
Patrick Baudisch

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49EEPatrick Baudisch, Gerry Chu: Back-of-device interaction allows creating very small touch devices. CHI 2009: 1923-1932
48EEPatrick Baudisch, Alexander Zotov, Edward Cutrell, Ken Hinckley: Starburst: a target expansion algorithm for non-uniform target distributions. AVI 2008: 129-137
47EEKevin A. Li, Patrick Baudisch, Ken Hinckley: Blindsight: eyes-free access to mobile phones. CHI 2008: 1389-1398
46EESean Gustafson, Patrick Baudisch, Carl Gutwin, Pourang Irani: Wedge: clutter-free visualization of off-screen locations. CHI 2008: 787-796
45EERaphael Hoffmann, Patrick Baudisch, Daniel S. Weld: Evaluating visual cues for window switching on large screens. CHI 2008: 929-938
44EEKevin A. Li, Patrick Baudisch, William G. Griswold, James D. Hollan: Tapping and rubbing: exploring new dimensions of tactile feedback with voice coil motors. UIST 2008: 181-190
43EEShengdong Zhao, Pierre Dragicevic, Mark H. Chignell, Ravin Balakrishnan, Patrick Baudisch: Earpod: eyes-free menu selection using touch input and reactive audio feedback. CHI 2007: 1395-1404
42EEKen Hinckley, Shengdong Zhao, Raman Sarin, Patrick Baudisch, Edward Cutrell, Michael Shilman, Desney S. Tan: InkSeine: In Situ search for active note taking. CHI 2007: 251-260
41EEDaniel Vogel, Patrick Baudisch: Shift: a technique for operating pen-based interfaces using touch. CHI 2007: 657-666
40EEPatrick Baudisch, Mike Sinclair, Andrew Wilson: Soap: how to make a mouse work in mid-air. CHI Extended Abstracts 2007: 1935-1940
39EEDaniel Wigdor, Clifton Forlines, Patrick Baudisch, John Barnwell, Chia Shen: Lucid touch: a see-through mobile device. UIST 2007: 269-278
38EEGonzalo Ramos, George G. Robertson, Mary Czerwinski, Desney S. Tan, Patrick Baudisch, Ken Hinckley, Maneesh Agrawala: Tumble! Splat! helping users access and manipulate occluded content in 2D drawings. AVI 2006: 428-435
37EEHrvoje Benko, Andrew D. Wilson, Patrick Baudisch: Precise selection techniques for multi-touch screens. CHI 2006: 1263-1272
36EEKen Hinckley, François Guimbretière, Patrick Baudisch, Raman Sarin, Maneesh Agrawala, Edward Cutrell: The springboard: multiple modes in one spring-loaded control. CHI 2006: 181-190
35EETovi Grossman, Ken Hinckley, Patrick Baudisch, Maneesh Agrawala, Ravin Balakrishnan: Hover widgets: using the tracking state to extend the capabilities of pen-operated devices. CHI 2006: 861-870
34EELucia Terrenghi, Richard May, Patrick Baudisch, Wendy E. Mackay, Fabio Paternò, Jim Thomas, Mark Billinghurst: Information visualization and interaction techniques for collaboration across multiple displays. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 1643-1646
33EEPatrick Baudisch, Desney S. Tan, Maxime Collomb, Daniel C. Robbins, Ken Hinckley, Maneesh Agrawala, Shengdong Zhao, Gonzalo Ramos: Phosphor: explaining transitions in the user interface using afterglow effects. UIST 2006: 169-178
32EEPatrick Baudisch, Mike Sinclair, Andrew Wilson: Soap: a pointing device that works in mid-air. UIST 2006: 43-46
31EEPatrick Baudisch: Interacting with Large Displays. IEEE Computer 39(4): 96-97 (2006)
30 Patrick Baudisch, Mary Czerwinski, Dan R. Olsen: Proceedings of the 18th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, Seattle, WA, USA, October 23-26, 2005 ACM 2005
29EEPatrick Baudisch, Edward Cutrell, Ken Hinckley, Adam Eversole: Snap-and-go: helping users align objects without the modality of traditional snapping. CHI 2005: 301-310
28EEKen Hinckley, Patrick Baudisch, Gonzalo Ramos, François Guimbretière: Design and analysis of delimiters for selection-action pen gesture phrases in scriboli. CHI 2005: 451-460
27EEHeidi Lam, Patrick Baudisch: Summary thumbnails: readable overviews for small screen web browsers. CHI 2005: 681-690
26EEGraham Smith, Monica M. C. Schraefel, Patrick Baudisch: Curve dial: eyes-free parameter entry for GUIs. CHI Extended Abstracts 2005: 1146-1147
25EEDavid Huynh, Steven M. Drucker, Patrick Baudisch, Curtis Wong: Time quilt: scaling up zoomable photo browsers for large, unstructured photo collections. CHI Extended Abstracts 2005: 1937-1940
24EEPatrick Baudisch, Lars Brueckner: TV Scout: Lowering the Entry Barrier to Personalized TV Program Recommendation. From Integrated Publication and Information Systems to Virtual Information and Knowledge Environments 2005: 299-309
23EEMaxime Collomb, Mountaz Hascoët, Patrick Baudisch, Brian Lee: Improving drag-and-drop on wall-size displays. Graphics Interface 2005: 25-32
22EEPatrick Baudisch, Desney S. Tan, Drew Steedly, Eric Rudolph, Matthew Uyttendaele, Chris Pal, Richard Szeliski: Panoramic viewfinder: providing a real-time preview to help users avoid flaws in panoramic pictures. OZCHI 2005
21EEGeorge G. Robertson, Mary Czerwinski, Patrick Baudisch, Brian Meyers, Daniel C. Robbins, Greg Smith, Desney S. Tan: The Large-Display User Experience. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 25(4): 44-51 (2005)
20EEPatrick Baudisch, Bongshin Lee, Libby Hanna: Fishnet, a fisheye web browser with search term popouts: a comparative evaluation with overview and linear view. AVI 2004: 133-140
19EEKen Hinckley, Gonzalo Ramos, François Guimbretière, Patrick Baudisch, Marc Smith: Stitching: pen gestures that span multiple displays. AVI 2004: 23-31
18EEGeorge G. Robertson, Eric Horvitz, Mary Czerwinski, Patrick Baudisch, Dugald Ralph Hutchings, Brian Meyers, Daniel C. Robbins, Greg Smith: Scalable Fabric: flexible task management. AVI 2004: 85-89
17EEPatrick Baudisch, John Pruitt, Steve Ball: Flat volume control: improving usability by hiding the volume control hierarchy in the user interface. CHI 2004: 255-262
16EEPatrick Baudisch, Carl Gutwin: Multiblending: displaying overlapping windows simultaneously without the drawbacks of alpha blending. CHI 2004: 367-374
15EEPatrick Baudisch, Edward Cutrell, Ken Hinckley, Robert Gruen: Mouse ether: accelerating the acquisition of targets across multi-monitor displays. CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1379-1382
14EEPatrick Baudisch, Xing Xie, Chong Wang, Wei-Ying Ma: Collapse-to-zoom: viewing web pages on small screen devices by interactively removing irrelevant content. UIST 2004: 91-94
13EEPatrick Baudisch, Ruth Rosenholtz: Halo: a technique for visualizing off-screen objects. CHI 2003: 481-488
12EEPolle Zellweger, Jock D. Mackinlay, Lance Good, Mark Stefik, Patrick Baudisch: City lights: contextual views in minimal space. CHI Extended Abstracts 2003: 838-839
11 Patrick Baudisch, Edward Cutrell, Mary Czerwinski, Daniel C. Robbins, Peter Tandler, Benjamin B. Bederson, A. Zierlinger: Drag-and-Pop and Drag-and-Pick: Techniques for Accessing Remote Screen Content on Touch- and Pen-Operated Systems. INTERACT 2003
10 Patrick Baudisch, Edward Cutrell, George G. Robertson: High-Density Cursor: a Visualization Technique that Helps Users Keep Track of Fast-moving Mouse Cursors. INTERACT 2003
9EEPatrick Baudisch, Douglas DeCarlo, Andrew T. Duchowski, Wilson S. Geisler: Focusing on the essential: considering attention in display design. Commun. ACM 46(3): 60-66 (2003)
8EEPatrick Baudisch, Lars Brueckner: TV Scout: Lowering the Entry Barrier to Personalized TV Program Recommendation. AH 2002: 58-68
7EEPatrick Baudisch, Nathaniel Good, Victoria Bellotti, Pamela K. Schraedley: Keeping things in context: a comparative evaluation of focus plus context screens, overviews, and zooming. CHI 2002: 259-266
6EEPatrick Baudisch, Nathaniel Good: Focus plus context screens: displays for users working with large visual documents. CHI Extended Abstracts 2002: 492-493
5EELance Good, Mark Stefik, Patrick Baudisch, Benjamin B. Bederson: Automatic text reduction for changing size constraints. CHI Extended Abstracts 2002: 798-799
4EEPatrick Baudisch, Nathaniel Good, Paul Stewart: Focus plus context screens: combining display technology with visualization techniques. UIST 2001: 31-40
3 Patrick Baudisch: Using a Painting Metaphor to Rate Large Numbers of Objects. HCI (1) 1999: 266-270
2EEPatrick Baudisch: Don't Click, Paint! Using Toggle Maps to Manipulate Sets of Toggle Switches. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology 1998: 65-66
1EEPatrick Baudisch: The Cage: Efficient Construction in 3D Using a Cubic Adaptive Grid. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology 1996: 171-172

Coauthor Index

1Maneesh Agrawala [33] [35] [36] [38]
2Ravin Balakrishnan [35] [43]
3Steve Ball [17]
4John Barnwell [39]
5Benjamin B. Bederson (Ben Bederson) [5] [11]
6Victoria Bellotti [7]
7Hrvoje Benko [37]
8Mark Billinghurst [34]
9Lars Brueckner [8] [24]
10Mark H. Chignell [43]
11Gerry Chu [49]
12Maxime Collomb [23] [33]
13Edward Cutrell [10] [11] [15] [29] [36] [42] [48]
14Mary Czerwinski [11] [18] [21] [30] [38]
15Douglas DeCarlo [9]
16Pierre Dragicevic [43]
17Steven M. Drucker [25]
18Andrew T. Duchowski [9]
19Adam Eversole [29]
20Clifton Forlines [39]
21Wilson S. Geisler [9]
22Lance Good [5] [12]
23Nathaniel Good (Nathan Good) [4] [6] [7]
24William G. Griswold [44]
25Tovi Grossman [35]
26Robert Gruen [15]
27François Guimbretière [19] [28] [36]
28Sean Gustafson [46]
29Carl Gutwin [16] [46]
30Libby Hanna [20]
31Mountaz Hascoët (Mountaz Hascoët-Zizi) [23]
32Ken Hinckley [15] [19] [28] [29] [33] [35] [36] [38] [42] [47] [48]
33Raphael Hoffmann [45]
34James D. Hollan (Jim Hollan) [44]
35Eric Horvitz [18]
36Dugald Ralph Hutchings [18]
37David Huynh (David François Huynh) [25]
38Pourang Irani [46]
39Heidi Lam [27]
40Bongshin Lee [20]
41Brian Lee [23]
42Kevin A. Li [44] [47]
43Wei-Ying Ma [14]
44Wendy E. Mackay [34]
45Jock D. Mackinlay [12]
46Richard May [34]
47Brian Meyers [18] [21]
48Dan R. Olsen (Dan R. Olsen Jr.) [30]
49Chris Pal [22]
50Fabio Paternò [34]
51John Pruitt [17]
52Gonzalo Ramos [19] [28] [33] [38]
53Daniel C. Robbins [11] [18] [21] [33]
54George G. Robertson [10] [18] [21] [38]
55Ruth Rosenholtz [13]
56Eric Rudolph [22]
57Raman Sarin [36] [42]
58Pamela K. Schraedley [7]
59Monica M. C. Schraefel (m. c. schraefel) [26]
60Chia Shen [39]
61Michael Shilman [42]
62Mike Sinclair [32] [40]
63Graham Smith [26]
64Greg Smith [18] [21]
65Marc Smith [19]
66Drew Steedly [22]
67Mark Stefik [5] [12]
68Paul Stewart [4]
69Richard Szeliski [22]
70Desney S. Tan [21] [22] [33] [38] [42]
71Peter Tandler (Peter Seitz) [11]
72Lucia Terrenghi [34]
73James J. Thomas (Jim Thomas) [34]
74Matthew Uyttendaele [22]
75Daniel Vogel [41]
76Chong Wang [14]
77Daniel S. Weld [45]
78Daniel Wigdor [39]
79Andrew Wilson [32] [40]
80Andrew D. Wilson [37]
81Curtis Wong [25]
82Xing Xie [14]
83Polle Zellweger [12]
84Shengdong Zhao [33] [42] [43]
85A. Zierlinger [11]
86Alexander Zotov [48]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)