
Oguz Ergin

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26EEYusuf Osmanlioglu, Y. Onur Koçberber, Oguz Ergin: Reducing parity generation latency through input value aware circuits. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2009: 109-112
25EEJaume Abella, Xavier Vera, Osman S. Unsal, Oguz Ergin, Antonio González: Fuse: A Technique to Anticipate Failures due to Degradation in ALUs. IOLTS 2007: 15-22
24EEGulay Yalcin, Oguz Ergin: Using Tag-Match Comparators for Detecting Soft Errors. Computer Architecture Letters 6(2): 53-56 (2007)
23EEOsman S. Unsal, Oguz Ergin, Xavier Vera, Antonio González: Empowering a helper cluster through data-width aware instruction selection policies. IPDPS 2006
22EEOguz Ergin: Exploiting Narrow Values for Energy Efficiency in the Register Files of Superscalar Microprocessors. PATMOS 2006: 477-485
21EEOguz Ergin, Osman S. Unsal, Xavier Vera, Antonio González: Exploiting Narrow Values for Soft Error Tolerance. Computer Architecture Letters 5(2): (2006)
20EEOsman S. Unsal, James Tschanz, Keith A. Bowman, Vivek De, Xavier Vera, Antonio González, Oguz Ergin: Impact of Parameter Variations on Circuits and Microarchitecture. IEEE Micro 26(6): 30-39 (2006)
19EEOguz Ergin, Deniz Balkan, Dmitry Ponomarev, Kanad Ghose: Early Register Deallocation Mechanisms Using Checkpointed Register Files. IEEE Trans. Computers 55(9): 1153-1166 (2006)
18EEJoseph J. Sharkey, Dmitry V. Ponomarev, Kanad Ghose, Oguz Ergin: Instruction packing: Toward fast and energy-efficient instruction scheduling. TACO 3(2): 156-181 (2006)
17EEJoseph J. Sharkey, Kanad Ghose, Dmitry V. Ponomarev, Oguz Ergin: Power-Efficient Wakeup Tag Broadcast. ICCD 2005: 654-661
16EETimothy M. Jones, Michael F. P. O'Boyle, Jaume Abella, Antonio González, Oguz Ergin: Compiler Directed Early Register Release. IEEE PACT 2005: 110-122
15EEJoseph J. Sharkey, Dmitry V. Ponomarev, Kanad Ghose, Oguz Ergin: Instruction packing: reducing power and delay of the dynamic scheduling logic. ISLPED 2005: 30-35
14EEAneesh Aggarwal, Manoj Franklin, Oguz Ergin: Defining Wakeup Width for Efficient Dynamic Scheduling. ICCD 2004: 36-41
13EEOguz Ergin, Deniz Balkan, Dmitry V. Ponomarev, Kanad Ghose: Increasing Processor Performance Through Early Register Release. ICCD 2004: 480-487
12EEOguz Ergin, Deniz Balkan, Kanad Ghose, Dmitry V. Ponomarev: Register Packing: Exploiting Narrow-Width Operands for Reducing Register File Pressure. MICRO 2004: 304-315
11EEJoseph J. Sharkey, Dmitry Ponomarev, Kanad Ghose, Oguz Ergin: Reducing Delay and Power Consumption of the Wakeup Logic Through Instruction Packing and Tag Memoization. PACS 2004: 15-29
10EEGurhan Kucuk, Dmitry Ponomarev, Oguz Ergin, Kanad Ghose: Complexity-Effective Reorder Buffer Designs for Superscalar Processors. IEEE Trans. Computers 53(6): 653-665 (2004)
9EEDmitry V. Ponomarev, Gurhan Kucuk, Oguz Ergin, Kanad Ghose: Isolating Short-Lived Operands for Energy Reduction. IEEE Trans. Computers 53(6): 697-709 (2004)
8EEDmitry V. Ponomarev, Gurhan Kucuk, Oguz Ergin, Kanad Ghose: Energy Efficient Comparators for Superscalar Datapaths. IEEE Trans. Computers 53(7): 892-904 (2004)
7EEGurhan Kucuk, Oguz Ergin, Dmitry Ponomarev, Kanad Ghose: Distributed Reorder Buffer Schemes for Low Power. ICCD 2003: 364-370
6EEDmitry Ponomarev, Gurhan Kucuk, Oguz Ergin, Kanad Ghose: Reducing Datapath Energy through the Isolation of Short-Lived Operands. IEEE PACT 2003: 258-268
5EEGurhan Kucuk, Dmitry Ponomarev, Oguz Ergin, Kanad Ghose: Reducing reorder buffer complexity through selective operand caching. ISLPED 2003: 235-240
4EEDmitry Ponomarev, Gurhan Kucuk, Oguz Ergin, Kanad Ghose: Power efficient comparators for long arguments in superscalar processors. ISLPED 2003: 378-383
3EEGurhan Kucuk, Oguz Ergin, Dmitry Ponomarev, Kanad Ghose: Energy Efficient Register Renaming. PATMOS 2003: 219-228
2EEDmitry V. Ponomarev, Gurhan Kucuk, Oguz Ergin, Kanad Ghose, Peter M. Kogge: Energy-efficient issue queue design. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 11(5): 789-800 (2003)
1EEOguz Ergin, Kanad Ghose, Gurhan Kucuk, Dmitry Ponomarev: A Circuit-Level Implementation of Fast, Energy-Efficient CMOS Comparators for High-Performance Microprocessors. ICCD 2002: 118-121

Coauthor Index

1Jaume Abella [16] [25]
2Aneesh Aggarwal [14]
3Deniz Balkan [12] [13] [19]
4Keith A. Bowman [20]
5Vivek De [20]
6Manoj Franklin [14]
7Kanad Ghose [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [15] [17] [18] [19]
8Antonio González [16] [20] [21] [23] [25]
9Timothy M. Jones [16]
10Y. Onur Koçberber [26]
11Peter M. Kogge [2]
12Gürhan Küçük (Gurhan Kucuk) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
13Michael F. P. O'Boyle [16]
14Yusuf Osmanlioglu [26]
15Dmitry V. Ponomarev (Dmitry Ponomarev) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [15] [17] [18] [19]
16Joseph J. Sharkey [11] [15] [17] [18]
17James Tschanz [20]
18Osman S. Unsal [20] [21] [23] [25]
19Xavier Vera [20] [21] [23] [25]
20Gulay Yalcin [24]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)