
Abigail Sellen

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48EELorna M. Brown, Abigail Sellen, Renan Krishna, Richard Harper: Exploring the potential of audio-tactile messaging for remote interpersonal communication. CHI 2009: 1527-1530
47EESiân E. Lindley, Richard H. R. Harper, Abigail Sellen: Desiring to be in touch in a changing communications landscape: attitudes of older adults. CHI 2009: 1693-1702
46EEJohn Helmes, Caroline Hummels, Abigail Sellen: The other brother: re-experiencing spontaneous moments from domestic life. Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2009: 233-240
45EERichard Banks, Abigail Sellen: Shoebox: mixing storage and display of digital images in the home. Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2009: 35-40
44EEAbigail Sellen, Yvonne Rogers, Richard Harper, Tom Rodden: Reflecting human values in the digital age. Commun. ACM 52(3): 58-66 (2009)
43EELinda Little, Elizabeth Sillence, Abigail Sellen, Alex S. Taylor: The family and communication technologies. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 67(2): 125-127 (2009)
42EESiân E. Lindley, Richard Banks, Richard H. R. Harper, Anab Jain, Tim Regan, Abigail Sellen, Alex S. Taylor: Resilience in the face of innovation: Household trials with BubbleBoard. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 67(2): 154-164 (2009)
41EEGerard Oleksik, David Frohlich, Lorna M. Brown, Abigail Sellen: Sonic interventions: understanding and extending the domestic soundscape. CHI 2008: 1419-1428
40EEAbigail Durrant, Alex S. Taylor, Stuart Taylor, Mike Molloy, Abigail Sellen, David Frohlich, Phil Gosset, Laurel Swan: Speculative devices for photo display. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 2297-2302
39EELucia Terrenghi, David Kirk, Abigail Sellen, Shahram Izadi: Affordances for manipulation of physical versus digital media on interactive surfaces. CHI 2007: 1157-1166
38EEDavid Kirk, Abigail Sellen, Richard H. R. Harper, Kenneth R. Wood: Understanding videowork. CHI 2007: 61-70
37EEAbigail Sellen, Andrew Fogg, Mike Aitken, Steve Hodges, Carsten Rother, Kenneth R. Wood: Do life-logging technologies support memory for the past?: an experimental study using sensecam. CHI 2007: 81-90
36EEPaul Luff, Guy Adams, Wolfgang Bock, Adam Drazin, David Frohlich, Christian Heath, Peter Herdman, Heather King, Nadja Linketscher, Rachel Murphy, Moira C. Norrie, Abigail Sellen, Beat Signer, Ella Tallyn, Emil Zeller: Augmented Paper: Developing Relationships Between Digital Content and Paper. The Disappearing Computer 2007: 275-297
35EEBarry A. T. Brown, Alex S. Taylor, Shahram Izadi, Abigail Sellen, Joseph Kaye, Rachel Eardley: Locating Family Values: A Field Trial of the Whereabouts Clock. Ubicomp 2007: 354-371
34EEAlex S. Taylor, Richard H. R. Harper, Laurel Swan, Shahram Izadi, Abigail Sellen, Mark Perry: Homes that make us smart. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 11(5): 383-393 (2007)
33EEMaryam Tohidi, William Buxton, Ronald Baecker, Abigail Sellen: Getting the right design and the design right. CHI 2006: 1243-1252
32EEGary Hsieh, Kenneth R. Wood, Abigail Sellen: Peripheral display of digital handwritten notes. CHI 2006: 285-288
31EEDavid Kirk, Abigail Sellen, Carsten Rother, Kenneth R. Wood: Understanding photowork. CHI 2006: 761-770
30EEAbigail Sellen, Rachel Eardley, Shahram Izadi, Richard H. R. Harper: The whereabouts clock: early testing of a situated awareness device. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 1307-1312
29EEAbigail Sellen, Richard H. R. Harper, Rachel Eardley, Shahram Izadi, Tim Regan, Alex S. Taylor, Kenneth R. Wood: HomeNote: supporting situated messaging in the home. CSCW 2006: 383-392
28EEMaryam Tohidi, William Buxton, Ronald Baecker, Abigail Sellen: User sketches: a quick, inexpensive, and effective way to elicit more reflective user feedback. NordiCHI 2006: 105-114
27EEAlex S. Taylor, Laurel Swan, Rachel Eardley, Abigail Sellen, Steve Hodges, Kenneth R. Wood: Augmenting refrigerator magnets: why less is sometimes more. NordiCHI 2006: 115-124
26EETim Kindberg, Mirjana Spasojevic, Rowanne Fleck, Abigail Sellen: I saw this and thought of you: some social uses of camera phones. CHI Extended Abstracts 2005: 1545-1548
25EERachel Eardley, Jenny Hyams, Abigail Sellen: In-car concepts to support working parents. CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1547
24EERichard H. R. Harper, Abigail Sellen, Tim Kindberg, Phil Gosett, Kaisa Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila: The Myth of the 'Martini Solution'. Mobile HCI 2004: 536-537
23EETim Kindberg, Abigail Sellen, Erik Geelhoed: Security and Trust in Mobile Interactions: A Study of Users' Perceptions and Reasoning. Ubicomp 2004: 196-213
22EEAbigail Sellen, Rachel Murphy, Kate L. Shaw: How knowledge workers use the web. CHI 2002: 227-234
21EEAbigail Sellen, Richard H. R. Harper: The myth of the paperless office. Inf. Res. 7(3): (2002)
20EEKenton O'Hara, Alex S. Taylor, William M. Newman, Abigail Sellen: Understanding the materiality of writing from multiple sources. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 56(3): 269-305 (2002)
19 Barry A. T. Brown, Abigail Sellen, Erik Geelhoed: Music sharing as a computer supported collaborative application. ECSCW 2001: 179-198
18EEMark Perry, Kenton O'Hara, Abigail Sellen, Barry A. T. Brown, Richard H. R. Harper: Dealing with mobility: understanding access anytime, anywhere. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 8(4): 323-347 (2001)
17EEBarry A. T. Brown, Abigail Sellen: Exploring Users' Experiences of the Web. First Monday 6(9): (2001)
16EEBarry A. T. Brown, Abigail Sellen, Kenton O'Hara: A diary study of information capture in working life. CHI 2000: 438-445
15EEKenton O'Hara, Fiona Smith, William M. Newman, Abigail Sellen: Student Readers' Use of Library Documents: Implications for Library Technologies. CHI 1998: 233-240
14EEAnnette Adler, Anuj Gujar, Beverly L. Harrison, Kenton O'Hara, Abigail Sellen: A Diary Study of Work-Related Reading: Design Implications for Digital Reading Devices. CHI 1998: 241-248
13 Abigail Sellen, Richard H. R. Harper: Paper as an Analytic Resource for the Design of New Technologies. CHI 1997: 319-326
12 Kenton O'Hara, Abigail Sellen: A Comparison of Reading Paper and On-Line Documents. CHI 1997: 335-342
11 Richard H. R. Harper, Abigail Sellen: Collaborative Tools and the Practicalities of Professional Work at the International Monetary Fund. CHI 1995: 122-129
10 Christian Heath, Paul Luff, Abigail Sellen: Reconsidering the Virtual Workplace: Flexible Support for Collaborative Activity. ECSCW 1995: 83-
9EEPaul Kabbash, William Buxton, Abigail Sellen: Two-handed input in a compound task. CHI 1994: 417-423
8EEPaul Kabbash, William Buxton, Abigail Sellen: Two-handed input in a compound task. CHI Conference Companion 1994: 230
7 Mik Lamming, Peter Brown, Kathleen Carter, Margery Eldridge, Mike Flynn, Gifford Louie, Peter Robinson, Abigail Sellen: Drawability of Complete Graphs Using a Minimal Slope Set. Comput. J. 37(3): 153-163 (1994)
6 Victoria Bellotti, Abigail Sellen: Design for Privacy in Ubiquitous Computing Environments. ECSCW 1993: 75-
5EEWilliam W. Gaver, Abigail Sellen, Christian Heath, Paul Luff: One is not enough: multiple views in a media space. INTERCHI 1993: 335-341
4EEAbigail Sellen: Speech Patterns in Video-Mediated Conversations CHI 1992: 49-59
3EEAbigail Sellen, William Buxton, John L. Arnott: Using Spatial Cues to Improve Videoconferencing. CHI 1992: 651-652
2 Abigail Sellen, Gordon Kurtenbach, William Buxton: The role of visual and kinesthetic feedback in the prevention of mode errors. INTERACT 1990: 667-673
1EEMichael Chen, S. Joy Mountford, Abigail Sellen: A study in interactive 3-D rotation using 2-D control devices. SIGGRAPH 1988: 121-129

Coauthor Index

1Guy Adams [36]
2Annette Adler [14]
3Mike Aitken [37]
4John L. Arnott [3]
5Ronald Baecker (Ronald M. Baecker) [28] [33]
6Richard Banks [42] [45]
7Victoria Bellotti [6]
8Wolfgang Bock [36]
9Barry A. T. Brown [16] [17] [18] [19] [35]
10Lorna M. Brown [41] [48]
11Peter Brown [7]
12William Buxton [2] [3] [8] [9] [28] [33]
13Kathleen Carter [7]
14Michael Chen [1]
15Adam Drazin [36]
16Abigail Durrant [40]
17Rachel Eardley [25] [27] [29] [30] [35]
18Margery Eldridge [7]
19Rowanne Fleck [26]
20Mike Flynn [7]
21Andrew Fogg [37]
22David Frohlich [36] [40] [41]
23William W. Gaver (Bill Gaver) [5]
24Erik Geelhoed [19] [23]
25Phil Gosett [24]
26Phil Gosset [40]
27Anuj Gujar [14]
28Richard Harper [44] [48]
29Richard H. R. Harper [11] [13] [18] [21] [24] [29] [30] [34] [38] [42] [47]
30Beverly L. Harrison [14]
31Christian Heath [5] [10] [36]
32John Helmes [46]
33Peter Herdman [36]
34Steve Hodges [27] [37]
35Gary Hsieh [32]
36Caroline Hummels [46]
37Jenny Hyams [25]
38Shahram Izadi [29] [30] [34] [35] [39]
39Anab Jain [42]
40Paul Kabbash [8] [9]
41Joseph Kaye (Jofish Kaye) [35]
42Tim Kindberg [23] [24] [26]
43Heather King [36]
44David Kirk [31] [38] [39]
45Renan Krishna [48]
46Gordon Kurtenbach [2]
47Mik Lamming [7]
48Siân E. Lindley [42] [47]
49Nadja Linketscher [36]
50Linda Little [43]
51Gifford Louie [7]
52Paul Luff [5] [10] [36]
53Mike Molloy [40]
54S. Joy Mountford [1]
55Rachel Murphy [22] [36]
56William M. Newman [15] [20]
57Moira C. Norrie [36]
58Kenton O'Hara [12] [14] [15] [16] [18] [20]
59Gerard Oleksik [41]
60Mark Perry [18] [34]
61Tim Regan [29] [42]
62Peter Robinson [7]
63Tom Rodden [44]
64Yvonne Rogers [44]
65Carsten Rother [31] [37]
66Kate L. Shaw [22]
67Beat Signer [36]
68Elizabeth Sillence [43]
69Fiona Smith [15]
70Mirjana Spasojevic [26]
71Laurel Swan [27] [34] [40]
72Ella Tallyn [36]
73Alex S. Taylor [20] [27] [29] [34] [35] [40] [42] [43]
74Stuart Taylor [40]
75Lucia Terrenghi [39]
76Maryam Tohidi [28] [33]
77Kaisa Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila [24]
78Kenneth R. Wood [27] [29] [31] [32] [37] [38]
79Emil Zeller [36]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)