
Alex Quilici

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27 Alex Quilici: Using Justification Patterns to Advise Novice UNIX Users. Artif. Intell. Rev. 14(4-5): 403-420 (2000)
26 Ira D. Baxter, Alex Quilici, Chris Verhoef: Preface. Sci. Comput. Program. 36(2-3): 129-130 (2000)
25 Alex Quilici, Steven Woods, Yongjun Zhang: Program plan matching: experiments with a constraint-based approach. Sci. Comput. Program. 36(2-3): 285-302 (2000)
24 Arie van Deursen, Alex Quilici, Steven Woods: Program plan recognition for year 2000 tools. Sci. Comput. Program. 36(2-3): 303-324 (2000)
23 David Pautler, Alex Quilici: A Computational Model of Social Perlocutions. COLING-ACL 1998: 1020-1026
22EESteven Woods, Liam O'Brien, Tao Lin, Keith Gallagher, Alex Quilici: An Architecture for Interoperable Program Understanding Tools. IWPC 1998: 54-63
21 Alex Quilici, Qiang Yang, Steven Woods: Applying Plan Recognition Algorithms To Program Understanding. Autom. Softw. Eng. 5(3): 347-372 (1998)
20EEDavid Pautler, Steven Woods, Alex Quilici: Exploiting Domain-Specific Knowledge to Refine Simulation Specifications. ASE 1997: 117-
19EEAlex Quilici, Steven Woods, Yongjun Zhang: New Experiments with a Constraint-Based Approach to Program Plan Matching. WCRE 1997: 114-123
18EEArie van Deursen, Steven Woods, Alex Quilici: Program Plan Recognition for Year 2000 Tools. WCRE 1997: 124-
17 Alex Quilici, Steven Woods: Toward A Constraint-Satisfaction Framework for Evaluating Program-Understanding Algorithms. Autom. Softw. Eng. 4(3): 271-289 (1997)
16EESteven Woods, Alex Quilici: Some Experiments Toward Understanding How Program Plan Recognition Algorithms Scale. WCRE 1996: 21-30
15EEAlex Quilici, Steven Woods: Toward a Constraint-Satisfaction Framework for Evaluating Program-Understanding Algorithms. WPC 1996: 55-
14EEAlex Quilici: Reverse Engineering of Legacy Systems: A Path Toward Success. ICSE 1995: 333-336
13 Alex Quilici, David N. Chin: DECODE: A Cooperative Environment for Reverse-Engineering Legacy Software. WCRE 1995: 0-
12 Alex Quilici, David N. Chin: A Cooperative Program Understanding Environment. KBSE 1994: 125-132
11 Michael M. Gorlick, Alex Quilici: Visual Programming-n-the-Large versus Visual Programming-in-the-Small. VL 1994: 137-144
10 Alex Quilici: A Memory-Based Approach to Recognizing Programing Plans. Commun. ACM 37(5): 84-93 (1994)
9 Alex Quilici: Forming User Models by Understanding User Feedback. User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 3(4): 321-358 (1994)
8 Alex Quilici, Lawrence Miller: An Intelligent Environment for Spacecraft Simulation. SEKE 1993: 414-420
7 Alex Quilici: A Hybrid Approach to Recognizing Programming Plans. WCRE 1993: 126-133
6EEAlex Quilici: Arguing About Planning Alternatives. COLING 1992: 906-910
5 Alex Quilici: Recognizing and Revising Unconvincing Explanations. ECAI 1992: 181-182
4EELawrence Miller, Alex Quilici: A Knowledge-Based Approach to Encouraging Reuse of Simulation and Modeling Programs. SEKE 1992: 158-163
3 Alex Quilici: The Correction Machine: Formulating Explanations for User Misconceptions. IJCAI 1989: 550-555
2 Walter Read, Alex Quilici, John Reeves, Michael G. Dyer, Eva Baker: Evaluating natural language systems: a sourcebook approach. COLING 1988: 530-534
1 Alex Quilici, Michael G. Dyer, Margot Flowers: Recognizing and Responding to Plan-Oriented Misconceptions. Computational Linguistics 14(3): 38-51 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Eva Baker [2]
2Ira D. Baxter [26]
3David N. Chin [12] [13]
4Arie van Deursen [18] [24]
5Michael G. Dyer [1] [2]
6Margot Flowers [1]
7Keith Brian Gallagher (Keith Gallagher) [22]
8Michael M. Gorlick [11]
9Tao Lin [22]
10Lawrence Miller [4] [8]
11Liam O'Brien [22]
12David Pautler [20] [23]
13Walter Read [2]
14John Reeves [2]
15Chris Verhoef [26]
16Steven Woods [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [24] [25]
17Qiang Yang [21]
18Yongjun Zhang [19] [25]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)