
Hyung Lee-Kwang

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14EETu Minh Phuong, Doheon Lee, Hyung Lee-Kwang: Learning Rules to Extract Protein Interactions from Biomedical Text. PAKDD 2003: 148-158
13EEJee-Hyong Lee, Hyung Lee-Kwang: Comparison of fuzzy values on a continuous domain. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 118(3): 419-428 (2001)
12EEJong-Kyou Kim, Hyung Lee-Kwang, Seung W. Yoo: Fuzzy bin packing problem. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 120(3): 429-434 (2001)
11 Hyung Lee-Kwang, Ju-Jang Lee: Fuzzy Logic and Intelligence System. JACIII 4(5): 319-320 (2000)
10EESeihwan Park, Hyung Lee-Kwang: Type-2 Fuzzy Hypergraphs Using Type-2 Fuzzy Sets. JACIII 4(5): 362-367 (2000)
9 Yanghee Nam, Nwangyun Wohn, Hyung Lee-Kwang: Modeling and recognition of hand gesture using colored Petri nets. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 29(5): 514-521 (1999)
8 Jee-Hyong Lee, Hyung Lee-Kwang: Distributed and cooperative fuzzy controllers for traffic intersections group. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C 29(2): 263-271 (1999)
7EEYanghee Nam, KwangYun Wohn, Hyung Lee-Kwang: A Two-Level Approach for Modeling and Recognition of Hand Gesture. APCHI 1998: 304-309
6 ChangBum Kim, K. A. Seong, Hyung Lee-Kwang, J. O. Kim: Design and implementation of a fuzzy elevator group control system. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 28(3): 277-287 (1998)
5 Hyung Lee-Kwang, K. A. Seong, Keon-Myung Lee: Hierarchical partition of nonstructured concurrent systems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 27(1): 105-108 (1997)
4 Jee-Hyong Lee, Hyung Lee-Kwang: Fuzzy Identification of Unknown Systems Based on GA. SEAL 1996: 216-223
3 Keon-Myung Lee, Hyung Lee-Kwang: Information Aggregating Networks based on Extended Sugeno's Fuzzy Integral. IEEE/Nagoya-University World Wisepersons Workshop 1994: 56-66
2EEDoheon Lee, Myoung-Ho Kim, Hyung Lee-Kwang, Yoon-Joon Lee: A Fuzzification of the Relational Data Model. DASFAA 1993: 360-367
1 Won Ho Chung, Ha Ryoung Oh, Hyung Lee-Kwang, Kyu Ho Park, Myunghwan Kim: Parallel Execution Schemes in a Petri Net. ICPP (1) 1988: 286-290

Coauthor Index

1Won Ho Chung [1]
2ChangBum Kim [6]
3J. O. Kim [6]
4Jong-Kyou Kim [12]
5Myoung-Ho Kim [2]
6Myunghwan Kim [1]
7Doheon Lee [2] [14]
8Jee-Hyong Lee [4] [8] [13]
9Ju-Jang Lee [11]
10Keon-Myung Lee [3] [5]
11Yoon-Joon Lee [2]
12Yanghee Nam [7] [9]
13Ha Ryoung Oh [1]
14Kyu Ho Park [1]
15Seihwan Park [10]
16Tu Minh Phuong [14]
17K. A. Seong [5] [6]
18KwangYun Wohn [7]
19Nwangyun Wohn [9]
20Seung W. Yoo [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)