
Ira Cohen

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27EEYijuan Lu, Ira Cohen, Xiang Sean Zhou, Qi Tian: Feature selection using principal feature analysis. ACM Multimedia 2007: 301-304
26EEBlaine Nelson, Ira Cohen: Revisiting probabilistic models for clustering with pair-wise constraints. ICML 2007: 673-680
25EEJeffrey Erman, Anirban Mahanti, Martin F. Arlitt, Ira Cohen, Carey L. Williamson: Semi-supervised network traffic classification. SIGMETRICS 2007: 369-370
24EENicu Sebe, Michael S. Lew, Yafei Sun, Ira Cohen, Theo Gevers, Thomas S. Huang: Authentic facial expression analysis. Image Vision Comput. 25(12): 1856-1863 (2007)
23EEJeffrey Erman, Anirban Mahanti, Martin F. Arlitt, Ira Cohen, Carey L. Williamson: Offline/realtime traffic classification using semi-supervised learning. Perform. Eval. 64(9-12): 1194-1213 (2007)
22EENicu Sebe, Ira Cohen, Theo Gevers, Thomas S. Huang: Emotion Recognition Based on Joint Visual and Audio Cues. ICPR (1) 2006: 1136-1139
21EESteve Zhang, Ira Cohen, Moisés Goldszmidt, Julie Symons, Armando Fox: Ensembles of Models for Automated Diagnosis of System Performance Problems. DSN 2005: 644-653
20EEGeorge Forman, Ira Cohen: Beware the Null Hypothesis: Critical Value Tables for Evaluating Classifiers. ECML 2005: 133-145
19EERob Powers, Moisés Goldszmidt, Ira Cohen: Short term performance forecasting in enterprise systems. KDD 2005: 801-807
18EEIra Cohen, Steve Zhang, Moisés Goldszmidt, Julie Symons, Terence Kelly, Armando Fox: Capturing, indexing, clustering, and retrieving system history. SOSP 2005: 105-118
17EENicu Sebe, Ira Cohen, Fabio Gagliardi Cozman, Theo Gevers, Thomas S. Huang: Learning probabilistic classifiers for human-computer interaction applications. Multimedia Syst. 10(6): 484-498 (2005)
16EENicu Sebe, Michael S. Lew, Ira Cohen, Yafei Sun, Theo Gevers, Thomas S. Huang: Authentic Facial Expression Analysis. FGR 2004: 517-522
15EENicu Sebe, Ira Cohen, Thomas S. Huang, Theo Gevers: Skin Detection: A Bayesian Network Approach. ICPR (2) 2004: 903-906
14EEIra Cohen, Jeffrey S. Chase, Moisés Goldszmidt, Terence Kelly, Julie Symons: Correlating Instrumentation Data to System States: A Building Block for Automated Diagnosis and Control. OSDI 2004: 231-244
13EEIra Cohen, Moisés Goldszmidt: Properties and Benefits of Calibrated Classifiers. PKDD 2004: 125-136
12EEGeorge Forman, Ira Cohen: Learning from Little: Comparison of Classifiers Given Little Training. PKDD 2004: 161-172
11EEIra Cohen, Nicu Sebe, Yafei Sun, Michael S. Lew, Thomas S. Huang: Towards authentic emotion recognition. SMC (1) 2004: 623-628
10EEIra Cohen, Fabio Gagliardi Cozman, Nicu Sebe, Marcelo Cesar Cirelo, Thomas S. Huang: Semisupervised Learning of Classifiers: Theory, Algorithms, and Their Application to Human-Computer Interaction. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 26(12): 1553-1567 (2004)
9EEIra Cohen, Nicu Sebe, Yafei Sun, Michael S. Lew, Thomas S. Huang: Evaluation of Expression Recognition Techniques. CIVR 2003: 184-195
8EEIra Cohen, Nicu Sebe, Fabio Gagliardi Cozman, Marcelo Cesar Cirelo, Thomas S. Huang: Learning Bayesian Network Classifiers for Facial Expression Recognition using both Labeled and Unlabeled Data. CVPR (1) 2003: 595-604
7 Fabio Gagliardi Cozman, Ira Cohen, Marcelo Cesar Cirelo: Semi-Supervised Learning of Mixture Models. ICML 2003: 99-106
6EEIra Cohen, Nicu Sebe, Fabio Gagliardi Cozman, Thomas S. Huang: Semi-supervised learning for facial expression recognition. Multimedia Information Retrieval 2003: 17-22
5EEIra Cohen, Nicu Sebe, Ashutosh Garg, Lawrence S. Chen, Thomas S. Huang: Facial expression recognition from video sequences: temporal and static modeling. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 91(1-2): 160-187 (2003)
4 Fabio Gagliardi Cozman, Ira Cohen: Unlabeled Data Can Degrade Classification Performance of Generative Classifiers. FLAIRS Conference 2002: 327-331
3EENicu Sebe, Michael S. Lew, Ira Cohen, Ashutosh Garg, Thomas S. Huang: Emotion Recognition Using a Cauchy Naive Bayes Classifier. ICPR (1) 2002: 17-
2EENemanja Petrovic, Ira Cohen, Brendan J. Frey, Ralf Koetter, Thomas S. Huang: Enforcing Integrability for Surface Reconstruction Algorithms Using Belief Propagation in Graphical Models. CVPR (1) 2001: 743-748
1EEIra Cohen, Ashutosh Garg, Thomas S. Huang: Vision-Based Overhead View Person Recognition. ICPR 2000: 5119-5124

Coauthor Index

1Martin F. Arlitt [23] [25]
2Jeffrey S. Chase [14]
3Lawrence S. Chen [5]
4Marcelo Cesar Cirelo [7] [8] [10]
5Fabio Gagliardi Cozman [4] [6] [7] [8] [10] [17]
6Jeffrey Erman [23] [25]
7George Forman [12] [20]
8Armando Fox [18] [21]
9Brendan J. Frey [2]
10Ashutosh Garg [1] [3] [5]
11Theo Gevers [15] [16] [17] [22] [24]
12Moisés Goldszmidt [13] [14] [18] [19] [21]
13Thomas S. Huang [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10] [11] [15] [16] [17] [22] [24]
14Terence Kelly [14] [18]
15Ralf Koetter (Ralf Kötter) [2]
16Michael S. Lew [3] [9] [11] [16] [24]
17Yijuan Lu [27]
18Anirban Mahanti [23] [25]
19Blaine Nelson [26]
20Nemanja Petrovic [2]
21Rob Powers [19]
22Nicu Sebe [3] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10] [11] [15] [16] [17] [22] [24]
23Yafei Sun [9] [11] [16] [24]
24Julie Symons [14] [18] [21]
25Qi Tian [27]
26Carey L. Williamson [23] [25]
27Steve Zhang [18] [21]
28Xiang Sean Zhou [27]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)