
Benedetto Allotta

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16 Benedetto Allotta, Duccio Fioravanti: 3D Motion Planning for Image-Based Visual Servoing Tasks. ICRA 2005: 2173-2178
15EEValentina Colla, Marco Vannucci, Benedetto Allotta, Monica Malvezzi: Comparison of traditional and neural systems for train speed estimation. ESANN 2003: 401-406
14EEValentina Colla, Marco Vannucci, Benedetto Allotta, Monica Malvezzi: Estimation of Train Speed via Neuro-Fuzzy Techniques. IWANN (2) 2003: 497-503
13 Luigi Palopoli, Fabio Conticelli, Benedetto Allotta: Multi-Level Stabilizing Control of an Nonholonomic Vehicle and Its Discrete-Time Multirate Implementation. ICRA 2000: 1830-1835
12 Fabio Conticelli, Benedetto Allotta: Two-Level Visual Control of Dynamic Look-and-Move Systems. ICRA 2000: 3784-3789
11EEBenedetto Allotta, Valentina Colla, Gianluca Bioli: A Mechatronic Device for Simulating Push-Buttons and Knobs. ICMCS, Vol. 1 1999: 636-642
10 Carlo Colombo, Benedetto Allotta: Image-based robot task planning and control using a compact visual representation. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 29(1): 92-100 (1999)
9EEFabio Conticelli, Benedetto Allotta, Carlo Colombo: Hybrid visual servoing: A combination of nonlinear control and linear vision. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 29(4): 243-256 (1999)
8 Gianluca Poi, Carol Scarabeo, Benedetto Allotta: Traveling Wave Locomotion Hyper-Redundant Mobile Robot. ICRA 1998: 418-423
7 Valentina Colla, Benedetto Allotta: Wavelet-Based Control of Penetration in a Mechatronic Drill for Orthopaedic Surgery. ICRA 1998: 711-716
6 Cristiano Paggetti, T. Ciucci, E. Papa, Benedetto Allotta, Paolo Dario: A system for computer assisted arthroscopy. CVRMed 1997: 653-662
5 Carlo Colombo, Benedetto Allotta, Paolo Dario: Affine Visual Servoing: A Framework for Relative Positioning with a Robot. ICRA 1995: 464-471
4 Carlo Colombo, Benedetto Allotta, Paolo Dario: Experimental Validation of an Active Visual Control Scheme Based on a Reduced Set of Image Parameters. ISER 1995: 114-120
3 Massimo Bergamasco, Benedetto Allotta, L. Bosio, L. Ferretti, G. Parrini, G. M. Prisco, Fabio Salsedo, G. Sartini: An Arm Exoskeleton System for Teleoperation and Virtual Environments Applications. ICRA 1994: 1449-1454
2 Giorgio C. Buttazzo, Benedetto Allotta, Felice P. Fanizza: Mousebuster: A Robot System for Catching Fast Moving Objects by Vision. ICRA (3) 1993: 932-937
1 Benedetto Allotta, Giorgio C. Buttazzo, Paolo Dario, Eugenio Guglielmelli: Controlling Contact by Integrating Proximity and Force Sensing. ISER 1991: 420-434

Coauthor Index

1Massimo Bergamasco [3]
2Gianluca Bioli [11]
3L. Bosio [3]
4Giorgio C. Buttazzo [1] [2]
5T. Ciucci [6]
6Valentina Colla [7] [11] [14] [15]
7Carlo Colombo [4] [5] [9] [10]
8Fabio Conticelli [9] [12] [13]
9Paolo Dario [1] [4] [5] [6]
10Felice P. Fanizza [2]
11L. Ferretti [3]
12Duccio Fioravanti [16]
13Eugenio Guglielmelli [1]
14Monica Malvezzi [14] [15]
15Cristiano Paggetti [6]
16Luigi Palopoli [13]
17E. Papa [6]
18G. Parrini [3]
19Gianluca Poi [8]
20G. M. Prisco [3]
21Fabio Salsedo [3]
22G. Sartini [3]
23Carol Scarabeo [8]
24Marco Vannucci [14] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)