2008 |
49 | EE | Marcelo Cataldo,
James D. Herbsleb:
Communication patterns in geographically distributed software development and engineers' contributions to the development effort.
CHASE 2008: 25-28 |
48 | EE | Uri Dekel,
James D. Herbsleb:
Pushing relevant artifact annotations in collaborative software development.
CSCW 2008: 1-4 |
47 | EE | Marcelo Cataldo,
James D. Herbsleb:
Communication networks in geographically distributed software development.
CSCW 2008: 579-588 |
46 | EE | Marcelo Cataldo,
James D. Herbsleb,
Kathleen M. Carley:
Socio-technical congruence: a framework for assessing the impact of technical and work dependencies on software development productivity.
ESEM 2008: 2-11 |
45 | EE | James D. Herbsleb,
Marcelo Cataldo,
Daniela Damian,
Premkumar Devenbu,
Steve M. Easterbrook,
Audris Mockus:
Socio-technical congruence (STC 2008).
ICSE Companion 2008: 1027-1028 |
2007 |
44 | EE | Thomas D. LaToza,
David Garlan,
James D. Herbsleb,
Brad A. Myers:
Program comprehension as fact finding.
ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2007: 361-370 |
43 | EE | James D. Herbsleb:
Global Software Engineering: The Future of Socio-technical Coordination.
FOSE 2007: 188-198 |
42 | EE | Rajesh Krishna Balan,
Darren Gergle,
Mahadev Satyanarayanan,
James D. Herbsleb:
Simplifying cyber foraging for mobile devices.
MobiSys 2007: 272-285 |
41 | EE | Uri Dekel,
James D. Herbsleb:
Notation and representation in collaborative object-oriented design: an observational study.
OOPSLA 2007: 261-280 |
40 | EE | Matthew Bass,
Vesna Mikulovic,
Len Bass,
James D. Herbsleb,
Marcelo Cataldo:
Architectural Misalignment: An Experience Report.
WICSA 2007: 17 |
2006 |
39 | | James D. Herbsleb,
Walter F. Tichy:
Perspectives Workshop: Empirical Theory and the Science of Software Engineering, 25.-29. January 2004
Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum für Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2006 |
38 | EE | Marcelo Cataldo,
Patrick Wagstrom,
James D. Herbsleb,
Kathleen M. Carley:
Identification of coordination requirements: implications for the Design of collaboration and awareness tools.
CSCW 2006: 353-362 |
37 | EE | Paul Luo Li,
James D. Herbsleb,
Mary Shaw,
Brian Robinson:
Experiences and results from initiating field defect prediction and product test prioritization efforts at ABB Inc.
ICSE 2006: 413-422 |
36 | EE | Vijay K. Gurbani,
Anita Garvert,
James D. Herbsleb:
A case study of a corporate open source development model.
ICSE 2006: 472-481 |
35 | EE | Anupriya Ankolekar,
Katia P. Sycara,
James D. Herbsleb,
Robert E. Kraut,
Christopher A. Welty:
Supporting online problem-solving communities with the semantic web.
WWW 2006: 575-584 |
34 | EE | Patrick Wagstrom,
James D. Herbsleb:
Dependency forecasting in the distributed agile organization.
Commun. ACM 49(10): 55-56 (2006) |
2005 |
33 | EE | James D. Herbsleb:
Beyond computer science.
ICSE 2005: 23-27 |
32 | EE | James D. Herbsleb,
Daniel J. Paulish,
Matthew Bass:
Global software development at siemens: experience from nine projects.
ICSE 2005: 524-533 |
31 | EE | Mary Shaw,
James D. Herbsleb,
Ipek Ozkaya:
Deciding what to design: closing a gap in software engineering education.
ICSE 2005: 607-608 |
30 | EE | Paul Luo Li,
James D. Herbsleb,
Mary Shaw:
Finding Predictors of Field Defects for Open Source Software Systems in Commonly Available Data Sources: A Case Study of OpenBSD.
IEEE METRICS 2005: 32 |
29 | EE | Paul Luo Li,
James D. Herbsleb,
Mary Shaw:
Forecasting Field Defect Rates Using a Combined Time-Based and Metrics-Based Approach: A Case Study of OpenBSD.
ISSRE 2005: 193-202 |
28 | EE | Mary Shaw,
James D. Herbsleb,
Ipek Ozkaya,
David Root:
Deciding What to Design: Closing a Gap in Software Engineering Education.
Software Education and Training Sessions @ ICSE 2005: 28-58 |
27 | EE | Vijay K. Gurbani,
Anita Garvert,
James D. Herbsleb:
A case study of open source tools and practices in a commercial setting.
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-6 (2005) |
2004 |
26 | | James D. Herbsleb,
Gary M. Olson:
Proceedings of the 2004 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, CSCW 2004, Chicago, Illinois, USA, November 6-10, 2004
ACM 2004 |
25 | EE | James D. Herbsleb,
Walter F. Tichy:
04051 Abstracts Collection - Perspectives Workshop: Empirical Theory and the Science of Software Engineering.
Empirical Theory and the Science of Software Engineering 2004 |
24 | EE | Paul Luo Li,
Mary Shaw,
James D. Herbsleb,
Bonnie K. Ray,
Peter Santhanam:
Empirical evaluation of defect projection models for widely-deployed production software systems.
SIGSOFT FSE 2004: 263-272 |
2003 |
23 | EE | James D. Herbsleb,
Audris Mockus:
Formulation and preliminary test of an empirical theory of coordination in software engineering.
ESEC / SIGSOFT FSE 2003: 138-137 |
22 | EE | James D. Herbsleb,
Audris Mockus:
An Empirical Study of Speed and Communication in Globally Distributed Software Development.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 29(6): 481-494 (2003) |
2002 |
21 | EE | James D. Herbsleb,
David L. Atkins,
David G. Boyer,
Mark Handel,
Thomas A. Finholt:
Introducing instant messaging and chat in the workplace.
CHI 2002: 171-178 |
20 | EE | Mark Handel,
James D. Herbsleb:
What is chat doing in the workplace?
CSCW 2002: 1-10 |
19 | EE | Audris Mockus,
James D. Herbsleb:
Expertise browser: a quantitative approach to identifying expertise.
ICSE 2002: 503-512 |
18 | EE | Audris Mockus,
Roy T. Fielding,
James D. Herbsleb:
Two case studies of open source software development: Apache and Mozilla.
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 11(3): 309-346 (2002) |
2001 |
17 | | J. Alberto Espinosa,
Robert E. Kraut,
F. Javier Lerch,
Sandra Slaughter,
James D. Herbsleb,
Audris Mockus:
Shared Mental Models and Coordination in Large-Scale, Distributed Software Development.
ICIS 2001: 513-518 |
16 | | James D. Herbsleb,
Audris Mockus,
Thomas A. Finholt,
Rebecca E. Grinter:
An Empirical Study of Global Software Development: Distance and Speed.
ICSE 2001: 81-90 |
15 | EE | Audris Mockus,
James D. Herbsleb:
Challenges of Global Software Development.
IEEE METRICS 2001: 182-184 |
14 | EE | Harvey P. Siy,
James D. Herbsleb,
Audris Mockus,
George T. Tucker,
Mayuram S. Krishnan:
Making the Software Factory Work: Lessons from a Decade of Experience.
IEEE METRICS 2001: 317- |
13 | | Khaled El Emam,
Dennis Goldenson,
James McCurley,
James D. Herbsleb:
Modelling the Likelihood of Software Process Improvement: An Exploratory Study.
Empirical Software Engineering 6(3): 207-229 (2001) |
12 | EE | James D. Herbsleb,
Deependra Moitra:
Guest Editors' Introduction: Global Software Development.
IEEE Software 18(2): (2001) |
2000 |
11 | EE | James D. Herbsleb,
Audris Mockus,
Thomas A. Finholt,
Rebecca E. Grinter:
Distance, dependencies, and delay in a global collaboration.
CSCW 2000: 319-328 |
10 | EE | Patrice Godefroid,
James D. Herbsleb,
Lalita Jategaonkar Jagadeesan,
Du Li:
Ensuring privacy in presence awareness: an automated verification approach.
CSCW 2000: 59-68 |
9 | EE | Audris Mockus,
Roy T. Fielding,
James D. Herbsleb:
A case study of open source software development: the Apache server.
ICSE 2000: 263-272 |
1999 |
8 | EE | Rebecca E. Grinter,
James D. Herbsleb,
Dewayne E. Perry:
The geography of coordination: dealing with distance in R&D work.
GROUP 1999: 306-315 |
7 | EE | James D. Herbsleb,
Rebecca E. Grinter:
Splitting the Organization and Integrating the Code: Conway's Law Revisited.
ICSE 1999: 85-95 |
6 | EE | James D. Herbsleb:
Metaphorical representation in collaborative software engineering.
WACC 1999: 117-126 |
5 | EE | James D. Herbsleb,
Rebecca E. Grinter:
Architectures, Coordination, and Distance: Conway's Law and Beyond.
IEEE Software 16(5): 63-70 (1999) |
1998 |
4 | | James D. Herbsleb,
Rebecca E. Grinter:
Conceptual Simplicity Meets Organizational Complexity: Case Study of a Corporate Metrics Program.
ICSE 1998: 271-280 |
1997 |
3 | | James D. Herbsleb,
David Zubrow,
Dennis Goldenson,
Will Hayes,
Mark C. Paulk:
Software Quality and the Capability Maturity Model.
Commun. ACM 40(6): 30-40 (1997) |
1996 |
2 | EE | James D. Herbsleb,
Dennis Goldenson:
A Systematic Survey of CMM Experience and Results.
ICSE 1996: 323-330 |
1993 |
1 | EE | James D. Herbsleb,
Eiji Kuwana:
Preserving knowledge in design projects: what designers need to know.
INTERCHI 1993: 7-14 |