
Jim Christensen

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9EEXianghua Ding, Thomas Erickson, Wendy A. Kellogg, Stephen Levy, Jim Christensen, Jeremy B. Sussman, Tracee Vetting Wolf, William E. Bennett: An empirical study of the use of visually enhanced voip audio conferencing: the case of IEAC. CHI 2007: 1019-1028
8EEWendy A. Kellogg, Thomas Erickson, Tracee Vetting Wolf, Stephen Levy, Jim Christensen, Jeremy B. Sussman, William E. Bennett: Leveraging digital backchannels to enhance user experience in electronically mediated communication. CSCW 2006: 451-454
7EEJim Christensen, Jeremy B. Sussman, Stephen Levy, William E. Bennett, Tracee Vetting Wolf, Wendy A. Kellogg: Too much information. ACM Queue 4(6): 50-57 (2006)
6EEJohn T. Richards, Jim Christensen: People in Our Software. ACM Queue 1(10): 80-86 (2004)
5EEJames Fogarty, Jennifer Lai, Jim Christensen: Presence versus availability: the design and evaluation of a context-aware communication client. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 61(3): 299-317 (2004)
4EEJames M. Hudson, Jim Christensen, Wendy A. Kellogg, Thomas Erickson: "I'd be overwhelmed, but it's just one more thing to do": availability and interruption in research management. CHI 2002: 97-104
3EESastry Duri, Alan Cole, Jonathan Munson, Jim Christensen: An approach to providing a seamless end-user experience for location-aware applications. Workshop Mobile Commerce 2001: 20-25
2EEChatschik Bisdikian, Jim Christensen, John S. Davis II, Maria Ebling, Guerney D. H. Hunt, William F. Jerome, Hui Lei, Stéphane H. Maes, Daby M. Sow: Enabling location-based applications. Workshop Mobile Commerce 2001: 38-42
1 Alan Cole, Jim Christensen, Howard Sachar, Oleg Dulin: Managing Multimedia Assets with Federated Join. EFIS 2000: 61-68

Coauthor Index

1William E. Bennett [7] [8] [9]
2Chatschik Bisdikian [2]
3Alan Cole [1] [3]
4John S. Davis II [2]
5Xianghua Ding [9]
6Oleg Dulin [1]
7Sastry Duri [3]
8Maria Ebling [2]
9Thomas Erickson [4] [8] [9]
10James Fogarty [5]
11James M. Hudson [4]
12Guerney D. H. Hunt [2]
13William F. Jerome [2]
14Wendy A. Kellogg [4] [7] [8] [9]
15Jennifer Lai [5]
16Hui Lei [2]
17Stephen Levy [7] [8] [9]
18Stéphane H. Maes [2]
19Jonathan Munson [3]
20John T. Richards [6]
21Howard Sachar [1]
22Daby M. Sow [2]
23Jeremy B. Sussman [7] [8] [9]
24Tracee Vetting Wolf (Tracee Wolf) [7] [8] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)