
Peter M. Kogge

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54EEJay B. Brockman, Sheng Li, Peter M. Kogge, Amit Kashyap, Mohammad Mojarradi: Design of a mask-programmable memory/multiplier array using G4-FET technology. DAC 2008: 337-338
53EETimothy J. Dysart, Peter M. Kogge: System Reliabilities When Using Triple Modular Redundancy in Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata. DFT 2008: 72-80
52EESheng Li, Shannon K. Kuntz, Peter M. Kogge, Jay B. Brockman: Memory model effects on application performance for a lightweight multithreaded architecture. IPDPS 2008: 1-8
51EESarah E. Murphy, Erik DeBenedictis, Peter M. Kogge: General floorplan for reversible quantum-dot cellular automata. Conf. Computing Frontiers 2007: 77-82
50EETimothy J. Dysart, Peter M. Kogge: Probabilistic Analysis of a Molecular Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata Adder. DFT 2007: 478-486
49EESheng Li, Amit Kashyap, Shannon K. Kuntz, Jay B. Brockman, Peter M. Kogge, Paul L. Springer, Gary Block: A Heterogeneous Lightweight Multithreaded Architecture. IPDPS 2007: 1-8
48EESrinivas Sridharan, Arun Rodrigues, Peter M. Kogge: Evaluating synchronization techniques for light-weight multithreaded/multicore architectures. SPAA 2007: 57-58
47EERichard C. Murphy, Peter M. Kogge: On the Memory Access Patterns of Supercomputer Applications: Benchmark Selection and Its Implications. IEEE Trans. Computers 56(7): 937-945 (2007)
46EEArun Rodrigues, Kyle Wheeler, Peter M. Kogge, Keith D. Underwood: Fine-Grained Message Pipelining for Improved MPI Performance. CLUSTER 2006
45 James F. Kramer, Matthias Scheutz, Jay B. Brockman, Peter M. Kogge: Facing up to the Inevitable: Intelligent Error Recovery in Massively Parallel Processing in Memory Architectures. PDPTA 2006: 227-233
44EEArun Rodrigues, Richard C. Murphy, Peter M. Kogge, Keith D. Underwood: Poster reception - The structural simulation toolkit: exploring novel architectures. SC 2006: 157
43EEErik DeBenedictis, David E. Keyes, Peter M. Kogge: M06 - Issues for the future of supercomputing: impact of Moore's law and architecture on application performance. SC 2006: 220
42EEThomas L. Sterling, Peter M. Kogge, William J. Dally, Steve Scott, William Gropp, David E. Keyes, Peter H. Beckman: Multi-core issues - Multi-Core for HPC: breakthrough or breakdown? SC 2006: 73
41EECraig S. Lent, Sarah E. Frost, Peter M. Kogge: Reversible computation with quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA). Conf. Computing Frontiers 2005: 403
40EERichard C. Murphy, Arun Rodrigues, Peter M. Kogge, Keith D. Underwood: The implications of working set analysis on supercomputing memory hierarchy design. ICS 2005: 332-340
39EEAlexei Kudriavtsev, Peter M. Kogge: Generation of permutations for SIMD processors. LCTES 2005: 147-156
38EEDanny Z. Chen, Ovidiu Daescu, John Hershberger, Peter M. Kogge, Ningfang Mi, Jack Snoeyink: Polygonal path simplification with angle constraints. Comput. Geom. 32(3): 173-187 (2005)
37EEDominic A. Antonelli, Danny Z. Chen, Timothy J. Dysart, Xiaobo Sharon Hu, Andrew B. Kahng, Peter M. Kogge, Richard C. Murphy, Michael T. Niemier: Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata (QCA) circuit partitioning: problem modeling and solutions. DAC 2004: 363-368
36EEMichael T. Niemier, Ramprasad Ravichandran, Peter M. Kogge: Using Circuits and Systems-Level Research to Drive Nanotechnology. ICCD 2004: 302-309
35EEArun Rodrigues, Richard C. Murphy, Peter M. Kogge, Keith D. Underwood: Characterizing a new class of threads in scientific applications for high end supercomputers. ICS 2004: 164-174
34EETimothy J. Dysart, Branden J. Moore, Lambert Schaelicke, Peter M. Kogge: Cache implications of aggressively pipelined high performance microprocessors. ISPASS 2004: 123-132
33EEMichael T. Niemier, Peter M. Kogge: The "4-Diamond Circuit" - A Minimally Complex Nano-Scale Computational Building Block in QCA. ISVLSI 2004: 3-10
32EEJay B. Brockman, Shyamkumar Thoziyoor, Shannon K. Kuntz, Peter M. Kogge: A low cost, multithreaded processing-in-memory system. WMPI 2004: 16-22
31EEArun Rodrigues, Richard C. Murphy, Peter M. Kogge, Jay B. Brockman, Ron Brightwell, Keith D. Underwood: Implications of a PIM Architectural Model for MPI. CLUSTER 2003: 259-
30EEPeter M. Kogge: The State of State. HPCA 2003: 266-
29EESarah E. Frost, Arun Rodrigues, Charles A. Giefer, Peter M. Kogge: Bouncing Threads: Merging a New Execution Model into a Nanotechnology Memory. ISVLSI 2003: 19-28
28EEGary H. Bernstein, Jay B. Brockman, Peter M. Kogge, Gregory L. Snider, Barbara E. Walvoord: From Bits to Chips: A Multidisciplinary Curriculum for Microelectronics System Design Education. MSE 2003: 95-97
27EEDmitry V. Ponomarev, Gurhan Kucuk, Oguz Ergin, Kanad Ghose, Peter M. Kogge: Energy-efficient issue queue design. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 11(5): 789-800 (2003)
26 Kanad Ghose, Patrick H. Madden, Vivek De, Peter M. Kogge: Proceedings of the 12th ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2002, New York, NY, USA, April 18-19, 2002 ACM 2002
25 Lilia Yerosheva, Shannon K. Kuntz, Peter M. Kogge, Jay B. Brockman: A Microserver View of HTMT. IPDPS 2001: 3
24EEMichael T. Niemier, Peter M. Kogge: Exploring and exploiting wire-level pipelining in emerging technologies. ISCA 2001: 166-177
23EEGurhan Kucuk, Kanad Ghose, Dmitry Ponomarev, Peter M. Kogge: Energy: efficient instruction dispatch buffer design for superscalar processors. ISLPED 2001: 237-242
22 Shannon K. Kuntz, Richard C. Murphy, Michael T. Niemier, Jesús A. Izaguirre, Peter M. Kogge: Petaflop Computing for Protein Folding. PPSC 2001
21EEDanny Z. Chen, Ovidiu Daescu, John Hershberger, Peter M. Kogge, Jack Snoeyink: Polygonal path approximation with angle constraints. SODA 2001: 342-343
20EEVictor V. Zyuban, Peter M. Kogge: Inherently Lower-Power High-Performance Superscalar Architectures. IEEE Trans. Computers 50(3): 268-285 (2001)
19EEMichael T. Niemier, Michael J. Kontz, Peter M. Kogge: A design of and design tools for a novel quantum dot based microprocessor. DAC 2000: 227-232
18EEVictor V. Zyuban, Peter M. Kogge: Optimization of high-performance superscalar architectures for energy efficiency. ISLPED 2000: 84-89
17EERichard C. Murphy, Peter M. Kogge, Arun Rodrigues: The Characterization of Data Intensive Memory Workloads on Distributed PIM Systems. Intelligent Memory Systems 2000: 85-103
16 Lilia Yerosheva, Peter M. Kogge: Prototyping Execution Models for HTMT Petaflop Machine in Java. CANPC 1999: 32-46
15EEMichael T. Niemier, Peter M. Kogge: Logic in Wire: Using Quantum Dots to Implement a Microprocessor. Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 1999: 118-121
14EEJay B. Brockman, Peter M. Kogge, Thomas L. Sterling, Vincent W. Freeh, Shannon K. Kuntz: Microservers: a new memory semantics for massively parallel computing. International Conference on Supercomputing 1999: 454-463
13EEVictor V. Zyuban, Peter M. Kogge: Application of STD to latch-power estimation. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 7(1): 111-115 (1999)
12EEYi Tian, Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha, Chantana Chantrapornchai, Peter M. Kogge: Optimizing Data Scheduling on Processor-in-Memory Arrays. IPPS/SPDP 1998: 57-61
11EEVictor V. Zyuban, Peter M. Kogge: The energy complexity of register files. ISLPED 1998: 305-310
10EEKanad Ghose, Kiran Raghavendra Desai, Peter M. Kogge: Using Method Lookup Caches and Register Windowing to Speed Up Dynamically-Bound Object-Oriented Applications. EUROMICRO 1996: 441-
9EEPeter M. Kogge, Toshio Sunaga, Hisatada Miyataka, Koji Kitamura, Eric Retter: Combined DRAM and logic chip for massively parallel systems. ARVLSI 1995: 4-16
8 Peter M. Kogge: EXECUBE - A New Architecture for Scalable MPPs. ICPP (1) 1994: 77-84
7EEPeter M. Kogge: Preface. IBM Journal of Research and Development 38(2): 115-116 (1994)
6 Peter M. Kogge: Declarative Computing: A Technology Driver. ARCS 1992: 1-17
5EEPeter M. Kogge: Function-based computing and parallelism: A review. Parallel Computing 2(3): 243-253 (1985)
4 Peter M. Kogge: Am Architectural Trail to Threaded-Code Systems. IEEE Computer 15(3): 22-32 (1982)
3 Peter M. Kogge: The Microprogramming of Pipelined Processors. ISCA 1977: 63-70
2 Peter M. Kogge: Parallel Solution of Recurrence Problems. IBM Journal of Research and Development 18(2): 138-148 (1974)
1 Peter M. Kogge: Maximal Rate Pipelined Solutions to Recurrance Problems. ISCA 1973: 71-76

Coauthor Index

1Dominic A. Antonelli [37]
2Peter H. Beckman [42]
3Gary H. Bernstein [28]
4Gary Block [49]
5Ron Brightwell [31]
6Jay B. Brockman [14] [25] [28] [31] [32] [45] [49] [52] [54]
7Danny Z. Chen [21] [37] [38]
8Ovidiu Daescu [21] [38]
9William J. Dally [42]
10Vivek De [26]
11Erik DeBenedictis [43] [51]
12Kiran Raghavendra Desai [10]
13Timothy J. Dysart [34] [37] [50] [53]
14Oguz Ergin [27]
15Vincent W. Freeh [14]
16Kanad Ghose [10] [23] [26] [27]
17Charles A. Giefer [29]
18William Gropp (William D. Gropp, Bill Gropp) [42]
19John Hershberger [21] [38]
20Xiaobo Sharon Hu (Xiaobo Hu) [37]
21Jesús A. Izaguirre [22]
22Andrew B. Kahng [37]
23Amit Kashyap [49] [54]
24David E. Keyes [42] [43]
25Koji Kitamura [9]
26Michael J. Kontz [19]
27James F. Kramer [45]
28Gürhan Küçük (Gurhan Kucuk) [23] [27]
29Alexei Kudriavtsev [39]
30Shannon K. Kuntz [14] [22] [25] [32] [49] [52]
31Craig S. Lent [41]
32Sheng Li [49] [52] [54]
33Patrick H. Madden [26]
34Ningfang Mi [38]
35Hisatada Miyataka [9]
36Mohammad Mojarradi [54]
37Branden J. Moore [34]
38Richard C. Murphy [17] [22] [31] [35] [37] [40] [44] [47]
39Sarah E. Murphy (Sarah E. Frost) [29] [41] [51]
40Michael T. Niemier [15] [19] [22] [24] [33] [36] [37]
41Chantana Phongpensri (Chantana Chantrapornchai) [12]
42Dmitry V. Ponomarev (Dmitry Ponomarev) [23] [27]
43Ramprasad Ravichandran [36]
44Eric Retter [9]
45Arun Rodrigues [17] [29] [31] [35] [40] [44] [46] [48]
46Lambert Schaelicke [34]
47Matthias Scheutz [45]
48Steve Scott [42]
49Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha [12]
50Gregory L. Snider [28]
51Jack Snoeyink [21] [38]
52Paul L. Springer [49]
53Srinivas Sridharan [48]
54Thomas L. Sterling [14] [42]
55Toshio Sunaga [9]
56Shyamkumar Thoziyoor [32]
57Yi Tian [12]
58Keith D. Underwood [31] [35] [40] [44] [46]
59Barbara E. Walvoord [28]
60Kyle Wheeler [46]
61Lilia Yerosheva [16] [25]
62Victor V. Zyuban [11] [13] [18] [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)