
Steve Scott

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12EEJohn Kim, William J. Dally, Steve Scott, Dennis Abts: Technology-Driven, Highly-Scalable Dragonfly Topology. ISCA 2008: 77-88
11EEDennis Abts, Abdulla Bataineh, Steve Scott, Greg Faanes, Jim Schwarzmeier, Eric Lundberg, Tim Johnson, Mike Bye, Gerald Schwoerer: The Cray BlackWidow: a highly scalable vector multiprocessor. SC 2007: 17
10EESteve Scott, Dennis Abts, John Kim, William J. Dally: The BlackWidow High-Radix Clos Network. ISCA 2006: 16-28
9EESteve Scott: Challenges and opportunities in the post single-thread-processor era. PACT 2006: 63
8EESteve Scott: Roadmaps and visions I - Cray: creating a path to adaptive supercomputing. SC 2006: 269
7EEJeremy Kepner, Bob Lucas, Mootaz Elnozahy, Jim Mitchell, Steve Scott: High productivity - High productivity computing and usable petascale systems. SC 2006: 67
6EEThomas L. Sterling, Peter M. Kogge, William J. Dally, Steve Scott, William Gropp, David E. Keyes, Peter H. Beckman: Multi-core issues - Multi-Core for HPC: breakthrough or breakdown? SC 2006: 73
5EEDennis Abts, Steve Scott, David J. Lilja: So Many States, So Little Time: Verifying Memory Coherence in the Cray X1. IPDPS 2003: 11
4EESteve Scott, Hugh Osborne, Ron Simpson: Selecting and Comparing Multiple Cases to Maximise Result Quality after Adaptation in Case-Based Adaptive Scheduling. EWCBR 2000: 517-528
3EESteve Scott, Ron Simpson: Case-Bases Incorporating Scheduling Constraint Dimensions - Experiences in Nurse Rostering. EWCBR 1998: 392-401
2EESteve Scott: The GigaRing Channel. IEEE Micro 16(1): 27-34 (1996)
1 Steve Johnson, Steve Scott: A Supercomputer System Interconnect and Scalable IOS. IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems 1995: 357-367

Coauthor Index

1Dennis Abts [5] [10] [11] [12]
2Abdulla Bataineh [11]
3Peter H. Beckman [6]
4Mike Bye [11]
5William J. Dally [6] [10] [12]
6Mootaz Elnozahy [7]
7Greg Faanes [11]
8William Gropp (William D. Gropp, Bill Gropp) [6]
9Steve Johnson [1]
10Tim Johnson [11]
11Jeremy Kepner [7]
12David E. Keyes [6]
13John Kim [10] [12]
14Peter M. Kogge [6]
15David J. Lilja [5]
16Bob Lucas [7]
17Eric Lundberg [11]
18Jim Mitchell [7]
19Hugh Osborne [4]
20Jim Schwarzmeier [11]
21Gerald Schwoerer [11]
22Ron Simpson [3] [4]
23Thomas L. Sterling [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)