
Allan MacLean

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10EEPeter Tolmie, James Pycock, Tim Diggins, Allan MacLean, Alain Karsenty: Unremarkable computing. CHI 2002: 399-406
9EEPaul Dourish, Richard Bentley, Rachel Jones, Allan MacLean: Getting some perspective: using process descriptions to index document history. GROUP 1999: 375-384
8EEPaul Dourish, Jim Holmes, Allan MacLean, Pernille Marqvardsen, Alex Zbyslaw: Freeflow: Mediating Between Representation and Action in Workflow Systems. CSCW 1996: 190-198
7 Victoria Bellotti, Simon Buckingham Shum, Allan MacLean, Nick Hammond: Multidisciplinary Modeling in HCI Design ...In Theory and in Practice. CHI 1995: 146-153
6EEAlistair G. Sutcliffe, John M. Carroll, Allan MacLean: Design rationale: mutual opportunities for research and practice. CHI Conference Companion 1994: 471
5EEDiana McKerlie, Allan MacLean: QOC in action (abstract): using design rationale to support design. INTERCHI 1993: 519
4EEDiana McKerlie, Allan MacLean: Experience with QOC design rationalee. INTERCHI Adjunct Proceedings 1993: 213-214
3EESimon Buckingham Shum, Allan MacLean, Justin Forder, Nick Hammond: Summarising the evolution of design concepts within a design rationale framework. INTERCHI Adjunct Proceedings 1993: 43-44
2EEWilliam W. Gaver, Thomas P. Moran, Allan MacLean, Lennart Lövstrand, Paul Dourish, Kathleen Carter, William Buxton: Realizing a Video Environment: EuroPARC's RAVE System. CHI 1992: 27-35
1 Allan MacLean, Victoria Bellotti, Richard M. Young: What rationale is there in design? INTERACT 1990: 207-212

Coauthor Index

1Victoria Bellotti [1] [7]
2Richard Bentley [9]
3William Buxton [2]
4John M. Carroll [6]
5Kathleen Carter [2]
6Tim Diggins [10]
7Paul Dourish [2] [8] [9]
8Justin Forder [3]
9William W. Gaver (Bill Gaver) [2]
10Nick Hammond [3] [7]
11Jim Holmes [8]
12Rachel Jones [9]
13Alain Karsenty [10]
14Lennart Lövstrand [2]
15Pernille Marqvardsen [8]
16Diana McKerlie [4] [5]
17Thomas P. Moran [2]
18James Pycock [10]
19Simon Buckingham Shum [3] [7]
20Alistair G. Sutcliffe [6]
21Peter Tolmie [10]
22Richard M. Young [1]
23Alex Zbyslaw [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)