
Johannes Matiasek

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22EEJeremy Jancsary, Johannes Matiasek, Harald Trost: Revealing the Structure of Medical Dictations with Conditional Random Fields. EMNLP 2008: 1-10
21EEJohannes Matiasek: The language component of the FASTY predictive typing system. Efficient Text Entry 2005
20EEHarald Trost, Johannes Matiasek, Marco Baroni: The Language Component of the Fasty Text Prediction System. Applied Artificial Intelligence 19(8): 743-781 (2005)
19EEMarco Baroni, Johannes Matiasek, Harald Trost: Wordform- and Class-based Prediction of the Components of German Nominal Compounds in an AAC System. COLING 2002
18 Marco Baroni, Johannes Matiasek, Harald Trost: Predicting the Components of German Nominal Compounds. ECAI 2002: 470-474
17EEJohannes Matiasek, Marco Baroni, Harald Trost: FASTY - A Multi-lingual Approach to Text Prediction. ICCHP 2002: 243-250
16EEMarco Baroni, Johannes Matiasek, Harald Trost: Unsupervised discovery of morphologically related words based on orthographic and semantic similarity CoRR cs.CL/0205006: (2002)
15 Fabio Ciravegna, Alberto Lavelli, Nadia Mana, Johannes Matiasek, Luca Gilardoni, Silvia Mazza, Massimo Ferraro, William J. Black, Fabio Rinaldi, David Mowatt: Flexible Text Classification for Financial Applications: The Facile System. ECAI 2000: 696-700
14 Fabio Ciravegna, Alberto Lavelli, Luca Gilardoni, Johannes Matiasek, Nadia Mana, Silvia Mazza, Massimo Ferraro, William J. Black, Fabio Rinaldi, David Mowatt: FACILE: Classifying Texts Integrating Pattern Matching and Information Extraction. IJCAI 1999: 890-897
13 Hannes Pirker, Georg Niklfeld, Johannes Matiasek, Harald Trost: From Information Structure to Intonation: A Phonological Interface for Concept-to-Speech. COLING-ACL 1998: 1041-1045
12EEJohannes Matiasek, Harald Trost: An HPSG-Based Generator for German An Experiment in the Reusability of Linguistic Resources. COLING 1996: 752-757
11 Kai Alter, Johannes Matiasek, Georg Niklfeld: Modeling Prosody in a German Concept-to-Speech System. KONVENS 1996: 156-165
10 Kai Alter, Ernst Buchberger, Johannes Matiasek, Georg Niklfeld, Harald Trost: VIECTOS- The Vienna Concept to Speech System. KONVENS 1996: 166-170
9 Robert Trappl, Johannes Matiasek, Gerda Helscher: Artificial Intelligence-Forschung in Österreich: ein neuer Überblick und einige Vergleiche mit Deutschland. KI 10(1): 42-46 (1996)
8EEHarald Trost, Johannes Matiasek: Morphology with a Null-Interface. COLING 1994: 141-147
7 Robert Trappl, Johannes Matiasek, Gerda Helscher: Artificial Intelligence-Forschung in Österreich: ein Update. KI 7(4): 65-70 (1993)
6EEHarald Trost, Wolfgang Heinz, Johannes Matiasek, Ernst Buchberger: Datenbank-DIALOG and the Relevance of Habitability. ANLP 1992: 241-242
5 Wolfgang Heinz, Johannes Matiasek, Harald Trost, Ernst Buchberger: Comparison in NLIs - Habitability and Database Reality. ECAI 1992: 548-552
4 Ernst Buchberger, Elizabeth Garner, Wolfgang Heinz, Johannes Matiasek, Bernhard Pfahringer: VIE-DU: Dialogue by Unification. ÖGAI 1991: 42-51
3 Robert Trappl, Johannes Matiasek, Gerda Helscher: Artificial Intelligence-Forschung in Österreich. KI 5(2): 78-82 (1991)
2 Wolfgang Heinz, Johannes Matiasek: Die Anwendung Generalisierter Quantoren in einem natürlichsprachigen Datenbank-Interface. ÖGAI 1989: 124-133
1 Harald Trost, Ernst Buchberger, Wolfgang Heinz, Christian Hörtnagl, Johannes Matiasek: DATENBANK-DIALOG: A German language interface for relational databases. Applied Artificial Intelligence 1(2): 181-203 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Kai Alter [10] [11]
2Marco Baroni [16] [17] [18] [19] [20]
3William J. Black [14] [15]
4Ernst Buchberger [1] [4] [5] [6] [10]
5Fabio Ciravegna [14] [15]
6Massimo Ferraro [14] [15]
7Elizabeth Garner [4]
8Luca Gilardoni [14] [15]
9Wolfgang Heinz [1] [2] [4] [5] [6]
10Gerda Helscher [3] [7] [9]
11Christian Hörtnagl [1]
12Jeremy Jancsary [22]
13Alberto Lavelli [14] [15]
14Nadia Mana [14] [15]
15Silvia Mazza [14] [15]
16David Mowatt [14] [15]
17Georg Niklfeld [10] [11] [13]
18Bernhard Pfahringer [4]
19Hannes Pirker [13]
20Fabio Rinaldi [14] [15]
21Robert Trappl [3] [7] [9]
22Harald Trost [1] [5] [6] [8] [10] [12] [13] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [22]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)