2009 |
37 | EE | Magnus Bordewich,
Olivier Gascuel,
Katharina T. Huber,
Vincent Moulton:
Consistency of Topological Moves Based on the Balanced Minimum Evolution Principle of Phylogenetic Inference.
IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology Bioinform. 6(1): 110-117 (2009) |
2008 |
36 | EE | Richard Desper,
Olivier Gascuel:
Distance-Based Phylogeny Reconstruction (Optimal Radius).
Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008 |
35 | EE | Le Si Quang,
Olivier Gascuel,
Nicolas Lartillot:
Empirical profile mixture models for phylogenetic reconstruction.
Bioinformatics 24(20): 2317-2323 (2008) |
34 | EE | Laurent Bréhélin,
Olivier Gascuel,
Olivier Martin:
Using repeated measurements to validate hierarchical gene clusters.
Bioinformatics 24(5): 682-688 (2008) |
2007 |
33 | EE | Mathieu Lajoie,
Denis Bertrand,
Nadia El-Mabrouk,
Olivier Gascuel:
Duplication and Inversion History of a Tandemly Repeated Genes Family.
Journal of Computational Biology 14(4): 462-478 (2007) |
2006 |
32 | EE | Denis Bertrand,
Mathieu Lajoie,
Nadia El-Mabrouk,
Olivier Gascuel:
Evolution of Tandemly Repeated Sequences Through Duplication and Inversion.
Comparative Genomics 2006: 129-140 |
31 | EE | Elodie Duprat,
Marie-Paule Lefranc,
Olivier Gascuel:
A simple method to predict protein-binding from aligned sequences - application to MHC superfamily and ß2-microglobulin.
Bioinformatics 22(4): 453-459 (2006) |
2005 |
30 | EE | Didier Gonze,
Sylvie Pinloche,
Olivier Gascuel,
Jacques van Helden:
Discrimination of yeast genes involved in methionine and phosphate metabolism on the basis of upstream motifs.
Bioinformatics 21(17): 3490-3500 (2005) |
29 | EE | Wim Hordijk,
Olivier Gascuel:
Improving the efficiency of SPR moves in phylogenetic tree search methods based on maximum likelihood.
Bioinformatics 21(24): 4338-4347 (2005) |
28 | EE | Denis Bertrand,
Olivier Gascuel:
Topological Rearrangements and Local Search Method for Tandem Duplication Trees.
IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology Bioinform. 2(1): 15-28 (2005) |
27 | EE | Olivier Elemento,
Olivier Gascuel:
An exact and polynomial distance-based algorithm to reconstruct single copy tandem duplication trees.
J. Discrete Algorithms 3(2-4): 362-374 (2005) |
26 | EE | Stéphane Guindon,
Franck Lethiec,
Patrice Duroux,
Olivier Gascuel:
PHYML Online - a web server for fast maximum likelihood-based phylogenetic inference.
Nucleic Acids Research 33(Web-Server-Issue): 557-559 (2005) |
2004 |
25 | EE | Denis Bertrand,
Olivier Gascuel:
Topological Rearrangements and Local Search Method for Tandem Duplication Trees.
WABI 2004: 374-387 |
2003 |
24 | EE | Olivier Elemento,
Olivier Gascuel:
An Exact and Polynomial Distance-Based Algorithm to Reconstruct Single Copy Tandem Duplication Trees.
CPM 2003: 96-108 |
23 | | François Denis,
Olivier Gascuel:
On the consistency of the minimum evolution principle of phylogenetic inference.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 127(1): 63-77 (2003) |
22 | EE | Christophe Fagot,
Olivier Gascuel,
Patrick Girard,
Christian Landrault:
A Ring Architecture Strategy for BIST Test Pattern Generation.
J. Electronic Testing 19(3): 223-231 (2003) |
2002 |
21 | | Olivier Elemento,
Olivier Gascuel:
An efficient and accurate distance based algorithm to reconstruct tandem duplication trees.
ECCB 2002: 92-99 |
20 | EE | Richard Desper,
Olivier Gascuel:
Fast and Accurate Phylogeny Reconstruction Algorithms Based on the Minimum-Evolution Principle.
WABI 2002: 357-374 |
19 | | Richard Desper,
Olivier Gascuel:
Fast and Accurate Phylogeny Reconstruction Algorithms Based on the Minimum-Evolution Principle.
Journal of Computational Biology 9(5): 687-706 (2002) |
2001 |
18 | | Olivier Gascuel,
Marie-France Sagot:
Computational Biology, First International Conference on Biology, Informatics, and Mathematics, JOBIM 2000, Montpellier, France, May 3-5, 2000, Selected Papers
Springer 2001 |
17 | | Olivier Gascuel,
Bernard M. E. Moret:
Algorithms in Bioinformatics, First International Workshop, WABI 2001, Aarhus, Denmark, August 28-31, 2001, Proceedings
Springer 2001 |
16 | EE | Laurent Bréhélin,
Olivier Gascuel,
Gilles Caraux:
Hidden Markov Models with Patterns to Learn Boolean Vector Sequences and Application to the Built-In Self-Test for Integrated Circuits.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 23(9): 997-1008 (2001) |
2000 |
15 | EE | Laurent Bréhélin,
Olivier Gascuel,
Gilles Caraux:
Hidden Markov Models with Patterns and Their Application to Integrated Circuit Testing.
ECML 2000: 75-87 |
14 | EE | Vincent Ranwez,
Olivier Gascuel:
Phylogenetic Reconstruction Algorithms Based on Weighted 4-Trees.
JOBIM 2000: 84-98 |
13 | EE | Laurent Bréhélin,
Olivier Gascuel,
Gilles Caraux,
Patrick Girard,
Christian Landrault:
Hidden Markov and Independence Models with Patterns for Sequential BIST.
VTS 2000: 359-368 |
12 | EE | Vincent Berry,
Olivier Gascuel:
Inferring evolutionary trees with strong combinatorial evidence.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 240(2): 271-298 (2000) |
1998 |
11 | EE | Christophe Fagot,
Olivier Gascuel,
Patrick Girard,
Christian Landrault:
A Ring Architecture Strategy for BIST Test Pattern Generation.
Asian Test Symposium 1998: 418-423 |
10 | | Olivier Gascuel,
Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier,
Gilles Caraux,
Patrick Gallinari,
Alain Guénoche,
Yann Guermeur,
Yves Lechevallier,
Christophe Marsala,
Laurent Miclet,
Jacques Nicolas,
Richard Nock,
Mohammed Ramdani,
Michèle Sebag,
Basavanneppa Tallur,
Gilles Venturini,
Patrick Vitte:
Twelve Numerical, Symbolic and Hybrid Supervised Classification Methods.
IJPRAI 12(4): 517-571 (1998) |
1997 |
9 | | Vincent Berry,
Olivier Gascuel:
Inferring Evolutionary Trees with Strong Combinatorial Evidence.
COCOON 1997: 111-123 |
1996 |
8 | | Pascal Jappy,
Richard Nock,
Olivier Gascuel:
Negative Robust Learning Results from Horn Claus Programs.
ICML 1996: 258-265 |
1995 |
7 | | Richard Nock,
Olivier Gascuel:
On Learning Decision Committees.
ICML 1995: 413-420 |
1994 |
6 | | Pascal Jappy,
Marie-Catherine Daniel-Vatonne,
Olivier Gascuel,
Colin de la Higuera:
Learning from Recursive, Tree Structured Examples.
ECML 1994: 367-370 |
1993 |
5 | | Fernando de Carvalho Gomes,
Olivier Gascuel:
SDL, A Stochastic Algorithm for Learning Decision Lists with Limited Complexity.
Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 10(3): 281-302 (1993) |
1992 |
4 | | Olivier Gascuel,
Gilles Caraux:
Statistical Significance in Inductive Learning.
ECAI 1992: 435-439 |
3 | EE | Olivier Gascuel,
Gilles Caraux:
Distribution-free performance bounds with the resubstitution error estimate.
Pattern Recognition Letters 13(11): 757-764 (1992) |
1988 |
2 | | Olivier Gascuel,
Antoine Danchin:
Data Analysis Using a Learning Program, a Case Study: An Application of PLAGE to a Biological Sequence Analysis.
ECAI 1988: 390-395 |
1 | | Olivier Gascuel,
J. L. Golmard:
A simple method for predicting the secondary structure of globular proteins: implications and accuracy.
Computer Applications in the Biosciences 4(3): 357-365 (1988) |