
Nebojsa Jojic

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50EEVladimir Jojic, Tomer Hertz, Nebojsa Jojic: Population Sequencing Using Short Reads: HIV as a Case Study. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2008: 114-125
49EEDelbert Dueck, Brendan J. Frey, Nebojsa Jojic, Vladimir Jojic, Guri Giaever, Andrew Emili, Gabe Musso, Robert Hegele: Constructing Treatment Portfolios Using Affinity Propagation. RECOMB 2008: 360-371
48EEVincent Cheung, Brendan J. Frey, Nebojsa Jojic: Video Epitomes. International Journal of Computer Vision 76(2): 141-152 (2008)
47EEAnitha Kannan, Nebojsa Jojic, Brendan J. Frey: Fast Transformation-Invariant Component Analysis. International Journal of Computer Vision 77(1-3): 87-101 (2008)
46EENoah Zaitlen, Manuel Reyes-Gomez, David Heckerman, Nebojsa Jojic: Shift-Invariant Adaptive Double Threading: Learning MHC II-Peptide Binding. Journal of Computational Biology 15(7): 927-942 (2008)
45EEVincent Cheung, Nebojsa Jojic, Dimitris Samaras: Capturing long-range correlations with patch models. CVPR 2007
44EESumit Gulwani, Nebojsa Jojic: Program verification as probabilistic inference. POPL 2007: 277-289
43EENoah Zaitlen, Manuel Reyes-Gomez, David Heckerman, Nebojsa Jojic: Shift-Invariant Adaptive Double Threading: Learning MHC II - Peptide Binding. RECOMB 2007: 181-195
42EESean O'Rourke, Noah Zaitlen, Nebojsa Jojic, Eleazar Eskin: Reconstructing the Phylogeny of Mobile Elements. RECOMB 2007: 196-210
41EENebojsa Jojic, John M. Winn, Larry Zitnick: Escaping local minima through hierarchical model selection: Automatic object discovery, segmentation, and tracking in video. CVPR (1) 2006: 117-124
40EENemanja Petrovic, Aleksandar Ivanovic, Nebojsa Jojic: Recursive estimation of generative models of video. CVPR (1) 2006: 79-86
39EENebojsa Jojic, Manuel Reyes-Gomez, David Heckerman, Carl Myers Kadie, Ora Schueler-Furman: Learning MHC I - peptide binding. ISMB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2006: 227-235
38EEDarko Kirovski, Nebojsa Jojic, Paul Roberts: Click Passwords. SEC 2006: 351-363
37EEVincent Cheung, Brendan J. Frey, Nebojsa Jojic: Video Epitomes. CVPR (1) 2005: 42-49
36EEChris Pal, Nebojsa Jojic: Interactive Montages of Sprites for Indexing and Summarizing Security Video. CVPR (2) 2005: 1192
35EEC. Lawrence Zitnick, Nebojsa Jojic, Sing Bing Kang: Consistent Segmentation for Optical Flow Estimation. ICCV 2005: 1308-1315
34EEJohn M. Winn, Nebojsa Jojic: LOCUS: Learning Object Classes with Unsupervised Segmentation. ICCV 2005: 756-763
33EEMukund Narasimhan, Nebojsa Jojic, Jeff Bilmes: Q-Clustering. NIPS 2005
32EENebojsa Jojic, Vladimir Jojic, Brendan J. Frey, Christopher Meek, David Heckerman: Using epitomes to model genetic diversity: Rational design of HIV vaccines. NIPS 2005
31EEBrendan J. Frey, Nebojsa Jojic: A Comparison of Algorithms for Inference and Learning in Probabilistic Graphical Models. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 27(9): 1392-1416 (2005)
30EENemanja Petrovic, Nebojsa Jojic, Thomas S. Huang: Adaptive Video Fast Forward. Multimedia Tools Appl. 26(3): 327-344 (2005)
29EENebojsa Jojic, Yaron Caspi: Capturing Image Structure with Probabilistic Index Maps. CVPR (1) 2004: 212-219
28EEChris Pal, Richard Szeliski, Matthew Uyttendaele, Nebojsa Jojic: Probability Models for High Dynamic Range Imaging. CVPR (2) 2004: 173-180
27EEVladimir Jojic, Nebojsa Jojic, Christopher Meek, Dan Geiger, Adam C. Siepel, David Haussler, David Heckerman: Efficient approximations for learning phylogenetic HMM models from data. ISMB/ECCB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2004: 161-168
26EEAnitha Kannan, Brendan J. Frey, Nebojsa Jojic: A Generative Model of Dense Optical Flow in Layers. SCVMA 2004: 104-114
25EENebojsa Jojic, Vladimir Jojic, David Heckerman: Joint Discovery of Haplotype Blocks and Complex Trait Associations from SNP Sequences. UAI 2004: 286-292
24EENebojsa Jojic, Yaron Caspi, Manuel Reyes-Gomez: Probabilistic Index Maps for Modeling Natural Signals. UAI 2004: 293-300
23EEBrendan J. Frey, Nebojsa Jojic, Anitha Kannan: Learning Appearance and Transparency Manifolds of Occluded Objects in Layers. CVPR (1) 2003: 45-52
22EEDarko Kirovski, Nebojsa Jojic: FaceCerts. DCC 2003: 435
21EENebojsa Jojic, Brendan J. Frey, Anitha Kannan: Epitomic analysis of appearance and shape. ICCV 2003: 34-43
20 Nebojsa Jojic, Nemanja Petrovic, Thomas S. Huang: Scene generative models for adaptive video fast forward. ICIP (2) 2003: 619-622
19EEBrendan J. Frey, Nebojsa Jojic: Transformation-Invariant Clustering Using the EM Algorithm. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 25(1): 1-17 (2003)
18EEMatthew J. Beal, Nebojsa Jojic, Hagai Attias: A Graphical Model for Audiovisual Object Tracking. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 25(7): 828-836 (2003)
17EEMatthew J. Beal, Hagai Attias, Nebojsa Jojic: Audio-Video Sensor Fusion with Probabilistic Graphical Models. ECCV (1) 2002: 736-752
16EEChris Pal, Brendan J. Frey, Nebojsa Jojic: Learning Montages of Transformed Latent Images as Representations of Objects That Change in Appearance. ECCV (4) 2002: 715-731
15EEAnitha Kannan, Nebojsa Jojic, Brendan J. Frey: Fast Transformation-Invariant Factor Analysis. NIPS 2002: 1263-1270
14EENebojsa Jojic, Brendan J. Frey: Learning Flexible Sprites in Video Layers. CVPR (1) 2001: 199-206
13 Nebojsa Jojic, Patrice Simard, Brendan J. Frey, David Heckerman: Separating Appearance from Deformation. ICCV 2001: 288-294
12EEBrendan J. Frey, Nebojsa Jojic: Fast, Large-Scale Transformation-Invariant Clustering. NIPS 2001: 721-727
11EEBrendan J. Frey, Anitha Kannan, Nebojsa Jojic: Product Analysis: Learning to Model Observations as Products of Hidden Variables. NIPS 2001: 729-735
10EENebojsa Jojic, Nemanja Petrovic, Thomas S. Huang, Brendan J. Frey: Transformed Hidden Markov Models: Estimating Mixture Models of Images and Inferring Spatial Transformations in Video Sequence. CVPR 2000: 2026-2033
9EENebojsa Jojic, Thomas S. Huang, Barry Brumitt, Brian Meyers, Steve Harris: Detection and Estimation of Pointing Gestures in Dense Disparity Maps. FG 2000: 468-475
8EEBrendan J. Frey, Nebojsa Jojic: Learning Graphical Models of Images, Videos and Their Spatial Transformations. UAI 2000: 184-191
7EEBrendan J. Frey, Nebojsa Jojic: Estimating Mixture Models of Images and Inferring Spatial Transformations Using the EM Algorithm. CVPR 1999: 1416-1422
6EEBrendan J. Frey, Nebojsa Jojic: Transformed Component Analysis: Joint Estimation of Spatial Transformations and Image Components. ICCV 1999: 1190-1196
5EENebojsa Jojic, Matthew Turk, Thomas S. Huang: Tracking Self-Occluding Articulated Objects in Dense Disparity Maps. ICCV 1999: 123-130
4EENebojsa Jojic, Brendan J. Frey: Topographic Transformation as a Discrete Latent Variable. NIPS 1999: 477-483
3 Nebojsa Jojic, Jin Gu, Helen C. Shen, Thomas S. Huang: 3-D Reconstruction of Multipart Self-Occluding Objects. ACCV (2) 1998: 455-462
2 Nebojsa Jojic, Thomas S. Huang: On Analysis of Cloth Drape Range Data. ACCV (2) 1998: 463-470
1EENebojsa Jojic, Jin Gu, Ivan Mak, Helen C. Shen, Thomas S. Huang: Computer Modeling, Analysis and Synthesis of Dressed Humans. CVPR 1998: 528-534

Coauthor Index

1Hagai Attias (Hagai Thomas Attias) [17] [18]
2Matthew J. Beal [17] [18]
3Jeff A. Bilmes (Jeff Bilmes) [33]
4Barry Brumitt [9]
5Yaron Caspi [24] [29]
6Vincent Cheung [37] [45] [48]
7Delbert Dueck [49]
8Andrew Emili [49]
9Eleazar Eskin [42]
10Brendan J. Frey [4] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [19] [21] [23] [26] [31] [32] [37] [47] [48] [49]
11Dan Geiger [27]
12Guri Giaever [49]
13Jin Gu [1] [3]
14Sumit Gulwani [44]
15Steve Harris [9]
16David Haussler [27]
17David Heckerman [13] [25] [27] [32] [39] [43] [46]
18Robert Hegele [49]
19Tomer Hertz [50]
20Thomas S. Huang [1] [2] [3] [5] [9] [10] [20] [30]
21Aleksandar Ivanovic [40]
22Vladimir Jojic [25] [27] [32] [49] [50]
23Carl Myers Kadie [39]
24Sing Bing Kang [35]
25Anitha Kannan [11] [15] [21] [23] [26] [47]
26Darko Kirovski [22] [38]
27Ivan Mak [1]
28Christopher Meek [27] [32]
29Brian Meyers [9]
30Gabe Musso [49]
31Mukund Narasimhan [33]
32Sean O'Rourke [42]
33Chris Pal [16] [28] [36]
34Nemanja Petrovic [10] [20] [30] [40]
35Manuel Reyes-Gomez [24] [39] [43] [46]
36Paul Roberts [38]
37Dimitris Samaras [45]
38Ora Schueler-Furman [39]
39Helen C. Shen [1] [3]
40Adam C. Siepel [27]
41Patrice Y. Simard (Patrice Simard) [13]
42Richard Szeliski [28]
43Matthew Turk [5]
44Matthew Uyttendaele [28]
45John M. Winn [34] [41]
46Noah Zaitlen [42] [43] [46]
47C. Lawrence Zitnick [35]
48Larry Zitnick [41]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)