
Narendra Ahuja

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195EENarendra Ahuja, Sinisa Todorovic: Connected Segmentation Tree - A joint representation of region layout and hierarchy. CVPR 2008
194EEBernard Ghanem, Narendra Ahuja: Extracting a fluid dynamic texture and the background from video. CVPR 2008
193EESinisa Todorovic, Narendra Ahuja: Learning subcategory relevances for category recognition. CVPR 2008
192EEVarsha Hedau, Himanshu Arora, Narendra Ahuja: Matching images under unstable segmentations. CVPR 2008
191EEBernard Ghanem, Esther Resendiz, Narendra Ahuja: Segmentation-based Perceptual Image Quality Assessment (SPIQA). ICIP 2008: 393-396
190EEEsther Resendiz, Narendra Ahuja: A unified model for activity recognition from video sequences. ICPR 2008: 1-4
189EESanketh Shetty, Narendra Ahuja: A uniformity criterion and algorithm for data clustering. ICPR 2008: 1-4
188EEOusman Azy, Narendra Ahuja: Segmentation of periodically moving objects. ICPR 2008: 1-4
187EESinisa Todorovic, Narendra Ahuja: Scale-invariant region-based hierarchical imagematching. ICPR 2008: 1-5
186EEAlexia Briassouli, Narendra Ahuja: Integration of Frequency and Space for Multiple Motion Estimation and Shape-Independent Object Segmentation. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 18(5): 657-669 (2008)
185EEHongcheng Wang, Narendra Ahuja: A Tensor Approximation Approach to Dimensionality Reduction. International Journal of Computer Vision 76(3): 217-229 (2008)
184EESinisa Todorovic, Narendra Ahuja: Region-Based Hierarchical Image Matching. International Journal of Computer Vision 78(1): 47-66 (2008)
183EEChunyu Gao, Narendra Ahuja, Hong Hua: Active Aperture Control and Sensor Modulation for Flexible Imaging. CVPR 2007
182EEHimanshu Arora, Narendra Ahuja: Modelling Objects using Distribution and Topology of Multiscale Region Pairs. CVPR 2007
181EEHimanshu Arora, Nicolas Loeff, David A. Forsyth, Narendra Ahuja: Unsupervised Segmentation of Objects using Efficient Learning. CVPR 2007
180EENarendra Ahuja, Sinisa Todorovic: Extracting Texels in 2.1D Natural Textures. ICCV 2007: 1-8
179EENarendra Ahuja, Sinisa Todorovic: Learning the Taxonomy and Models of Categories Present in Arbitrary Images. ICCV 2007: 1-8
178EEBernard Ghanem, Narendra Ahuja: Phase Based Modelling of Dynamic Textures. ICCV 2007: 1-8
177EEBernard Ghanem, Narendra Ahuja: Phase PCA for Dynamic Texture Video Compression. ICIP (3) 2007: 425-428
176EEAvinash Kumar, Narendra Ahuja, John M. Hart, Visesh Chari, P. J. Narayanan, C. V. Jawahar: A Vision System for Monitoring Intermodal Freight Trains. WACV 2007: 24
175EENing Xu, Narendra Ahuja, Ravi Bansal: Object segmentation using graph cuts based active contours. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 107(3): 210-224 (2007)
174EEHongcheng Wang, Ning Xu, Ramesh Raskar, Narendra Ahuja: Videoshop: A new framework for spatio-temporal video editing in gradient domain. Graphical Models 69(1): 57-70 (2007)
173EEHong Hua, Narendra Ahuja, Chunyu Gao: Design Analysis of a High-Resolution Panoramic Camera Using Conventional Imagers and a Mirror Pyramid. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 29(2): 356-361 (2007)
172EEAlexia Briassouli, Narendra Ahuja: Extraction and Analysis of Multiple Periodic Motions in Video Sequences. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 29(7): 1244-1261 (2007)
171EEHong Hua, Chunyu Gao, Narendra Ahuja: Calibration of an HMPD-Based Augmented Reality System. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 37(3): 416-430 (2007)
170EETianli Yu, Ning Xu, Narendra Ahuja: Shape and View Independent Reflectance Map from Multiple Views. International Journal of Computer Vision 73(2): 123-138 (2007)
169 Narendra Ahuja, Garimella Rama Murthy: Novel Complex Vauled Neural Networks. CDES 2006: 281-286
168EESinisa Todorovic, Narendra Ahuja: Extracting Subimages of an Unknown Category from a Set of Images. CVPR (1) 2006: 927-934
167EETianli Yu, Narendra Ahuja, Wei-Chao Chen: SDG Cut: 3D Reconstruction of Non-lambertian Objects Using Graph Cuts on Surface Distance Grid. CVPR (2) 2006: 2269-2276
166EEChunyu Gao, Narendra Ahuja: A Refractive Camera for Acquiring Stereo and Super-resolution Images. CVPR (2) 2006: 2316-2323
165EEAlexia Briassouli, Narendra Ahuja: Estimation of Multiple Periodic Motions from Video. ECCV (1) 2006: 147-159
164EERuei-Sung Lin, Che-Bin Liu, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Narendra Ahuja, Stephen E. Levinson: Learning Nonlinear Manifolds from Time Series. ECCV (2) 2006: 245-256
163EENarendra Ahuja, Alexia Briassouli: Joint Spatial and Frequency Domain Motion Analysis. FG 2006: 197-204
162EESooyeong Yi, Narendra Ahuja: A Novel Omnidirectional Stereo Vision System with a Single Camera. ICIAR (2) 2006: 146-156
161EEHongcheng Wang, Yunqiang Chen, Tong Fang, Jason Tyan, Narendra Ahuja: Gradient Adaptive Image Restoration and Enhancement. ICIP 2006: 2893-2896
160EEChe-Bin Liu, Ruei-Sung Lin, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Narendra Ahuja, Stephen E. Levinson: Object Tracking Using Globally Coordinated Nonlinear Manifolds. ICPR (1) 2006: 844-847
159EEAlexia Briassouli, Narendra Ahuja: Spatial and Fourier Error Minimization for Motion Estimation and Segmentation. ICPR (1) 2006: 94-97
158EESinisa Todorovic, Narendra Ahuja: 3D Texture Classification Using the Belief Net of a Segmentation Tree. ICPR (4) 2006: 33-36
157EESooyeong Yi, Narendra Ahuja: An Omnidirectional Stereo Vision System Using a Single Camera. ICPR (4) 2006: 861-865
156EEHimanshu Arora, Narendra Ahuja: Analysis of Ramp Discontinuity Model for Multiscale Image Segmentation. ICPR (4) 2006: 99-103
155EEHongcheng Wang, Ning Xu, Ramesh Raskar, Narendra Ahuja: Videoshop: A New Framework for Spatio-Temporal Video Editing in Gradient Domain. CVPR (2) 2005: 1201
154EEHongcheng Wang, Narendra Ahuja: Rank-R Approximation of Tensors: Using Image-as-Matrix Representation. CVPR (2) 2005: 346-353
153EETianli Yu, Jiebo Luo, Narendra Ahuja: Shape Regularized Active Contour Using Iterative Global Search and Local Optimization. CVPR (2) 2005: 655-662
152EEAlexia Briassouli, Narendra Ahuja: Integrated Spatial and Frequency Domain 2D Motion Segmentation and Estimation. ICCV 2005: 244-250
151EEAshish Jagmohan, Anshul Sehgal, Narendra Ahuja: Two-channel predictive multiple description coding. ICIP (2) 2005: 670-673
150EEChe-Bin Liu, Ruei-Sung Lin, Narendra Ahuja: Modeling Dynamic Textures Using Subspace Mixtures. ICME 2005: 1378-1381
149EEHongcheng Wang, Qing Wu, Lin Shi, Yizhou Yu, Narendra Ahuja: Out-of-core tensor approximation of multi-dimensional matrices of visual data. ACM Trans. Graph. 24(3): 527-535 (2005)
148EEChe-Bin Liu, Narendra Ahuja: Motion based retrieval of dynamic objects in videos. ACM Multimedia 2004: 288-291
147EEChe-Bin Liu, Narendra Ahuja: A Model for Dynamic Shape and Its Applications. CVPR (2) 2004: 129-134
146EETianli Yu, Ning Xu, Narendra Ahuja: Recovering Shape and Reflectance Model of Non-Lambertian Objects from Multiple Views. CVPR (2) 2004: 226-233
145EEManeesh Kumar Singh, Himanshu Arora, Narendra Ahuja: A Robust Probabilistic Estimation Framework for Parametric Image Models. ECCV (1) 2004: 508-522
144EETianli Yu, Ning Xu, Narendra Ahuja: Shape and View Independent Reflectance Map from Multiple Views. ECCV (4) 2004: 602-616
143EEHongcheng Wang, Narendra Ahuja: Compact Representation of Multidimensional Data Using Tensor Rank-One Decomposition. ICPR (1) 2004: 44-47
142EEAlexia Briassouli, Narendra Ahuja: Fusion of Frequency and Spatial Domain Information for Motion Analysis. ICPR (2) 2004: 175-178
141EETianli Yu, Ning Xu, Narendra Ahuja: Reconstructing a Dynamic Surface from Video Sequences Using Graph Cuts in 4D Space-Time. ICPR (2) 2004: 245-248
140EEAshish Jagmohan, Maneesh Kumar Singh, Narendra Ahuja: Dense Stereo Matching Using Kernel Maximum Likelihood Estimation. ICPR (3) 2004: 28-31
139EEHongcheng Wang, Ramesh Raskar, Narendra Ahuja: Seamless Video Editing. ICPR (3) 2004: 858-861
138EEChunyu Gao, Narendra Ahuja: Single Camera Stereo using Planar Parallel Plate. ICPR (4) 2004: 108-111
137EEChe-Bin Liu, Narendra Ahuja: Vision Based Fire Detection. ICPR (4) 2004: 134-137
136EENing Xu, Kar-Han Tan, Himanshu Arora, Narendra Ahuja: Generating Omnifocus Images Using Graph Cuts and a New Focus Measure. ICPR (4) 2004: 697-700
135 Himanshu Arora, Maneesh Singh, Narendra Ahuja: A Robust Nonparametric Estimation Framework for Implicit Image Models. ICVGIP 2004: 599-604
134EEJen-Hui Chuang, Narendra Ahuja, Chien-Chou Lin, Chi-Hao Tsai, Cheng-Hui Chen: A potential-based generalized cylinder representation. Computers & Graphics 28(6): 907-918 (2004)
133EEKar-Han Tan, Hong Hua, Narendra Ahuja: Multiview Panoramic Cameras Using Mirror Pyramids. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 26(7): 941-946 (2004)
132EEAnshul Sehgal, Ashish Jagmohan, Narendra Ahuja: Wyner-Ziv coding of video: an error-resilient compression framework. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 6(2): 249-258 (2004)
131EEManoj Aggarwal, Narendra Ahuja: Split Aperture Imaging for High Dynamic Range. International Journal of Computer Vision 58(1): 7-17 (2004)
130EENing Xu, Ravi Bansal, Narendra Ahuja: Object Segmentation Using Graph Cuts Based Active Contours. CVPR (2) 2003: 46-53
129EEAnshul Sehgal, Narendra Ahuja: Robust Predictive Coding and the Wyner-Ziv Problem. DCC 2003: 103-112
128EEAshish Jagmohan, Narendra Ahuja: Wyner-Ziv Encoded Predictive Multiple Descriptions. DCC 2003: 213-222
127EEManeesh Kumar Singh, Narendra Ahuja: Regression based Bandwidth Selection for Segmentation using Parzen Windows. ICCV 2003: 2-9
126EEHongcheng Wang, Narendra Ahuja: Facial Expression Decomposition. ICCV 2003: 958-965
125 Anshul Sehgal, Ashish Jagmohan, Narendra Ahuja: A state-free causal video encoding paradigm. ICIP (1) 2003: 605-608
124EEHong Hua, Leonard D. Brown, Chunyu Gao, Narendra Ahuja: A New Collaborative Infrastructure: SCAP. VR 2003: 171-179
123EEChunyu Gao, Hong Hua, Narendra Ahuja: Easy Calibration of a Head-Mounted Projective Display for Augmented Reality Systems. VR 2003: 53-60
122 Rakesh Dugad, Narendra Ahuja: A scheme for spatial scalability using nonscalable encoders. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 13(10): 993-999 (2003)
121EEMing-Hsuan Yang, Dan Roth, Narendra Ahuja: A Tale of Two Classifiers: SNoW vs. SVM in Visual Recognition. ECCV (4) 2002: 685-699
120 Anshul Sehgal, Ashish Jagmohan, Narendra Ahuja: Predictive encoding using coset codes. ICIP (2) 2002: 29-32
119 Nojun Kwak, Chong-Ho Choi, Narendra Ahuja: Face recognition using feature extraction based on independent component analysis. ICIP (2) 2002: 337-340
118 Ning Xu, Narendra Ahuja: Object contour tracking using graph cuts based active contours. ICIP (3) 2002: 277-280
117EEHong Hua, Chunyu Gao, Narendra Ahuja: Calibration of a Head-Mounted Projective Display for Augmented Reality Systems. ISMAR 2002: 176-185
116EEHong Hua, Chunyu Gao, Leonard D. Brown, Narendra Ahuja, Jannick P. Rolland: A Testbed for Precise Registration, Natural Occlusion and Interaction in an Augmented Environment Using a Head-Mounted Projective Display (HMPD). VR 2002: 81-
115EEKar-Han Tan, David J. Kriegman, Narendra Ahuja: Appearance-based Eye Gaze Estimation. WACV 2002: 191-195
114EEManeesh Kumar Singh, Narendra Ahuja: Mean-Shift Segmentation with Wavelet-based Bandwidth Selection. WACV 2002: 43-
113EEMing-Hsuan Yang, David J. Kriegman, Narendra Ahuja: Detecting Faces in Images: A Survey. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 24(1): 34-58 (2002)
112EEMing-Hsuan Yang, Narendra Ahuja, Mark Tabb: Extraction of 2D Motion Trajectories and Its Application to Hand Gesture Recognition. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 24(8): 1061-1074 (2002)
111EEKrishna Ratakonda, Narendra Ahuja: Lossless image compression with multiscale segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 11(11): 1228-1237 (2002)
110 Manoj Aggarwal, Narendra Ahuja: A Pupil-Centric Model of Image Formation. International Journal of Computer Vision 48(3): 195-214 (2002)
109EEDan Roth, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Narendra Ahuja: Learning to Recognize Three-Dimensional Objects. Neural Computation 14(5): 1071-1103 (2002)
108EEHong Hua, Narendra Ahuja: A High-Resolution Panoramic Camer. CVPR (1) 2001: 960-967
107EEHuaxin You, Hong Hua, Narendra Ahuja, Edward Y. Chang: Spin Discriminant Analysis (SDA) - Using a One-Dimensional Classifier for High Dimensional Classification Problems. CVPR (1) 2001: 968-975
106EEKar-Han Tan, Narendra Ahuja: A Representation of Image Structure and Its Application to Object Selection Using Freehand Sketches. CVPR (2) 2001: 677-683
105 Manoj Aggarwal, Narendra Ahuja: Split Aperture Imaging for High Dynamic Range. ICCV 2001: 10-17
104 Manoj Aggarwal, Narendra Ahuja: High Dynamic Range Panoramic Imaging. ICCV 2001: 2-9
103 Kar-Han Tan, Narendra Ahuja: Selecting Objects With Freehand Sketches. ICCV 2001: 337-344
102 Manoj Aggarwal, Hong Hua, Narendra Ahuja: On Cosine-Fourth and Vignetting Effects in Real Lenses. ICCV 2001: 472-479
101 Manoj Aggarwal, Narendra Ahuja: A New Imaging Model. ICCV 2001: 82-89
100EEMing-Hsuan Yang, Dan Roth, Narendra Ahuja: Face detection using large margin classifiers. ICIP (2) 2001: 665-668
99EESeung Chul Yoon, Narendra Ahuja: Frame interpolation using transmitted block-based motion vectors. ICIP (3) 2001: 856-859
98EEAnshul Sehgal, Ashish Jagmohan, Narendra Ahuja: High capacity data embedding in the wavelet domain. ICIP (3) 2001: 979-982
97EEHong Hua, Chunyu Gao, Leonard D. Brown, Narendra Ahuja, Jannick P. Rolland: Using a Head-Mounted Projective Display in Interactive Augmented Environments. ISAR 2001: 217-
96EEAnshul Sehgal, Ashish Jagmohan, Narendra Ahuja: Wireless video conferencing using multiple description coding. ISCAS (5) 2001: 303-306
95EEMing-Hsuan Yang, David J. Kriegman, Narendra Ahuja: Face Detection Using Multimodal Density Models. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 84(2): 264-284 (2001)
94 Rakesh Dugad, Narendra Ahuja: A fast scheme for image size change in the compressed domain. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 11(4): 461-474 (2001)
93EEMing-Hsuan Yang, Narendra Ahuja: A Geometric Approach to Train Support Vector Machines. CVPR 2000: 1430-1437
92EEDan Roth, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Narendra Ahuja: Learning to Recognize Objects. CVPR 2000: 1724-1731
91EEJianbo Ma, Narendra Ahuja: Region Correspondence by Global Configuration Matching and Progressive Delaunay Triangulation. CVPR 2000: 2637-
90EEMing-Hsuan Yang, Dan Roth, Narendra Ahuja: Learning to Recognize 3D Objects with SNoW. ECCV (1) 2000: 439-454
89EEMing-Hsuan Yang, Narendra Ahuja, David J. Kriegman: Face Detection Using Mixtures of Linear Subspaces. FG 2000: 70-76
88 Rakesh Dugad, Narendra Ahuja: A Scheme for Joint Watermarking and Compression of Video. ICIP 2000
87 Ming-Hsuan Yang, Narendra Ahuja, David J. Kriegman: Face Recognition Using Kernel Eigenfaces. ICIP 2000
86 Jianbo Ma, Narendra Ahuja, Chalapathy Neti, Andrew W. Senior: Recovering Frontal-Pose Image from a Single Profile Image. ICIP 2000
85EEManoj Aggarwal, Narendra Ahuja: On Generating Seamless Mosaics with Large Depth of Field. ICPR 2000: 1588-1591
84EEManoj Aggarwal, Narendra Ahuja: Camera Center Estimation. ICPR 2000: 1876-1880
83EEManoj Aggarwal, Narendra Ahuja: Estimating Sensor Orientation in Cameras. ICPR 2000: 1896-1899
82EERakesh Dugad, Narendra Ahuja: A Fast Scheme for Altering Resolution in the Compressed Domain. CVPR 1999: 1213-1218
81EEMing-Hsuan Yang, Narendra Ahuja: Recognizing Hand Gesture Using Motion Trajectories. CVPR 1999: 1466-1472
80 Maneesh Kumar Singh, Prakash Ishwar, Krishna Ratakonda, Narendra Ahuja: Segmentation Based Denoising Using Multiple Compaction Domains. ICIP (1) 1999: 372-375
79 Rakesh Dugad, Narendra Ahuja: A Fast Scheme for Downsampling and Upsampling in the DCT Domain. ICIP (2) 1999: 909-913
78 Ming-Hsuan Yang, Narendra Ahuja, David J. Kriegman: Face Detection Using a Mixture of Factor Analyzers. ICIP (3) 1999: 612-616
77 Rakesh Dugad, Narendra Ahuja: Video Denoising by Combining Kalman and Wiener Estimates. ICIP (4) 1999: 152-156
76EEMing-Hsuan Yang, Dan Roth, Narendra Ahuja: A SNoW-Based Face Detector. NIPS 1999: 862-868
75EENarayan Srinivasa, Narendra Ahuja: A topological and temporal correlator network for spatiotemporal pattern learning, recognition, and recall. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 10(2): 356-371 (1999)
74EETanuja Joshi, Narendra Ahuja, Jean Ponce: Structure and Motion Estimation from Dynamic Silhouettes under Perspective Projection. International Journal of Computer Vision 31(1): 31-50 (1999)
73 Narayan Srinivasa, Narendra Ahuja: A Learning Approach to Fixating on 3D Targets with Active Cameras. ACCV (1) 1998: 623-631
72 Peter Bajcsy, Narendra Ahuja: Hierarchical Texture Segmentation. ACCV (2) 1998: 291-298
71 Benoit Perrin, Narendra Ahuja, Narayan Srinivasa: Learning Multiscale Image Models of 2D Object Classes. ACCV (2) 1998: 323-331
70 Krishna Ratakonda, Narendra Ahuja: Restoring Image Quality Through Structure Preserving De-noising. ACCV (2) 1998: 33-40
69EEJianbo Ma, Narendra Ahuja: Dense Shape and Motion from Region Correspondences by Factorization. CVPR 1998: 219-224
68EEMing-Hsuan Yang, Narendra Ahuja: Extraction and Classification of Visual Motion Patterns for Hand Gesture Recognition. CVPR 1998: 892-897
67 Ming-Hsuan Yang, Narendra Ahuja: Extracting Gestural Motion Trajectories. FG 1998: 10-15
66 Ming-Hsuan Yang, Narendra Ahuja: Detecting Human Faces in Color Images. ICIP (1) 1998: 127-130
65 Krishna Ratakonda, Rakesh Dugad, Narendra Ahuja: Digital Image Watermarking: Issues in Resolving Rightful Ownership. ICIP (2) 1998: 414-418
64 Rakesh Dugad, Krishna Ratakonda, Narendra Ahuja: A New Wavelet-based Scheme for Watermarking Images. ICIP (2) 1998: 419-423
63 Krishna Ratakonda, Narendra Ahuja: POCS based Adaptive Image Magnification. ICIP (3) 1998: 203-207
62EEChristian Debrunner, Narendra Ahuja: Segmentation and Factorization-Based Motion and Structure Estimation for Long Image Sequences. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 20(2): 206-211 (1998)
61EEPeter Bajcsy, Narendra Ahuja: Location- and Density-Based Hierarchical Clustering Using Similarity Analysis. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 20(9): 1011-1015 (1998)
60 Jen-Hui Chuang, Narendra Ahuja: An analytically tractable potential field model of free space and its application in obstacle avoidance. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 28(5): 729-736 (1998)
59EEKrishna Ratakonda, S. Yoon, Narendra Ahuja: Coding the Displaced Frame Difference for Video Compression. ICIP (1) 1997: 353-356
58EESeung Chul Yoon, Krishna Ratakonda, Narendra Ahuja: Region-Based Video Coding Using a Multiscale Image Segmentation. ICIP (2) 1997: 510-513
57EEZhi-Pei Liang, Hao Pan, R. L. Magin, Narendra Ahuja, Thomas S. Huang: Automated registration of multimodality images by maximization of a region similarity measure. ICIP (3) 1997: 272-275
56 Peter Bajcsy, Narendra Ahuja: A New Framework for Hierarchical Segmentation Using Similarity Analysis. Scale-Space 1997: 319-322
55EENarendra Ahuja, Jen-Hui Chuang: Shape Representation Using a Generalized Potential Field Model. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 19(2): 169-176 (1997)
54EEJuyang Weng, Yuntao Cui, Narendra Ahuja: Transitory Image Sequences, Asymptotic Properties, and Estimation of Motion and Structure. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 19(5): 451-464 (1997)
53EEMark Tabb, Narendra Ahuja: Multiscale image segmentation by integrated edge and region detection. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 6(5): 642-655 (1997)
52EEJohn (Juyang) Weng, Narendra Ahuja, Thomas S. Huang: Learning Recognition and Segmentation Using the Cresceptron. International Journal of Computer Vision 25(2): 109-143 (1997)
51EEArun Krishnan, Narendra Ahuja: Panoramic Image Acquisition. CVPR 1996: 379-384
50 Darrell R. Hougen, Narendra Ahuja: Shape from Appearance: A Statistical Approach to Surface Shape Estimation. ECCV (1) 1996: 127-136
49EESubhodev Das, Narendra Ahuja: Active Surface Estimation: Integrating Coarse-to-Fine Image Acquisition and Estimation from Multiple Cues. Artif. Intell. 83(2): 241-266 (1996)
48EENarendra Ahuja: A Transform for Multiscale Image Segmentation by Integrated Edge and Region Detection. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 18(12): 1211-1235 (1996)
47EEArun Krishnan, Narendra Ahuja: Range estimation from focus using a non-frontal imaging camera. International Journal of Computer Vision 20(3): 169-185 (1996)
46 Narendra Ahuja, Ram Charan: Pixel Matching and Motion Segementation in Image Sequences. ACCV 1995: 139-148
45EETanuja Joshi, Narendra Ahuja, Jean Ponce: Structure and Motion Estimation from Dynamic Silhouettes under Perspective Projection. ICCV 1995: 290-295
44 Narendra Ahuja: A Nonfrontal Imaging Camera. ICSC 1995: 397
43 Narendra Ahuja: On Detection and Representation of Multiscale Low-Level Image Structure. ACM Comput. Surv. 27(3): 304-306 (1995)
42EENarendra Ahuja, Radu Horaud: Introduction to the Special Volume on Computer Vision. Artif. Intell. 78(1-2): 1-3 (1995)
41EESanghoon Sull, Narendra Ahuja: Integrated Matching and Segmentation of Multiple Features in Two Views. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 62(3): 279-297 (1995)
40EESubhodev Das, Narendra Ahuja: Performance Analysis of Stereo, Vergence, and Focus as Depth Cues for Active Vision. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 17(12): 1213-1219 (1995)
39 Sanghoon Sull, Narendra Ahuja: Integrated 3D Analysis of Flight Image Sequences. ECCV (1) 1994: 211-216
38 Sanghoon Sull, Narendra Ahuja: Estimation and Segmentation of Displacement Field Using Multiple Features. ICIP (3) 1994: 53-57
37EEXiaoping Hu, Narendra Ahuja: Matching Point Features with Ordered Geometric, Rigidity, and Disparity Constraints. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 16(10): 1041-1049 (1994)
36EESanghoon Sull, Narendra Ahuja: Integrated 3-D Analysis and Analysis-Guided Synthesis of Flight Image Sequences. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 16(4): 357-372 (1994)
35 Xiaoping Hu, Narendra Ahuja: Feature Extraction and Matching as Signal Detection. IJPRAI 8(6): 1343-1379 (1994)
34EEXiaoping Hu, Narendra Ahuja: Mirror uncertainty and uniqueness conditions for determining shape and motion from orthographic projection. International Journal of Computer Vision 13(3): 295-309 (1994)
33 Arun Krishnan, Narendra Ahuja: Range Estimation From Focus Using a Non-frontal Imaging Camera. AAAI 1993: 830-835
32 Xiaoping Hu, Narendra Ahuja: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for a Unique Solution of Plane Motion and Structure. CAIP 1993: 436-443
31EEAlok N. Choudhary, Janak H. Patel, Narendra Ahuja: NETRA: A Hierarchical and Partitionable Architecture for Computer Vision Systems. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 4(10): 1092-1104 (1993)
30EENarendra Ahuja, A. Lynn Abbott: Active Stereo: Integrating Disparity, Vergence, Focus, Aperture and Calibration for Surface Estimation. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 15(10): 1007-1029 (1993)
29EEJuyang Weng, Narendra Ahuja, Thomas S. Huang: Optimal Motion and Structure Estimation. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 15(9): 864-884 (1993)
28EEXiaoping Hu, Narendra Ahuja: Motion and structure estimation using long sequence motion models. Image Vision Comput. 11(9): 549-569 (1993)
27 Christian Debrunner, Narendra Ahuja: Motion and Structure Factorization and Segmentation of Long Multiple Motion Image Sequences. ECCV 1992: 217-221
26 Juyang Weng, Thomas S. Huang, Narendra Ahuja: Object Recognition by a Self-Organizing Neural Network which Grows Adaptively. ICPIA 1992: 32-33
25EEXiaoping Hu, Narendra Ahuja: Long Image Sequence Motion Analysis Using Polynomial Motion Models. MVA 1992: 109-114
24EEZhen Hong, Narendra Ahuja: Target Tracking from Binocular Image Sequence Using the Autoregressive Moving Average Model. MVA 1992: 317-320
23 Yong K. Hwang, Narendra Ahuja: Gross Motion Planning - A Survey. ACM Comput. Surv. 24(3): 219-291 (1992)
22EEJuyang Weng, Thomas S. Huang, Narendra Ahuja: Motion and Structure from Line Correspondences; Closed-Form Solution, Uniqueness, and Optimization. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 14(3): 318-336 (1992)
21EEJuyang Weng, Narendra Ahuja, Thomas S. Huang: Matching Two Perspective Views. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 14(8): 806-825 (1992)
20 Sanjay K. Srivastava, Narendra Ahuja: Octree Generation from Object Silhouettes in Perspective Views. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 49(1): 68-84 (1990)
19EEDorothea Blostein, Narendra Ahuja: A multiscale region detector. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 45(1): 22-41 (1989)
18EENarendra Ahuja, Mihran Tuceryan: Extraction of early perceptual structure in dot patterns: Integrating region, boundary, and component gestalt. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 48(3): 304-356 (1989)
17EEDorothea Blostein, Narendra Ahuja: Shape From Texture: Integrating Texture-Element Extraction and Surface Estimation. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 11(12): 1233-1251 (1989)
16EEWilliam Hoff, Narendra Ahuja: Surfaces from Stereo: Integrating Feature Matching, Disparity Estimation, and Contour Detection. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 11(2): 121-136 (1989)
15EENarendra Ahuja, Jack Veenstra: Generating Octrees from Object Silhouettes in Orthographic Views. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 11(2): 137-149 (1989)
14EEJuyang Weng, Thomas S. Huang, Narendra Ahuja: Motion and Structure From Two Perspective Views: Algorithms, Error Analysis, and Error Estimation. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 11(5): 451-476 (1989)
13EEJack Veenstra, Narendra Ahuja: Line drawings of octree-represented objects. ACM Trans. Graph. 7(1): 61-75 (1988)
12EEXinhua Zhuang, Thomas S. Huang, Narendra Ahuja, Robert M. Haralick: A simplified linear optic flow-motion algorithm. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 42(3): 334-344 (1988)
11EENarendra Ahuja, Byong An, Bruce J. Schachter: Image representation using Voronoi tessellation. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 29(3): 286-295 (1985)
10EENarendra Ahuja, Charles Nash: Octree representations of moving objects. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 26(2): 207-216 (1984)
9 Charles Nash, Narendra Ahuja: Octree representations of moving objects. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 22(1): 204 (1983)
8EENarendra Ahuja: On approaches to polygonal decomposition for hierarchical image representation. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 24(2): 200-214 (1983)
7 Narendra Ahuja, Bruce J. Schachter: Image Models. ACM Comput. Surv. 13(4): 373-397 (1981)
6EENarendra Ahuja: Mosaic models for images - I. Geometric properties of components in cell-structure mosaics. Inf. Sci. 23(2): 69-104 (1981)
5EENarendra Ahuja: Mosaic models for images--II. Geometric properties of components in coverage mosaics. Inf. Sci. 23(3): 159-200 (1981)
4EENarendra Ahuja: Mosaic models for images - III. Spatial correlation in mosaics. Inf. Sci. 24(1): 43-69 (1981)
3 Narendra Ahuja, Robert T. Chien, R. Yen, N. Bridwell: Interference Detection and Collision Avoidance Among Three Dimensional Objects. AAAI 1980: 44-48
2EENarendra Ahuja, Azriel Rosenfeld, Robert M. Haralick: Neighbor gray levels as features in pixel classification. Pattern Recognition 12(4): 251-260 (1980)
1 Narendra Ahuja, Larry S. Davis, David L. Milgram, Azriel Rosenfeld: Piecewise Approximation of Pictures Using Maximal Neighborhoods. IEEE Trans. Computers 27(4): 375-379 (1978)

Coauthor Index

1A. Lynn Abbott [30]
2Manoj Aggarwal [83] [84] [85] [101] [102] [104] [105] [110] [131]
3Byong An [11]
4Himanshu Arora [135] [136] [145] [156] [181] [182] [192]
5Ousman Azy [188]
6Peter Bajcsy [56] [61] [72]
7Ravi Bansal [130] [175]
8Dorothea Blostein [17] [19]
9Alexia Briassouli [142] [152] [159] [163] [165] [172] [186]
10N. Bridwell [3]
11Leonard D. Brown [97] [116] [124]
12Edward Y. Chang [107]
13Ram Charan [46]
14Visesh Chari (Visesh Uday Kumar Chari) [176]
15Cheng-Hui Chen [134]
16Wei-Chao Chen [167]
17Yunqiang Chen [161]
18Robert T. Chien [3]
19Chong-Ho Choi [119]
20Alok N. Choudhary [31]
21Jen-Hui Chuang [55] [60] [134]
22Yuntao Cui [54]
23Subhodev Das [40] [49]
24Larry S. Davis [1]
25Christian Debrunner [27] [62]
26Rakesh Dugad [64] [65] [77] [79] [82] [88] [94] [122]
27Tong Fang [161]
28David A. Forsyth [181]
29Chunyu Gao [97] [116] [117] [123] [124] [138] [166] [171] [173] [183]
30Bernard Ghanem [177] [178] [191] [194]
31Robert M. Haralick [2] [12]
32John M. Hart [176]
33Varsha Hedau [192]
34William Hoff [16]
35Zhen Hong [24]
36Radu Horaud [42]
37Darrell R. Hougen [50]
38Xiaoping Hu [25] [28] [32] [34] [35] [37]
39Hong Hua [97] [102] [107] [108] [116] [117] [123] [124] [133] [171] [173] [183]
40Thomas S. Huang [12] [14] [21] [22] [26] [29] [52] [57]
41Yong K. Hwang [23]
42Prakash Ishwar [80]
43Ashish Jagmohan [96] [98] [120] [125] [128] [132] [140] [151]
44C. V. Jawahar [176]
45Tanuja Joshi [45] [74]
46David J. Kriegman [78] [87] [89] [95] [113] [115]
47Arun Krishnan [33] [47] [51]
48Avinash Kumar [176]
49Nojun Kwak [119]
50Stephen E. Levinson [160] [164]
51Zhi-Pei Liang [57]
52Chien-Chou Lin [134]
53Ruei-Sung Lin [150] [160] [164]
54Che-Bin Liu [137] [147] [148] [150] [160] [164]
55Nicolas Loeff [181]
56Jiebo Luo [153]
57Jianbo Ma [69] [86] [91]
58R. L. Magin [57]
59David L. Milgram [1]
60Garimella Rama Murthy [169]
61P. J. Narayanan [176]
62Charles Nash [9] [10]
63Chalapathy Neti [86]
64Hao Pan [57]
65Janak H. Patel [31]
66Benoit Perrin [71]
67Jean Ponce [45] [74]
68Ramesh Raskar [139] [155] [174]
69Krishna Ratakonda [58] [59] [63] [64] [65] [70] [80] [111]
70Esther Resendiz [190] [191]
71Jannick P. Rolland [97] [116]
72Azriel Rosenfeld [1] [2]
73Dan Roth [76] [90] [92] [100] [109] [121]
74Bruce J. Schachter [7] [11]
75Anshul Sehgal [96] [98] [120] [125] [129] [132] [151]
76Andrew W. Senior [86]
77Sanketh Shetty [189]
78Lin Shi [149]
79Maneesh Kumar Singh (Maneesh Singh) [80] [114] [127] [135] [140] [145]
80Narayan Srinivasa [71] [73] [75]
81Sanjay K. Srivastava [20]
82Sanghoon Sull [36] [38] [39] [41]
83Mark Tabb [53] [112]
84Kar-Han Tan [103] [106] [115] [133] [136]
85Sinisa Todorovic [158] [168] [179] [180] [184] [187] [193] [195]
86Chi-Hao Tsai [134]
87Mihran Tuceryan [18]
88Jason Tyan [161]
89Jack Veenstra [13] [15]
90Hongcheng Wang [126] [139] [143] [149] [154] [155] [161] [174] [185]
91Juyang Weng (John (Juyang) Weng) [14] [21] [22] [26] [29] [52] [54]
92Qing Wu [149]
93Ning Xu [118] [130] [136] [141] [144] [146] [155] [170] [174] [175]
94Ming-Hsuan Yang [66] [67] [68] [76] [78] [81] [87] [89] [90] [92] [93] [95] [100] [109] [112] [113] [121] [160] [164]
95R. Yen [3]
96Sooyeong Yi [157] [162]
97S. Yoon [59]
98Seung Chul Yoon [58] [99]
99Huaxin You [107]
100Tianli Yu [141] [144] [146] [153] [167] [170]
101Yizhou Yu [149]
102Xinhua Zhuang [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)