2008 | ||
58 | EE | Leonghwee Teo, Bonnie E. John: Cogtool-explorer: towards a tool for predicting user interaction. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 2793-2798 |
57 | EE | Pia Stoll, Bonnie E. John, Len Bass, Elspeth Golden: Preparing Usability Supporting Architectural Patterns for Industrial Use. I-USED 2008 |
2007 | ||
56 | Ken Barker, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Shaw Yi Chaw, Peter Clark, Daniel Hansch, Bonnie E. John, Sunil Mishra, John Pacheco, Bruce W. Porter, Aaron Spaulding, Moritz Weiten: AURA: Enabling Subject Matter Experts to Construct Declarative Knowledge Bases from Science Textbooks. AAAI 2007: 1960-1961 | |
55 | EE | Leonghwee Teo, Bonnie E. John, Peter Pirolli: Towards a tool for predicting user exploration. CHI Extended Abstracts 2007: 2687-2692 |
54 | EE | Vinay K. Chaudhri, Bonnie E. John, Sunil Mishra, John Pacheco, Bruce W. Porter, Aaron Spaulding: Enabling experts to build knowledge bases from science textbooks. K-CAP 2007: 159-166 |
53 | EE | Peter Clark, Shaw Yi Chaw, Ken Barker, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Philip Harrison, James Fan, Bonnie E. John, Bruce W. Porter, Aaron Spaulding, John Thompson, Peter Z. Yeh: Capturing and answering questions posed to a knowledge-based system. K-CAP 2007: 63-70 |
2006 | ||
52 | EE | Leonghwee Teo, Bonnie E. John: Comparisons of keystroke-level model predictions to observed data. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 1421-1426 |
51 | EE | Bonnie E. John, William Newman: The engineering community SIG. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 423-426 |
2005 | ||
50 | EE | Lu Luo, Bonnie E. John: Predicting task execution time on handheld devices using the keystroke-level model. CHI Extended Abstracts 2005: 1605-1608 |
49 | EE | Elspeth Golden, Bonnie E. John, Len Bass: The value of a usability-supporting architectural pattern in software architecture design: a controlled experiment. ICSE 2005: 460-469 |
48 | EE | Elspeth Golden, Bonnie E. John, Len Bass: Quality vs. quantity: comparing evaluation methods in a usability-focused software architecture modification task. ISESE 2005: 141-150 |
47 | EE | Bonnie E. John: Evidence-based practice in human-computer interaction and evidence maps. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-5 (2005) |
46 | EE | Bonnie E. John: The Human Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. Interactions 12(5): 28-29 (2005) |
2004 | ||
45 | EE | Bonnie E. John, Konstantine C. Prevas, Dario D. Salvucci, Kenneth R. Koedinger: Predictive human performance modeling made easy. CHI 2004: 455-462 |
44 | EE | Bonnie E. John, Leonard J. Bass, Rick Kazman, Eugene Chen: Identifying gaps between HCI, software engineering, and design, and boundary objects to bridge them. CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1723-1724 |
43 | EE | Bonnie E. John, Len Bass, Maria Isabel Sánchez Segura, Rob J. Adams: Bringing Usability Concerns to the Design of Software Architecture. EHCI/DS-VIS 2004: 1-19 |
42 | EE | Bonnie E. John, Dario D. Salvucci, Peter Centgraf, Konstantine C. Prevas: Integrating Models and Tools in the Context of Driving and In-vehicle Devices. ICCM 2004: 130-135 |
41 | EE | Len Bass, Bonnie E. John, Natalia Juristo Juzgado, Maria Isabel Sánchez Segura: Usability-Supporting Architectural Patterns. ICSE 2004: 716-717 |
40 | EE | Rick Kazman, Len Bass, Bonnie E. John: Bridging the Gaps II: Bridging the Gaps between Software Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction. ICSE 2004: 773-774 |
39 | EE | Bonnie E. John: Beyond the UI: product, process and passion. NordiCHI 2004: 285-286 |
2003 | ||
38 | EE | Leonard J. Bass, Bonnie E. John: Linking usability to software architecture patterns through general scenarios. Journal of Systems and Software 66(3): 187-197 (2003) |
2002 | ||
37 | EE | Bonnie E. John, Alonso H. Vera, Michael Matessa, Michael Freed, Roger W. Remington: Automating CPM-GOMS. CHI 2002: 147-154 |
36 | EE | Maria Ebling, Bonnie E. John, Mahadev Satyanarayanan: The importance of translucence in mobile computing systems. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 9(1): 42-67 (2002) |
2001 | ||
35 | EE | Suresh K. Bhavnani, Frederick Reif, Bonnie E. John: Beyond command knowledge: identifying and teaching strategic knowledge for using complex computer applications. CHI 2001: 229-236 |
34 | EE | Leonard J. Bass, Bonnie E. John: Evaluating Software Architectures for Usability. EHCI 2001: 37-38 |
33 | EE | Bonnie E. John, Len Bass: Usability and software architecture. Behaviour & IT 20(5): 329-338 (2001) |
32 | EE | Leonard J. Bass, Bonnie E. John: Supporting Usability Through Software Architecture. IEEE Computer 34(10): 113-115 (2001) |
2000 | ||
31 | EE | Lynn K. Baumeister, Bonnie E. John, Michael D. Byrne: A comparison of tools for building GOMS models. CHI 2000: 502-509 |
30 | Maria Ebling, Bonnie E. John: On the Contributions of Different Empirical Data in Usability Testing. Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems 2000: 289-296 | |
1999 | ||
29 | EE | Scott E. Hudson, Bonnie E. John, Keith Knudsen, Michael D. Byrne: A Tool for Creating Predictive Performance Models from User Interface Demonstrations. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology 1999: 93-102 |
28 | EE | Suresh K. Bhavnani, Bonnie E. John, Ulrich Flemming: The Strategic Use of CAD: An Empirically Inspired, Theory-Based Course. CHI 1999: 183-190 |
27 | EE | Michael D. Byrne, Bonnie E. John, Neil S. Wehrle, David C. Crow: The Tangled Web we Wove: A Taskonomy of WWW Use. CHI 1999: 544-551 |
26 | Erik M. Altmann, Bonnie E. John: Episodic indexing: a model of memory for attention events. Cognitive Science 23(2): 117-156 (1999) | |
1998 | ||
25 | EE | Suresh K. Bhavnani, Bonnie E. John: Delegation and Circumvention: Two Faces of Efficiency. CHI 1998: 273-280 |
24 | Bonnie E. John: Cognitive Modeling in Human-Computer Interaction. Graphics Interface 1998: 161-167 | |
1997 | ||
23 | Suresh K. Bhavnani, Bonnie E. John: From Sufficient to Efficient Usage: An Analysis of Strategic Knowledge. CHI 1997: 91-98 | |
22 | Bonnie E. John, Matthew M. Mashyna: Evaluating a Multimedia Authoring Tool. JASIS 48(11): 1004-1022 (1997) | |
1996 | ||
21 | EE | John F. Pane, Albert T. Corbett, Bonnie E. John: Assessing Dynamics in Computer-Based Instruction. CHI 1996: 197-204 |
20 | EE | Suresh K. Bhavnani, Bonnie E. John: Exploring the Unrealized Potential of Computer-Aided Drafting. CHI 1996: 332-339 |
19 | Bonnie E. John: Evaluating Usability Evaluation Techniques. ACM Comput. Surv. 28(4es): 139 (1996) | |
18 | EE | Bonnie E. John, David E. Kieras: Using GOMS for User Interface Design and Evaluation: Which Technique? ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 3(4): 287-319 (1996) |
17 | EE | Bonnie E. John, David E. Kieras: The GOMS Family of User Interface Analysis Techniques: Comparison and Contrast. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 3(4): 320-351 (1996) |
1995 | ||
16 | Malcolm I. Bauer, Bonnie E. John: Modeling Time-Constrained Learning in a Highly Interactive Task. CHI 1995: 19-26 | |
15 | Erik M. Altmann, Jill H. Larkin, Bonnie E. John: Display Navigation by an Expert Programmer: A Preliminary Model of Memory. CHI 1995: 3-10 | |
14 | Bonnie E. John, Hilary Packer: Learning and Using the Cognitive Walkthrough Method: A Case Study Approach. CHI 1995: 429-436 | |
13 | EE | Jane Siegel, Robert E. Kraut, Bonnie E. John, Kathleen M. Carley: An empirical study of collaborative wearable computer systems. CHI 95 Conference Companion 1995: 312-313 |
12 | EE | Keith A. Butler, Robert J. K. Jacob, Bonnie E. John: Introduction and overview to human-computer interaction. CHI 95 Conference Companion 1995: 345 |
11 | EE | Bonnie E. John, Wayne D. Gray: CPM-GOMS: an analysis method for tasks with parallel activities. CHI 95 Conference Companion 1995: 393-394 |
10 | EE | Bonnie E. John: Why GOMS? Interactions 2(4): 80-89 (1995) |
1994 | ||
9 | EE | Bonnie E. John: Toward a deeper comparison of methods: a reaction to Nielsen & Phillips and new data. CHI Conference Companion 1994: 285-286 |
8 | EE | Mei C. Chuah, Bonnie E. John, John F. Pane: Analyzing graphic and textual layouts with GOMS: results of a preliminary analysis. CHI Conference Companion 1994: 323-325 |
7 | EE | Keith A. Butler, Robert J. K. Jacob, Bonnie E. John: Introduction & overview of human-computer interaction. CHI Conference Companion 1994: 351 |
6 | EE | Bonnie E. John, Wayne D. Gray: GOMS analysis for parallel activities. CHI Conference Companion 1994: 395-396 |
1993 | ||
5 | EE | Bonnie E. John, James H. Morris: HCI in the school of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University. INTERCHI 1993: 49-50 |
1992 | ||
4 | EE | Virginia A. Peck, Bonnie E. John: Browser-Soar: A Computational Model of a Highly Interactive Task. CHI 1992: 165-172 |
3 | EE | Bonnie E. John, Alonso H. Vera: A GOMS Analysis of a Graphic Machine-Paced, Highly Interactive Task. CHI 1992: 251-258 |
2 | EE | Wayne D. Gray, Bonnie E. John, Michael E. Atwood: The precis of Project Ernestine or an overview of a validation of GOMS. CHI 1992: 307-312 |
1990 | ||
1 | Wayne D. Gray, Bonnie E. John, Rory Stuart, Deborah Lawrence, Michael E. Atwood: GOMS meets the phone company: Analytic modeling applied to real-world problems. INTERACT 1990: 29-34 |