
Claire Nedellec

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14EESophie Aubin, Adeline Nazarenko, Claire Nedellec: Adapting a general parser to a sublanguage CoRR abs/cs/0606118: (2006)
13EEÉrick Alphonse, Sophie Aubin, Philippe Bessières, Gilles Bisson, Thierry Hamon, Sandrine Lagarrigue, Adeline Nazarenko, Alain-Pierre Manine, Claire Nedellec, Mohamed Ould Abdel Vetah, Thierry Poibeau, Davy Weissenbacher: Event-based Information Extraction for the biomedical domain: the Caderige project CoRR abs/cs/0609135: (2006)
12EEClaire Nedellec, Adeline Nazarenko: Ontologies and Information Extraction CoRR abs/cs/0609137: (2006)
11 Alexander Maedche, Steffen Staab, Claire Nedellec, Eduard H. Hovy: IJCAI'2001 Workshop on Ontology Learning, Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Ontology Learning OL'2001, Seattle, USA, August 4, 2001 (Held in conjunction with the 17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI'2001) CEUR-WS.org 2001
10 Gilles Bisson, Claire Nedellec: Aide à la conception de méthodes de classification pour la construction d'ontologies : l'atelier Mo'K. EGC 2001: 213-225
9EEClaire Nedellec, Mohamed Ould Abdel Vetah, Philippe Bessières: Sentence Filtering for Information Extraction in Genomics, a Classification Problem. PKDD 2001: 326-337
8 Steffen Staab, Alexander Maedche, Claire Nedellec, Peter Wiemer-Hastings: ECAI'2000 Workshop on Ontology Learning, Proceedings of the First Workshop on Ontology Learning OL'2000, Berlin, Germany, August 25, 2000. Held in conjunction with the 14th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence ECAI'2000, Berlin, Germany CEUR-WS.org 2000
7EEGilles Bisson, Claire Nedellec, Dolores Cañamero: Designing Clustering Methods for Ontology Building - The Mo'K Workbench. ECAI Workshop on Ontology Learning 2000
6EEDavid Faure, Claire Nedellec: Knowledge Acquisition of Predicate Argument Structures from Technical Texts Using Machine Learning: The System ASIUM. EKAW 1999: 329-334
5EEClaire Nedellec: Corpus-Based Learning of Semantic Relations by the ILP System, Asium. Learning Language in Logic 1999: 259-278
4 Claire Nedellec, Céline Rouveirol: Machine Learning: ECML-98, 10th European Conference on Machine Learning, Chemnitz, Germany, April 21-23, 1998, Proceedings Springer 1998
3 Claire Nedellec: How to Specialize by Theory Refinement. ECAI 1992: 474-478
2 Claire Nedellec, Karine Causse: Knowledge Refinement Using Knowledge Acquisition and Machine Learning Methods. EKAW 1992: 171-190
1 Claire Nedellec: A Smallest Generalization Step Strategy. ML 1991: 529-533

Coauthor Index

1Érick Alphonse [13]
2Sophie Aubin [13] [14]
3Philippe Bessières [9] [13]
4Gilles Bisson [7] [10] [13]
5Dolores Cañamero [7]
6Karine Causse [2]
7David Faure [6]
8Thierry Hamon [13]
9Eduard H. Hovy [11]
10Sandrine Lagarrigue [13]
11Alexander Maedche [8] [11]
12Alain-Pierre Manine [13]
13Adeline Nazarenko [12] [13] [14]
14Thierry Poibeau [13]
15Céline Rouveirol [4]
16Steffen Staab [8] [11]
17Mohamed Ould Abdel Vetah [9] [13]
18Davy Weissenbacher [13]
19Peter Wiemer-Hastings [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)