander Bolotov, Michael Fisher: A clausal resolution method for CTL branching-time temporal logic. J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 11(1): 77-93 (1999)
37 Michael Fisher: Representing Abstract Agent Architectures. ATAL 1998: 227-241
36EER. I. Scott, Michael Fisher, John A. Keane: Parallel Temporal Tableaux. Euro-Par 1998: 852-861
35EEClare Dixon, Michael Fisher: The Set of Support Strategy in Temporal Resolution. TIME 1998: 113-120
34 Clare Dixon, Michael Fisher, Michael Wooldridge: Resolution for Temporal Logics of Knowledge. J. Log. Comput. 8(3): 345-372 (1998)
33 Michael Wooldridge, Clare Dixon, Michael Fisher: A Tableau-Based Proof Method for Temporal Logics of Knowledge and Belief. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 8(3): (1998)
32 Marco Mulder, Jan Treur, Michael Fisher: Agent Modelling in METATEM and DESIRE. ATAL 1997: 193-207
31 Adam Kellett, Michael Fisher: Concurrent METATEM as a Coordination Language. COORDINATION 1997: 418-421
30 Michael Fisher: Implementing BDI-like Systems by Direct Execution. IJCAI (1) 1997: 316-321
29 Michael Fisher, Michael Wooldridge: Distributed Problem-Solving as Concurrent Theorem Proving. MAAMAW 1997: 128-140
28 Clare Dixon, Michael Fisher: Tableaux for Synchronous Systems of Knowledge and Time with Interactions. SCAI 1997: 28-39
27EEAdam Kellett, Michael Fisher: Automata Representations for Concurrent METATEM. TIME 1997: 12-19
26EEAlexander Bolotov, Michael Fisher: A Resolution Method For CTL Branching-Time Temporal Logic. TIME 1997: 20-27
25 Michael Fisher, Michael Wooldridge: On the Formal Specification and Verification of Multi-Agent Systems. Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 6(1): 37-66 (1997)
24 Michael Fisher: A Normal Form for Temporal Logics and its Applications in Theorem-Proving and Execution. J. Log. Comput. 7(4): 429-456 (1997)
23 Michael Fisher: If Z Is the Answer, What Could the Question Possibly Be? ATAL 1996: 65-66
22 Michael Fisher, Michael Wooldridge, Clare Dixon: A Resolution-Based Proof Method for Temporal Logics of Knowledge and Belief. FAPR 1996: 178-192
21 Michael Fisher: Temporal Semantics for Concurrent Metatem. J. Symb. Comput. 22(5/6): 627-648 (1996)
20EEHoward Barringer, Graham Gough, Derek Brough, Dov M. Gabbay, Ian M. Hodkinson, Anthony Hunter, Richard Owens, Peter McBrien, Mark Reynolds, Michael Fisher: Languages, Meta-languages and METATEM, A Discussion Paper. Logic Journal of the IGPL 4(2): 255-272 (1996)
19 Michael Fisher, Richard Owens: Executable Modal and Temporal Logics, IJCAI '93, Workshop, Chambéry, France, August 28, 1993, Proceedings Springer 1995
18 Michael Fisher, Robert Johnson, John A. Keane: Graph Structure Management in Parallel Symbolic Systems. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems 1995: 210-215
17 Howard Barringer, Michael Fisher, Dov M. Gabbay, Graham Gough, Richard Owens: METATEM: An Introduction. Formal Asp. Comput. 7(5): 533-549 (1995)
16 Michael Fisher: Representing and Executing Agent-Based Systems. ECAI Workshop on Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages 1994: 307-323
15 Michael Wooldridge, Michael Fisher: A Decision Procedure for a Temporal Belief Logic. ICTL 1994: 317-331
14 Clare Dixon, Michael Fisher, Howard Barringer: A Graph-Based Approach to Resolution in Temporal Logic. ICTL 1994: 415-429
13 Michael Fisher: A Survey of Concurrent METATEM - the Language and its Applications. ICTL 1994: 480-505
12 Michael Fisher, Michael Wooldridge: Specifying and Verifying Distributed Intelligence Systems. EPIA 1993: 13-28
11 Michael Fisher, Richard Owens: An Introduction to Executable Modal and Temporal Logics. Executable Modal and Temporal Logics 1993: 1-20
10 Michael Fisher: Towards a Semantics for Concurrent METATEM. Executable Modal and Temporal Logics 1993: 86-102
9 Michael Fisher: Concurrent METATEM - A Language for Modelling Reactive Systems. PARLE 1993: 185-196
8 Michael Fisher: A Normal Form for First-Order Temporal Formulae. CADE 1992: 370-384
7 Michael Wooldridge, Michael Fisher: A First-Order Branching Time Logic of Multi-Agent System. ECAI 1992: 234-238
6 Michael Fisher, Richard Owens: From the Past to the Future: Executing Temporal Logic Programs. LPAR 1992: 369-380
5 Michael Fisher: A Model Checker for Linear Time Temporal Logic. Formal Asp. Comput. 4(3): 299-319 (1992)
4 Michael Fisher: A Resolution Method for Temporal Logic. IJCAI 1991: 99-104
3 Howard Barringer, Michael Fisher, Dov M. Gabbay, Anthony Hunter: Meta-Reasoning in Executable Temporal Logic. KR 1991: 40-49
2 Howard Barringer, Michael Fisher, Graham Gough: Fair SMG and Linear Time Model Checking. Automatic Verification Methods for Finite State Systems 1989: 133-150
1 Howard Barringer, Michael Fisher, Dov M. Gabbay, Graham Gough, Richard Owens: METATEM: A Framework for Programming in Temporal Logic. REX Workshop 1989: 94-129

Coauthor Index

1Alessandro Artale [72]
2Paolo Ballarini [91]
3Howard Barringer [1] [2] [3] [14] [17] [20]
4Brandon Bennett [52]
5Alexander Bolotov [26] [38] [40] [51] [53] [85]
6Rafael H. Bordini [65] [68] [70] [73] [82] [92] [101] [108] [109] [110]
7Maroua Bouzid [93]
8James Brotherston [55]
9Derek Brough [20]
10Paolo Busetta [78]
11Carlo Combi [93]
12Anatoli Degtyarev [49] [50] [54] [55] [62] [63] [67] [69] [84] [94]
13Louise A. Dennis [101] [102] [105] [108] [109]
14Jürgen Dix [75]
15Clare Dixon [14] [22] [28] [33] [34] [35] [39] [40] [42] [44] [45] [47] [48] [51] [52] [53] [56] [63] [64] [71] [72] [76] [80] [83] [84] [85] [95] [98] [99] [103] [104] [107]
16Berndt Farwer [101] [108] [109]
17Nivea de Carvalho Ferreira [77] [88] [106]
18Enrico Franconi [52] [72]
19Dov M. Gabbay [1] [3] [17] [20]
20M. Carmen Fernández Gago [56] [76] [83] [98]
21Chiara Ghidini [41] [57] [58] [60] [66] [78] [79]
22Graham Gough [1] [2] [17] [20]
23Anthony Hepple [102] [105]
24Benjamin Hirsch [58] [66] [78] [79]
25Ian M. Hodkinson [20]
26Wiebe van der Hoek [45] [48] [76] [77] [88] [96] [98] [100] [106]
27Ian Horrocks [52]
28Marc-Philippe Huget [59] [90]
29Anthony Hunter [3] [20]
30Ullrich Hustadt [44] [45] [48] [52] [63] [83] [84]
31Robert Johnson [18]
32John A. Keane [18] [36]
33Adam Kellett [27] [31]
34Boris Konev [54] [62] [63] [67] [69] [83] [84] [86] [94] [95] [96] [99] [103] [104] [107]
35Hector J. Levesque [75]
36Gérard Ligozat (Gerard Ligozat) [93]
37Alexei Lisitsa [50] [55] [81] [86] [96] [99] [107]
38Michael Luck [61]
39Peter McBrien [20]
40John-Jules Ch. Meyer [45] [48]
41Marco Mulder [32]
42Cláudia Nalon [64] [71] [80]
43Richard Owens [1] [6] [11] [17] [19] [20]
44Carmen Pardavila [68] [70]
45Simon Parsons [59] [90]
46Martin Peim [39] [47]
47Chris Preist [61]
48Mark Reynolds [20]
49Maarten de Rijke [52]
50Renate A. Schmidt [44] [45] [48]
51R. I. Scott [36]
52Maarten Sierhuis [110]
53Munindar P. Singh [97]
54Diana F. Spears (Diana F. Gordon-Spears, Diana F. Gordon) [97]
55Leon Sterling [75]
56Jan Treur [32]
57Willem Visser [65] [68] [73] [82] [92]
58Michael Wooldridge [7] [12] [15] [22] [25] [29] [33] [34] [59] [65] [68] [70] [73] [82] [90] [91] [92] [97] [101]
59Mark d'Inverno [61]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)