
Bongwon Suh

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9EEPeter Pirolli, Evelin Wollny, Bongwon Suh: So you know you're getting the best possible information: a tool that increases Wikipedia credibility. CHI 2009: 1505-1508
8EEAniket Kittur, Ed H. Chi, Bongwon Suh: What's in Wikipedia?: mapping topics and conflict using socially annotated category structure. CHI 2009: 1509-1512
7EEBongwon Suh, Ed H. Chi, Aniket Kittur, Bryan A. Pendleton: Lifting the veil: improving accountability and social transparency in Wikipedia with wikidashboard. CHI 2008: 1037-1040
6EEAniket Kittur, Ed H. Chi, Bongwon Suh: Crowdsourcing user studies with Mechanical Turk. CHI 2008: 453-456
5EEAniket Kittur, Bongwon Suh, Ed H. Chi: Can you ever trust a wiki?: impacting perceived trustworthiness in wikipedia. CSCW 2008: 477-480
4EEAniket Kittur, Bongwon Suh, Bryan A. Pendleton, Ed H. Chi: He says, she says: conflict and coordination in Wikipedia. CHI 2007: 453-462
3EEBongwon Suh, Benjamin B. Bederson: Semi-automatic photo annotation strategies using event based clustering and clothing based person recognition. Interacting with Computers 19(4): 524-544 (2007)
2EEBongwon Suh, Haibin Ling, Benjamin B. Bederson, David W. Jacobs: Automatic thumbnail cropping and its effectiveness. UIST 2003: 95-104
1EEBongwon Suh, Allison Woodruff, Ruth Rosenholtz, Alyssa Glass: Popout prism: adding perceptual principles to overview+detail document interfaces. CHI 2002: 251-258

Coauthor Index

1Benjamin B. Bederson (Ben Bederson) [2] [3]
2Ed H. Chi [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
3Alyssa Glass [1]
4David W. Jacobs [2]
5Aniket Kittur [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
6Haibin Ling [2]
7Bryan A. Pendleton [4] [7]
8Peter Pirolli [9]
9Ruth Rosenholtz [1]
10Evelin Wollny [9]
11Allison Woodruff [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)