
Jeffrey S. Pierce

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23EECaitlin Kelleher, Brad A. Myers, Daniel P. Siewiorek, Dennis Cosgrove, Jeffrey S. Pierce, Matthew Conway, Donald Marinelli: Special session in honor of Randy Pausch. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 3997-4002
22EEJeffrey S. Pierce, Jeffrey Nichols: An infrastructure for extending applications' user experiences across multiple personal devices. UIST 2008: 101-110
21EEJeffrey S. Pierce, Randy Pausch: Generating 3D interaction techniques by identifying and breaking assumptions. Virtual Reality 11(1): 15-21 (2007)
20EEDavid L. Roberts, Sooraj Bhat, Charles Lee Isbell Jr., Brian F. Cooper, Jeffrey S. Pierce: A decision-theoretic approach to file consistency in constrained peer-to-peer device networks. AAMAS 2006: 338-340
19EEHeather M. Hutchings, Jeffrey S. Pierce: Understanding the whethers, hows, and whys of divisible interfaces. AVI 2006: 274-277
18EEOlufisayo Omojokun, Jeffrey S. Pierce, Charles Lee Isbell Jr., Prasun Dewan: Comparing end-user and intelligent remote control interface generation. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 10(2-3): 136-143 (2006)
17EEJuwon Ahn, Jeffrey S. Pierce: SEREFE: serendipitous file exchange between users and devices. Mobile HCI 2005: 39-46
16EEKen Hinckley, Jeffrey S. Pierce, Eric Horvitz, Mike Sinclair: Foreground and background interaction with sensor-enhanced mobile devices. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 12(1): 31-52 (2005)
15EEShwetak N. Patel, Jeffrey S. Pierce, Gregory D. Abowd: A gesture-based authentication scheme for untrusted public terminals. UIST 2004: 157-160
14EEJeffrey S. Pierce, Randy F. Pausch: Navigation with Place Representations and Visible Landmar. VR 2004: 173-180
13EEJeffrey S. Pierce, Randy F. Pausch: Colorplate: Navigation with Place Representations and Visible Landmarks. VR 2004: 288
12EECharles L. Isbell, Olufisayo Omojokun, Jeffrey S. Pierce: From devices to tasks: automatic task prediction for personalized appliance control. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 8(3-4): 146-153 (2004)
11EEBrian M. Landry, Jeffrey S. Pierce, Charles L. Isbell: Supporting routine decision-making with a next-generation alarm clock. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 8(3-4): 154-160 (2004)
10EEJeffrey S. Pierce: Introducing Alice to a Squeak Wonderland. C5 2003: 40-43
9EEGillian R. Hayes, Jeffrey S. Pierce, Gregory D. Abowd: Practices for capturing short important thoughts. CHI Extended Abstracts 2003: 904-905
8EEJeffrey S. Pierce, Randy F. Pausch: Specifying interaction surfaces using interaction maps. SI3D 2003: 189-192
7EEJeffrey S. Pierce, Randy F. Pausch: Comparing voodoo dolls and HOMER: exploring the importance of feedback in virtual environments. CHI 2002: 105-112
6EEKen Hinckley, Jeffrey S. Pierce, Mike Sinclair, Eric Horvitz: Sensing techniques for mobile interaction. UIST 2000: 91-100
5EEJeffrey S. Pierce, Brian C. Stearns, Randy F. Pausch: Voodoo dolls: seamless interaction at multiple scales in virtual environments. SI3D 1999: 141-145
4EEJeffrey S. Pierce, Matthew Conway, Maarten van Dantzich, George G. Robertson: Toolspaces and glances: storing, accessing, and retrieving objects in 3D desktop applications. SI3D 1999: 163-168
3 Jeffrey S. Pierce, Randy F. Pausch, Christopher B. Sturgill, Kevin Christiansen: Designing a Successful HMD-Based Experience. Presence 8(4): 469-473 (1999)
2EEJeffrey S. Pierce, Steve Audia, Tommy Burnette, Kevin Christiansen, Dennis Cosgrove, Matthew Conway, Ken Hinckley, Kristen Monkaitis, James Patten, Joe Shochet, David Staack, Brian C. Stearns, Christopher B. Sturgill, George H. Williams, Randy F. Pausch: Alice: Easy to Use Interactive 3D Graphics. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology 1997: 77-78
1EEJeffrey S. Pierce, Andrew S. Forsberg, Matthew Conway, Seung Hong, Robert C. Zeleznik, Mark R. Mine: Image plane interaction techniques in 3D immersive environments. SI3D 1997: 39-44, 183

Coauthor Index

1Gregory D. Abowd [9] [15]
2Juwon Ahn [17]
3Steve Audia [2]
4Sooraj Bhat [20]
5Tommy Burnette [2]
6Kevin Christiansen [2] [3]
7Matthew Conway [1] [2] [4] [23]
8Brian F. Cooper [20]
9Dennis Cosgrove [2] [23]
10Maarten van Dantzich [4]
11Prasun Dewan [18]
12Andrew S. Forsberg [1]
13Gillian R. Hayes [9]
14Ken Hinckley [2] [6] [16]
15Seung Hong [1]
16Eric Horvitz [6] [16]
17Heather M. Hutchings [19]
18Charles Lee Isbell Jr. (Charles L. Isbell) [11] [12] [18] [20]
19Caitlin Kelleher [23]
20Brian M. Landry [11]
21Donald Marinelli [23]
22Mark R. Mine [1]
23Kristen Monkaitis [2]
24Brad A. Myers [23]
25Jeffrey Nichols [22]
26Olufisayo Omojokun [12] [18]
27Shwetak N. Patel (Shwetak Patel) [15]
28James Patten [2]
29Randy F. Pausch (Randy Pausch) [2] [3] [5] [7] [8] [13] [14] [21]
30David L. Roberts [20]
31George G. Robertson [4]
32Joe Shochet [2]
33Daniel P. Siewiorek [23]
34Mike Sinclair [6] [16]
35David Staack [2]
36Brian C. Stearns [2] [5]
37Christopher B. Sturgill [2] [3]
38George H. Williams [2]
39Robert C. Zeleznik [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)