
A. J. Bernheim Brush

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36EEHideyuki Tokuda, Michael Beigl, Adrian Friday, A. J. Bernheim Brush, Yoshito Tobe: Pervasive Computing, 7th International Conference, Pervasive 2009, Nara, Japan, May 11-14, 2009. Proceedings Springer 2009
35EEMarshini Chetty, A. J. Bernheim Brush, Brian Meyers, Paul Johns: It's not easy being green: understanding home computer power management. CHI 2009: 1033-1042
34EEAmy K. Karlson, A. J. Bernheim Brush, Stuart E. Schechter: Can I borrow your phone?: understanding concerns when sharing mobile phones. CHI 2009: 1647-1650
33EEA. J. Bernheim Brush, Brian Meyers, James Scott, Gina Venolia: Exploring awareness needs and information display preferences between coworkers. CHI 2009: 2091-2094
32EECarman Neustaedter, Svetlana Yarosh, A. J. Bernheim Brush: Designing for families. CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 2735-2738
31EECarman Neustaedter, A. J. Bernheim Brush, Saul Greenberg: The calendar is crucial: Coordination and awareness through the family calendar. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 16(1): (2009)
30EEKimberly Tee, A. J. Bernheim Brush, Kori M. Inkpen: Exploring communication and sharing between extended families. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 67(2): 128-138 (2009)
29EEDan Morris, A. J. Bernheim Brush, Brian Meyers: SuperBreak: using interactivity to enhance ergonomic typing breaks. CHI 2008: 1817-1826
28EEAndrea Grimes, A. J. Bernheim Brush: Life scheduling to support multiple social roles. CHI 2008: 821-824
27EEA. J. Bernheim Brush, Kori M. Inkpen, Kimberly Tee: SPARCS: exploring sharing suggestions to enhance family connectedness. CSCW 2008: 629-638
26EESerge Egelman, A. J. Bernheim Brush, Kori M. Inkpen: Family accounts: a new paradigm for user accounts within the home environment. CSCW 2008: 669-678
25EEMeredith Ringel Morris, A. J. Bernheim Brush, Brian Meyers: A field study of knowledge workers' use of interactive horizontal displays. Tabletop 2008: 105-112
24EEKatherine Everitt, Meredith Ringel Morris, A. J. Bernheim Brush, Andrew D. Wilson: DocuDesk: An interactive surface for creating and rehydrating many-to-many linkages among paper and digital documents. Tabletop 2008: 25-28
23EEA. J. Bernheim Brush, Brian Meyers, Desney S. Tan, Mary Czerwinski: Understanding memory triggers for task tracking. CHI 2007: 947-950
22EECarman Neustaedter, A. J. Bernheim Brush, Saul Greenberg: A digital family calendar in the home: lessons from field trials of LINC. Graphics Interface 2007: 199-20
21EEDanyel Fisher, A. J. Bernheim Brush, Bernie Hogan, Marc A. Smith, Andy Jacobs: Using Social Metadata in Email Triage: Lessons from the Field. HCI (9) 2007: 13-22
20EEMeredith Ringel Morris, A. J. Bernheim Brush, Brian Meyers: Reading Revisited: Evaluating the Usability of Digital Display Surfaces for Active Reading Tasks. Tabletop 2007: 79-86
19EEA. J. Bernheim Brush, Kori M. Inkpen: Yours, Mine and Ours? Sharing and Use of Technology in Domestic Environments. Ubicomp 2007: 109-126
18EECarman Neustaedter, A. J. Bernheim Brush: "LINC-ing" the family: the participatory design of an inkable family calendar. CHI 2006: 141-150
17EEBrian Meyers, A. J. Bernheim Brush, Steven M. Drucker, Marc A. Smith, Mary Czerwinski: Dance your work away: exploring step user interfaces. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 387-392
16EEDanyel Fisher, A. J. Bernheim Brush, Eric Gleave, Marc A. Smith: Revisiting Whittaker & Sidner's "email overload" ten years later. CSCW 2006: 309-312
15EECarman Neustaedter, A. J. Bernheim Brush, Marc A. Smith, Danyel Fisher: The Social Network and Relationship Finder: Social Sorting for Email Triage. CEAS 2005
14EEA. J. Bernheim Brush, Xiaoqing Wang, Tammara Combs Turner, Marc A. Smith: Assessing differential usage of usenet social accounting meta-data. CHI 2005: 889-898
13EECarman Neustaedter, A. J. Bernheim Brush, Marc A. Smith: Beyond "from" and "received": exploring the dynamics of email triage. CHI Extended Abstracts 2005: 1977-1980
12EEA. J. Bernheim Brush, Leysia Palen, Laurel Swan, Alex S. Taylor: Designs for home life. CHI Extended Abstracts 2005: 2035-2036
11EEA. J. Bernheim Brush, Tammara Combs Turner: A survey of personal and household scheduling. GROUP 2005: 330-331
10EEA. J. Bernheim Brush, Alan Borning: 'Today' Messages: Lightweight Support for Small Group Awareness via Email. HICSS 2005
9EEA. J. Bernheim Brush, Tammara Combs Turner, Marc A. Smith, Neeti Gupta: Scanning Objects in the Wild: Assessing an Object Triggered Information System. Ubicomp 2005: 305-322
8EEA. J. Bernheim Brush, Morgan Ames, Janet Davis: A comparison of synchronous remote and local usability studies for an expert interface. CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1179-1182
7EECatherine C. Marshall, A. J. Bernheim Brush: Exploring the relationship between personal and public annotations. JCDL 2004: 349-357
6EEA. J. Bernheim Brush, Alan Borning: 'Today' messages: lightweight group awareness via email. CHI Extended Abstracts 2003: 920-921
5EEA. J. Bernheim Brush, David Bargeron, Jonathan Grudin, Anoop Gupta: Notification for shared annotation of digital documents. CHI 2002: 89-96
4EEA. J. Bernheim Brush: Annotating digital documents: anchoring, educational use, and notification. CHI Extended Abstracts 2002: 542-543
3EECatherine C. Marshall, A. J. Bernheim Brush: From personal to shared annotations. CHI Extended Abstracts 2002: 812-813
2EEA. J. Bernheim Brush, David Bargeron, Anoop Gupta, Jonathan J. Cadiz: Robust annotation positioning in digital documents. CHI 2001: 285-292
1EEJoanna L. Power, A. J. Bernheim Brush, Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz, David Salesin: Interactive arrangement of botanical L-system models. SI3D 1999: 175-182

Coauthor Index

1Morgan Ames [8]
2David Bargeron [2] [5]
3Michael Beigl [36]
4Alan Borning [6] [10]
5Jonathan J. Cadiz [2]
6Marshini Chetty [35]
7Mary Czerwinski [17] [23]
8Janet Davis [8]
9Steven M. Drucker [17]
10Serge Egelman [26]
11Katherine Everitt [24]
12Danyel Fisher [15] [16] [21]
13Adrian Friday [36]
14Eric Gleave [16]
15Saul Greenberg [22] [31]
16Andrea Grimes (Andrea Elaina Grimes) [28]
17Jonathan Grudin [5]
18Anoop Gupta [2] [5]
19Neeti Gupta [9]
20Bernie Hogan [21]
21Kori Inkpen (Kori M. Inkpen) [19] [26] [27] [30]
22Andy Jacobs [21]
23Paul Johns [35]
24Amy K. Karlson [34]
25Catherine C. Marshall [3] [7]
26Brian Meyers [17] [20] [23] [25] [29] [33] [35]
27Dan Morris [29]
28Meredith Ringel Morris (Meredith Ringel) [20] [24] [25]
29Carman Neustaedter [13] [15] [18] [22] [31] [32]
30Leysia Palen [12]
31Joanna L. Power [1]
32Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz [1]
33David Salesin [1]
34Stuart E. Schechter [34]
35James Scott [33]
36Marc A. Smith [9] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [21]
37Laurel Swan [12]
38Desney S. Tan [23]
39Alex S. Taylor [12]
40Kimberly Tee [27] [30]
41Yoshito Tobe [36]
42Hideyuki Tokuda [36]
43Tammara Combs Turner [9] [11] [14]
44Gina Venolia (Gina Danielle Venolia) [33]
45Xiaoqing Wang [14]
46Andrew D. Wilson [24]
47Svetlana Yarosh [32]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)