
Kate L. Shaw

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3EEJosephine Reid, Mathew Lipson, Jenny Hyams, Kate L. Shaw: "Fancy a schmink?": a novel networked game in a café. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2004: 18-23
2EEJosephine Reid, Jenny Hyams, Kate L. Shaw, Mathew Lipson: "Fancy a Schmink?": a novel networked game in a cafe. Computers in Entertainment 2(3): 11 (2004)
1EEAbigail Sellen, Rachel Murphy, Kate L. Shaw: How knowledge workers use the web. CHI 2002: 227-234

Coauthor Index

1Jenny Hyams [2] [3]
2Mathew Lipson [2] [3]
3Rachel Murphy [1]
4Josephine Reid [2] [3]
5Abigail Sellen [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)