
Aphrodite Galata

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11EEShaobo Hou, Aphrodite Galata: Robust estimation of gaussian mixtures from noisy input data. CVPR 2008
10EEFabrice Caillette, Aphrodite Galata, Toby Howard: Real-time 3-D human body tracking using learnt models of behaviour. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 109(2): 112-125 (2008)
9EEShaobo Hou, Aphrodite Galata, Fabrice Caillette, Neil A. Thacker, Paul A. Bromiley: Real-time Body Tracking Using a Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model. ICCV 2007: 1-8
8EENikolay Stefanov, Aphrodite Galata, Roger J. Hubbold: A real-time hand tracker using variable-length Markov models of behaviour. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 108(1-2): 98-115 (2007)
7 Thomas S. Huang, Nicu Sebe, Michael S. Lew, Vladimir Pavlovic, Mathias Kölsch, Aphrodite Galata, Branislav Kisacanin: Computer Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, ECCV 2006 Workshop on HCI, Graz, Austria, May 13, 2006, Proceedings Springer 2006
6EEAnthony G. Cohn, Derek R. Magee, Aphrodite Galata, David Hogg, Shyamanta M. Hazarika: Towards an Architecture for Cognitive Vision Using Qualitative Spatio-temporal Representations and Abduction. Spatial Cognition 2003: 232-248
5EEPeter M. Dew, Aphrodite Galata, John Maxfield, Daniela Romano: Virtual artefacts to support negotiation within an augmented collaborative environment for alternate dispute resolution. CVE 2002: 10-16
4 Aphrodite Galata, Anthony G. Cohn, Derek R. Magee, David Hogg: Modeling Interaction Using Learnt Qualitative Spatio-Temporal Relations and Variable Length Markov Models. ECAI 2002: 741-745
3EEAphrodite Galata, Neil Johnson, David Hogg: Learning Variable-Length Markov Models of Behavior. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 81(3): 398-413 (2001)
2EEAphrodite Galata, Neil Johnson, David Hogg: Learning Behaviour Models of Human Activities. BMVC 1999
1EENeil Johnson, Aphrodite Galata, David Hogg: The Acquisition and Use of Interaction Behavior Models. CVPR 1998: 866-871

Coauthor Index

1Paul A. Bromiley [9]
2Fabrice Caillette [9] [10]
3Anthony G. Cohn [4] [6]
4Peter M. Dew [5]
5Shyamanta M. Hazarika [6]
6David Hogg (David C. Hogg) [1] [2] [3] [4] [6]
7Shaobo Hou [9] [11]
8Toby Howard [10]
9Thomas S. Huang [7]
10Roger J. Hubbold [8]
11Neil Johnson [1] [2] [3]
12Branislav Kisacanin [7]
13Mathias Kölsch [7]
14Michael S. Lew [7]
15Derek R. Magee [4] [6]
16John Maxfield [5]
17Vladimir Pavlovic [7]
18Daniela Romano [5]
19Nicu Sebe [7]
20Nikolay Stefanov [8]
21Neil A. Thacker [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)