
Erwin M. Bakker

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17 Michael S. Lew, Alberto Del Bimbo, Erwin M. Bakker: Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGMM International Conference on Multimedia Information Retrieval, MIR 2008, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, October 30-31, 2008 ACM 2008
16EEBart Thomee, Mark J. Huiskes, Erwin M. Bakker, Michael S. Lew: Using an artificial imagination for texture retrieval. ICPR 2008: 1-4
15EEBart Thomee, Mark J. Huiskes, Erwin M. Bakker, Michael S. Lew: Large scale image copy detection evaluation. Multimedia Information Retrieval 2008: 59-66
14EEHarmen L. A. van der Spek, Erwin M. Bakker, Harry A. G. Wijshoff: SPARK00: A Benchmark Package for the Compiler Evaluation of Irregular/Sparse Codes CoRR abs/0805.3897: (2008)
13EEHarmen L. A. van der Spek, Sven Groot, Erwin M. Bakker, Harry A. G. Wijshoff: A Compile/Run-time Environment for the Automatic Transformation of Linked List Data Structures. International Journal of Parallel Programming 36(6): 592-623 (2008)
12 Michael S. Lew, Nicu Sebe, Thomas S. Huang, Erwin M. Bakker: Human-Computer Interaction, IEEE International Workshop, HCI 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 20, 2007, Proceedings Springer 2007
11EEBart Thomee, Mark J. Huiskes, Erwin M. Bakker, Michael S. Lew: Visual information retrieval using synthesized imagery. CIVR 2007: 127-130
10EEMichael S. Lew, Erwin M. Bakker, Nicu Sebe, Thomas S. Huang: Human-Computer Intelligent Interaction: A Survey. ICCV-HCI 2007: 1-5
9EEBart Thomee, Mark J. Huiskes, Erwin M. Bakker, Michael S. Lew: An Artificial Imagination for Interactive Search. ICCV-HCI 2007: 19-28
8EESven Groot, Harmen L. A. van der Spek, Erwin M. Bakker, Harry A. G. Wijshoff: The Automatic Transformation of Linked List Data Structures. PACT 2007: 408
7 Wee Kheng Leow, Michael S. Lew, Tat-Seng Chua, Wei-Ying Ma, Lekha Chaisorn, Erwin M. Bakker: Image and Video Retrieval, 4th International Conference, CIVR 2005, Singapore, July 20-22, 2005, Proceedings Springer 2005
6 Erwin M. Bakker, Thomas S. Huang, Michael S. Lew, Nicu Sebe, Xiang Sean Zhou: Image and Video Retrieval, Second International Conference, CIVR 2003, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA, July 24-25, 2003, Proceedings Springer 2003
5EENicu Sebe, Michael S. Lew, Xiang Sean Zhou, Thomas S. Huang, Erwin M. Bakker: The State of the Art in Image and Video Retrieval. CIVR 2003: 1-8
4EERene Visser, Nicu Sebe, Erwin M. Bakker: Object Recognition for Video Retrieval. CIVR 2002: 262-270
3EEErwin M. Bakker, Michael S. Lew: Semantic Video Retrieval Using Audio Analysis. CIVR 2002: 271-277
2EEJürgen Janoth, Markus M. Eisl, Erwin M. Bakker, Rogier van Sterkenburg, Roberta Borgia, Salvo Sabina, Fabio Volpe: MMIPPS - A Software Package for Multitemporal and Multispectral Image Processing on Parallel Systems. ACPC 1999: 398-407
1 Erwin M. Bakker, Jan van Leeuwen, Richard B. Tan: Prefix Routing Schemes in Dynamic Networks. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 26(4): 403-421 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Alberto Del Bimbo [17]
2Roberta Borgia [2]
3Lekha Chaisorn [7]
4Tat-Seng Chua [7]
5Markus M. Eisl [2]
6Sven Groot [8] [13]
7Thomas S. Huang [5] [6] [10] [12]
8Mark J. Huiskes [9] [11] [15] [16]
9Jürgen Janoth [2]
10Jan van Leeuwen [1]
11Wee Kheng Leow [7]
12Michael S. Lew [3] [5] [6] [7] [9] [10] [11] [12] [15] [16] [17]
13Wei-Ying Ma [7]
14Salvo Sabina [2]
15Nicu Sebe [4] [5] [6] [10] [12]
16Harmen L. A. van der Spek [8] [13] [14]
17Rogier van Sterkenburg [2]
18Richard B. Tan [1]
19Bart Thomee [9] [11] [15] [16]
20Rene Visser [4]
21Fabio Volpe [2]
22Harry A. G. Wijshoff [8] [13] [14]
23Xiang Sean Zhou [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)