
Z. Luo

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7EEZ. Luo, H. Gao, Y. Liu: Adaptive Transmission With Linear Computational Complexity in MIMO-OFDM Systems. IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(10): 1873-1877 (2007)
6EEZ. Luo, W. Liu: Object and Role Models Viewing. TOOLS (27) 1998: 43-52
5EEE. J. Younger, Keith H. Bennett, Z. Luo: A Formal Transformation and Refinement Method for Concurrent Programs. ICSM 1997: 287-
4EEE. J. Younger, Z. Luo, Keith H. Bennett, T. M. Bull: Reverse Engineering Concurrent Programs using Formal Modelling and Analysis. ICSM 1996: 255-264
3EEE. J. Younger, Z. Luo, Keith H. Bennett, T. M. Bull: Reverse Engineering Concurrent Programs Using Formal Modelling and Analysis. WCRE 1996: 239-248
2EET. M. Bull, E. J. Younger, Keith H. Bennett, Z. Luo: Bylands: reverse engineering safety-critical systems. ICSM 1995: 358-366
1 Z. Luo: Probabilistic Reasoning in Mixed Models Using Bayesian Belief Networks And its Application. ECAI 1992: 53-54

Coauthor Index

1Keith H. Bennett [2] [3] [4] [5]
2T. M. Bull [2] [3] [4]
3H. Gao [7]
4W. Liu [6]
5Y. Liu [7]
6E. J. Younger [2] [3] [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)