
James A. Landay

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84EEJon Froehlich, Tawanna Dillahunt, Predrag V. Klasnja, Jennifer Mankoff, Sunny Consolvo, Beverly L. Harrison, James A. Landay: UbiGreen: investigating a mobile tool for tracking and supporting green transportation habits. CHI 2009: 1043-1052
83EEMichael Toomim, Steven M. Drucker, Mira Dontcheva, Ali Rahimi, Blake Thomson, James A. Landay: Attaching UI enhancements to websites with end users. CHI 2009: 1859-1868
82EESusumu Harada, Jacob O. Wobbrock, Jonathan Malkin, Jeff A. Bilmes, James A. Landay: Longitudinal study of people learning to use continuous voice-based cursor control. CHI 2009: 347-356
81EESunny Consolvo, David W. McDonald, James A. Landay: Theory-driven design strategies for technologies that support behavior change in everyday life. CHI 2009: 405-414
80 Kayur Patel, James Fogarty, James A. Landay, Beverly L. Harrison: Examining Difficulties Software Developers Encounter in the Adoption of Statistical Machine Learning. AAAI 2008: 1563-1566
79EEYang Li, James A. Landay: Activity-based prototyping of ubicomp applications for long-lived, everyday human activities. CHI 2008: 1303-1312
78EEJames Lin, James A. Landay: Employing patterns and layers for early-stage design and prototyping of cross-device user interfaces. CHI 2008: 1313-1322
77EESunny Consolvo, David W. McDonald, Tammy Toscos, Mike Y. Chen, Jon Froehlich, Beverly L. Harrison, Predrag V. Klasnja, Anthony LaMarca, Louis LeGrand, Ryan Libby, Ian E. Smith, James A. Landay: Activity sensing in the wild: a field trial of ubifit garden. CHI 2008: 1797-1806
76EEMichael Toomim, Xianhang Zhang, James Fogarty, James A. Landay: Access control by testing for shared knowledge. CHI 2008: 193-196
75EERichard C. Davis, Brien Colwell, James A. Landay: K-sketch: a 'kinetic' sketch pad for novice animators. CHI 2008: 413-422
74EEKayur Patel, James Fogarty, James A. Landay, Beverly L. Harrison: Investigating statistical machine learning as a tool for software development. CHI 2008: 667-676
73EESusumu Harada, Jonathan Lester, Kayur Patel, T. Scott Saponas, James Fogarty, James A. Landay, Jacob O. Wobbrock: VoiceLabel: using speech to label mobile sensor data. ICMI 2008: 69-76
72EESunny Consolvo, Predrag V. Klasnja, David W. McDonald, Daniel Avrahami, Jon Froehlich, Louis LeGrand, Ryan Libby, Keith Mosher, James A. Landay: Flowers or a robot army?: encouraging awareness & activity with personal, mobile displays. UbiComp 2008: 54-63
71EETanzeem Choudhury, Gaetano Borriello, Sunny Consolvo, Dirk Hähnel, Beverly L. Harrison, Bruce Hemingway, Jeffrey Hightower, Predrag V. Klasnja, Karl Koscher, Anthony LaMarca, James A. Landay, Louis LeGrand, Jonathan Lester, Ali Rahimi, Adam Rea, Danny Wyatt: The Mobile Sensing Platform: An Embedded Activity Recognition System. IEEE Pervasive Computing 7(2): 32-41 (2008)
70EESusumu Harada, Jacob O. Wobbrock, James A. Landay: Voicedraw: a hands-free voice-driven drawing application for people with motor impairments. ASSETS 2007: 27-34
69EESusumu Harada, T. Scott Saponas, James A. Landay: Voicepen: augmenting pen input with simultaneous non-linguisitic vocalization. ICMI 2007: 178-185
68EEKatherine Everitt, Susumu Harada, Jeff A. Bilmes, James A. Landay: Disambiguating speech commands using physical context. ICMI 2007: 247-254
67EEJon Froehlich, Mike Y. Chen, Sunny Consolvo, Beverly L. Harrison, James A. Landay: MyExperience: a system for in situ tracing and capturing of user feedback on mobile phones. MobiSys 2007: 57-70
66EERichard C. Davis, T. Scott Saponas, Michael Shilman, James A. Landay: SketchWizard: Wizard of Oz prototyping of pen-based user interfaces. UIST 2007: 119-128
65EEYang Li, Jason I. Hong, James A. Landay: Design Challenges and Principles for Wizard of Oz Testing of Location-Enhanced Applications. IEEE Pervasive Computing 6(2): 70-75 (2007)
64EESusumu Harada, James A. Landay, Jonathan Malkin, Xiao Li, Jeff A. Bilmes: The vocal joystick: : evaluation of voice-based cursor control techniques. ASSETS 2006: 197-204
63EEYang Li, Evan Welbourne, James A. Landay: Design and experimental analysis of continuous location tracking techniques for Wizard of Oz testing. CHI 2006: 1019-1022
62EESunny Consolvo, Katherine Everitt, Ian E. Smith, James A. Landay: Design requirements for technologies that encourage physical activity. CHI 2006: 457-466
61EET. Scott Saponas, Madhu K. Prabaker, Gregory D. Abowd, James A. Landay: The impact of pre-patterns on the design of digital home applications. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2006: 189-198
60EESteven Dow, T. Scott Saponas, Yang Li, James A. Landay: External representations in ubiquitous computing design and the implications for design tools. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2006: 241-250
59EEKayur Patel, Mike Y. Chen, Ian E. Smith, James A. Landay: Personalizing routes. UIST 2006: 187-190
58EEJeffrey Heer, Stuart K. Card, James A. Landay: prefuse: a toolkit for interactive information visualization. CHI 2005: 421-430
57EEYang Li, Ken Hinckley, Zhiwei Guan, James A. Landay: Experimental analysis of mode switching techniques in pen-based user interfaces. CHI 2005: 461-470
56EEJeff A. Bilmes, Xiao Li, Jonathan Malkin, Kelley Kilanski, Richard Wright, Katrin Kirchhoff, Amar Subramanya, Susumu Harada, James A. Landay, Patricia Dowden, Howard Chizeck: The Vocal Joystick: A Voice-Based Human-Computer Interface for Individuals with Motor Impairments. HLT/EMNLP 2005
55EEYang Li, James A. Landay: Informal prototyping of continuous graphical interactions by demonstration. UIST 2005: 221-230
54EERichard C. Davis, James A. Landay: Forms of Expression for Designing Visual Languages for Animation. VL/HCC 2005: 327-328
53 Nicholas L. Cassimatis, Sean Luke, Simon D. Levy, Ross Gayler, Pentti Kanerva, Chris Eliasmith, Timothy W. Bickmore, Alan C. Schultz, Randall Davis, James A. Landay, Robert C. Miller, Eric Saund, Thomas F. Stahovich, Michael L. Littman, Satinder P. Singh, Shlomo Argamon, Shlomo Dubnov: Reports on the 2004 AAAI Fall Symposia. AI Magazine 26(1): 98-102 (2005)
52EEThomas F. Stahovich, Randall Davis, Robert C. Miller, James A. Landay, Eric Saund: Pen-based computing. Computers & Graphics 29(4): 477-479 (2005)
51 Steven Feiner, James A. Landay: Proceedings of the 17th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, Santa Fe, NM, USA, October 24-27, 2004 ACM 2004
50EEScott R. Klemmer, Jack Li, James Lin, James A. Landay: Papier-Mache: toolkit support for tangible input. CHI 2004: 399-406
49EEXiaodong Jiang, Jason I. Hong, Leila Takayama, James A. Landay: Ubiquitous computing for firefighters: field studies and prototypes of large displays for incident command. CHI 2004: 679-686
48EEEric S. Chung, Jason I. Hong, James Lin, Madhu K. Prabaker, James A. Landay, Alan L. Liu: Development and evaluation of emerging design patterns for ubiquitous computing. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2004: 233-242
47EEJason I. Hong, Jennifer D. Ng, Scott Lederer, James A. Landay: Privacy risk models for designing privacy-sensitive ubiquitous computing systems. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2004: 91-100
46 Jason I. Hong, James A. Landay: An Architecture for Privacy-Sensitive Ubiquitous Computing. MobiSys 2004
45EEXiaodong Jiang, Nicholas Y. Chen, Jason I. Hong, Kevin Wang, Leila Takayama, James A. Landay: Siren: Context-aware Computing for Firefighting. Pervasive 2004: 87-105
44EEYang Li, Jason I. Hong, James A. Landay: Topiary: a tool for prototyping location-enhanced applications. UIST 2004: 217-226
43EERichard C. Davis, James A. Landay: A Visual Language for Animating Sketches. VL/HCC 2004: 273-274
42EEScott Lederer, Jason I. Hong, Anind K. Dey, James A. Landay: Personal privacy through understanding and action: five pitfalls for designers. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 8(6): 440-454 (2004)
41EEF. Wai-ling Ho-Ching, Jennifer Mankoff, James A. Landay: Can you see what i hear?: the design and evaluation of a peripheral sound display for the deaf. CHI 2003: 161-168
40EEKatherine Everitt, Scott R. Klemmer, Robert Lee, James A. Landay: Two worlds apart: bridging the gap between physical and virtual media for distributed design collaboration. CHI 2003: 553-560
39EEScott R. Klemmer, Jamey Graham, Gregory J. Wolff, James A. Landay: Books with voices: paper transcripts as a physical interface to oral histories. CHI 2003: 89-96
38EEAnoop K. Sinha, James A. Landay: Capturing user tests in a multimodal, multidevice informal prototyping tool. ICMI 2003: 117-124
37EEYang Li, James A. Landay, Zhiwei Guan, Xiangshi Ren, Guozhong Dai: Sketching informal presentations. ICMI 2003: 234-241
36EEJames A. Landay, Gaetano Borriello: Design Patterns for Ubiquitous Computing. IEEE Computer 36(8): 93-95 (2003)
35EEHesham M. Kamel, James A. Landay: Sketching images eyes-free: a grid-based dynamic drawing tool for the blind. ASSETS 2002: 33-40
34EEScott R. Klemmer, Michael Thomsen, Ethan Phelps-Goodman, Robert Lee, James A. Landay: Where do web sites come from?: capturing and interacting with design history. CHI 2002: 1-8
33EEJames Lin, Michael Thomsen, James A. Landay: A visual language for sketching large and complex interactive designs. CHI 2002: 307-314
32EEDoug van Duyne, James A. Landay, Matthew Tarpy: NetRaker suite: a demonstration. CHI Extended Abstracts 2002: 518-519
31EEHesham M. Kamel, James A. Landay: Constructing moving pictures eyes-free: an animation tool for the blind. CHI Extended Abstracts 2002: 772-773
30EESarah Waterson, James A. Landay, Tara Matthews: In the lab and out in the wild: remote web usability testing for mobile devices. CHI Extended Abstracts 2002: 796-797
29EESharon J. Laskowski, James A. Landay, Michael Lister: Automatic capture, representation, and analysis of user behavior. CHI Extended Abstracts 2002: 922-923
28EEJames A. Landay: Informal Tools for Designing Anywhere, Anytime, Anydevice User Interfaces. Diagrams 2002: 359
27EEAnoop K. Sinha, James A. Landay: Embarking on Multimodal Interface Design. ICMI 2002: 355-360
26EEXiaodong Jiang, Jason I. Hong, James A. Landay: Approximate Information Flows: Socially-Based Modeling of Privacy in Ubiquitous Computing. Ubicomp 2002: 176-193
25 Jussi Karlgren, Pentti Kanerva, Björn Gambäck, Kenneth D. Forbus, Kagan Tumer, Peter Stone, Kai Goebel, Gaurav S. Sukhatme, Tucker R. Balch, Bernd Fischer, Doug Smith, Sanda M. Harabagiu, Vinay Chaudri, Mike Barley, Hans W. Guesgen, Thomas F. Stahovich, Randall Davis, James A. Landay: The 2002 AAAI Spring Symposium Series. AI Magazine 23(4): 101-106 (2002)
24EEScott R. Klemmer, Mark W. Newman, Ryan Farrell, Mark Bilezikjian, James A. Landay: The designers' outpost: a tangible interface for collaborative web site. UIST 2001: 1-10
23EEJason I. Hong, James A. Landay: WebQuilt: a framework for capturing and visualizing the web experience. WWW 2001: 717-724
22EEJason I. Hong, Jeffrey Heer, Sarah Waterson, James A. Landay: WebQuilt: A proxy-based approach to remote web usability testing. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 19(3): 263-285 (2001)
21EEJames A. Landay, Brad A. Myers: Sketching Interfaces: Toward More Human Interface Design. IEEE Computer 34(3): 56-64 (2001)
20EEJason I. Hong, James A. Landay: A Context/Communication Information Agent. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 5(1): 78-81 (2001)
19EEHesham M. Kamel, James A. Landay: A study of blind drawing practice: creating graphical information without the visual channel. ASSETS 2000: 34-41
18EEAllan Christian Long Jr., James A. Landay, Lawrence A. Rowe, Joseph Michiels: Visual similarity of pen gestures. CHI 2000: 360-367
17EEJames Lin, Mark W. Newman, Jason I. Hong, James A. Landay: DENIM: finding a tighter fit between tools and practice for Web site design. CHI 2000: 510-517
16 Mark W. Newman, James A. Landay: Sitemaps, Storyboards, and Specifications: A Sketch of Web Site Design Practice. Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems 2000: 263-274
15EEScott R. Klemmer, Anoop K. Sinha, Jack Chen, James A. Landay, Nadeem Aboobaker, Annie Wang: Suede: a Wizard of Oz prototyping tool for speech user interfaces. UIST 2000: 1-10
14EEJason I. Hong, James A. Landay: SATIN: a toolkit for informal ink-based applications. UIST 2000: 63-72
13EERichard C. Davis, James A. Landay, Victor Chen, Jonathan Huang, Rebecca B. Lee: NotePals: Light Weight Note Sharing by the Group, for the Group. CHI 1999: 338-345
12EEAllan Christian Long Jr., James A. Landay, Lawrence A. Rowe: Implications for a Gesture Design Tool. CHI 1999: 40-47
11 James A. Landay, Richard C. Davis: Making Sharing Pervasive: Ubiquitous Computing for Shared Note Taking. IBM Systems Journal 38(4): 531-550 (1999)
10EERichard C. Davis, James Lin, Jason A. Brotherton, James A. Landay, Morgan N. Price, Bill N. Schilit: A Framework for Sharing Handwritten Notes. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology 1998: 119-120
9EEAllison Woodruff, James A. Landay, Michael Stonebraker: Constant Density Visualizations of Non-Uniform Distributions of Data. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology 1998: 19-28
8EEAllison Woodruff, James A. Landay, Michael Stonebraker: Constant information density in zoomable interfaces. AVI 1998: 57-65
7EEJames A. Landay, Brad A. Myers: Sketching Storyboards to Illustrate Interface Behaviors. CHI Conference Companion 1996: 193-194
6 James A. Landay, Brad A. Myers: Interactive Sketching for the Early Stages of User Interface Design. CHI 1995: 43-50
5EEJames A. Landay: Interactive sketching for user interface design. CHI 95 Conference Companion 1995: 63-64
4EEBrad A. Myers, Dario A. Giuse, Andrew Mickish, Brad T. Vander Zanden, David S. Kosbie, Richard G. McDaniel, James A. Landay, Matthews Golderg, Rajan Pathasarathy: The garnet user interface development environment. CHI Conference Companion 1994: 457-458
3EESolange Karsenty, Chris Weikart, James A. Landay: Inferring graphical constraints with Rockit. INTERCHI 1993: 531
2EEJames A. Landay, Brad A. Myers: Extending an existing user interface toolkit to support gesture recognition. INTERCHI Adjunct Proceedings 1993: 91-92
1 James A. Landay, Todd R. Kaufmann: User Interface Issues in Mobile Computing. Workshop on Workstation Operating Systems 1993: 40-47

Coauthor Index

1Nadeem Aboobaker [15]
2Gregory D. Abowd [61]
3Shlomo Argamon (Shlomo Argamon-Engelson, Sean P. Engelson) [53]
4Daniel Avrahami [72]
5Tucker R. Balch [25]
6Mike Barley [25]
7Timothy W. Bickmore [53]
8Mark Bilezikjian [24]
9Jeff A. Bilmes (Jeff Bilmes) [56] [64] [68] [82]
10Gaetano Borriello [36] [71]
11Jason A. Brotherton [10]
12Stuart K. Card [58]
13Nicholas L. Cassimatis [53]
14Vinay Chaudri [25]
15Jack Chen [15]
16Mike Y. Chen [59] [67] [77]
17Nicholas Y. Chen [45]
18Victor Chen [13]
19Howard Chizeck [56]
20Tanzeem Choudhury [71]
21Eric S. Chung [48]
22Brien Colwell [75]
23Sunny Consolvo [62] [67] [71] [72] [77] [81] [84]
24Guozhong Dai [37]
25Randall Davis [25] [52] [53]
26Richard C. Davis [10] [11] [13] [43] [54] [66] [75]
27Anind K. Dey [42]
28Tawanna Dillahunt [84]
29Mira Dontcheva [83]
30Steven Dow [60]
31Patricia Dowden [56]
32Steven M. Drucker [83]
33Shlomo Dubnov [53]
34Doug van Duyne [32]
35Chris Eliasmith [53]
36Katherine Everitt [40] [62] [68]
37Ryan Farrell [24]
38Steven Feiner [51]
39Bernd Fischer [25]
40James Fogarty [73] [74] [76] [80]
41Kenneth D. Forbus [25]
42Jon Froehlich [67] [72] [77] [84]
43Björn Gambäck [25]
44Ross Gayler [53]
45Dario A. Giuse [4]
46Kai Goebel [25]
47Matthews Golderg [4]
48Jamey Graham [39]
49Zhiwei Guan [37] [57]
50Hans W. Guesgen [25]
51Dirk Hähnel [71]
52Sanda M. Harabagiu [25]
53Susumu Harada [56] [64] [68] [69] [70] [73] [82]
54Beverly L. Harrison [67] [71] [74] [77] [80] [84]
55Jeffrey Heer [22] [58]
56Bruce Hemingway [71]
57Jeffrey Hightower [71]
58Ken Hinckley [57]
59F. Wai-ling Ho-Ching [41]
60Jason I. Hong [14] [17] [20] [22] [23] [26] [42] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [65]
61Jonathan Huang [13]
62Xiaodong Jiang [26] [45] [49]
63Hesham M. Kamel [19] [31] [35]
64Pentti Kanerva [25] [53]
65Jussi Karlgren [25]
66Solange Karsenty [3]
67Todd R. Kaufmann [1]
68Kelley Kilanski [56]
69Katrin Kirchhoff [56]
70Predrag V. Klasnja [71] [72] [77] [84]
71Scott R. Klemmer [15] [24] [34] [39] [40] [50]
72David S. Kosbie [4]
73Karl Koscher [71]
74Anthony LaMarca [71] [77]
75Sharon J. Laskowski [29]
76Louis LeGrand [71] [72] [77]
77Scott Lederer [42] [47]
78Rebecca B. Lee [13]
79Robert Lee [34] [40]
80Jonathan Lester [71] [73]
81Simon D. Levy [53]
82Jack Li [50]
83Xiao Li [56] [64]
84Yang Li [37] [44] [55] [57] [60] [63] [65] [79]
85Ryan Libby [72] [77]
86James Lin [10] [17] [33] [48] [50] [78]
87Michael Lister [29]
88Michael L. Littman [53]
89Alan L. Liu [48]
90Allan Christian Long Jr. [12] [18]
91Sean Luke [53]
92Jonathan Malkin [56] [64] [82]
93Jennifer Mankoff [41] [84]
94Tara Matthews [30]
95Richard G. McDaniel [4]
96David W. McDonald [72] [77] [81]
97Joseph Michiels [18]
98Andrew Mickish [4]
99Rob Miller (Robert C. Miller) [52] [53]
100Keith Mosher [72]
101Brad A. Myers [2] [4] [6] [7] [21]
102Mark W. Newman [16] [17] [24]
103Jennifer D. Ng [47]
104Kayur Patel [59] [73] [74] [80]
105Rajan Pathasarathy [4]
106Ethan Phelps-Goodman [34]
107Madhu K. Prabaker [48] [61]
108Morgan N. Price [10]
109Ali Rahimi [71] [83]
110Adam Rea [71]
111Xiangshi Ren [37]
112Lawrence A. Rowe [12] [18]
113T. Scott Saponas [60] [61] [66] [69] [73]
114Eric Saund [52] [53]
115Bill N. Schilit [10]
116Alan C. Schultz [53]
117Michael Shilman [66]
118Satinder P. Singh [53]
119Anoop K. Sinha [15] [27] [38]
120Doug Smith [25]
121Ian E. Smith [59] [62] [77]
122Thomas F. Stahovich [25] [52] [53]
123Peter Stone [25]
124Michael Stonebraker [8] [9]
125Amar Subramanya [56]
126Gaurav S. Sukhatme (Gaurav Sukhatme) [25]
127Leila Takayama [45] [49]
128Matthew Tarpy [32]
129Michael Thomsen [33] [34]
130Blake Thomson [83]
131Michael Toomim [76] [83]
132Tammy Toscos [77]
133Kagan Tumer [25]
134Annie Wang [15]
135Kevin Wang [45]
136Sarah Waterson [22] [30]
137Chris Weikart [3]
138Evan Welbourne [63]
139Jacob O. Wobbrock [70] [73] [82]
140Gregory J. Wolff [39]
141Allison Woodruff [8] [9]
142Richard Wright [56]
143Danny Wyatt [71]
144Bradley T. Vander Zanden (Brad T. Vander Zanden) [4]
145Xianhang Zhang [76]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)