8. ICCV 2001:
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference On Computer Vision (ICCV-01),
July 7-14,
British Columbia,
Canada. IEEE Computer Society,
Volume 2
Session 9:
Sensors and Early Vision
Session 10:
Session 11:
Video Analysis
Poster Session 3
- Yaron Caspi, Michal Irani:
Alignment of Non-Overlapping Sequences.
76-83 BibTeX
- Somboon Hongeng, Ramakant Nevatia:
Multi-Agent Event Recognition.
84-93 BibTeX
- Lars Eckert, Rolf-Rainer Grigat:
Biologically MotivatedPrecise and Simple Calibration and Reconstruction Using a Stereo Light Microscope.
94-101 BibTeX
- Shih-Schön Lin, Ruzena Bajcsy:
True Single View Point Cone Mirror Omni-Directional Catadioptric System.
102-107 BibTeX
- Michael D. Grossberg, Shree K. Nayar:
A General Imaging Model and a Method for Finding its Parameters.
108-115 BibTeX
- David Nistér:
Calibration with Robust Use of Cheirality by Quasi-Affine Reconstruction of the Set of Camera Projection Centres.
116-123 BibTeX
- Didier Bondyfalat, Théodore Papadopoulo, Bernard Mourrain:
Using Scene Constraints during the Calibration Procedure.
124-130 BibTeX
- Zhuowen Tu, Song Chun Zhu, Heung-Yeung Shum:
Image Segmentation by Data Driven Markov Chain Monte Carlo.
131-138 BibTeX
- Peter Bakker, Lucas J. van Vliet, Piet W. Verbeek:
Confidence and Curvature Estimation of Curvilinear Structures in 3-D.
139-144 BibTeX
- Ahmed M. Elgammal, Larry S. Davis:
Probabilistic Framework for Segmenting People Under Occlusion.
145-152 BibTeX
- Patrick S. Huggins, Steven W. Zucker:
Folds and Cuts: How Shading Flows Into Edges.
153-158 BibTeX
- José Bins, Bruce A. Draper:
Feature Selection from Huge Feature Sets.
159-165 BibTeX
- Sami S. Brandt, Jukka Heikkonen:
Optimal Method for the Affine F-Matrix and Its Uncertainty Estimation in the Sense of both Noise and Outliers.
166-173 BibTeX
- Santiago Betelu, Guillermo Sapiro, Allen Tannenbaum:
Affine Invariant Erosion of 3D Shapes.
174-180 BibTeX
- Jeremy Yermiyahou Kaminski, Michael Fryers, Amnon Shashua, Mina Teicher:
Multiple View Geometry of Non-planar Algebraic Curves.
181-186 BibTeX
- Marc Pollefeys, Luc J. Van Gool:
Do Ambiguous Reconstructions Always Give Ambiguous Images?.
187-192 BibTeX
- Long Quan, Le Lu, Heung-Yeung Shum, Maxime Lhuillier:
Concentric Mosaic(s)Planar Motion and 1D Cameras.
193-200 BibTeX
- Bill Triggs:
Joint Feature Distributions for Image Correspondence.
201-208 BibTeX
- Song Wang, Weiyu Zhu, Zhi-Pei Liang:
Shape Deformation: SVM Regression and Application to Medical Image Segmentation.
209-216 BibTeX
- Kwan-Yee Kenneth Wong, Roberto Cipolla:
Structure and Motion from Silhouettes.
217-222 BibTeX
- Drew Steedly, Irfan A. Essa:
Propagation of Innovative Information in Non-Linear Least-Squares Structure from Motion.
223-229 BibTeX
- David Liebowitz, Stefan Carlsson:
Uncalibrated Motion Capture Exploiting Articulated Structure Constraints.
230-237 BibTeX
- Lior Wolf, Amnon Shashua:
Affine 3-D Reconstruction from Two Projective Images of Independently Translating Planes.
238-244 BibTeX
- Yong Huang, Kap Luk Chan, ZhongYang Huang:
Harmonics Extraction Based on Higher Order Statistics Spectrum Decomposition for A Unified Texture Model.
245-250 BibTeX
- Elizaveta Levina, Peter J. Bickel:
The Earth Mover's Distance is the Mallows Distance: Some Insights from Statistics.
251-256 BibTeX
- David Slater, Glenn Healey:
Physics-based Model Acquisition and Identification in Airborne Spectral Images.
257-262 BibTeX
- Yiyong Sun, Mongi A. Abidi:
Surface Matching by 3D Point's Fingerprint.
263-269 BibTeX
- Chengjun Liu, Harry Wechsler:
A Gabor Feature Classifier for Face Recognition.
270-275 BibTeX
- Sumantra Dutta Roy, Santanu Chaudhury, Subhashis Banerjee:
Recognizing Large 3-D Objects through Next View Planning using an Uncalibrated Camera.
276-281 BibTeX
- Guodong Guo, HongJiang Zhang, Stan Z. Li:
Pairwise Face Recognition.
282-287 BibTeX
- Nebojsa Jojic, Patrice Simard, Brendan J. Frey, David Heckerman:
Separating Appearance from Deformation.
288-294 BibTeX
- Stan Z. Li, XiaoGuang Lv, HongJiang Zhang:
View-Based Clustering of Object Appearances Based on Independent Subspace Analysis.
295-300 BibTeX
- Yasushi Kanazawa, Ken-ichi Kanatani:
Do We Really Have to Consider Covariance Matrices for Image Features?.
301-306 BibTeX
- Hankyu Moon, Rama Chellappa, Azriel Rosenfeld:
3D Object Tracking Using Shape-Encoded Particle Propagation.
307-314 BibTeX
- Tom Drummond, Roberto Cipolla:
Real-Time Tracking of Highly Articulated Structures in the Presence of Noisy Measurements.
315-320 BibTeX
- Kiam Choo, David J. Fleet:
People Tracking Using Hybrid Monte Carlo Filtering.
321-328 BibTeX
- Taeone Kim, Yongduek Seo, Ki-Sang Hong:
Improving AR using Shadows Arising from Natural Illumination Distribution in Video Sequences.
329-334 BibTeX
- Xavier Orriols, Xavier Binefa:
An EM Algorithm for Video SummarizationGenerative Model Approach.
335-342 BibTeX
- Richard P. Wildes, David J. Hirvonen, Steven C. Hsu, Rakesh Kumar, W. Brian Lehman, Bogdan Matei, Wen-Yi Zhao:
Video Georegistration: Algorithm and Quantitative Evaluation.
343-350 BibTeX
- Madirakshi Das, R. Manmatha:
Automatic Segmentation and Indexing in a Database of Bird Images.
351-358 BibTeX
- Olaf A. Hall-Holt, Szymon Rusinkiewicz:
Stripe Boundary Codes for Real-Time Structured-Light Range Scanning of Moving Objects.
359-366 BibTeX
- Michael S. Brown, W. Brent Seales:
Document Restoration Using 3D Shape: A General Deskewing Algorithm for Arbitrarily Warped Documents.
367-375 BibTeX
Session 12:
Session 13:
Image Databases
Session 14:
Vision Systems and Texture
Poster Session 4
- Pei-hsiu Suen, Glenn Healey, David Slater:
The Impact of Viewing Geometry on Vision Through the Atmosphere.
454-459 BibTeX
- Kristin J. Dana:
BRDF/BTF Measurement Device.
460-466 BibTeX
- Fadi Dornaika:
Self-Calibration of a Stereo Rig Using Monocular Epipolar Geometry.
467-472 BibTeX
- Graham D. Finlayson, Mark S. Drew:
4-Sensor Camera Calibration for Image Representation Invariant to ShadingShadowsLightingand Specularities.
473-480 BibTeX
- Naoya Ohta:
A Statistical Approach to Background Subtraction for Surveillance Systems.
481-486 BibTeX
- Arjan Kuijper, Luc Florack:
Hierarchical Pre-Segmentation without Prior Knowledge.
487-493 BibTeX
- Haihua Feng, David A. Castañon, William Clement Karl:
A Curve Evolution Approach for Image Segmentation Using Adaptive Flows.
494-499 BibTeX
- Anbumani Subramanian, Lakshmi R. Iyer, A. Lynn Abbott, Amy E. Bell:
Segmentation and Range Sensing Using a Moving-Aperture Lens.
500-507 BibTeX
- Vladimir Kolmogorov, Ramin Zabih:
Computing Visual Correspondence with Occlusions via Graph Cuts.
508-515 BibTeX
- Toshifumi Honda, Shree K. Nayar:
Finding ``Anomalies'' in an Arbitrary Image.
516-523 BibTeX
- Patrick Pérez, Andrew Blake, Michel Gangnet:
JetStream: Probabilistic Contour Extraction with Particles.
524-531 BibTeX
- Omar Javed, Zeeshan Rasheed, Mubarak Shah:
A Framework for Segmentation of Talk and Game Shows.
532-537 BibTeX
- Il-Kyun Jung, Simon Lacroix:
A Robust Interest Points Matching Algorithm.
538-543 BibTeX
- Frédéric Jurie, Michel Dhome:
A Simple and Efficient Template Matching Algorithm.
544-549 BibTeX
- Bill Triggs:
Empirical Filter Estimation for Subpixel Interpolation and Matching.
550-557 BibTeX
- Jane Mulligan, Volkan Isler, Konstantinos Daniilidis:
Performance Evaluation of Stereo for Tele-presence.
558-565 BibTeX
- Haim Schweitzer:
Template Matching Approach to Content Based Image Indexing by Low Dimensional Euclidean Embedding.
566-571 BibTeX
- Fredrik Kahl, Anders Heyden:
Euclidean Reconstruction and Auto-Calibration from Continuous Motion.
572-577 BibTeX
- Bogdan Matei, Bogdan Georgescu, Peter Meer:
A Versatile Method for Trifocal Tensor Estimation.
578-585 BibTeX
- Ken-ichi Kanatani:
Motion Segmentation by Subspace Separation and Model Selection.
586-591 BibTeX
- Amnon Shashua, Anat Levin:
Multi-Frame Infinitesimal Motion Model for the Reconstruction of (Dynamic) Scenes with Multiple Linearly Moving Objects.
592-599 BibTeX
- Svetlana Barsky, Maria Petrou:
Colour Photometric Stereo: Simultaneous Reconstruction of Local Gradient and Colour of Rough Textured Surfaces.
600-605 BibTeX
- Huong Quynh Dinh, Greg Turk, Gregory G. Slabaugh:
Reconstructing Surfaces Using Anisotropic Basis Functions.
606-613 BibTeX
- Gang Qian, Rama Chellappa:
Structure From Motion Using Sequential Monte Carlo Methods.
614-621 BibTeX
- John A. Haddon, David A. Forsyth:
Noise in Bilinear Problems.
622-627 BibTeX
- Trevor Darrell, David Demirdjian, Neal Checka, Pedro F. Felzenszwalb:
Plan-View Trajectory Estimation with Dense Stereo Background Models.
628-635 BibTeX
- Frederik Schaffalitzky, Andrew Zisserman:
Viewpoint Invariant Texture Matching and Wide Baseline Stereo.
636-643 BibTeX
- Ying Shan, Zicheng Liu, Zhengyou Zhang:
Model-Based Bundle Adjustment with Application to Face Modeling.
644-651 BibTeX
- Yasuhiro Mukaigawa, Hajime Miyaki, Sadahiko Mihashi, Takeshi Shakunaga:
Photometric Image-Based Rendering for Image Generation in Arbitrary Illumination.
652-659 BibTeX
- Paulo D. Carvalho, Amâncio Santos, António Dourado, Bernardete Ribeiro:
Learning Spectral Calibration Parameters For Color Inspection.
660-667 BibTeX
- Margarita Osadchy, Daniel Keren:
Image Detection Under Varying Illumination and Pose.
668-673 BibTeX
- Stan Z. Li, QingDong Fu, Lie Gu, Bernhard Schölkopf, Yimin Cheng, HongJiang Zhang:
Kernel Machine Based Learning for Multi-View Face Detection and Pose Estimation.
674-679 BibTeX
- Sarat C. Dass, Anil K. Jain:
Markov Face Models.
680-687 BibTeX
- Bernd Heisele, Purdy Ho, Tomaso Poggio:
Face Recognition with Support Vector Machines: Global versus Component-based Approach.
688-694 BibTeX
- Sami Romdhani, Philip H. S. Torr, Bernhard Schölkopf, Andrew Blake:
Computationally Efficient Face Detection.
695-700 BibTeX
- Salih Burak Göktürk, Jean-Yves Bouguet, Radek Grzeszczuk:
A Data-Driven Model for Monocular Face Tracking.
701-708 BibTeX
- Hedvig Sidenbladh, Michael J. Black:
Learning Image Statistics for Bayesian Tracking.
709-716 BibTeX
- Hwann-Tzong Chen, Tyng-Luh Liu:
Trust-Region Methods for Real-Time Tracking.
717-722 BibTeX
- Zhigang Zhu, Allen R. Hanson:
3D LAMP: A New Layered Panoramic Representation.
723-730 BibTeX
- Ioannis Stamos, Peter K. Allen:
Automatic Registration of 2-D with 3-D Imagery in Urban Environments.
731-737 BibTeX
Demo Overviews
- Gang Xu, Takahisa Nakayama, Takeshi Kajikawa, Jun-ichi Terai:
3D-Mode: A 3D Modelling and Measurement System Using a Few Photos.
738 BibTeX
- Avraham Levy, Michael Lindenbaum:
Efficient Sequential Karhunen-Loeve Basis Extraction.
739 BibTeX
- Jim R. Parker, Juraj Pivovarov:
A Demonstration of Handprinted Symbol Recognition.
740 BibTeX
- Yuri Boykov, Marie-Pierre Jolly:
Demonstration of Segmentation with Interactive Graph Cuts.
741 BibTeX
- Jeffrey E. Boyd, Maxwell Sayles:
Real-Time Video Phase-Locked Loops.
742 BibTeX
- Jun Miao, Hongming Zhang, Wen Gao, Gang Deng, Hong Liu, Xilin Chen:
FaceTracker: A Human Face Tracking and Facial Organ Localizing System.
743 BibTeX
- Agustin Trujillo, Karl Krissian:
AMILab: A 2D/3D Image Processing Software.
744 BibTeX
- Zhengyou Zhang, Zicheng Liu, Dennis Adler, Michael F. Cohen, Erik Hanson, Ying Shan:
Cloning Your Own Face with a Desktop Camera.
745 BibTeX
- Hiroki Watanabe, Hitoshi Hongo, Mamoru Yasumoto, Yoshinori Niwa, Kazuhiko Yamamoto:
Control of Home Appliances Using Face and Hand Sign Recognition.
746 BibTeX
- Paul A. Viola, Michael J. Jones:
Robust Real-Time Face Detection.
747 BibTeX
- Rahul Sukthankar, Tat-Jen Cham, Gita Sukthankar, James M. Rehg, David Hsu, Thomas Leung:
Self-Calibrating Camera Projector Systems for Interactive Displays and Presentations.
748 BibTeX
- Paolo Favaro, Hailin Jin, Stefano Soatto:
Real-time Virtual Object Insertion.
749 BibTeX
- Naoya Takao, Jianbo Shi, Simon Baker, Iain Matthews, Bart C. Nabbe:
Tele-Graffiti: A Pen and Paper-Based Remote Sketching System.
750 BibTeX
- John S. Zelek, David J. Bullock:
Real-Time Automated Concurrent Visual Tracking of Many Animals and Subsequent Behavioral Compilation.
751 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:17:03 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)