
Mathias Kölsch

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9EERachel E. Goshorn, Deborah Goshorn, Mathias Kölsch: The Enhancement of Low-Level Classifications for Ambient Assisted Living. BMI 2008: 87-101
8EEMathias Kölsch: Rapid Acquisition of Persistent Object Textures. VR 2007: 287-288
7EEMathias Kölsch, Vladimir Pavlovic, Branislav Kisacanin, Thomas S. Huang: Special issue on vision for human-computer interaction. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 108(1-2): 1-3 (2007)
6 Thomas S. Huang, Nicu Sebe, Michael S. Lew, Vladimir Pavlovic, Mathias Kölsch, Aphrodite Galata, Branislav Kisacanin: Computer Vision in Human-Computer Interaction, ECCV 2006 Workshop on HCI, Graz, Austria, May 13, 2006, Proceedings Springer 2006
5EEMathias Kölsch, Ryan Bane, Tobias Höllerer, Matthew Turk: Multimodal Interaction with a Wearable Augmented Reality System. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 26(3): 62-71 (2006)
4EEMathias Kölsch, Matthew Turk: Hand Tracking with Flocks of Features. CVPR (2) 2005: 1187
3EEMathias Kölsch, Matthew Turk: Robust Hand Detection. FGR 2004: 614-619
2EEMathias Kölsch, Matthew Turk: Analysis of Rotational Robustness of Hand Detection with a Viola-Jones Detector. ICPR (3) 2004: 107-110
1EEMathias Kölsch, Matthew Turk, Tobias Höllerer: Vision-Based Interfaces for Mobility. MobiQuitous 2004: 86-94

Coauthor Index

1Ryan Bane [5]
2Aphrodite Galata [6]
3Deborah Goshorn [9]
4Rachel E. Goshorn [9]
5Tobias Höllerer [1] [5]
6Thomas S. Huang [6] [7]
7Branislav Kisacanin [6] [7]
8Michael S. Lew [6]
9Vladimir Pavlovic [6] [7]
10Nicu Sebe [6]
11Matthew Turk [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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