
Antonio Visioli

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9EENicola Pedrocchi, Antonio Visioli, Giacomo Ziliani, Giovanni Legnani: On the elasticity in the dynamic decoupling of hybrid force/velocity control in the contour tracking task. IROS 2008: 955-960
8 Antonio Visioli, Giacomo Ziliani, Giovanni Legnani: An Iterative Learning Control Algorithm for Contour Tracking of unknown Objects. ICRA 2006: 3318-3323
7EEAurelio Piazzi, Antonio Visioli: Using stable input-output inversion for minimum-time feedforward constrained regulation of scalar systems. Automatica 41(2): 305-313 (2005)
6EEEmanuele Lindo Secco, Antonio Visioli, Giovanni Magenes: Minimum jerk motion planning for a prosthetic finger. J. Field Robotics 21(7): 361-368 (2004)
5EEEva Dyllong, Antonio Visioli: Planning and real-time modifications of a trajectory using spline techniques. Robotica 21(5): 475-482 (2003)
4 Francesco Jatta, Riccardo Adamini, Antonio Visioli, Giovanni Legnani: Hybrid Force/Velocity Robot Contour Tracking: An Experimental Analysis of Friction Compensation Strategies. ICRA 2002: 1723-1728
3EEAurelio Piazzi, Antonio Visioli: An Interval Analysis Based Algorithm for Computing the Stability Margin of Uncertain Systems. Numerical Methods and Application 2002: 246-254
2 Antonio Visioli: Fuzzy logic based set-point weight tuning of PID controllers. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 29(6): 587-592 (1999)
1 Aurelio Piazzi, Antonio Visioli: Minimum-time Open-Loop Smooth Control for Point-to-Point Motion in Vibratory Systems. ICRA 1998: 946-951

Coauthor Index

1Riccardo Adamini [4]
2Eva Dyllong [5]
3Francesco Jatta [4]
4Giovanni Legnani [4] [8] [9]
5Giovanni Magenes [6]
6Nicola Pedrocchi [9]
7Aurelio Piazzi [1] [3] [7]
8Emanuele Lindo Secco [6]
9Giacomo Ziliani [8] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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