
Gordon Kurtenbach

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43EEHyunyoung Song, Tovi Grossman, George W. Fitzmaurice, François Guimbretière, Azam Khan, Ramtin Attar, Gordon Kurtenbach: PenLight: combining a mobile projector and a digital pen for dynamic visual overlay. CHI 2009: 143-152
42EEGeorge W. Fitzmaurice, Justin Matejka, Azam Khan, Mike Glueck, Gordon Kurtenbach: PieCursor: merging pointing and command selection for rapid in-place tool switching. CHI 2008: 1361-1370
41EEAzam Khan, Igor Mordatch, George W. Fitzmaurice, Justin Matejka, Gordon Kurtenbach: ViewCube: a 3D orientation indicator and controller. SI3D 2008: 17-25
40EEGeorge W. Fitzmaurice, Justin Matejka, Igor Mordatch, Azam Khan, Gordon Kurtenbach: Safe 3D navigation. SI3D 2008: 7-15
39EENicolas Burtnyk, Azam Khan, George W. Fitzmaurice, Gordon Kurtenbach: ShowMotion: camera motion based 3D design review. SI3D 2006: 167-174
38EEAzam Khan, Justin Matejka, George W. Fitzmaurice, Gordon Kurtenbach: Spotlight: directing users' attention on large displays. CHI 2005: 791-798
37EERussell N. Owen, Gordon Kurtenbach, George W. Fitzmaurice, Thomas Baudel, William Buxton: When it gets more difficult, use both hands: exploring bimanual curve manipulation. Graphics Interface 2005: 17-24
36EEAzam Khan, Ben Komalo, Jos Stam, George W. Fitzmaurice, Gordon Kurtenbach: HoverCam: interactive 3D navigation for proximal object inspection. SI3D 2005: 73-80
35EEGeorge W. Fitzmaurice, Azam Khan, Gordon Kurtenbach, Graham Binks: Cinematic Meeting Facilities Using Large Displays. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 25(4): 17-21 (2005)
34EEGordon Kurtenbach, George W. Fitzmaurice: Guest Editors' Introduction: Applications of Large Displays. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 25(4): 22-23 (2005)
33EEAzam Khan, George W. Fitzmaurice, Don Almeida, Nicholas Burtnyk, Gordon Kurtenbach: A remote control interface for large displays. UIST 2004: 127-136
32EEGeorge W. Fitzmaurice, Azam Khan, Robert Pieké, William Buxton, Gordon Kurtenbach: Tracking menus. UIST 2003: 71-79
31EEGeorge W. Fitzmaurice, Azam Khan, William Buxton, Gordon Kurtenbach, Ravin Balakrishnan: Sentient Data. ACM Queue 1(8): 52-62 (2003)
30EEMichael Tsang, George W. Fitzmaurice, Gordon Kurtenbach, Azam Khan, William Buxton: Boom chameleon: simultaneous capture of 3D viewpoint, voice and gesture annotations on a spatially-aware display. ACM Trans. Graph. 22(3): 698 (2003)
29EEMichael Tsang, George W. Fitzmaurice, Gordon Kurtenbach, Azam Khan: Game-like navigation and responsiveness in non-game applications. Commun. ACM 46(7): 56-61 (2003)
28EETovi Grossman, Ravin Balakrishnan, Gordon Kurtenbach, George W. Fitzmaurice, Azam Khan, William Buxton: Creating principal 3D curves with digital tape drawing. CHI 2002: 121-128
27EEMichael J. McGuffin, Nicholas Burtnyk, Gordon Kurtenbach: FaST Sliders: Integrating Marking Menus and the Adjustment. Graphics Interface 2002: 35-42
26EENicholas Burtnyk, Azam Khan, George W. Fitzmaurice, Ravin Balakrishnan, Gordon Kurtenbach: StyleCam: interactive stylized 3D navigation using integrated spatial & temporal controls. UIST 2002: 101-110
25EEMichael Tsang, George W. Fitzmaurice, Gordon Kurtenbach, Azam Khan, William Buxton: Boom chameleon: simultaneous capture of 3D viewpoint, voice and gesture annotations on a spatially-aware display. UIST 2002: 111-120
24EETovi Grossman, Ravin Balakrishnan, Gordon Kurtenbach, George W. Fitzmaurice, Azam Khan, William Buxton: Interaction techniques for 3D modeling on large displays. SI3D 2001: 17-23
23EERavin Balakrishnan, George W. Fitzmaurice, Gordon Kurtenbach: User Interfaces for Volumetric Displays. IEEE Computer 34(3): 37-45 (2001)
22EEWilliam Buxton, George W. Fitzmaurice, Ravin Balakrishnan, Gordon Kurtenbach: Large Displays in Automotive Design. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 20(4): 68-75 (2000)
21EERavin Balakrishnan, George W. Fitzmaurice, Gordon Kurtenbach, William Buxton: Digital Tape Drawing. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology 1999: 161-169
20EEGeorge W. Fitzmaurice, Ravin Balakrishnan, Gordon Kurtenbach, William Buxton: An Exploration into Supporting Artwork Orientation in the User Interface. CHI 1999: 167-174
19EEGordon Kurtenbach, George W. Fitzmaurice, Russell N. Owen, Thomas Baudel: The Hotbox: Efficient Access to a Large Number of Menu-Items. CHI 1999: 231-237
18EERavin Balakrishnan, Gordon Kurtenbach: Exploring Bimanual Camera Control and Object Manipulation in 3D Graphics Interfaces. CHI 1999: 56-62
17EERavin Balakrishnan, George W. Fitzmaurice, Gordon Kurtenbach, Karan Singh: Exploring interactive curve and surface manipulation using a bend and twist sensitive input strip. SI3D 1999: 111-118
16EEGeorge W. Fitzmaurice, Ravin Balakrishnan, Gordon Kurtenbach: Sampling, Synthesis, and Input Devices. Commun. ACM 42(8): 54-63 (1999)
15 Ravin Balakrishnan, Thomas Baudel, Gordon Kurtenbach, George W. Fitzmaurice: The Rockin' Mouse: Integral 3D Manipulation on a Plane. CHI 1997: 311-318
14 Gordon Kurtenbach, George W. Fitzmaurice, Thomas Baudel, William Buxton: The Design of a GUI Paradigm based on Tablets, Two-hands, and Transparency. CHI 1997: 35-42
13EEGeorge W. Fitzmaurice, Thomas Baudel, Gordon Kurtenbach, William Buxton: A GUI Paradigm Using Tablets, Two-hands and Transparency. CHI Extended Abstracts 1997: 212-213
12EEThomas P. Moran, Patrick Chiu, Steve R. Harrison, Gordon Kurtenbach, Scott L. Minneman, William van Melle: Evolutionary Engagement in an Ongoing Collaborative Work Process: A Case Study. CSCW 1996: 150-159
11EEScott L. Minneman, Steve R. Harrison, Bill Janssen, Gordon Kurtenbach, Thomas P. Moran, Ian E. Smith, William van Melle: A Confederation of Tools for Capturing and Accessing Collaborative Activity. ACM Multimedia 1995: 523-534
10EEMark A. Tapia, Gordon Kurtenbach: Some Design Refinements and Principles on the Appearance and Behavior of Marking Menus. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology 1995: 189-195
9EEBeverly L. Harrison, Gordon Kurtenbach, Kim J. Vicente: An Experimental Evaluation of Transparent User Interface Tools and Information Content. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology 1995: 81-90
8 Thomas P. Moran, Patrick Chiu, William van Melle, Gordon Kurtenbach: Implicit Structures for Pen-Based Systems within a Freeform Interaction Paradigm. CHI 1995: 487-494
7EEGordon Kurtenbach, William Buxton: User learning and performance with marking menus. CHI 1994: 258-264
6EEGordon Kurtenbach, William Buxton: User learning and performance with marking menus. CHI Conference Companion 1994: 218
5 Gordon Kurtenbach, Thomas P. Moran, William Buxton: Contextual Animation of Gestural Commands. Comput. Graph. Forum 13(5): 305-314 (1994)
4EEGary Hardock, Gordon Kurtenbach, William Buxton: A Marking Based Interface for Collaborative Writing. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology 1993: 259-266
3EEGordon Kurtenbach, William Buxton: The limits of expert performance using hierarchic marking menus. INTERCHI 1993: 482-487
2EEGordon Kurtenbach, William Buxton: Issues in combining marking and direct manipulation techniques. UIST 1991: 137-144
1 Abigail Sellen, Gordon Kurtenbach, William Buxton: The role of visual and kinesthetic feedback in the prevention of mode errors. INTERACT 1990: 667-673

Coauthor Index

1Don Almeida [33]
2Ramtin Attar [43]
3Ravin Balakrishnan [15] [16] [17] [18] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [26] [28] [31]
4Thomas Baudel [13] [14] [15] [19] [37]
5Graham Binks [35]
6Nicholas Burtnyk [26] [27] [33]
7Nicolas Burtnyk [39]
8William Buxton [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [13] [14] [20] [21] [22] [24] [25] [28] [30] [31] [32] [37]
9Patrick Chiu [8] [12]
10George W. Fitzmaurice [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43]
11Mike Glueck [42]
12Tovi Grossman [24] [28] [43]
13François Guimbretière [43]
14Gary Hardock [4]
15Beverly L. Harrison [9]
16Steve R. Harrison [11] [12]
17Bill Janssen [11]
18Azam Khan [24] [25] [26] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [35] [36] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43]
19Ben Komalo [36]
20Justin Matejka [38] [40] [41] [42]
21Michael J. McGuffin [27]
22William van Melle [8] [11] [12]
23Scott L. Minneman [11] [12]
24Thomas P. Moran [5] [8] [11] [12]
25Igor Mordatch [40] [41]
26Russell N. Owen [19] [37]
27Robert Pieké [32]
28Abigail Sellen [1]
29Karan Singh [17]
30Ian E. Smith [11]
31Hyunyoung Song [43]
32Jos Stam [36]
33Mark A. Tapia [10]
34Michael Tsang [25] [29] [30]
35Kim J. Vicente [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)