
Gilles Bisson

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17EEVivien Robinet, Gilles Bisson, Mirta B. Gordon, Benoît Lemaire: Induction of High-level Behaviors from Problem-solving Traces using Machine Learning Tools CoRR abs/0904.0776: (2009)
16EEVivien Robinet, Gilles Bisson, Mirta B. Gordon, Benoît Lemaire: Inducing High-Level Behaviors from Problem-Solving Traces Using Machine-Learning Tools. IEEE Intelligent Systems 22(4): 22-30 (2007)
15EESamuel Wieczorek, Gilles Bisson, Mirta B. Gordon: Guiding the Search in the NO Region of the Phase Transition Problem with a Partial Subsumption Test. ECML 2006: 817-824
14EEÉrick Alphonse, Sophie Aubin, Philippe Bessières, Gilles Bisson, Thierry Hamon, Sandrine Lagarrigue, Adeline Nazarenko, Alain-Pierre Manine, Claire Nedellec, Mohamed Ould Abdel Vetah, Thierry Poibeau, Davy Weissenbacher: Event-based Information Extraction for the biomedical domain: the Caderige project CoRR abs/cs/0609135: (2006)
13 Jean-Christophe Bottraud, Gilles Bisson, Marie-France Bruandet: Expansion de requêtes par apprentissage automatique dans un assistant pour la recherche d'information. CORIA 2004: 89-108
12 Jean-Christophe Bottraud, Gilles Bisson, Marie-France Bruandet: Une aide personnalisée et adaptative pour la recherche d'information sur le Web. INFORSID 2003: 235-250
11 Gilles Bisson, Claire Nedellec: Aide à la conception de méthodes de classification pour la construction d'ontologies : l'atelier Mo'K. EGC 2001: 213-225
10EEGilles Bisson, Claire Nedellec, Dolores Cañamero: Designing Clustering Methods for Ontology Building - The Mo'K Workbench. ECAI Workshop on Ontology Learning 2000
9 Claudine Médigue, Thierry Vermat, Gilles Bisson, Alain Viari, Antoine Danchin: Cooperative Computer System For Genome Sequence Analysis. ISMB 1995: 249-258
8 Gilles Bisson, Alain Garreau: APIC : A Generic Interface for Sequencing Projects. ISMB 1995: 57-65
7 Gilles Bisson: Définition de la notion de similarité dans les modèles à objets. LMO 1994: 53-68
6 Gilles Bisson: Learning in FOL with a Similarity Measure. AAAI 1992: 82-87
5 Gilles Bisson: Conceptual Clustering in a First Order Logic Representation. ECAI 1992: 458-462
4 Yves Kodratoff, Gilles Bisson: The Epistemology of Conceptual Clustering: KBG, an Implementation. J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 1(1): 57-84 (1992)
3 Gilles Bisson: KBG: A Generator of Knowledge Bases. EWSL 1991: 137
2 Hakim Lounis, Gilles Bisson: Evaluation of Learning Systems: An Artificial Data-Based Approach. EWSL 1991: 463-481
1 Gilles Bisson: KBG : A Knowledge Based Generalizer. ML 1990: 9-15

Coauthor Index

1Érick Alphonse [14]
2Sophie Aubin [14]
3Philippe Bessières [14]
4Jean-Christophe Bottraud [12] [13]
5Marie-France Bruandet [12] [13]
6Dolores Cañamero [10]
7Antoine Danchin [9]
8Alain Garreau [8]
9Mirta B. Gordon [15] [16] [17]
10Thierry Hamon [14]
11Yves Kodratoff [4]
12Sandrine Lagarrigue [14]
13Benoît Lemaire [16] [17]
14Hakim Lounis [2]
15Alain-Pierre Manine [14]
16Claudine Médigue [9]
17Adeline Nazarenko [14]
18Claire Nedellec [10] [11] [14]
19Thierry Poibeau [14]
20Vivien Robinet [16] [17]
21Thierry Vermat [9]
22Mohamed Ould Abdel Vetah [14]
23Alain Viari [9]
24Davy Weissenbacher [14]
25Samuel Wieczorek [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)