
Alun D. Preece

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62EEMatthew P. Johnson, Hosam Rowaihy, Diego Pizzocaro, Amotz Bar-Noy, Stuart Chalmers, Thomas F. La Porta, Alun D. Preece: Frugal Sensor Assignment. DCOSS 2008: 219-236
61EEMario Gomez, Alun D. Preece, Matthew P. Johnson, Geeth de Mel, Wamberto Weber Vasconcelos, Christopher Gibson, Amotz Bar-Noy, Konrad Borowiecki, Thomas F. La Porta, Diego Pizzocaro, Hosam Rowaihy, Gavin Pearson, Tiem Pham: An Ontology-Centric Approach to Sensor-Mission Assignment. EKAW 2008: 347-363
60EEGunnar Aastrand Grimnes, Peter Edwards, Alun D. Preece: Instance Based Clustering of Semantic Web Resources. ESWC 2008: 303-317
59EEEdoardo Pignotti, Peter Edwards, Alun D. Preece, Nicholas Mark Gotts, J. Gareth Polhill: Enhancing Workflow with a Semantic Description of Scientific Intent. ESWC 2008: 644-658
58EEDavid Stead, Norman W. Paton, Paolo Missier, Suzanne M. Embury, Cornelia Hedeler, Binling Jin, Alistair J. P. Brown, Alun D. Preece: Information quality in proteomics. Briefings in Bioinformatics 9(2): 174-188 (2008)
57EEAlun D. Preece, Paolo Missier, Suzanne M. Embury, Binling Jin, Mark Greenwood: An ontology-based approach to handling information quality in e-Science. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 20(3): 253-264 (2008)
56EEAlun D. Preece, Stuart Chalmers, Craig McKenzie, Jeff Z. Pan, Peter M. D. Gray: A Semantic web approach to handling soft constraints in virtual organisations. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 7(3): 264-273 (2008)
55EEAlun D. Preece: Managing Sensors and Information Sources Using Semantic Matchmaking and Argumentation. CIA 2007: 1-4
54EENir Oren, Timothy J. Norman, Alun D. Preece: Argumentation Based Contract Monitoring in Uncertain Domains. IJCAI 2007: 1434-
53EEPaolo Missier, Suzanne M. Embury, Mark Greenwood, Alun D. Preece, Binling Jin: Managing information quality in e-science: the qurator workbench. SIGMOD Conference 2007: 1150-1152
52EENir Oren, Timothy J. Norman, Alun D. Preece: Subjective logic and arguing with evidence. Artif. Intell. 171(10-15): 838-854 (2007)
51EEAlun D. Preece, Winston R. Sieck: The International Technology Alliance in Network and Information Sciences. IEEE Intelligent Systems 22(5): 18-19 (2007)
50EEAlun D. Preece, Stuart Chalmers, Craig McKenzie: A reusable commitment management service using Semantic Web technology. Knowl.-Based Syst. 20(2): 143-151 (2007)
49EEJigar Patel, W. T. Luke Teacy, Nicholas R. Jennings, Michael Luck, Stuart Chalmers, Nir Oren, Timothy J. Norman, Alun D. Preece, Peter M. D. Gray, Gareth Shercliff, Patrick J. Stockreisser, Jianhua Shao, W. Alex Gray, N. J. Fiddian, Simon G. Thompson: CONOISE-G: agent-based virtual organisations. AAMAS 2006: 1459-1460
48EENir Oren, Timothy J. Norman, Alun D. Preece: Information Based Argumentation Heuristics. ArgMAS 2006: 161-174
47EEAlun D. Preece, Binling Jin, Paolo Missier, Suzanne M. Embury, David Stead, Al Brown: Towards the Management of Information Quality in Proteomics. CBMS 2006: 936-940
46EENir Oren, Alun D. Preece, Timothy J. Norman: A Simple Argumentation Based Contract Enforcement Mechanism. CIA 2006: 347-359
45 Nir Oren, Timothy J. Norman, Alun D. Preece: Arguing with Confidential Information. ECAI 2006: 280-284
44EEAlun D. Preece, Binling Jin, Edoardo Pignotti, Paolo Missier, Suzanne M. Embury, David Stead, Al Brown: Managing Information Quality in e-Science Using Semantic Web Technology. ESWC 2006: 472-486
43EEAlun D. Preece, Stuart Chalmers, Craig McKenzie, Jeff Z. Pan, Peter M. D. Gray: A semantic web approach to handling soft constraints in virtual organisations. ICEC 2006: 151-161
42EECraig McKenzie, Alun D. Preece, Peter M. D. Gray: Semantic Web Reasoning Using a Blackboard System. PPSWR 2006: 204-218
41EEPaolo Missier, Suzanne M. Embury, Mark Greenwood, Alun D. Preece, Binling Jin: Quality Views: Capturing and Exploiting the User Perspective on Data Quality. VLDB 2006: 977-988
40EEJigar Patel, W. T. Luke Teacy, Nicholas R. Jennings, Michael Luck, Stuart Chalmers, Nir Oren, Timothy J. Norman, Alun D. Preece, Peter M. D. Gray, Gareth Shercliff, Patrick J. Stockreisser, Jianhua Shao, W. A. Gray, N. J. Fiddian, Simon G. Thompson: Agent-based virtual organisations for the Grid. AAMAS 2005: 1151-1152
39EEEdoardo Pignotti, Peter Edwards, Alun D. Preece, J. Gareth Polhill, Nicholas Mark Gotts: Semantic support for computational land-use modelling. CCGRID 2005: 840-847
38EEPaolo Missier, Alun D. Preece, Suzanne M. Embury, Binling Jin, Mark Greenwood, David Stead, Al Brown: Managing Information Quality in e-Science: A Case Study in Proteomics. ER (Workshops) 2005: 423-432
37EEAlun D. Preece: WINES: Wired and Wireless Intelligent Networked Systems. IEEE Intelligent Systems 20(6): 85-87 (2005)
36EEJigar Patel, W. T. Luke Teacy, Nicholas R. Jennings, Michael Luck, Stuart Chalmers, Nir Oren, Timothy J. Norman, Alun D. Preece, Peter M. D. Gray, Gareth Shercliff, Patrick J. Stockreisser, Jianhua Shao, W. Alex Gray, Nick J. Fiddian, Simon Thompson: Agent-based virtual organisations for the Grid. Multiagent and Grid Systems 1(4): 237-249 (2005)
35EEStuart Chalmers, Alun D. Preece, Timothy J. Norman, Peter M. D. Gray: Commitment Management through Constraint Reification. AAMAS 2004: 430-437
34EEYun-Heh Chen-Burger, Kit-ying Hui, Alun D. Preece, Peter M. D. Gray, Austin Tate: Supporting Collaboration Through Semantic-Based Workflow and Constraint Solving. EKAW 2004: 487-488
33EEGunnar Aastrand Grimnes, Peter Edwards, Alun D. Preece: Learning Meta-descriptions of the FOAF Network. International Semantic Web Conference 2004: 152-165
32EECraig McKenzie, Peter M. D. Gray, Alun D. Preece: Extending SWRL to Express Fully-Quantified Constraints. RuleML 2004: 139-154
31 Adil Hameed, Alun D. Preece, Derek H. Sleeman: Ontology Reconciliation. Handbook on Ontologies 2004: 231-250
30EETimothy J. Norman, Alun D. Preece, Stuart Chalmers, Nicholas R. Jennings, Michael Luck, Viet Dung Dang, Thuc Duong Nguyen, Vikas Deora, Jianhua Shao, W. A. Gray, N. J. Fiddian: Agent-based formation of virtual organisations. Knowl.-Based Syst. 17(2-4): 103-111 (2004)
29EEKit-ying Hui, Stuart Chalmers, Peter M. D. Gray, Alun D. Preece: Experience in Using RDF in Agent-Mediated Knowledge Architectures. AMKM 2003: 177-192
28EEGunnar Aastrand Grimnes, Stuart Chalmers, Peter Edwards, Alun D. Preece: GraniteNights - A Multi-agent Visit Scheduler Utilising Semantic Web Technology. CIA 2003: 137-151
27 Susan Craw, Alun D. Preece: Advances in Case-Based Reasoning, 6th European Conference, ECCBR 2002 Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, September 4-7, 2002, Proceedings Springer 2002
26EEStuart Chalmers, Peter M. D. Gray, Alun D. Preece: Supporting Virtual Organisations Using BDI Agents and Constraints. CIA 2002: 226-240
25 Peter M. D. Gray, Kit-ying Hui, Alun D. Preece: Mobile Constraints for Semantic Web Applications. Intelligent Information Processing 2002: 117-128
24EEAlun D. Preece, Stefan Decker: Guest Editors' Introduction: Intelligent Web Services. IEEE Intelligent Systems 17(1): 15-17 (2002)
23EEAdil Hameed, Derek H. Sleeman, Alun D. Preece: Detecting mismatches among experts' ontologies acquired through knowledge elicitation. Knowl.-Based Syst. 15(5-6): 265-273 (2002)
22 Kit-ying Hui, Peter M. D. Gray, Graham J. L. Kemp, Alun D. Preece: Constraints as Mobile Specifications in E-Commerce Applications. DS-9 2001: 327-341
21EEAlun D. Preece, Alan Flett, Derek H. Sleeman, David Curry, Nigel Meany, Phil Perry: Better Knowledge Management through Knowledge Engineering. IEEE Intelligent Systems 16(1): 36-43 (2001)
20EEAlun D. Preece, Kit-ying Hui, W. A. Gray, Philippe Marti, Trevor J. M. Bench-Capon, Zhan Cui, Dean M. Jones: Kraft: An Agent Architecture for Knowledge Fusion. Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 10(1-2): 171-195 (2001)
19EEAlun D. Preece, Kit-ying Hui, W. A. Gray, Philippe Marti: Designing for scalability in a knowledge fusion system. Knowl.-Based Syst. 14(3-4): 173-179 (2001)
18EEW. A. Gray, Philippe Marti, Alun D. Preece: Towards a Scalable Architecture for Knowledge Fusion. Agents Workshop on Infrastructure for Multi-Agent Systems 2000: 279-292
17EEAlun D. Preece, Kit-ying Hui, W. A. Gray, Philippe Marti, Trevor J. M. Bench-Capon, Dean M. Jones, Zhan Cui: The KRAFT architecture for knowledge fusion and transformation. Knowl.-Based Syst. 13(2-3): 113-120 (2000)
16EEAlun D. Preece: COVERAGE: verifying multiple-agent knowledge-based systems. Knowl.-Based Syst. 12(1-2): 37-44 (1999)
15EEAndrew Waterson, Alun D. Preece: Verifying ontological commitment in knowledge-based systems. Knowl.-Based Syst. 12(1-2): 45-54 (1999)
14EEAlun D. Preece, Clifford Grossner, P. Gokul Chander, Thiruvengadam Radhakrishnan: Structure-Based Validation of Rule-Based Systems. Data Knowl. Eng. 26(2): 161-189 (1998)
13 Peter M. D. Gray, Alun D. Preece, N. J. Fiddian, W. A. Gray, Trevor J. M. Bench-Capon, Michael J. R. Shave, Nader Azarmi, M. Wiegand, M. Ashwell, Martin D. Beer, Zhan Cui, B. M. Diaz, Suzanne M. Embury, Kit-ying Hui, Andrew C. Jones, Dean M. Jones, Graham J. L. Kemp, E. W. Lawson, K. Lunn, Philippe Marti, Jianhua Shao, Pepijn R. S. Visser: KRAFT: Knowledge Fusion from Distributed Databases and Knowledge Bases. DEXA Workshop 1997: 682-691
12EEAlun D. Preece, Stephane Talbot, Laurence Vignollet: Evaluation of verification tools for knowledge-based systems. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 47(5): 629-658 (1997)
11EERobert Plant, Alun D. Preece: Editorial: special issue on verification and validation. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 44(2): 123-125 (1996)
10EEAlun D. Preece, Clifford Grossner, Thiruvengadam Radhakrishnan: Validating dynamic properties of rule-based systems. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 44(2): 145-169 (1996)
9 Alun D. Preece, Clifford Grossner, Thiruvengadam Radhakrishnan: Validating Rule-Based Systems that Operate with Incomplete Data. EUROVAV 1995: 77-90
8EEAlun D. Preece: Toward a quality assessment framework for knowledge-based systems. Journal of Systems and Software 29(3): 219-234 (1995)
7 Clifford Grossner, Alun D. Preece, P. Gokul Chander, Thiruvengadam Radhakrishnan, Ching Y. Suen: Exploring the Structure of Rule Based Systems. AAAI 1993: 704-709
6 Alun D. Preece: A New Approach to Detecting Missing Knowledge in Expert System Rule Bases. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 38(4): 661-688 (1993)
5EEAlun D. Preece: Specifications and Tools for Building Reliable Expert Systems. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 3(1): 17-52 (1993)
4 Alun D. Preece, Rajjan Shinghal: Verifying Knowledge Bases by Anomaly Detection: An Experience Report. ECAI 1992: 835-839
3 Alun D. Preece, R. D. Bell, Ching Y. Suen: Verifying Knowledge-Based Systems Using the COVER Tool. IFIP Congress (3) 1992: 231-237
2 Alun D. Preece: Verification, Validation, and Test of Knowledge-Based Systems. AI Magazine 13(4): 77 (1992)
1EEAlun D. Preece, L. Moseley: Empirical study of expert system development. Knowl.-Based Syst. 5(2): 137-148 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1M. Ashwell [13]
2Nader Azarmi [13]
3Amotz Bar-Noy [61] [62]
4Martin D. Beer [13]
5R. D. Bell [3]
6Trevor J. M. Bench-Capon [13] [17] [20]
7Konrad Borowiecki [61]
8Al Brown [38] [44] [47]
9Alistair J. P. Brown [58]
10Stuart Chalmers [26] [28] [29] [30] [35] [36] [40] [43] [49] [50] [56] [62]
11P. Gokul Chander [7] [14]
12Yun-Heh Chen-Burger [34]
13Susan Craw [27]
14Zhan Cui [13] [17] [20]
15David Curry [21]
16Viet Dung Dang [30]
17Stefan Decker [24]
18Vikas Deora [30]
19Bernard M. Diaz (B. M. Diaz) [13]
20Peter Edwards [28] [33] [39] [59] [60]
21Suzanne M. Embury [13] [38] [41] [44] [47] [53] [57] [58]
22N. J. Fiddian (Nick J. Fiddian) [13] [30] [36] [40] [49]
23Alan Flett [21]
24Christopher Gibson [61]
25Mario Gomez [61]
26Nicholas Mark Gotts [39] [59]
27Peter M. D. Gray [13] [22] [25] [26] [29] [32] [34] [35] [36] [40] [42] [43] [49] [56]
28W. A. Gray (W. Alex Gray) [13] [17] [18] [19] [20] [30] [36] [40] [49]
29Mark Greenwood [38] [41] [53] [57]
30Gunnar Aastrand Grimnes [28] [33] [60]
31Clifford Grossner [7] [9] [10] [14]
32Adil Hameed [23] [31]
33Cornelia Hedeler [58]
34Kit-ying Hui [13] [17] [19] [20] [22] [25] [29] [34]
35Nicholas R. Jennings (Nick R. Jennings) [30] [36] [40] [49]
36Binling Jin [38] [41] [44] [47] [53] [57] [58]
37Matthew P. Johnson [61] [62]
38Andrew C. Jones [13]
39Dean M. Jones [13] [17] [20]
40Graham J. L. Kemp [13] [22]
41E. W. Lawson [13]
42Michael Luck [30] [36] [40] [49]
43K. Lunn [13]
44Philippe Marti [13] [17] [18] [19] [20]
45Craig McKenzie [32] [42] [43] [50] [56]
46Nigel Meany [21]
47Geeth de Mel [61]
48Paolo Missier [38] [41] [44] [47] [53] [57] [58]
49L. Moseley [1]
50Thuc Duong Nguyen [30]
51Timothy J. Norman [30] [35] [36] [40] [45] [46] [48] [49] [52] [54]
52Nir Oren [36] [40] [45] [46] [48] [49] [52] [54]
53Jeff Z. Pan [43] [56]
54Jigar Patel [36] [40] [49]
55Norman W. Paton [58]
56Gavin Pearson [61]
57Phil Perry [21]
58Tiem Pham [61]
59Edoardo Pignotti [39] [44] [59]
60Diego Pizzocaro [61] [62]
61Robert Plant [11]
62J. Gareth Polhill [39] [59]
63Thomas F. La Porta (Tom La Porta) [61] [62]
64Thiruvengadam Radhakrishnan [7] [9] [10] [14]
65Hosam Rowaihy [61] [62]
66Jianhua Shao [13] [30] [36] [40] [49]
67Michael J. R. Shave [13]
68Gareth Shercliff [36] [40] [49]
69Rajjan Shinghal [4]
70Winston R. Sieck [51]
71Derek H. Sleeman [21] [23] [31]
72David Stead [38] [44] [47] [58]
73Patrick J. Stockreisser [36] [40] [49]
74Ching Y. Suen [3] [7]
75Stephane Talbot [12]
76Austin Tate [34]
77W. T. Luke Teacy [36] [40] [49]
78Simon Thompson [36]
79Simon G. Thompson [40] [49]
80Wamberto Weber Vasconcelos [61]
81Laurence Vignollet [12]
82Pepijn R. S. Visser [13]
83Andrew Waterson [15]
84M. Wiegand [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)