
Hiroshi Ishii

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122EECati Vaucelle, Leonardo Bonanni, Hiroshi Ishii: Design of haptic interfaces for therapy. CHI 2009: 467-470
121EELeonardo Bonanni, Xiao Xiao, Matthew Hockenberry, Praveen Subramani, Hiroshi Ishii, Maurizio Seracini, Jürgen P. Schulze: Wetpaint: scraping through multi-layered images. CHI 2009: 571-574
120EECati Vaucelle, Hiroshi Ishii, Joseph A. Paradiso: Cost-effective wearable sensor to detect EMF. CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 4309-4314
119EEAmanda J. Parkes, Adam Kumpf, Hiroshi Ishii: Piezing: a garment harvesting energy from the natural motion of the human body. Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2009: 23-24
118EELeonardo Bonanni, Greg Vargas, Neil Chao, Stephen Pueblo, Hiroshi Ishii: Spime builder: a tangible interface for designing hyperlinked objects. Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2009: 263-266
117EELeonardo Bonanni, Hiroshi Ishii: Stop-motion prototyping for tangible interfaces. Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2009: 315-316
116EEAmanda J. Parkes, Hiroshi Ishii: Kinetic sketchup: motion prototyping in the tangible design process. Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2009: 367-372
115EEAmanda J. Parkes, Hayes Raffle, Hiroshi Ishii: Topobo in the wild: longitudinal evaluations of educators appropriating a tangible interface. CHI 2008: 1129-1138
114EELeonardo Bonanni, Jason Alonso, Neil Chao, Greg Vargas, Hiroshi Ishii: Handsaw: tangible exploration of volumetric data by direct cut-plane projection. CHI 2008: 251-254
113EELeonardo Bonanni, Amanda J. Parkes, Hiroshi Ishii: Future craft: how digital media is transforming product design. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 2553-2564
112EEJamie Zigelbaum, Adam Kumpf, Alejandro Vazquez, Hiroshi Ishii: Slurp: tangibility spatiality and an eyedropper. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 2565-2574
111EEAlyssa Wright, Pattie Maes, Hiroshi Ishii: Social resonance: balancing reputation with tangible design. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 3387-3392
110EEMarcelo Coelho, Hiroshi Ishii, Pattie Maes: Surflex: a programmable surface for the design of tangible interfaces. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 3429-3434
109 Kazuhiro Aoki, Hiroshi Ishii, Osamu Mizuno, Makoto Iwata, Hiroki Nishawa: Data-Driven Protocol Off-Loading for Ad Hoc Networking Environment. PDPTA 2008: 662-668
108 Keisuke Utsu, Chee Onn Chow, Hiroaki Nishikawa, Hiroshi Ishii: Performance Study on Multipoint-to-Point Video Streaming over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. PDPTA 2008: 675-680
107 Yoshiko Sueda, Osamu Mizuno, Naoyuki Hirata, Naohide Fukushi, Hiroshi Ishii, Hiroaki Nishikawa: Data-Driven Implementation of Contents Discovery Service on Ad Hoc Ubiquitous Network. PDPTA 2008: 681-686
106 Hiroaki Nishikawa, Hiroshi Ishii, Makoto Iwata: Collaborative Research Project on Ultra-Low-Power Data-Driven Networking System. PDPTA 2008: 697-703
105 Hideaki Kawabata, Hiroshi Ishii: Trust Relationship Based Self-Organized Public Key Management over MANET. PDPTA 2008: 724-729
104 Naohide Fukushi, Keisuke Utsu, Hiroshi Ishii: GPS Aided Effective Information Discovery over Mobile Ad Hoc Network. PDPTA 2008: 730-734
103EEJamie Zigelbaum, Angela Chang, James Gouldstone, Joshua Jen Monzen, Hiroshi Ishii: SpeakCup: simplicity, BABL, and shape change. Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2008: 145-146
102EEAngela Chang, James Gouldstone, Jamie Zigelbaum, Hiroshi Ishii: Pragmatic haptics. Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2008: 251-254
101EEHiroshi Ishii: Tangible bits: beyond pixels. Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2008
100EECati Vaucelle, Hiroshi Ishii: Picture this!: film assembly using toy gestures. UbiComp 2008: 350-359
99EEHiroshi Ishii: The tangible user interface and its evolution. Commun. ACM 51(6): 32-36 (2008)
98EEAmanda J. Parkes, Ivan Poupyrev, Hiroshi Ishii: Designing kinetic interactions for organic user interfaces. Commun. ACM 51(6): 58-65 (2008)
97EEChee Onn Chow, Hiroshi Ishii: Multiple Tree Multicast Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (MT-MAODV) Routing Protocol for Video Multicast over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. IEICE Transactions 91-B(2): 428-436 (2008)
96EEVincent Leclerc, Amanda J. Parkes, Hiroshi Ishii: Senspectra: a computationally augmented physical modeling toolkit for sensing and visualization of structural strain. CHI 2007: 801-804
95EEJames Patten, Hiroshi Ishii: Mechanical constraints as computational constraints in tabletop tangible interfaces. CHI 2007: 809-818
94EEKimiko Ryokai, Stefan Marti, Hiroshi Ishii: I/O brush: beyond static collages. CHI Extended Abstracts 2007: 1995-2000
93EEAlan F. Blackwell, George W. Fitzmaurice, Lars Erik Holmquist, Hiroshi Ishii, Brygg Ullmer: Tangible user interfaces in context and theory. CHI Extended Abstracts 2007: 2817-2820
92EEPaulina Modlitba, Dietmar Offenhuber, Moses Ting, Dido Tsigaridi, Hiroshi Ishii: TILTle: exploring dynamic balance. DPPI 2007: 466-472
91EEPaulina Modlitba, Dietmar Offenhuber, Moses Ting, Dido Tsigaridi, Hiroshi Ishii: TILTle: exploring dynamic balance. DUX 2007: 10
90EECati Vaucelle, Hiroshi Ishii: Interfacing Video Capture, Editing and Publication in a Tangible Environment. INTERACT (2) 2007: 1-14
89 Hiroshi Ishii, Osamu Mizuno, Hiroaki Nishikawa: A proposal on Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Communication Environment supported by Data-Driven Networking Processor. PDPTA 2007: 587-590
88 Osamu Mizuno, Yoshiko Sueda, Naoyuki Hirata, Hiroaki Nishikawa, Hiroshi Ishii: Concepts of Autonomous Contents Discovery Methods Based on Social Communities of Ad-Hoc Network Nodes Users. PDPTA 2007: 591-595
87 Naoyuki Hirata, Yoshiko Sueda, Osamu Mizuno, Yoshimasa Sajima, Hiroshi Ishii: Evaluation of a method of finding content based on user relationships in an ad-hoc network. PDPTA 2007: 596-601
86 Chee Onn Chow, Hiroaki Nishikawa, Hiroshi Ishii: On Supporting Multipoint-to-point Video Transmission over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. PDPTA 2007: 602-612
85 Keisuke Utsu, Yoshimasa Sajima, Chee Onn Chow, Kazumasa Takami, Hiroshi Ishii: A Study on QoS of Multipoint-to-Point Packet Streaming over the Wireless Ad Hoc Network Testbed. PDPTA 2007: 608-612
84 Hiroaki Nishikawa, Hiroshi Tomiyasu, Masanobu Okamoto, Masayoshi Sugiyama, Hiroyuki Uchida, Osamu Mizuno, Hiroshi Ishii, Makoto Iwata: CUE-v3: Data-Driven Chip Multi-Processor for Ad hoc and Ubiquitous Networking Environment. PDPTA 2007: 623-629
83 Kazuhiro Aoki, Hiroshi Ishii, Hiroaki Nishikawa: Data-Driven Implementation of Protocol Handling for Supporting Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Networking Environment. PDPTA 2007: 630-636
82 Hajime Kusu, Hiroshi Ishii, Hiroaki Nishikawa, Kazumasa Takami: A Personal Agent that Supports Communication in the Ubiquitous Communication Environment. PDPTA 2007: 643-648
81EEAngela Chang, James Gouldstone, Jamie Zigelbaum, Hiroshi Ishii: Simplicity in interaction design. Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2007: 135-138
80EEChee Onn Chow, Hiroshi Ishii: Enhancing real-time video streaming over mobile ad hoc networks using multipoint-to-point communication. Computer Communications 30(8): 1754-1764 (2007)
79EEChee Onn Chow, Hiroshi Ishii: A Novel Approach to Supporting Multipoint-to-Point Video Transmission over Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. IEICE Transactions 90-B(8): 2046-2055 (2007)
78 Hiroshi Ishii, Newton Lee, Stéphane Natkin, Katsuhide Tsushima: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, ACE 2006, Hollywood, California, USA, June 14-16, 2006 ACM 2006
77EEJames Patten, Ben Recht, Hiroshi Ishii: Interaction techniques for musical performance with tabletop tangible interfaces. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2006: 27
76EEHayes Raffle, Amanda J. Parkes, Hiroshi Ishii, Joshua Lifton: Beyond record and play: backpacks: tangible modulators for kinetic behavior. CHI 2006: 681-690
75EEAmanda J. Parkes, Vincent Leclerc, Hiroshi Ishii: Glume: exploring materiality in a soft augmented modular modeling system. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 1211-1216
74EEJamie Zigelbaum, Amon Millner, Bella Desai, Hiroshi Ishii: BodyBeats: whole-body, musical interfaces for children. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 1595-1600
73EEMahoro Anabuki, Hiroshi Ishii: 3D and sequential representations of spatial relationships among photos. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 472-477
72EEOren Zuckerman, Brygg Ullmer, Lars Erik Holmquist, Hiroshi Ishii, George W. Fitzmaurice, Yvonne Rogers, Wendy E. Mackay, Tom Rodden: The state of tangible interfaces: projects, studies, and open issues. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 61-64
71EEAndrew Carvey, James Gouldstone, Pallavi Vedurumudi, Adam Whiton, Hiroshi Ishii: Rubber shark as user interface. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 634-639
70EEAngela Chang, Hiroshi Ishii: Sensorial interfaces. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2006: 50-59
69 Hiroshi Ishii, Chee Onn Chow, Masahiro Yamamoto, Sakurako Horie, Hiroaki Nishikawa: Responsive Event-Driven Safe and Secure Information Sharing Platform. PDPTA 2006: 327-333
68 Yoshimasa Sajima, Hiroshi Ishii, Hiroaki Nishikawa: A Proposal of Internet Worm Detection Using ICMP. PDPTA 2006: 70-76
67EEHelena Mitásová, Lubos Mitas, Carlo Ratti, Hiroshi Ishii, Jason Alonso, Russell S. Harmon: Real-Time Landscape Model Interaction Using a Tangible Geospatial Modeling Environment. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 26(4): 55-63 (2006)
66EEKimiko Ryokai, Stefan Marti, Hiroshi Ishii: Designing the world as your palette. CHI Extended Abstracts 2005: 1037-1049
65EEAndrea Chew, Vincent Leclerc, Sajid Sadi, Aaron Tang, Hiroshi Ishii: SPARKS. CHI Extended Abstracts 2005: 1276-1279
64 Hiroshi Ishii, Yoshitsugu Kondo, Hiroaki Nishikawa: A Person-Oriented Ubiquitous and Secure Information Communication Environment Supported by Data-Driven Networking Processor. PDPTA 2005: 605-611
63EEBrygg Ullmer, Hiroshi Ishii, Robert J. K. Jacob: Token+constraint systems for tangible interaction with digital information. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 12(1): 81-118 (2005)
62EEKimiko Ryokai, Stefan Marti, Hiroshi Ishii: I/O brush: drawing with everyday objects as ink. CHI 2004: 303-310
61EEHayes Raffle, Amanda J. Parkes, Hiroshi Ishii: Topobo: a constructive assembly system with kinetic memory. CHI 2004: 647-654
60EECarlo Ratti, Yao Wang, Ben Piper, Hiroshi Ishii, Assaf Biderman: PHOXEL-SPACE: an interface for exploring volumetric data with physical voxels. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2004: 289-296
59EEFujio Tajima, Kousuke Kishi, Kouji Nishizawa, Kazutoshi Kan, Hiroshi Ishii, Ken-ichi Sudo, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Takeyoshi Dohi, Shin-ichi Takamoto: A Prototype Master-slave System Consisting of two MR-compatible Manipulators with Interchangeable Surgical Tools: Part of a Unified Support System for Diagnosis and Treatment. ICRA 2004: 2505-2510
58EESteven Schkolne, Hiroshi Ishii, Peter Schröder: Immersive Design of DNA Molecules with a Tangible Interface. IEEE Visualization 2004: 227-234
57EEKeisuke Ishibashi, Toshiyuki Kanazawa, Masaki Aida, Hiroshi Ishii: Active/passive combination-type performance measurement method using change-of-measure framework. Computer Communications 27(9): 868-879 (2004)
56 Fujio Tajima, Kousuke Kishi, Kazutoshi Kan, Hiroshi Ishii, Kouji Nishizawa, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Takeyoshi Dohi, Ken-ichi Sudo, Shin-ichi Takamoto: An MR-compatible master-slave manipulator with interchangeable surgical tools. CARS 2003: 529-537
55EEKazue Kobayashi, Mitsunori Hirano, Atsunobu Narita, Hiroshi Ishii: A tangible interface for IP network simulation. CHI Extended Abstracts 2003: 800-801
54 Brygg Ullmer, Hiroshi Ishii, Robert J. K. Jacob: Tangible Query Interfaces: Physically Constrained Tokens for Manipulating Database Queries. INTERACT 2003
53EEKazue Kobayashi, Mitsunori Hirano, Atsunobu Narita, Hiroshi Ishii: IP Network Designer: Interface for IP Network Simulation. ISMAR 2003: 327-327
52EEHiroshi Ishii: Tangible bits: designing the seamless interface between people, bits, and atoms. IUI 2003: 3
51EEFujio Tajima, Kousuke Kishi, Kouji Nishizawa, Kazutoshi Kan, Hiroshi Ishii, Masakatsu G. Fujie, Takeyoshi Dohi, Ken-ichi Sudo, Shin-ichi Takamoto: A magnetic resonance compatible surgical manipulator: part of a unified support system for the diagnosis and treatment of heart disease. Advanced Robotics 17(6): 561-564 (2003)
50EEAli Mazalek, Glorianna Davenport, Hiroshi Ishii: Tangible viewpoints: a physical approach to multimedia stories. ACM Multimedia 2002: 153-160
49EERobert J. K. Jacob, Hiroshi Ishii, Gian Pangaro, James Patten: A tangible interface for organizing information using a grid. CHI 2002: 339-346
48EEBen Piper, Carlo Ratti, Hiroshi Ishii: Illuminating clay: a 3-D tangible interface for landscape analysis. CHI 2002: 355-362
47EEBen Piper, Hiroshi Ishii: PegBlocks: a learning aid for the elementary classroom. CHI Extended Abstracts 2002: 686-687
46EEHiroshi Ishii: Tangible Bits: Designing the Boundary between People, Bits, and Atoms. ICPR (3) 2002: 277
45 Hiroshi Ishii: Tangible Bits: Designing the Seamless Interface between People, Bits, and Atoms. ISMAR 2002: 199-
44EEHiroshi Ishii, Eran Ben-Joseph, John Underkoffler, Luke Yeung, Dan Chak, Zahra Kanji, Ben Piper: Augmented Urban Planning Workbench: Overlaying Drawings, Physical Models and Digital Simulation. ISMAR 2002: 203-
43EEJames Patten, Ben Recht, Hiroshi Ishii: Audiopad: A Tag-based Interface for Musical Performance. NIME 2002: 11-16
42EEAngela Chang, M. Sile O'Modhrain, Robert J. K. Jacob, Eric Gunther, Hiroshi Ishii: ComTouch: design of a vibrotactile communication device. Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems 2002: 312-320
41EEGian Pangaro, Dan Maynes-Aminzade, Hiroshi Ishii: The actuated workbench: computer-controlled actuation in tabletop tangible interfaces. UIST 2002: 181-190
40EEJames Patten, Hiroshi Ishii, Jim Hines, Gian Pangaro: Sensetable: a wireless object tracking platform for tangible user interfaces. CHI 2001: 253-260
39EEPhil Frei, Victor Su, Bakhtiar Mikhak, Hiroshi Ishii: curlybot: designing a new class of computational toys. CHI 2000: 129-136
38EEJay Lee, Victor Su, Sandia Ren, Hiroshi Ishii: HandSCAPE: a vectorizing tape measure for on-site measuring applications. CHI 2000: 137-144
37EEJames Patten, Hiroshi Ishii: A comparison of spatial organization strategies in graphical and tangible user interfaces. Designing Augmented Reality Environments 2000: 41-50
36EEHiroshi Ishii: Tangible Bits: Designing the Boundary between People, Bits, and Atoms. Graphics Interface 2000: 1-2
35 Octavian Pop, István Moldován, Csaba Simon, József Bíró, Arata Koike, Hiroshi Ishii: Advertised Window-Based TCP Flow Control in Routers. SMARTNET 2000: 197-218
34EEBrygg Ullmer, Hiroshi Ishii: Emerging frameworks for tangible user interfaces. IBM Systems Journal 39(3&4): 915- (2000)
33EEPaul Yarin, Hiroshi Ishii: TouchCounters: Designing Interactive Electronic Labels for Physical Containers. CHI 1999: 362-369
32EEJohn Underkoffler, Hiroshi Ishii: Urp: A Luminous-Tangible Workbench for Urban Planning and Design. CHI 1999: 386-393
31EEHiroshi Ishii, Craig Wisneski, Julian Orbanes, Ben Chun, Joseph A. Paradiso: PingPongPlus: Design of an Athletic-Tangible Interface for Computer-Supported Cooperative Play. CHI 1999: 394-401
30EEHiroki Tanaka, Hidetsugu Kobayashi, Hiroshi Ishii: Integrated Distributed Application Management under Multi-ORB-vendor Environment. ISADS 1999: 190-197
29 Hiroki Tanaka, Hiroshi Ishii: An Environment for Distributed Application Management. PDPTA 1999: 334-340
28 Yasuharu Yamada, Hiroshi Ishii: Performanve Analysis of Web-based Distributed Network Management Systems. PDPTA 1999: 341-347
27 Kazuhiro Aoki, Hiroshi Ishii, Souichi Miyata, Hiroaki Nishikawa: Super-Integrated Data-Driven Processor for TINA-kTn Protocol Handling. PDPTA 1999: 998-1004
26EEJohn Underkoffler, Brygg Ullmer, Hiroshi Ishii: Emancipated Pixels: Real-World Graphics in the Luminous Room. SIGGRAPH 1999: 385-392
25EEHiroshi Ishii: Tangible Bits: Beyond Graphical User Interface (Abstract). APCHI 1998
24EEMatthew G. Gorbet, Maggie Orth, Hiroshi Ishii: Triangles: Tangible Interface for Manipulation and Exploration of Digital Information Topography. CHI 1998: 49-56
23EEJohn Underkoffler, Hiroshi Ishii: Illuminating Light: An Optical Design Tool with a Luminous-Tangible Interface. CHI 1998: 542-549
22EEScott Brave, Hiroshi Ishii, Andrew Dahley: Tangible Interfaces for Remote Collaboration and Communication. CSCW 1998: 169-178
21EECraig Wisneski, Hiroshi Ishii, Andrew Dahley, Matthew G. Gorbet, Scott Brave, Brygg Ullmer, Paul Yarin: Ambient Displays: Turning Architectural Space into an Interface between People and Digital Information. CoBuild 1998: 22-32
20EEBrygg Ullmer, Hiroshi Ishii, Dylan Glas: mediaBlocks: Physical Containers, Transports, and Controls for Online Media. SIGGRAPH 1998: 379-386
19EEHiroshi Ishii: Reflections: "The last farewell": traces of physical presence. Interactions 5(4): 56- (1998)
18EEBrygg Ullmer, Hiroshi Ishii: The MetaDESK: Models and Prototypes for Tangible User Interfaces. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology 1997: 223-232
17 Hiroshi Ishii, Brygg Ullmer: Tangible Bits: Towards Seamless Interfaces between People, Bits and Atoms. CHI 1997: 234-241
16EEDavid Small, Hiroshi Ishii: Design of Spatially Aware Graspable Displays. CHI Extended Abstracts 1997: 367-368
15 Hiroshi Ishii, Hiroaki Nishikawa, Hiroki Tanaka: Reliable TINA-based Telecommunication Networking Environment. Euro-PDS 1997: 17-22
14 Noriyuki Terada, Hiroshi Ishii, Takeshi Tachi, Yasuyuki Okumura, Hiroshi Kotera: MPEG2 Based Digital CATV and VOD System on ATM-PON Architecture. ICMCS 1996: 522-531
13 Beverly L. Harrison, Hiroshi Ishii, Kim J. Vicente, William Buxton: Transparent Layered User Interfaces: An Evaluation of a Display Design to Enhance Focused and Divided Attention. CHI 1995: 317-324
12 George W. Fitzmaurice, Hiroshi Ishii, William Buxton: Bricks: Laying the Foundations for Graspable User Interfaces. CHI 1995: 442-449
11 Hiroshi Ishii, Minoru Kobayashi, Kazuho Arita: Iterative Design of Seamless Collaboration Media. Commun. ACM 37(8): 83-97 (1994)
10 Hiroshi Ishii, Kazuho Arita, Takashi Yagi: Beyond Videophones: TeamWorkStation-2 for Narrowband ISDN. ECSCW 1993: 333-
9EETadashi Shibata, Koji Kotani, Takeo Yamashita, Hiroshi Ishii, Hideo Kosaka, Tadahiro Ohmi: Implementing Intelligence on Silicon Using Neuron-Like Functional MOS Transistors. NIPS 1993: 919-926
8EEHiroshi Ishii, Minoru Kobayashi, Jonathan Grudin: Integration of Interpersonal Space and Shared Workspace: ClearBoard Design and Experiments. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 11(4): 349-375 (1993)
7EEHiroshi Ishii, Minoru Kobayashi: ClearBoard: A Seamless Medium for Shared Drawing and Conversation with Eye Contact. CHI 1992: 525-532
6EEHiroshi Ishii, Minoru Kobayashi, Jonathan Grudin: Integration of Inter-Personal Space and Shared Workspace: ClearBoard Design and Experiments. CSCW 1992: 33-42
5EEHiroshi Ishii, Kazuho Arita: ClearFace: Translucent Multiuser Interface for TeamWorkStation. ECSCW 1991
4EENorbert A. Streitz, Frank G. Halasz, Hiroshi Ishii, Thomas W. Malone, Christine Neuwirth, Gary M. Olson: The Role of Hypertext for CSCW Applications (Panel). Hypertext 1991: 369-377
3 Hiroshi Ishii, Naomi Miyake: Toward an Open Shared Workspace: Computer and Video Fusion Approach of Teamworkstation. Commun. ACM 34(12): 36-50 (1991)
2EEHiroshi Ishii: TeamWorkStation: Towards a Seamless Shared Workspace. CSCW 1990: 13-26
1 Frank von Martial, Frank Victor, Hiroshi Ishii: A System for Knowledge-Based Information Extraction. DEXA 1990: 495-499

Coauthor Index

1Masaki Aida [57]
2Jason Alonso [67] [114]
3Mahoro Anabuki [73]
4Kazuhiro Aoki [27] [83] [109]
5Kazuho Arita [5] [10] [11]
6Eran Ben-Joseph [44]
7Assaf Biderman [60]
8József Bíró [35]
9Alan F. Blackwell [93]
10Leonardo Bonanni [113] [114] [117] [118] [121] [122]
11Scott Brave [21] [22]
12William Buxton [12] [13]
13Andrew Carvey [71]
14Dan Chak [44]
15Angela Chang [42] [70] [81] [102] [103]
16Neil Chao [114] [118]
17Andrea Chew [65]
18Chee Onn Chow [69] [79] [80] [85] [86] [97] [108]
19Ben Chun [31]
20Marcelo Coelho [110]
21Andrew Dahley [21] [22]
22Glorianna Davenport [50]
23Bella Desai [74]
24Takeyoshi Dohi [51] [56] [59]
25George W. Fitzmaurice [12] [72] [93]
26Phil Frei [39]
27Masakatsu G. Fujie [51] [56] [59]
28Naohide Fukushi [104] [107]
29Dylan Glas [20]
30Matthew G. Gorbet [21] [24]
31James Gouldstone [71] [81] [102] [103]
32Jonathan Grudin [6] [8]
33Eric Gunther [42]
34Frank G. Halasz [4]
35Russell S. Harmon [67]
36Beverly L. Harrison [13]
37Jim Hines [40]
38Mitsunori Hirano [53] [55]
39Naoyuki Hirata [87] [88] [107]
40Matthew Hockenberry [121]
41Lars Erik Holmquist [72] [93]
42Sakurako Horie [69]
43Keisuke Ishibashi [57]
44Makoto Iwata [84] [106] [109]
45Robert J. K. Jacob [42] [49] [54] [63]
46Kazutoshi Kan [51] [56] [59]
47Toshiyuki Kanazawa [57]
48Zahra Kanji [44]
49Hideaki Kawabata [105]
50Kousuke Kishi [51] [56] [59]
51Hidetsugu Kobayashi [30]
52Kazue Kobayashi [53] [55]
53Minoru Kobayashi [6] [7] [8] [11]
54Arata Koike [35]
55Yoshitsugu Kondo [64]
56Hideo Kosaka [9]
57Koji Kotani [9]
58Hiroshi Kotera [14]
59Adam Kumpf [112] [119]
60Hajime Kusu [82]
61Vincent Leclerc [65] [75] [96]
62Jay Lee [38]
63Newton Lee [78]
64Joshua Lifton [76]
65Wendy E. Mackay [72]
66Pattie Maes [110] [111]
67Thomas W. Malone [4]
68Stefan Marti [62] [66] [94]
69Frank von Martial [1]
70Dan Maynes-Aminzade [41]
71Ali Mazalek (Alexandra Mazalek) [50]
72Bakhtiar Mikhak [39]
73Amon Millner [74]
74Lubos Mitas [67]
75Helena Mitásová [67]
76Naomi Miyake [3]
77Souichi Miyata [27]
78Osamu Mizuno [84] [87] [88] [89] [107] [109]
79Paulina Modlitba [91] [92]
80István Moldován [35]
81Joshua Jen Monzen [103]
82Atsunobu Narita [53] [55]
83Stéphane Natkin [78]
84Christine Neuwirth [4]
85Hiroki Nishawa [109]
86Hiroaki Nishikawa [15] [27] [64] [68] [69] [82] [83] [84] [86] [88] [89] [106] [107] [108]
87Kouji Nishizawa [51] [56] [59]
88M. Sile O'Modhrain [42]
89Dietmar Offenhuber [91] [92]
90Tadahiro Ohmi [9]
91Masanobu Okamoto [84]
92Yasuyuki Okumura [14]
93Gary M. Olson [4]
94Julian Orbanes [31]
95Maggie Orth [24]
96Gian Pangaro [40] [41] [49]
97Joseph A. Paradiso [31] [120]
98Amanda J. Parkes [61] [75] [76] [96] [98] [113] [115] [116] [119]
99James Patten [37] [40] [43] [49] [77] [95]
100Ben Piper [44] [47] [48] [60]
101Octavian Pop [35]
102Ivan Poupyrev [98]
103Stephen Pueblo [118]
104Hayes Raffle [61] [76] [115]
105Carlo Ratti [48] [60] [67]
106Ben Recht (Benjamin Recht) [43] [77]
107Sandia Ren [38]
108Tom Rodden [72]
109Yvonne Rogers [72]
110Kimiko Ryokai [62] [66] [94]
111Sajid Sadi [65]
112Yoshimasa Sajima [68] [85] [87]
113Steven Schkolne [58]
114Peter Schröder [58]
115Jürgen P. Schulze [121]
116Maurizio Seracini [121]
117Tadashi Shibata [9]
118Csaba Simon [35]
119David Small [16]
120Norbert A. Streitz (Norbert Streitz, N. Streitz) [4]
121Victor Su [38] [39]
122Praveen Subramani [121]
123Ken-ichi Sudo [51] [56] [59]
124Yoshiko Sueda [87] [88] [107]
125Masayoshi Sugiyama [84]
126Takeshi Tachi [14]
127Fujio Tajima [51] [56] [59]
128Kazumasa Takami [82] [85]
129Shin-ichi Takamoto [51] [56] [59]
130Hiroki Tanaka [15] [29] [30]
131Aaron Tang [65]
132Noriyuki Terada [14]
133Moses Ting [91] [92]
134Hiroshi Tomiyasu [84]
135Dido Tsigaridi [91] [92]
136Katsuhide Tsushima [78]
137Hiroyuki Uchida [84]
138Brygg Ullmer [17] [18] [20] [21] [26] [34] [54] [63] [72] [93]
139John Underkoffler [23] [26] [32] [44]
140Keisuke Utsu [85] [104] [108]
141Greg Vargas [114] [118]
142Cati Vaucelle (Catherine Vaucelle) [90] [100] [120] [122]
143Alejandro Vazquez [112]
144Pallavi Vedurumudi [71]
145Kim J. Vicente [13]
146Frank Victor [1]
147Yao Wang [60]
148Adam Whiton [71]
149Craig Wisneski [21] [31]
150Alyssa Wright [111]
151Xiao Xiao [121]
152Takashi Yagi [10]
153Yasuharu Yamada [28]
154Masahiro Yamamoto [69]
155Takeo Yamashita [9]
156Paul Yarin [21] [33]
157Luke Yeung [44]
158Jamie Zigelbaum [74] [81] [102] [103] [112]
159Oren Zuckerman [72]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)