
Beom Hee Lee

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21EENosan Kwak, Gon Woo Kim, Sang-Hoon Ji, Beom Hee Lee: A Mobile Robot Exploration Strategy with Low Cost Sonar and Tungsten-Halogen Structured Light. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 51(1): 89-111 (2008)
20EENosan Kwak, Gon Woo Kim, Beom Hee Lee: A new compensation technique based on analysis of resampling process in FastSLAM. Robotica 26(2): 205-217 (2008)
19EEGon Woo Kim, Ji Min Kim, Nosan Kwak, Beom Hee Lee: Hierarchical sensor fusion for building a probabilistic local map using active sensor modules. Robotica 26(3): 307-322 (2008)
18EEJae Byung Park, Beom Hee Lee: Roadmap-Based Collision-Free Motion Planning for Multiple Moving Agents in a Smart Home Environment. ICOST 2007: 70-80
17EENosan Kwak, In-Kyu Kim, Heon-Cheol Lee, Beom Hee Lee: Adaptive prior boosting technique for the efficient sample size in fastSLAM. IROS 2007: 630-635
16EEJae Byung Park, Jeong Hee Lee, Beom Hee Lee: Online turnover-free control for a mobile agent with a terrain prediction sensor. J. Field Robotics 23(1): 59-77 (2006)
15EESeung Hwan Park, Beom Hee Lee: Analysis of robot collision characteristics using the concept of the collision map. Robotica 24(3): 295-303 (2006)
14EEGon Woo Kim, Beom Hee Lee: Target tracking using the efficient estimation of the image Jacobian with large residual. Robotica 24(3): 325-327 (2006)
13EESeung Hwan Park, Beom Hee Lee: Practical Environment Modeling Based on a Heuristic Sensor Fusion Method. ICRA 2004: 200-205
12 Jinhyun Kim, Wan Kyun Chung, Youngil Youm, Beom Hee Lee: Real-Time ZMP Compensation Method using Null Motion for Mobile Manipulators. ICRA 2002: 1967-1972
11 Chanwoo Moon, Beom Hee Lee, M. S. Kim: PLC Based Coordination Schemes for a Multi-robot System. ICRA 2001: 3109-3114
10 Chi Youn Chung, M. S. Kim, Beom Hee Lee: An Approach to Torque Optimizing Control for a Redundant Manipulator. ICRA 2001: 4066-4071
9 Chi Youn Chung, Jin Won Lee, Sang Moo Lee, Beom Hee Lee: Balancing of an Inverted Pendulum with a Redundant Direct-Drive Robot. ICRA 2000: 3952-3957
8 Woong Kwon, Beom Hee Lee: General redundancy optimization method for cooperating manipulators using quadratic inequality constraints. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 29(1): 41-51 (1999)
7 Young Dae Lee, Beom Hee Lee, Han Gyoo Kim: An Evolutionary Approach for Time Optimal Trajectory Planning of a Robotic Manipulator. Inf. Sci. 113(3-4): 245-260 (1999)
6EEWonsik Lee, Sunghan Lee, Beom Hee Lee, Young Dae Lee: An Efficient Planning Algorithm for Multi-head Surface Mounting Machines Using a Genetic Algorithm. J. UCS 5(12): 833-854 (1999)
5 Jung-Hoon Lee, Beom Hee Lee, Myoung Hwan Choi: A real-time traffic control scheme of multiple AGV systems for collision free minimum time motion: a routing table approach. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 28(3): 347-358 (1998)
4 Tae Hyoung Park, Beom Hee Lee: Dynamic tracking line: feasible tracking region of a robot in conveyor systems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 28(1): 70-77 (1998)
3EEWoong Kwon, Beom Hee Lee: A New Optimal Force Distribution Scheme of Multiple Cooperating Robots Using Dual Method. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 21(4): 301-326 (1998)
2 Tae Hyoung Park, Beom Hee Lee: Dynamic tracking line: feasible tracking region of a robot in conveyor systems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 27(6): 1022-1030 (1997)
1EEYoung Dae Lee, Beom Hee Lee: Genetic Trajectory Planner for a Manipulator with Acceleration Parametrization. J. UCS 3(9): 1056-1073 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Myoung Hwan Choi [5]
2Chi Youn Chung [9] [10]
3Wan Kyun Chung [12]
4Sang-Hoon Ji [21]
5Gon Woo Kim [14] [19] [20] [21]
6Han Gyoo Kim [7]
7In-Kyu Kim [17]
8Ji Min Kim [19]
9Jinhyun Kim [12]
10M. S. Kim [10] [11]
11Nosan Kwak [17] [19] [20] [21]
12Woong Kwon [3] [8]
13Heon-Cheol Lee [17]
14Jeong Hee Lee [16]
15Jin Won Lee [9]
16Jung-Hoon Lee [5]
17Sang Moo Lee [9]
18Sunghan Lee [6]
19Wonsik Lee [6]
20Young Dae Lee [1] [6] [7]
21Chanwoo Moon [11]
22Jae Byung Park [16] [18]
23Seung Hwan Park [13] [15]
24Tae Hyoung Park [2] [4]
25Youngil Youm [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)