
Torsten Schaub

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139 Martin Gebser, Jörg Pührer, Torsten Schaub, Hans Tompits: A Meta-Programming Technique for Debugging Answer-Set Programs. AAAI 2008: 448-453
138EEMartin Gebser, Benjamin Kaufmann, André Neumann, Torsten Schaub: Advanced Preprocessing for Answer Set Solving. ECAI 2008: 15-19
137EETorsten Schaub: Model-Based Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Via Answer Set Programming. FLOPS 2008: 1-2
136EEMartin Gebser, Torsten Schaub, Hans Tompits, Stefan Woltran: Alternative Characterizations for Program Equivalence under Answer-Set Semantics Based on Unfounded Sets. FoIKS 2008: 24-41
135EEMartin Gebser, Torsten Schaub, Sven Thiele, Björn Usadel, Philippe Veber: Detecting Inconsistencies in Large Biological Networks with Answer Set Programming. ICLP 2008: 130-144
134EEMartin Gebser, Roland Kaminski, Benjamin Kaufmann, Max Ostrowski, Torsten Schaub, Sven Thiele: Engineering an Incremental ASP Solver. ICLP 2008: 190-205
133EETorsten Schaub: Here's the Beef: Answer Set Programming ! ICLP 2008: 93-98
132EESteve Dworschak, Torsten Grote, Arne König, Torsten Schaub, Philippe Veber: The System BioC for Reasoning about Biological Models in Action Language C. ICTAI (1) 2008: 11-18
131 James P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub, Hans Tompits, Stefan Woltran: Belief Revision of Logic Programs under Answer Set Semantics. KR 2008: 411-421
130 Christian Drescher, Martin Gebser, Torsten Grote, Benjamin Kaufmann, Arne König, Max Ostrowski, Torsten Schaub: Conflict-Driven Disjunctive Answer Set Solving. KR 2008: 422-432
129EESteve Dworschak, Susanne Grell, Victoria J. Nikiforova, Torsten Schaub, Joachim Selbig: Modeling Biological Networks by Action Languages via Answer Set Programming. Constraints 13(1-2): 21-65 (2008)
128EEMartin Gebser, Torsten Schaub, Hans Tompits, Stefan Woltran: Alternative Characterizations for Program Equivalence under Answer-Set Semantics: Preliminary Report. CENT 2007
127EEAlessandra Mileo, Torsten Schaub: Qualitative Constraint Enforcement in Advanced Policy Specification. ECSQARU 2007: 695-706
126EEJames P. Delgrande, Daphne H. Liu, Torsten Schaub, Sven Thiele: COBA 2.0: A Consistency-Based Belief Change System. ECSQARU 2007: 78-90
125EEMartin Gebser, Torsten Schaub: Generic Tableaux for Answer Set Programming. ICLP 2007: 119-133
124EEJames P. Delgrande, Jérôme Lang, Torsten Schaub: Belief Change Based on Global Minimisation. IJCAI 2007: 2468-2473
123EEMartin Gebser, Benjamin Kaufmann, André Neumann, Torsten Schaub: Conflict-Driven Answer Set Solving. IJCAI 2007: 386-
122EEMartin Gebser, Benjamin Kaufmann, André Neumann, Torsten Schaub: Conflict-Driven Answer Set Enumeration. LPNMR 2007: 136-148
121EEMartin Gebser, Benjamin Kaufmann, André Neumann, Torsten Schaub: clasp : A Conflict-Driven Answer Set Solver. LPNMR 2007: 260-265
120EEMartin Gebser, Torsten Schaub, Sven Thiele: GrinGo : A New Grounder for Answer Set Programming. LPNMR 2007: 266-271
119EEMartin Gebser, Lengning Liu, Gayathri Namasivayam, André Neumann, Torsten Schaub, Miroslaw Truszczynski: The First Answer Set Programming System Competition. LPNMR 2007: 3-17
118EEMartin Brain, Martin Gebser, Jörg Pührer, Torsten Schaub, Hans Tompits, Stefan Woltran: Debugging ASP Programs by Means of ASP. LPNMR 2007: 31-43
117EEJames P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub, Hans Tompits: A Preference-Based Framework for Updating Logic Programs. LPNMR 2007: 71-83
116EEJames P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub: A consistency-based framework for merging knowledge bases. J. Applied Logic 5(3): 459-477 (2007)
115EEJames P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub, Hans Tompits: A General Framework for Expressing Preferences in Causal Reasoning and Planning. J. Log. Comput. 17(5): 871-907 (2007)
114 Jean Gressmann, Tomi Janhunen, Robert E. Mercer, Torsten Schaub, Sven Thiele, Richard Tichy: On Probing and Multi-Threading in Platypus. ECAI 2006: 392-396
113 Christian Anger, Martin Gebser, Tomi Janhunen, Torsten Schaub: What's a Head Without a Body? ECAI 2006: 769-770
112EEMartin Gebser, Torsten Schaub: Tableau Calculi for Answer Set Programming. ICLP 2006: 11-25
111EESusanne Grell, Torsten Schaub, Joachim Selbig: Modelling Biological Networks by Action Languages Via Answer Set Programming. ICLP 2006: 285-299
110EETorsten Schaub: Tableaux Calculi for Answer Set Programming. WLP 2006: 1-11
109EEKathrin Konczak, Thomas Linke, Torsten Schaub: Graphs and colorings for answer set programming. TPLP 6(1-2): 61-106 (2006)
108 Gerhard Brewka, Ilkka Niemelä, Torsten Schaub, Miroslaw Truszczynski: Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Answer Set Programming and Constraints, 24.-29. April 2005 Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum für Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2005
107 Leopoldo E. Bertossi, Anthony Hunter, Torsten Schaub: Inconsistency Tolerance [result from a Dagstuhl seminar] Springer 2005
106EEChristian Anger, Martin Gebser, Thomas Linke, André Neumann, Torsten Schaub: The nomore++ Approach to Answer Set Solving. Answer Set Programming 2005
105EELeopoldo E. Bertossi, Anthony Hunter, Torsten Schaub: Introduction to Inconsistency Tolerance. Inconsistency Tolerance 2005: 1-14
104EEPhilippe Besnard, Torsten Schaub, Hans Tompits, Stefan Woltran: Representing Paraconsistent Reasoning via Quantified Propositional Logic. Inconsistency Tolerance 2005: 84-118
103EEChristian Anger, Martin Gebser, Thomas Linke, André Neumann, Torsten Schaub: The nomore++ Approach to Answer Set Solving. LPAR 2005: 95-109
102EEJean Gressmann, Tomi Janhunen, Robert E. Mercer, Torsten Schaub, Sven Thiele, Richard Tichy: Platypus: A Platform for Distributed Answer Set Solving. LPNMR 2005: 227-239
101EESusanne Grell, Kathrin Konczak, Torsten Schaub: nomore<: A System for Computing Preferred Answer Sets. LPNMR 2005: 394-398
100EEChristian Anger, Martin Gebser, Thomas Linke, André Neumann, Torsten Schaub: The nomore++ System. LPNMR 2005: 422-426
99EEMartin Gebser, Torsten Schaub: Loops: Relevant or Redundant? LPNMR 2005: 53-65
98EEGerhard Brewka, Ilkka Niemelä, Torsten Schaub, Miroslaw Truszczynski, Joost Vennekens: 05171 Abstracts Collection - Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Answer Set Programming and Constraints. Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Answer Set Programming and Constraints 2005
97EEGerhard Brewka, Ilkka Niemelä, Torsten Schaub, Miroslaw Truszczynski: 05171 Executive Summary - Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Answer Set Programming and Constraints. Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Answer Set Programming and Constraints 2005
96EEKathrin Konczak, Thomas Linke, Torsten Schaub: Graphs and colorings for answer set programming CoRR abs/cs/0502082: (2005)
95EEJames P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub: Expressing Default Logic Variants in Default Logic. J. Log. Comput. 15(5): 593-621 (2005)
94EEChristian Anger, Kathrin Konczak, Thomas Linke, Torsten Schaub: A Glimpse of Answer Set Programming. KI 19(1): 12- (2005)
93 James P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub: 10th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR 2004), Whistler, Canada, June 6-8, 2004, Proceedings NMR 2004
92 James P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub, Hans Tompits: Domain-Specific Preferences for Causal Reasoning and Planning. ICAPS 2004: 63-72
91EEJames P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub: Two Approaches to Merging Knowledge Bases. JELIA 2004: 426-438
90EEAndreas Bösel, Thomas Linke, Torsten Schaub: Profiling Answer Set Programming: The Visualization Component of the noMoRe System. JELIA 2004: 702-705
89 James P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub, Hans Tompits: Domain-Specific Preferences for Causal Reasoning and Planning. KR 2004: 673-682
88EEKathrin Konczak, Thomas Linke, Torsten Schaub: Graphs and Colorings for Answer Set Programming: Abridged Report. LPNMR 2004: 127-140
87EEPaul Borchert, Christian Anger, Torsten Schaub, Miroslaw Truszczynski: Towards Systematic Benchmarking in Answer Set Programming: The Dagstuhl Initiative. LPNMR 2004: 3-7
86EEVladimir Sarsakov, Torsten Schaub, Hans Tompits, Stefan Woltran: nlp: A Compiler for Nested Logic Programming. LPNMR 2004: 361-364
85EEJames P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub: Consistency-based approaches to merging knowledge bases: preliminary report. NMR 2004: 126-133
84EEAndré Flöter, Jacques Nicolas, Torsten Schaub, Joachim Selbig: Threshold extraction in metabolite concentration data. Bioinformatics 20(10): 1491-1494 (2004)
83EEJames P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub, Hans Tompits, Stefan Woltran: On Computing Belief Change Operations using Quantified Boolean Formulas. J. Log. Comput. 14(6): 801-826 (2004)
82EEKathrin Konczak, Torsten Schaub, Thomas Linke: Graphs and coloring for answer set programming: Preliminary Report. Answer Set Programming 2003
81EEKathrin Konczak, Torsten Schaub, Thomas Linke: Graphs and colorings for answer set programming: Abridged Report. Answer Set Programming 2003
80EEJames P. Delgrande, M. Gharib, Robert E. Mercer, Vincent Risch, Torsten Schaub: Lukaszewicz-style Answer Set Programming: A Preliminary Report. Answer Set Programming 2003
79EEJames P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub: On the Relation between Reiter's Default Logic and Its (Major). ECSQARU 2003: 452-463
78EEPhilippe Besnard, Torsten Schaub, Hans Tompits, Stefan Woltran: Paraconsistent Logics for Reasoning via Quantified Boolean Formulas, II: Circumscribing Inconsistent Theories. ECSQARU 2003: 528-539
77 André Flöter, Jacques Nicolas, Torsten Schaub, Joachim Selbig: Threshold extraction in metabolite concentration data. German Conference on Bioinformatics 2003: 33-39
76EEPhilippe Besnard, Robert E. Mercer, Torsten Schaub: Optimality Theory through Default Logic. KI 2003: 93-104
75EEJames P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub: A consistency-based approach for belief change. Artif. Intell. 151(1-2): 1-41 (2003)
74EETorsten Schaub, Kewen Wang: A semantic framework for preference handling in answer set programming CoRR cs.AI/0301023: (2003)
73EEKathrin Konczak, Torsten Schaub, Thomas Linke: Graphs and Colorings for Answer Set Programming with Preferences. Fundam. Inform. 57(2-4): 393-421 (2003)
72 Philippe Besnard, Gisbert Fanselow, Torsten Schaub: Optimality Theory as a Family of Cumulative Logics. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 12(2): 153-182 (2003)
71 James P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub, Hans Tompits: A Framework for Compiling Preferences in Logic Programs. TPLP 3(2): 129-187 (2003)
70 Torsten Schaub, Kewen Wang: A semantic framework for preference handling in answer set programming. TPLP 3(4-5): 569-607 (2003)
69EEDavid Pearce, Vladimir Sarsakov, Torsten Schaub, Hans Tompits, Stefan Woltran: A Polynomial Translation of Logic Programs with Nested Expressions into Disjunctive Logic Programs: Preliminary Report. ICLP 2002: 405-420
68EEPhilippe Besnard, Torsten Schaub, Hans Tompits, Stefan Woltran: Paraconsistent Reasoning via Quantified Boolean Formulas, I: Axiomatising Signed Systems. JELIA 2002: 320-331
67EEJames P. Delgrande, Aaron Hunter, Torsten Schaub: COBA: A Consistency-Based Belief Revision System. JELIA 2002: 509-512
66 Torsten Schaub, Kewen Wang: Preferred well-founded semantics for logic programming by alternating fixpoints: preliminary report. NMR 2002: 238-246
65 David Pearce, Vladimir Sarsakov, Torsten Schaub, Hans Tompits, Stefan Woltran: A polynomial translation of logic programs with nested expressions into disjunctive logic programs: preliminary report. NMR 2002: 57-66
64 Philippe Besnard, Robert E. Mercer, Torsten Schaub: Optimality theory through default logic. NMR 2002: 77-83
63EEPhilippe Besnard, Torsten Schaub, Hans Tompits, Stefan Woltran: Paraconsistent Reasoning via Quantified Boolean Formulas, I: Axiomatising Signed Systems. Paraconsistent Computational Logic 2002: 1-15
62 M. Brian Blake, Karen Zita Haigh, Henry Hexmoor, Rino Falcone, Leen-Kiat Soh, Chitta Baral, Sheila A. McIlraith, Piotr J. Gmytrasiewicz, Simon Parsons, Rainer Malaka, Antonio Krüger, Paolo Bouquet, Bill Smart, Koichi Kurumantani, Adam Pease, Michael Brenner, Marie desJardins, Ulrich Junker, James P. Delgrande, Jon Doyle, Francesca Rossi, Torsten Schaub, Carla P. Gomes, Toby Walsh, Haipeng Guo, Eric Horvitz, Nancy Ide, Christopher A. Welty, Frank D. Anger, Hans W. Guesgen, Gérard Ligozat: AAAI 2002 Workshops. AI Magazine 23(4): 113-121 (2002)
61EEJames P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub, Hans Tompits: A Framework for Compiling Preferences in Logic Programs CoRR cs.AI/0203005: (2002)
60EETorsten Schaub, Kewen Wang: Preferred well-founded semantics for logic programming by alternating fixpoints: Preliminary report CoRR cs.AI/0207060: (2002)
59EEDavid Pearce, Vladimir Sarsakov, Torsten Schaub, Hans Tompits, Stefan Woltran: A Polynomial Translation of Logic Programs with Nested Expressions into Disjunctive Logic Programs: Preliminary Report CoRR cs.AI/0207071: (2002)
58 James P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub: Reasoning Credulously and skeptically within a single extension. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 12(2): 259-285 (2002)
57EETorsten Schaub, Kewen Wang: A Comparative Study of Logic Programs with Preference: Preliminary Report. Answer Set Programming 2001
56EETorsten Schaub: What's Your Preference? And How to Express and Implement It in Logic Programming! ECSQARU 2001: 17
55EEJames P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub, Hans Tompits, Stefan Woltran: On Computing Solutions to Belief Change Scenarios. ECSQARU 2001: 510-521
54EEJames P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub: How to Reason Credulously and Skeptically within a Single Extension. ECSQARU 2001: 592-603
53 Torsten Schaub, Kewen Wang: A Comparative Study of Logic Programs with Preference. IJCAI 2001: 597-602
52EEJames P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub, Hans Tompits: plp: A Generic Compiler for Ordered Logic Programs. LPNMR 2001: 411-415
51 James P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub: A Consistency-Based Model for Belief Change: Preliminary Report. AAAI/IAAI 2000: 392-398
50 James P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub, Hans Tompits: Logic Programs with Compiled Preferences. ECAI 2000: 464-468
49 Stefan Brüning, Torsten Schaub: A Connection Calculus for Handling Incomplete Information. Intellectics and Computational Logic 2000: 47-66
48EEJames P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub, Hans Tompits: A Compilation of Brewka and Eiter's Approach to Prioritization. JELIA 2000: 376-390
47 Philippe Besnard, Torsten Schaub: Significant Inferences : Preliminary Report. KR 2000: 401-410
46EEJames P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub: Expressing preferences in default logic. Artif. Intell. 123(1-2): 41-87 (2000)
45EEThomas Linke, Torsten Schaub: Alternative foundations for Reiter's default logic. Artif. Intell. 124(1): 31-86 (2000)
44EEJames P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub, Hans Tompits: A Compiler for Ordered Logic Programs CoRR cs.AI/0003024: (2000)
43EEJames P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub, Hans Tompits: Logic Programs with Compiled Preferences CoRR cs.AI/0003028: (2000)
42EEJames P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub: A Consistency-Based Model for Belief Change: Preliminary Report CoRR cs.AI/0003052: (2000)
41EEPhilippe Besnard, Torsten Schaub: What is a (non-constructive) non-monotone logical system? Theor. Comput. Sci. 238(1-2): 489-494 (2000)
40EEThomas Linke, Torsten Schaub: On Bottom-Up Pre-processing Techniques for Automated Default Reasoning. ESCQARU 1999: 268-278
39EEFarid Benhammadi, Pascal Nicolas, Torsten Schaub: Query-Answering in Prioritized Default Logic. ESCQARU 1999: 32-42
38EEStefan Brüning, Torsten Schaub: Avoiding Non-ground Variables. ESCQARU 1999: 92-103
37EEThomas Linke, Torsten Schaub: Default Reasoning via Blocking Sets. LPNMR 1999: 247-261
36 Torsten Schaub: The Automation of Reasoning with Incomplete Information, From Semantic Foundations to Efficient Computation. Springer 1998
35EEFarid Benhammadi, Pascal Nicolas, Torsten Schaub: Extension Calculus and Query Answering in Prioritized Default Logic. AIMSA 1998: 76-87
34EEPascal Nicolas, Torsten Schaub: The XRay system: An implementation platform for local query-answering in default logics. Applications of Uncertainty Formalisms 1998: 354-378
33EEThomas Linke, Torsten Schaub: An Approach to Query-Answering in Reiter's Default Logic and the Underlying Existence of Extensions Problem. JELIA 1998: 233-247
32 James P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub: Reasoning with Sets of Preferences in Default Logic. PRICAI 1998: 134-145
31EETorsten Schaub, Stefan Brüning: Prolog Technology for Default Reasoning: Proof Theory and Compilation Techniques. Artif. Intell. 106(1): 1-75 (1998)
30 Philippe Besnard, Torsten Schaub: Signed Systems for Paraconsistent Reasoning. J. Autom. Reasoning 20(1): 191-213 (1998)
29 Philippe Besnard, Torsten Schaub: Circumscribing Inconsistency. IJCAI (1) 1997: 150-155
28 James P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub: Compiling Reasoning with and about Preferences into Default Logic. IJCAI (1) 1997: 168-175
27 Torsten Schaub, Pascal Nicolas: An Implementation Platform for Query-Answering in Default Logics: Theoretical Underpinnings. ISMIS 1997: 197-206
26 Torsten Schaub, Pascal Nicolas: An Implementation Platform for Query-Answering: X-RAY. LPNMR 1997: 442-453
25EEJames P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub: Compiling Specificity Into Approaches to Nonmonotonic Reasoning. Artif. Intell. 90(1-2): 301-348 (1997)
24 Thomas Linke, Torsten Schaub: Towards a classification of Default Logics. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 7(4): (1997)
23 Torsten Schaub, Stefan Brüning, Pascal Nicolas: XRay: A Prolog Technology Theorem Prover for Default Reasoning: A System Description. CADE 1996: 293-297
22 Torsten Schaub, Stefan Brüning: Prolog Technology for Default Reasoning (An Abridged Report). ECAI 1996: 105-109
21 Torsten Schaub, Michael Thielscher: Skeptical Query-Answering in Constrained Default Logic. FAPR 1996: 567-581
20 Stefan Brüning, Torsten Schaub: A Model-Based Approach to Consistency-Checking. ISMIS 1996: 315-324
19 Philippe Besnard, Torsten Schaub: A Simple Signed System for Paraconsistent Reasoning. JELIA 1996: 404-416
18 Thomas Linke, Torsten Schaub: Putting Default Logics in Perspective. KI 1996: 241-252
17 Thomas Linke, Torsten Schaub: Lemma Handling in Default Logic Theorem Provers. ECSQARU 1995: 285-292
16 Philippe Besnard, Torsten Schaub: An Approach to Context-Based Default Reasoning. Fundam. Inform. 23(2/3/4): 175-223 (1995)
15 Michael Thielscher, Torsten Schaub: Default Reasoning by Deductive Planning. J. Autom. Reasoning 15(1): 1-40 (1995)
14 Torsten Schaub: A New Methodology for Query Answering in Default Logics via Structure-Oriented Theorem Proving. J. Autom. Reasoning 15(1): 95-165 (1995)
13 Ulrich Furbach, Hans-Jürgen Bürckert, Joachim Hertzberg, Bernhard Nebel, Gerhard Brewka, Gerhard Lakemeyer, Torsten Schaub, Frank Puppe: Ist die Wissensrepräsentation tot? KI 9(5): 18-26 (1995)
12 Stefan Brüning, Torsten Schaub: Using Classical Theorem-Proving Techniques for Approximate Reasoning: Revised Report. IPMU 1994: 389-398
11 Torsten Schaub: Computing Queries from Prioritized Default Theories. ISMIS 1994: 584-593
10 James P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub: Incorporating Specificity into Circumscriptive Theories. KI 1994: 272-283
9 James P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub: A General Approach to Specificity in Default Reasoning. KR 1994: 146-157
8 James P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub, W. Ken Jackson: Alternative Approaches to Default Logic. Artif. Intell. 70(1-2): 167-237 (1994)
7 Philippe Besnard, Torsten Schaub: Possible Worlds Semantics for Default Logics. Fundam. Inform. 21(1/2): 39-66 (1994)
6 Antje Beringer, Torsten Schaub: Minimal Belief and Negation as Failure: A Feasible Approach. AAAI 1993: 400-405
5 Philippe Besnard, Torsten Schaub: A Context-Based Framework for Default Logics. AAAI 1993: 406-411
4 Torsten Schaub: Variations of Constrained Default Logic. ECSQARU 1993: 310-317
3 Torsten Schaub: On Constrained Default Theories. ECAI 1992: 304-308
2 Torsten Schaub: On Commitment and Cumulativity in Default Logics. ECSQARU 1991: 305-309
1 Torsten Schaub: Assertional Default Theories: A Semantical View. KR 1991: 496-506

Coauthor Index

1Christian Anger [87] [94] [100] [103] [106] [113]
2Frank D. Anger [62]
3Chitta Baral [62]
4Farid Benhammadi [35] [39]
5Antje Beringer [6]
6Leopoldo E. Bertossi [105] [107]
7Philippe Besnard [5] [7] [16] [19] [29] [30] [41] [47] [63] [64] [68] [72] [76] [78] [104]
8M. Brian Blake [62]
9Paul Borchert [87]
10Andreas Bösel [90]
11Paolo Bouquet [62]
12Martin Brain [118]
13Michael Brenner [62]
14Gerhard Brewka [13] [97] [98] [108]
15Stefan Brüning [12] [20] [22] [23] [31] [38] [49]
16Hans-Jürgen Bürckert [13]
17James P. Delgrande [8] [9] [10] [25] [28] [32] [42] [43] [44] [46] [48] [50] [51] [52] [54] [55] [58] [61] [62] [67] [71] [75] [79] [80] [83] [85] [89] [91] [92] [93] [95] [115] [116] [117] [124] [126] [131]
18Jon Doyle [62]
19Christian Drescher [130]
20Steve Dworschak [129] [132]
21Rino Falcone [62]
22Gisbert Fanselow [72]
23André Flöter [77] [84]
24Ulrich Furbach [13]
25Martin Gebser [99] [100] [103] [106] [112] [113] [118] [119] [120] [121] [122] [123] [125] [128] [130] [134] [135] [136] [138] [139]
26M. Gharib [80]
27Piotr J. Gmytrasiewicz [62]
28Carla P. Gomes [62]
29Susanne Grell [101] [111] [129]
30Jean Gressmann [102] [114]
31Torsten Grote [130] [132]
32Hans W. Guesgen [62]
33Haipeng Guo [62]
34Karen Zita Haigh [62]
35Joachim Hertzberg [13]
36Henry Hexmoor [62]
37Eric Horvitz [62]
38Aaron Hunter [67]
39Anthony Hunter [105] [107]
40Nancy Ide [62]
41W. Ken Jackson [8]
42Tomi Janhunen [102] [113] [114]
43Ulrich Junker [62]
44Roland Kaminski [134]
45Benjamin Kaufmann [121] [122] [123] [130] [134] [138]
46Kathrin Konczak [73] [81] [82] [88] [94] [96] [101] [109]
47Arne König [130] [132]
48Antonio Krüger [62]
49Koichi Kurumantani [62]
50Gerhard Lakemeyer [13]
51Jérôme Lang [124]
52Gérard Ligozat (Gerard Ligozat) [62]
53Thomas Linke [17] [18] [24] [33] [37] [40] [45] [73] [81] [82] [88] [90] [94] [96] [100] [103] [106] [109]
54Daphne H. Liu [126]
55Lengning Liu [119]
56Rainer Malaka [62]
57Sheila A. McIlraith [62]
58Robert E. Mercer [64] [76] [80] [102] [114]
59Alessandra Mileo [127]
60Gayathri Namasivayam [119]
61Bernhard Nebel [13]
62André Neumann [100] [103] [106] [119] [121] [122] [123] [138]
63Jacques Nicolas [77] [84]
64Pascal Nicolas [23] [26] [27] [34] [35] [39]
65Ilkka Niemelä [97] [98] [108]
66Victoria J. Nikiforova [129]
67Max Ostrowski [130] [134]
68Simon Parsons [62]
69David Pearce [59] [65] [69]
70Adam Pease [62]
71Jörg Pührer [118] [139]
72Frank Puppe [13]
73Vincent Risch [80]
74Francesca Rossi [62]
75Vladimir Sarsakov [59] [65] [69] [86]
76Joachim Selbig [77] [84] [111] [129]
77Bill Smart [62]
78Leen-Kiat Soh [62]
79Sven Thiele [102] [114] [120] [126] [134] [135]
80Michael Thielscher [15] [21]
81Richard Tichy [102] [114]
82Hans Tompits [43] [44] [48] [50] [52] [55] [59] [61] [63] [65] [68] [69] [71] [78] [83] [86] [89] [92] [104] [115] [117] [118] [128] [131] [136] [139]
83Miroslaw Truszczynski [87] [97] [98] [108] [119]
84Björn Usadel [135]
85Philippe Veber [132] [135]
86Joost Vennekens [98]
87Toby Walsh [62]
88Kewen Wang [53] [57] [60] [66] [70] [74]
89Christopher A. Welty [62]
90Stefan Woltran [55] [59] [63] [65] [68] [69] [78] [83] [86] [104] [118] [128] [131] [136]
91Marie desJardins [62]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)