
Peter Stucki

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20 Peter Stucki: Das Bundesprogramm "Swiss Virtual Campus". DeLFI 2004: 15-22
19 Hansrudi Noser, Christian Stern, Peter Stucki: Automatic path searching for interactive navigation support within virtual medical 3D objects. CARS 2003: 29-34
18EEHansrudi Noser, Christian Stern, Peter Stucki: Distributed Virtual Reality Environments Based on Rewriting Systems. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 9(2): 213-225 (2003)
17EEHansrudi Noser, S. Rudolph, Peter Stucki: Physics-Enhanced L-Systems. WSCG 2001: 214-221
16EEHansrudi Noser, Christian Stern, Peter Stucki, Daniel Thalmann: Generic 3D Ball Animation Model for Networked Interactive VR Environments. Virtual Worlds 2000: 77-90
15EEHansrudi Noser, Peter Stucki: Dynamic 3D Visualization of Database-Defined Tree Structures on the WWW by Using Rewriting Systems. WECWIS 2000: 247-254
14EEChristoph Stamm, Stephan Eidenbenz, Michael Beck, Peter Stucki, Peter Widmayer: A Prototype System for Light Propagation in Terrains. Computer Graphics International 1998: 103-
13EEQun Lou, Peter Stucki: Funfamentals of 3D Halftoning. EP 1998: 224-239
12EERenato Pajarola, Thomas Ohler, Peter Stucki, Kornel Szabo, Peter Widmayer: The Alps at Your Fingertips: Virtual Reality and Geoinformation Systems. ICDE 1998: 550-557
11 Peter Stucki: Standards for Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition. FG 1996
10EEThomas S. Huang, Peter Stucki: Introduction to the Special Section on 3-D Modeling in Image Analysis. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 15(6): 529-530 (1993)
9 Abdelhakim Ghezal, Peter Stucki: 3D-Hartkopien als Alternative zur 3D-Visualisierung am Bildschirm. Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 7(3): 121-125 (1992)
8 Abdelhakim Ghezal, Peter Stucki: 3D-Copies of Surface-Reconstructed 3D-Models. DAGM-Symposium 1991: 528-535
7 Peter Stucki: Multimedia: A Technology for Efficient Information Representation (summary). VDB 1991: 319
6EECharles A. Wüthrich, Peter Stucki: An algorithmic comparison between square- and hexagonal-based grids. CVGIP: Graphical Model and Image Processing 53(4): 324-339 (1991)
5 Peter Stucki, U. Menzi: Image-Processing Application Generation Environment: A Laboratory for Prototyping Visual Data-Bases. VDB 1989: 29-40
4 Horst Bunke, Olaf Kübler, Peter Stucki: Mustererkennung 1988, 10. DAGM-Symposium, Zürich, 27.-29. September 1988, Proceedings Springer 1988
3 U. Menzi, Peter Stucki: Image-Processing Application Generation Environment (I-Page): Softwarewerkzeuge für die Gestaltung offener Text/Bild-Anwendungssysteme. DAGM-Symposium 1987: 40-44
2 Peter Stucki: Advances in Digital Image Processing for Document Reproduction. VLSI Engineering 1984: 256-302
1 Peter Stucki: Solid-State Area Scanning Arrays as Interface Devices Between Optical and Digital Computing Systems - A Simulation Study. IEEE Trans. Computers 24(4): 370-380 (1975)

Coauthor Index

1Michael Beck [14]
2Horst Bunke [4]
3Stephan Eidenbenz [14]
4Abdelhakim Ghezal [8] [9]
5Thomas S. Huang [10]
6Olaf Kübler [4]
7Qun Lou [13]
8U. Menzi [3] [5]
9Hansrudi Noser [15] [16] [17] [18] [19]
10Thomas Ohler [12]
11Renato Pajarola [12]
12S. Rudolph [17]
13Christoph Stamm [14]
14Christian Stern [16] [18] [19]
15Kornel Szabo [12]
16Daniel Thalmann [16]
17Peter Widmayer [12] [14]
18Charles A. Wüthrich [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)