
Jaime Montemayor

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6EEJohn Gersh, Bessie Lewis, Jaime Montemayor, Christine D. Piatko, Russell Turner: Supporting insight-based information exploration in intelligence analysis. Commun. ACM 49(4): 63-68 (2006)
5EEJaime Montemayor, Allison Druin, Gene Chipman, Allison Farber, Mona Leigh Guha: Tools for children to create physical interactive storyrooms. Computers in Entertainment 2(1): 12 (2004)
4EEJaime Montemayor, Allison Druin, Allison Farber, Sante Simms, Wayne Churaman, Allison D'Amour: Physical programming: designing tools for children to create physical interactive environments. CHI 2002: 299-306
3EECatherine Plaisant, Allison Druin, Corinna E. Lathan, Kapil Dakhane, Kris Edwards, Jack Maxwell Vice, Jaime Montemayor: A storytelling robot for pediatric rehabilitation. ASSETS 2000: 50-55
2 Houman Alborzi, Allison Druin, Jaime Montemayor, Michele Platner, Jessica Porteous, Lisa Sherman, Angela Boltman, Gustav Taxén, Jack Best, Joe Hammer, Alex Kruskal, Abby Lal, Thomas Plaisant Schwenn, Lauren Sumida, Rebecca Wagner, James A. Hendler: Designing StoryRooms: Interactive Storytelling Spaces for Children. Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems 2000: 95-104
1EEAllison Druin, Jaime Montemayor, James A. Hendler, Britt McAlister, Angela Boltman, Eric Fiterman, Aurelie Plaisant, Alex Kruskal, Hanne Olsen, Isabella Revett, Thomas Plaisant Schwenn, Lauren Sumida, Rebecca Wagner: Designing PETS: A Personal Electronic Teller of Stories. CHI 1999: 326-329

Coauthor Index

1Houman Alborzi [2]
2Jack Best [2]
3Angela Boltman [1] [2]
4Gene Chipman [5]
5Wayne Churaman [4]
6Allison D'Amour [4]
7Kapil Dakhane [3]
8Allison Druin [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
9Kris Edwards [3]
10Allison Farber [4] [5]
11Eric Fiterman [1]
12John Gersh [6]
13Mona Leigh Guha [5]
14Joe Hammer [2]
15James A. Hendler (Jim Hendler) [1] [2]
16Alex Kruskal [1] [2]
17Abby Lal [2]
18Corinna E. Lathan [3]
19Bessie Lewis [6]
20Britt McAlister [1]
21Hanne Olsen [1]
22Christine D. Piatko [6]
23Aurelie Plaisant [1]
24Catherine Plaisant [3]
25Michele Platner [2]
26Jessica Porteous [2]
27Isabella Revett [1]
28Thomas Plaisant Schwenn [1] [2]
29Lisa Sherman [2]
30Sante Simms [4]
31Lauren Sumida [1] [2]
32Gustav Taxén [2]
33Russell Turner [6]
34Jack Maxwell Vice [3]
35Rebecca Wagner [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)