dblp.uni-trier.de www.uni-trier.de

CHI 2002: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Proceedings of the CHI 2002 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, April 20-25, 2002. ACM, 2002

Contextual Displays

Imput Devices


Input: Smooth Moves

Structure and Flow

Two-Handed Interaction

Confidence and Trust

Controlling Complexity

I Think, therefore IM

Spatial Cognition

Technology to help poeple find information

Web Behavior Patterns

Focue and Context

Speech, Audio, Gesture

Interactive Design

Collaborative Filtering

Hands-On Interfaces

Web Site Analysis

Communities and Organizations


Visualizing Patterns

Group Spaces

Design Methods

Copyright © Sat May 16 23:01:18 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)