
Z. Zhang

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28EEY. Jian, S. Chen, Z. Zhang, L. Zhang: A novel scheme for protecting receiver's location privacy in wireless sensor networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(10): 3769-3779 (2008)
27EEYanmin Zhu, Yunhao Liu, Lionel M. Ni, Z. Zhang: Low-Power Distributed Event Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks. INFOCOM 2007: 2401-2405
26EER. Zhang, Z. Zhang: Effective Image Retrieval Based on Hidden Concept Discovery in Image Database. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 16(2): 562-572 (2007)
25EEQ. S. Song, G. Yin, Z. Zhang: Numerical methods for controlled regime-switching diffusions and regime-switching jump diffusions. Automatica 42(7): 1147-1157 (2006)
24EEYonghong Yang, Z. Abid, Wei Wang, Z. Zhang, C. Yang: Efficient multi-prime RSA immune against hardware fault attack. ISCAS (5) 2005: 4649-4652
23EEY. G. Fedorenko, L. Truong, V. V. Afanasev, A. Stesmans, Z. Zhang, Stephen A. Campbell: Impact of nitrogen incorporation on interface states in (100)Si/HfO2. Microelectronics Reliability 45(5-6): 802-805 (2005)
22 Z. Zhang, Y. Shan: Incremental motion estimation through modified bundle adjustment. ICIP (2) 2003: 343-346
21 R. Li, Y. Ma, Z. Zhang: Recognition of Oceanic Explosion Signals Based on Wavelet Packet Transform and Neural Network. WAA 2003: 341-346
20 J. Zhang, Y. Huang, H. Wang, Z. Zhang: A Video Watermarking Algorithm Using Fast Wavelet. WAA 2003: 78-84
19EEZ. Zhang, Tse-Yun Feng: Multifunctional Optical Switches for Multistage Interconnection Networks. FTDCS 2001: 62-66
18EEM. Namba, S. Takatori, H. Kawabata, Z. Zhang: The variable neighborhood CNN. ISCAS (3) 2001: 105-108
17 J. Luo, Z. Zhang: Automatic Quality Inspection for Colour Printing Industry. VIIP 2001: 682-686
16 S. Snowden, Z. Zhang: Optimised Multi-channel Filtering and Colour Texture Analysis. VIIP 2001: 687-690
15EEZ. Hu, X. Li, Donald Mills, Eva Nuria Müller, W. Sun, Wolfgang Willems, Y. Yang, Z. Zhang: On the Crosscorrelation of Sequences with the Decimation Factor d = (pn+1)/(p+1) - (pn-1)/2. Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput. 12(3): 255-263 (2001)
14EEZ. Zhang, N. Zheng, T. Wang: Fuzzy generalization of the counter-propagation neural network: a family of soft competitive basis function neural networks. Soft Comput. 5(6): 440-450 (2001)
13EED. J. Morton, Z. Zhang, L. D. Hinzman, S. O'Connor: The parallelization of a physically based, spatially distributed hydrologic code for arctic regions. SAC 1998: 684-689
12EERudolf Ahlswede, Z. Zhang: Code pairs with specified parity of the Hamming distances. Discrete Mathematics 188(1-3): 1-11 (1998)
11EEL. Lucido, Béatrice Pesquet-Popescu, Jan Opderbecke, Vincent Rigaud, Rachid Deriche, Z. Zhang, P. Costa, Pascal Larzabal: Segmentation of bathymetric profiles and terrain matching for underwater vehicle navigation. Int. J. Systems Science 29(10): 1157-1176 (1998)
10 Z. Zhang, Ibrahim W. Habib, Tarek N. Saadawi: A simulation study of a wireless bandwidth reservation multiple access protocol for multimedia traffic. HPN 1997: 337-351
9EEZ. Zhang, Marc Rittberger: Hypertext Construction with an Open Hypertext System. TOOLS (24) 1997: 104-109
8 Thomas L. Morin, Nagabhushana Prabhu, Z. Zhang: Complexity of the Gravitational Method for Linear Programming. FSTTCS 1996: 212-223
7EEZ. Zhang, B. He, Webb C. Miller: Local Multiple Alignment Via Subgraph Enumeration. Discrete Applied Mathematics 71(1-3): 337-365 (1996)
6 Antonio Ortega, Z. Zhang, Martin Vetterli: A Framework for Optimization of a Multiresolution Remote Image Retrieval System. INFOCOM 1994: 672-679
5EES. Denslow, Z. Zhang, R. P. Thompson, C. F. Lam: Statistically characterized features for directionality quantitation in patterns and textures. Pattern Recognition 26(8): 1193-1205 (1993)
4 Oscal T.-C. Chen, Z. Zhang, Bing J. Sheu: An Adaptive High-Speed Lossy Data Compression. Data Compression Conference 1992: 349-358
3 Nassir Navab, Z. Zhang: From Multiple Objects Motion Analysis To Behavior-Based Object Recognition. ECAI 1992: 790-794
2EERudolf Ahlswede, Z. Zhang: On cloud-antichains and related configurations. Discrete Mathematics 85(3): 225-245 (1990)
1EEZ. Zhang, K. M. George, G. E. Hedrick: A data flow approach to the evaluation of FP programs. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1988: 586-592

Coauthor Index

1Z. Abid [24]
2V. V. Afanasev [23]
3Rudolf Ahlswede [2] [12]
4Stephen A. Campbell [23]
5Oscal T.-C. Chen [4]
6S. Chen [28]
7P. Costa [11]
8S. Denslow [5]
9Rachid Deriche [11]
10Y. G. Fedorenko [23]
11Tse-Yun Feng [19]
12K. M. George [1]
13Ibrahim W. Habib [10]
14B. He [7]
15G. E. Hedrick [1]
16L. D. Hinzman [13]
17Z. Hu [15]
18Y. Huang [20]
19Y. Jian [28]
20H. Kawabata [18]
21C. F. Lam [5]
22Pascal Larzabal [11]
23R. Li [21]
24X. Li [15]
25Yunhao Liu [27]
26L. Lucido [11]
27J. Luo [17]
28Y. Ma [21]
29Webb C. Miller [7]
30Donald Mills [15]
31Thomas L. Morin [8]
32D. J. Morton [13]
33Eva Nuria Müller [15]
34M. Namba [18]
35Nassir Navab [3]
36Lionel M. Ni [27]
37S. O'Connor [13]
38Jan Opderbecke [11]
39Antonio Ortega [6]
40Béatrice Pesquet-Popescu [11]
41Nagabhushana Prabhu [8]
42Vincent Rigaud [11]
43Marc Rittberger [9]
44Tarek N. Saadawi [10]
45Y. Shan [22]
46Bing J. Sheu [4]
47S. Snowden [16]
48Q. S. Song [25]
49A. Stesmans [23]
50W. Sun [15]
51S. Takatori [18]
52R. P. Thompson [5]
53L. Truong [23]
54Martin Vetterli [6]
55H. Wang [20]
56T. Wang [14]
57Wei Wang [24]
58Wolfgang Willems [15]
59C. Yang [24]
60Y. Yang [15]
61Yonghong Yang [24]
62G. Yin [25]
63J. Zhang [20]
64L. Zhang [28]
65R. Zhang [26]
66N. Zheng [14]
67Yanmin Zhu [27]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)